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Spirit Eagle

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We, of the Galactic Federation of Light are here to Assist you in breaking the shackles that have bound you in ignorance to a matrix of despair and decay. YOU must do the Work to free your minds of the insidious decay of a society that has acquiesced to the "status quo" of Despair! The attitude which says, "I can do nothing about what goes on in the world". It is past time now for you All to free yourselves of this Collective Consciousness of Despair. In Truth, YOU are the ONLY ONES who can Free Yourselves! WE ARE HERE ASSISTING IN every way possible.

Now is the Time to Speak up; to Speak out! It is the Time to Claim your Sovereignty as Beloveds of the Creator. THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING THAT HAS BEEN FORETOLD! You are many! They are few! This has Always been so, through the ages of time on your planet.

This Change, this Epoch which is ending has been awaited by many in the Milky Way Galaxy. We have been watching the progression of Humanity's Awakening. The blatant escalation of the enslavement by your governments/corporations of the people seems to be, from our observations, the "Tipping Point" at which All Will Change. The people of the Earth are living as chattel to a Paradigm that has, and is serving the few.

It is Time to Lift your Voices and to be Heard behind the closed doors where your fate is being decided by the few. The Mighty Roar of the Lion Will Be Heard!

I wish to remind you to do Everything with Love in your Hearts, even for those who have taken so much from you; remember that they are your greatest Teachers. These souls have agreed to play their parts, just as you have. You each learn one from another. This is the Progression of life, of the Soul's Growth! You are ALL loved! We Bless ALL of You!

Now, IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP, to Drop the Zombie Persona and create a life that supports ALL Beings on the Planet. Good Night My Dears! Sleep Well this night in the Arms of the Great Mother of All, for there is much to create this night and on the morrow!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle

December 18, 2010 10:35 pm

*These Messages may be posted to other sites. Please post them in their Entirety and Do Not Title them as I write them as Given to me! These Messages are Copywrited. Thank you! Spirit Eagle

*These Messages may be posted to other sites. Please post them in their Entirety and Do Not Title them as I write them as Given to me! These Messages are Copywrited. Thank you! Spirit Eagle

These Messages may be posted to other sites. Please post them in their Entirety and Do Not Title them as I write them as Given to me! These Messages are Copywrited. Thank you! Spirit Eagle

Dec. 18, 2010

[email protected]