Relayl Relay Relay St. Germain, Dec.7, 2016
Spirit Eagle
I am hesitant to send this out as you know. Would you help to clarify the reason I need to send
this info tonight?
St. Germain: The article you sent out earlier to some on your list will serve as a distraction to the people of the Earth. As you know, there is a lot that has been kept from the people of the world. Antarctica is a very big story especially since it has been receiving visitors from the so-called "Upper Echelons of society of late. The Cabal look to dazzle the population of the Earth in order to take the spotlight off of the Cabal's inhumanity to the children of the Earth Mother and the unspeakable horrors to which these children are subjected to before they die. This is happening Right Now! The Earth Mother is Ascending and this unspeakable torment cannot be inflicted on the children, the pure and innocent of the Earth Mother without grave repercussions. This Will End Now as people awaken to the Truth!
The people of the Earth Must Know the Truth of this Diabolical way of gaining power in order to serve their Masters of the Great Darkness. It follows as night follows day that the rule of the Dark Ones who are worshiped by those who want more and more power and will do anything to gain power will End Now! The people of Earth Must know all! Please Do send this along with the Pizzagate article out to the World! Thank you my Dear.
Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle 12/7/16 10:48pm