Emergency Action Altert: This Is Our Country
Bless THE WHITE HOUSE with people power! Remember the Philippines when Corrupt President Marcos was ousted by people power?! Let's do it here in America NOW!
- Stop Genocide, Torture and Occupation by Corporate Monopolies
Starting March 15th, and until they leave! - We need a new government that is comprised of Social Justice Organizations, not Corporate Criminals.
With the spirit of George Washington, St. Germain, JFK, Rosa Parks, and Martin and Coretta King let's stop all the Torture and Assassination in Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and many other places. We will not allow the Alien Slave Holders that Prevail in this Country to Rule us any longer. Imprisonment and torture based on race, religion, resources or region is no different than the slavery we sought to abolish years ago. The Administration is Criminal and if they will not step down, we must rush in and take their place. By changing laws to immunize themselves from legal action, they have left the people with no other choice. Can they put the whole world in jail?
We are calling on all Member Nations of the U.N., All Representatives and Justices in the World Court and International Criminal Courts, all soldiers and CIA agents and government officials who have been blackmailed by the dictators to go with us and remove Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their friends from our House. We need a government that is comprised of social justice organizations who have been fighting for human rights all along. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and national organizations have finally enabled us to know the truth of the savage practices and illegal policies of our government in assassinating our own officials {remember Paul Wellstone} as well as people throughout the world who oppose their criminal activity. George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have all admitted to violating international and national law, so why have they not been taken to Court? Because they have bribed our representatives and because their lawyers are now our judges. They can even shoot people drunk and get away with it! Eye witness bought off and hidden. Lies and deceit all the way down the line to protect this corrupt administration because behind them are other reptilians in human disguise!
As Lightworkers and U.S. citizens, we have the obligation to help Worldwide Victims to be rescued from the ongoing criminal activity of what we have allowed to be our government! Just imagine my beloveds the horrendous karma we are all participating in daily as we sit and watch Bush, Cheney, Rummy and their cronies rip apart our garden paradise lost! We are calling not only the Lightworkers, but on the military, police, citizens and religious organizations too, to stand with us and help us to bring an honest and decent democracy to the United States and by doing so, free the world from the wrath of occupation, theft, torture, blackmail and assassination by the Criminals in the United States Government. What they have done all over the world is even worse than what Hussein or Milosevich have done, so why are they not in jail too?
We've had enough killing in our name. We've had enough Corporate Takeover of Democracy, Land and Resources with their Secret Prisons for Secret Torture, Secret Deals to Wage War for Oil and Land. Their Lies are Accepted by Corrupt Judges and Congress - Oppression of the Poor and theft of the U.S. Budget is used to Make Corrupt Corporate Executives more wealthy. If you protest, they tell someone to kill you or jail you - this is not Democracy, this is an auction! If we all stand up against them, like they do in other countries, we will take back OUR Country. They displaced the people of Kabul purely to take over the poppy fields, and now have issued a contract for Billions of U.S. budget to produce and distribute heroin. It's the same deal in Iraq - displace people and take over their land for corporate profit. The corporate war machine created the terror in order to substantiate their criminal activity. Whether you believe they blew up their own buildings and blamed it on an enemy they never intended to capture, since they are manufacturing 90% of the terrorism and calling it someone else, or not, we can still see the evil in this regime and its spying on its own people! Come on! It is time! Stand up and lets take back our country!
Join the Police Officers, the Military personnel, the small business owners, the Decent Human Beings who are mothers, fathers, children and citizens of all colors and persuasions who are sick of the lies, and the murder for money. It is time for everyone to stop following orders of this lying, stealing Dictatorship! Let's go to D.C. by the millions, camp out and stay there until the mob dictators leave!
March 15 & again on March 20 and let's stay till they leave and more and more people come every day until we have a 10 million people sit-in! A Rainbow Gathering on the White House Lawn! With People of every color as represented in the United States of All Peoples of the Earth! Unite with our UFOs (United Friends of Space). PEACEFULLY we gather with only LOVE in our HEARTS to DEFEND and INSTITUTE TRUTH!
March to the Pentagon and on to the White House by Noon.
Please send this to all the bloggers and email lists you can find. Evidence doesn't matter if they've bought all the judges. It's time to take real action for change.
LET'S TAKE THE WHITEHOUSE BY LIGHT - from March 20th, 2006, and for as long as it takes them to leave.
BRING SIGNS THAT SAY "U.N. SOS" and "Get Out Bush!" or whatever you want to say.
They have blackmailed and assassinated our politicians, they have given our budget to corporate killers and corrupt judges. There is no other way to end their killing for profit all over the world.
We know they are killing for oil and torturing people to instill fear in everyone while they build OIL HEADQUARTERS. We know they have been lying to us and using our budget for themselves instead of to help the people who need and deserve it.
We know they want our children to kill for their dollars. And we are doing something about it.
First go to www.impeachbush.org. Then pass it on and show up at the White House when you can. We have the right to go in - that house belongs to the people. We must take it back and demand that they leave.
We can dismantle the Regime with People Power. The Soldiers, Firefighters, Police and Churches should Join all Citizens in this effort to stop the lies for the Corporate War Machine. We owe it to the world, to take action to protect them from this brutal administration. Congress and the Senate are all in tow with this crap, except Paul Wellstone who they murdered and Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) who said, "The president has broken the law, and, in some way, he must be held accountable. A censure resolution would publicly scold the president, for spying on the American people! Gore and Kerry let the regime steal the election, they are no better then the scum they let suck our country dry!
Legislation that supports Corporate Media Control will continue to take the life and creativity out of the community and replace it with propaganda from the Military Congressional Complex, particularly through the efforts to deny access to websites and TV that are not owned by the Wealthy Corporations that have funneled the U.S. Budget into their pockets. The goals of the legislation are to stop all forms of information distribution that may lead to protest and organizing that has not been condoned by the Corporate War Machine. Welcome to Haiti.
See Interviews of Witnesses to the Bush Regime Lies -
This legislation will attack the ability of individuals and social justice organizations to share information online and have their messages equally accessible to other individuals. They took our clean water and our rights to farm our land and now they want to take all forms of Free Speech, because they want the masses to believe that their message is believed by the masses and anyone who doesn't believe it is alone. They want you to have no choice but to comply or die. Protest and Truth are thorns in the side of the Bush Regime and the War Machine.
The FCC doesn't give a damn about what Local People want - they cater to the Bush Crime Family and the Proposed Corporate Media Takeover is Part of Their Agenda to Destroy All Forms of Democracy and Free Elections, to Continue their PNAC Dictatorship to steal and kill for dollars.
The proposed controls of information and the Secret Data Mining Warehouse will prevent people from using their minds, and will allow the people who believe in the lies of the administration to continue to pretend that the Administration is acting in their interest, even when they know better.
Tell the FCC That Proposed New Media Regulations = More Propaganda (LIES) from the White House and we've had enough.
March 15 & again on March 20 and let's stay till they leave and more and more people come every day until we have a 10 million people sit-in! A Rainbow Gathering on the White House Lawn! With People of every color as represented in the United States of All Peoples of the Earth! Unite with our UFOs (United Friends of Space).
March to the Pentagon and on to the White House by Noon.
Please send this to all the bloggers and email lists you can find. Evidence doesn't matter if they've bought all the judges. It's time to take real action for change.
Send Far and Wide TO ALL YOU KNOW!
We are calling in the Light Ships and the Ascended Masters are aiding us on levels of light frequency!
We are the Vanguard of this planet! We will not let the DarkSide Overcome!
The Akashic Record shows the Earth becoming a Garden Planet by 2012! It is written, Peace On Earth-Goodwill to ALL!