Greetings to all of you! It is with great honor I speak to all of you today, as I have asked Anne to pen a most important message to all souled beings. I am especially pleased with Sananda’s Flock, for they have done and seen wondrous things upon this beautiful orb.
I am no longer the Creator Source of the Nebadon Universe, as I have gained soul growth to create another Universe. However, I have returned to the Nebadon Universe, and am aboard The Phoenix Command Starship waiting to initiate the new one to replace my former position as Creator Source. That is to happen very, very, VERY soon!
I realize the Journals were given you all of mankind in the late 1980’s and 1990’s but they are endless in the messages from the Lighted Ones. The Phoenix Journals were written to express in Journal format a timely message of the progress of evil perpetrated upon all of you and Mother Earth. They are interspersed with messages from the Lighted Realms. These are TIMELESS! If those Journals were given to you at this present time, would you agree that the evil has progressed far above what it was during the 90’s? IT is beyond description!
I shall be straight to the point, for what I wrote in Journal 7 has come to pass, just as I said. Let me begin my stern words of Truth.
Mankind is the highest form that Creation made! You have that great spark of your Mighty God Spirit within, and were given reign over all that has been created, as they are not graced with REASON. I find that the CARETAKERS have NOT done their job, and as I have described in Phoenix Journal 7 “The mineral life, vegetable life and all animal life finds that its god, its master is a drunken master who reels to and fro in his folly”.
I further explain as follows
That is why they now rebel against him. But on other worlds they respond and they caress their master, and the result is a vibrant life-giving essence that is beyond comprehension and you have no words to fit such a description.
Have you not wondered about all the floods, the massive storms that are raging across Earth? There are thousands of Earthquakes happening across this beloved planet, of which you are not aware. The earthquake magnitude is downgraded to keep you thinking all is fine. IT IS NOT FINE! YOU ARE ALREADY IN EARTH CHANGES, MY DEAR ONES!
The Governments are frightened and have kept this information from you. Oh, they KNOW, and ones KNOW what is happening, but the rage against these ones is horrendous. No truthful information must leak to any of you goyim, worthless eaters! Why? They do not want to lose their control over you!
I tell you this that great and mighty life from the ocean shall claim their right, as man has taken it from them. Some of the Lightworkers have seen the Megalodon which is larger than your ships.
Herein are some photos of a great beast of the ocean that came to the surface. The photos were taken from some distance, so you see one of the great tentacles rising in the air to over 100 feet in the air.
The megalodon does, exist, and has been here since the dinosaur time. They are friendly and live near the Mers, or mermaid people.
There are Sasquatch, [See photos below] who are highly intelligent beings that can go back and forth from 4th to 3rd Dimension. There IS a race of ones called the Mers, who live deep in the ocean. They are the ones you call mermaids! There is great life INSIDE ALL planets, as well, including Earth! They are in 4th dimension and very tall. They DARE not come forth to the surface, because, the surface contains too much evil. Why do you suppose you are FORBIDDEN by your government to even come close to the entranced of the poles?
Inner Earth people with the explorer and his son.
There is, also, life in inner earth called Agartha (.photo below). They are the people described in the stories of Dr. Suess. Why do you suppose the government banned his books? Truth must NEVER be allowed, for they wish to maintain their control ad keep you busy at several work jobs so you do not have time to think for selves!
The are great animals in the likeness of the Loch Ness monster, which by the way has left the planet. These huge sea animals have been here for millions of years. Their difference from the Loch Ness beast is their head is like an alligator.
You mustn,ot be fearful of changes, for Mother Earth is ready for her graduation when she shall shine like a sun.
Therefore, you must share with your fellow-man that the catastrophes will most surely come (they will not be hummed or chanted away). But, tell them that they are your very salvation and rejoice, for it is the old passing away.
When man can release the old, then he shall glimpse a more glorious new. Those who cannot release the old will have to begin again at the beginning. They shall place their soul progression back several million years, for this is the golden opportunity of souls who have walked this path of Earth from onset of soul birthing--this is your graduation or failure day! Those who fail their final examinations will need come once again, through various forms of cave man through thousands of years, even millions, until they develop to this very stage once again and try for "passing of the bar" again. I CARE NOT WHETHER YOUR "LEARNED" PROFESSORS OF GREAT WISDOM BELIEVE IN PROGRESSION OR DO NOT--THIS IS THE WAY IT IS AND IF YOU CHOOSE NOT THIS PATH-- YOU WILL FIND OUT AGAIN. THE HARD WAY!.
If you but knew the worlds without number, the infinite mansions, the stars of great majesty and the beauty that appear like beautiful gems in the velvet of the Omniverse --millions of thy brethren souls cry out in a peal of peace towards the Earth as she passes through her time of travail. You have forgotten of such love and such affection for you have forgotten of your pathway
Remember, that we offer a route to safety when Mother Earth turns on her axis. Survival through these changes is not possible, so you can elect to be beamed to safety for great soul growth or stay on Earth and physically perish. If the latter, you shall be taken to another 3rd Dimensional planet to continue with your lessons
Therefore, it is your duty to bring this message forth; this message which is two-fold: a warning to prepare for that which shall come in the waves and the winds; and it is a message secondarily that there are those who care, who are acting as the emissaries of the Infinite One. Tell man that he is loved, that he shall be guided as he asks to be guided: "Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
They shall be caught up, and be where the eagles gather. They shall not be found wanting. Tell them that their Father has heard their petitions. The Father is ever gracious and ever loving unto His children--but His children must turn untoHim.