Coast To Coast - Americans Are Protesting
By Denny Burbeck
What follows is an incomplete compilation of stories on citizen unrest from around the country. Most of them have fallen off the Main News Column, but can still be accessed. New York City, for instance, has post-election stories that go back 30 pages.
Most were non-violent protests, one in particular - Boise Idaho - had a rally where everyone dressed in their best clothing and carried signs reading "Leave no billionare behind".
Check each cities' IMC to read the full story.
Tuscon - "Police made it a point to harass and supress an energetic but peacefull march on Nov. 3."
Austin - "Hundreds of people gathered today in Austin to protest the war waged by the US and the concession of George W. Bush to a second term."
Baltimore - "People marched through downtown Baltimore to voice their opposition to the results of the election...."
Boston - Several people expressed their embarrassment before the rest of the world at the results of the election. Amy Beth Dimasi said that she had come out, "because Bush was not elected the first time. The fact that he's going to be in office another four years . . . Right now, it's humiliating to be considered an American."
Mass. - ......people gathered in Amherst, Northampton, Springfield and in the Berkshires to voice their outrage, shock and dismay at what may well turn out to be another hi-jacking of a national election.
Amherst - Beginning at UMass... students and allies marched to the downtown Common Nov. 9 for an anti-war, anti-racist march.....
Buffalo - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters on Delaware Avenue in downtown Buffalo. A window was also shattered at the Armed Forces Recruiting Office on Sheridan in the town of Tonawanda and the lock to a back door was broken.
Chicago - Chicago Erupts in Week of Protest during the Elections ..... the crowd erupted into the second unpermitted street march as thousands paraded throughout downtown, blocking traffic and confusing cops. "We want an end to all US wars and occupations..."
DC - "Today we Marched Because the System is Rotten"
DC - Snake march through DC ....started at the White House and kinda wandered all over down town.
Houston - ...demanding that the War Profiteers Halliburton and KBR and the Bush regime be thrown out of our community and out of office.
Boise - Billionaires for Bush Rally......Carrying signs which read "Leave no Billionaire behind", "We can't thank our President enough for contributing to our pockets-er, I mean economic growth in America."
L A - MARINE APCs APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST IN WESTWOOD...The APCs circled the block twice, the second time parking thems elves in the street and directly in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered.
L A - About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.
Madison - Rally and March for Peace
Toledo - Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through the streets of Columbus-Ohio'sCapital-this evening and stormed the Ohio State House....
Lansing - .....community members of Urbandale neighborhood, were joined by MSU students... to protest the Bush regime, occupation, and government.....
Milwaukee - ....a motley assemblage of the 'peace community': liberals, church people, disgusted teenagers, environmentalists, anarcho-syndicalists, and simple people of good will dismayed at the way things turned out.
Maine - .......activists fought off wind, freezing rain, and a pressing chill as they stood outside of Bath Iron Works to witness and protest the launching of the 47th Aegis Destroyer built by the US government.
Vermont - .....people took to the streets in disgust today in response to the presidential election which put George W. Bush into power for his second term.
New Jersey - Activists picket the Paterson "Army of One" office in downtown Paterson.
New Jersey - NJ Solidarity members joined the weekly protest organized by Inclusive Democracy at the "Army Career Center". The protest is small, but persistent.
NYC - 500, 000 people filled blocks of Seventh Avenue in NYC.... filing past Madison Square Garden to express dissent towards the Republican Party.
NYC - Protests, Scattered Violence Mark Bush 'Victory'
NYC - ....NYPD harassment of Crticial Mass escalated last night, with reports that between 33 and 47 people were arrested.
NYC - There was a protest this evening at Union Square Park. Apparently, the protesters were surrounded by NYPD with M-16s.
NYC - A contingent of anti-war veterans marching in the official city Veterans Day parade found a very favorable response.....
Raliegh - .... attacked North Carolina Republican Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said.
Albany - ....a demonstration with perhaps 100 people in Red Hook were attacked by police....
Columbus - Around 150-200 people marched from the Federal Building back to the state Capitol Building and sat and protested on the front steps of the Capitol Building.
Dallas - ....a Dallas-based activist group met a wall of police and security as they attempted to pass literature to the speakers of a conference on globalization and to rally against the conference.
Dallas - Protestors Swamp SMU Bush Rally
Philadelphia - Following the rally, a spontaneous march erupted into the streets of Philadelphia.
Pittsburgh - ...march through Squirrel Hill despite chilling police repression and rain.
Portland - activists held back-to-back demonstrations in an unprecedented week of action for peace and justice.
Portland - There were three arrests today, two at the start of the rally at Pioneer Sq. and one under the Burnside Bridge......
Portland - .......police using pepper spray to disperse protesters on November 3rd.
Richmond - Participants wore red to symbolize the fact that democracy in this country is in extreme danger.
Rochester - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters..........
San Diego - .....people turned up to voice their re-affirmation of their absolute rejection of the war on Iraq.
San Fransisco - ....a rally and civil disobedience at the San Francisco Federal Building....
Seattle - .....protesters marched from Western Washington University today to protest the occupation and the elections in general.
Seattle - Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest Bush's war in Iraq.
Lawrence - ....activists marched ....in protest of the current invasion of Fallujah. Local police accosted activists......... http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/11/303743.shtml
My Best to You and Yours,
Ed Ward, MD, Founder, LA-CRC, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LA-CRC/
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