14th Amendment Funeral Procession Starts at Memphis
Olaf Childress
Introducing this event were The Political Cesspool, a Memphis talk show, and The First Freedom, The Idaho Observer and The Nationalist Times tabloids. Patriots are now praying for it to happen big time by publishing the idea far and wide. It's a dozen-man trek across Dixie lasting for over two months, a high-profile admonition urging all honest folks to rise up and dethrone the Beast that's oppressing us.
As of today, not enough dedicated citizens have volunteered to exert themselves with this much effort, but that will change. Again, step one is praying for it to happen. The project requires a small number of able-bodied people getting in top physical shape between now and spring and then walking from Memphis to Washington, DC, at least ten miles daily, one day after the next, rain or shine.
Others who also participate by watching, waiting and praying are no less important than we marchers ourselves. Faith and decisive commitment, I repeat, stand above parading just for the fun of it. Without supply lines, it can't happen; so, between now and Dixie Day, let's have preparation, preparation, preparation: a growing throng, knee to the floor, this each morning at sunrise from now until we reach DC. Pray for one hour! We shall petition God in front of courthouses and other temples of iniquity; along public thoroughfares across this beloved Southland; we'll pray in public places for the emancipation of our people from leviathan's confining tentacles, whether or not opposed at times by those declaring non-peecee freedom of speech "offensive," until some of us come within range and deliver the silver bullet of truth into that evil eye. March or pray with us, but don't get out of the way. D Day is Decision Day. This sincere invitation calls all who would join us to honest gain. What have you got to lose?
I pledge allegiance to the Giver of true law above any flag, and first before mere interpretations of that divine will as written into these charters proclaiming the several States of America. Without malice to such usurpers of freedom as infest our land, notwithstanding their published accusations, we "civil disobedients" do not hate them; only their lies. Redeemer of souls, this wretch who has many times neglected whence my daily bread begs another last chance: I pray for guidance along today's precipice overlooking the pitfalls of history, that this pilgrim's nation might progress onto higher ground and recover. Stay those false prophets having captured the media. Give us wisdom and a new forum upon which to stand, that we might move the world to thy Presence, refuting all its false ideas of a secular utopia. Let us find when we assemble at sunrise in Memphis able-bodied troops there, among them a preacher invoking your blessing on this new beginning.
We must pray together, comrades, for this to happen; and exercise daily - keeping physically strong, mentally awake, morally straight. Wow! And media apologists wonder why the BSA won't reward meritless libertines with merit badges. What we'll declare in public and before the press on this trek may shock, yes, thoroughly disquiet, many a peecee, multiculti, can't-we-just-get-along useless idiot. But, again, it's without malice; our goal is to awaken, not further confuse, this brainwashed (or, more precisely: intimidated) nation.
Such instruction will recall Dixie's history and heritage, the sacrifices made by our great-great-grandfathers in defending the South with their last ounce of courage against a cruel invasion that burned, looted, raped and murdered its way across the land, these Confederate States at last acquiescing to an occupation that's lasted for one hundred and forty years under the more refined arts practiced by today's Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG).
Motor home facilities will go some distance ahead of the main column, stopping several times daily at suitable pull-offs for the foot soldiers to catch up for a break. During these intervals, especially around the campfire each evening, the local press and public will learn what the march is about.
We'll tell them without shame or remorse that the South was right, and it's not hate or "racism" (anticipating that media-invented word which they'll surely throw at us). Our march is nothing new; we've fought this terrorism since 1861. The principle for which we contend was bound to reassert itself; the fire of liberty still burns in our breasts. The White Southerner's continuing fight to resurrect that constitutional government convened on May 25, 1787 will benefit both the misguided Jimmy Yank and the invaded Johnny Reb. We demand a return of the sanctified law our ancestors died striving to hang onto. Unlike them, deprived of every human comfort but struggling on when all hope was gone, we are well off, and now it's time to exercise our duty. I challenge you to either come yourself, no excuses please, or send a representative marcher from your organization to join what will prove to be, with adequate participation, a colossal and ambitious movement.
Our funeral procession for the Fraudulent Fourteenth Amendment doesn't concern today's descendants of former African slaves. Contrary to publicly-educated belief, President Lincoln did not free the slaves and neither did the 14th Amendment. Lincoln used the slavery issue to strong-arm our States into giving up their 10th Amendment rights of sovereignty, and into accepting federal supremacy - turning the balance of constitutional power upside down.. The dubious 13th Amendment closed all Southern plantations and loosed the Africans, true, but that definitely non-ratified "14th Amendment" opened the Union plantation upon which all of us are slaves today. That's what we'll be telling folks at each stop along the way. The Third National Confederate flags we'll carry are not intended to insult anybody except the war criminal regime still occupying our homeland. The Negro is free, and we've no quarrel with that, except where he's even more free than our own race of White Southerners under this ongoing attack by the ZOG-embedded media, which consists of most big liberal daily newspapers, TV and Hollywood, a brothel some of us call the media¢ cracy. The history we'll document by handing out leaflets will inform a broad cross-section of folks tired of hearing lies and ready for the truth, that imported African slaves were already being emancipated everywhere including here in the South, that Lincoln latched onto that issue months after invading our country when it was going bad for him and he needed support from abroad - a plausible excuse, anything that would stop England and France from recognizing and trading with this country under attack and sorely in need of supplies for its defense.
The main body of marchers will go single file, or double when the shoulders of the state highways are wide enough, with half our people out front and the rest behind a mule-drawn casket wagon symbolically representing the Fraudulent Fourteenth Amendment. We'll bury that thing on private property near Washington DC, a nine hundred mile journey. It's Dixie's way of saying farewell to "the other side." And, no, we don't mean by that to condemn all Northerners. Today's Copperheads up there sense as well as we do that this issue has to be decided here in these Confederate States of America. The Lincoln regime arrested and jailed thousands of Southern-sympathizers in the 1860s, and there are many more champions of constitutional government up North today.
Now here's how you can participate at this stage. Much is still being worked out, but hints of things budding are already downloadable at www.gulftel.com/firstfreedom. To discover the truth of what it's all about, on the net simply Google "fourteenth amendment" and "never ratified." You'll get around a thousand hits. People must learn how the "14th" supposedly converted all citizens of our several States into "U.S. citizens," reversing the sovereign/servant roles whereby the States had until then governed the federal (or confederate, if you will) treaty they had agreed upon mainly for mutual defense against outside warring powers. This uppity guardian class, Lincoln at first in nominal charge, insinuated nevertheless that even while under military occupation the Southern States had handed over to that corporate fiction in Washington all decision-making powers, and war criminal George Bush still holds that view today.
If you wish to offer encouragement or report your desire to participate, contact organizer Olaf Childress, P.O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576, email [email protected]. Urgent first of all are sunrise prayers across the land, in next order volunteers driving their own vans or motor homes ahead, then PR persons keeping track of our movements and announcing each upcoming stop; a Memphian to furnish the mule-drawn wagon, another providing the casket; donors of cash, tents, rainy weather gear, portable toilets, communications equipment, MRE foods, other tools for survival, literature to pass out; and, last, no less than a dozen marching grunts.