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Peace Freedom Rallies Freedom
Update: NY Judge Fines City For Ignoring Release Order
Hundreds of Thousands March In New York City
Arrested In New York City!
U.S. Presidential Prayer Vigil
Tanks Appear At Anti-War Protest In Westwood
4,000+ Endorse Jan. 20 Counter-Inaugural Demonstration Organization
Coast To Coast - Americans Are Protesting
"Central Park Belongs to the People--March on Central Park on March 20 to End the Occupation!"
March For Truth N.Y.C. '06 - There is a massive frameup on humanity taking place called the "War on Terror".
14th Amendment Funeral Procession Starts at Memphis
Storm the White House
Chemtrail Protest March on March 23, 2006
Peace Activist Sheehan Arrested in NY Protest
Emergency Action Altert: This Is Our Country
Aztlan Arising: 700,000+ March in Los Angeles
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