Marxist Ilhan Omar calls for “dismantling” the “economic and political systems” of the U.S. so they can be replaced with poverty and authoritarianism
J. D.Heyes
For anyone who still believes the Democrat Party represents ‘Mr. and Mrs. America,’ and that the party of the donkey is still JFK-like in its aspirations to lift the country up, you can disabuse yourself of those fantasies.
The party is rapidly being taken over by rabid, anti-American socialists and Marxists like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (Minn.), the latter of whom just openly and brazenly called for the “dismantling” of the U.S. “economic and political systems.”
Why? Stop us if you’ve heard this before.
Systemic racism.
“Right now in Congress the Senate is sitting on a comprehensive bill to transform criminal justice and the policing system,” she lied, knowing full well that the Republicans who control the chamber recently lambasted her party for blocking efforts to debate legislation led by the chamber’s lone black GOP member, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina.
(And what better time than now for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to scrap the archaic 60-vote filibuster rule?)
“All along with the Congressional Black Caucus, I helped lead the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. And because of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, it is being ignored. I guess the president would rather attack the people who are protesting than actually address the issues people are out here protesting for,” she lied again. See above.
“We can’t stop at criminal justice reform or police reform for that matter. We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, in the air we breathe,” she droned on, repeating the same falsehoods that generations of Americans before her have not done anything at all to address real issues of racism and bigotry.
“The mortality rate for black Minnesotans to COVID is twice as high as it is with other races. And for me, this is very personal because I lost my own father to the coronavirus,” she continued, openly suggesting that a virus is racist.
“I see the pain and the havoc it is wreaking on the black community in Minneapolis. We must recognize that these systems of oppression are linked. As long as our economy and political systems prioritizes profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequity. So we cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it,” she noted further.
Hailing from Somalia, one of Africa’s failed nations, Americans might be able to forgive Omar for not understanding or knowing our founding history — how our forefathers purposely designed a form of government that purposely made passage of legislation difficult, encouraged debate and the art of persuasion rather of one they escaped from — a ‘government’ of tyranny under a singular potentate.
But since she ran for Congress, it was incumbent upon her to know these things. Because as an elected member of the U.S. Congress, she is expected to carry on our founding traditions of government. (Related: Harvard doctor wants US to enforce national mask mandate; Surgeon General says order may lead to REBELLION.)
Instead, because she’s a Marxist, she adheres to a philosophy of government that destroys liberty, freedom and self-government in favor of an authoritarian model that picks winners and, more importantly, losers.
Fortunately, there are members of Congress who cherish our founding principles and understand their role is to protect them.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) called on Omar to step down and step away from Congress over her calls to destroy our system.
“Ilhan Omar took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, not shred it. Omar and her Marxist comrades are a threat to our Democracy. Omar should resign,” Blackburn wrote on Twitter.
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