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FW: EXPOSED: Joe Biden's Dangerous Plan for Christians


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I have troubling news, Patrick.

The Homosexual Lobby got their way, and now their anti-Family champion, Joe Biden, is seeking to use the power of the presidency to destroy Traditional Values in America.

You see, Biden is the face of the anti-Family mob and has promised time and time again to ram their radical agenda down the throats of folks like us.

That's why the Homosexual Lobby is funneling millions in order to take control of the White House.

Some of the Homosexual Lobby's biggest PACs -- like the so-called "Human Rights Campaign" (HRC) -- are spending megabucks on Joe Biden to promote their anti-Family Agenda.

The main focus of Biden's Homosexual Agenda is passing the Gay Bill of Special Rights (S. 788) in the Senate, and tearing down laws that protect Religious Liberty, like the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Patrick, with attacks on Religious Liberty and Traditional Values at an all time high, it's never been so crucial that pro-Family Americans everywhere band together.

Because the only thing that will derail the Homosexual Lobby's plan is exposing their radical Agenda to millions of pro-Family Americans.

That's why I have prepared an "Expose Biden's Homosexual Agenda" program to blow the lid off his radical plan to destroy pro-Family Values.

In my email below, I explained Biden's plan to destroy Religious Liberty and your Public Advocate's plans to derail his efforts.

So if you haven't yet read it, I urge you to do so right away.

And once you read my crucial email, please forward this to all of your friends and loved ones to help your Public Advocate expose the dangers of Biden's Homosexual Agenda to Christians around the nation.

This is the time to take action, and I hope I can count on you to join me in this crucial fight.

For the Family,


Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. The Homosexual Lobby and their anti-Family champion, Joe Biden, are seeking to use the power of the presidency to destroy Traditional Values in America.

That's why I have prepared an "Expose Biden's Homosexual Agenda" program to show Christians everywhere the dangers of Biden's radical agenda.

And I'm praying you will help your Public Advocate fund this crucial program by chipping in $10 or $25 today.

Thank you for your continued support, and may God keep you and your family safe during this troubling time.

------Begin forwarded message------

From: Eugene Delgaudio [[email protected]]

To: Patrick Bellringer [[email protected]]

Re: EXPOSED: Joe Biden's Dangerous Plan for Christians

Public Advocate Banner


"No religious culture is allowed to reject homosexuality!"

That's what Joe Biden publicly promised the Homosexual Lobby when asked about what he would do as President to advance their radical agenda.

A promise I'm praying you and I won't let him fulfill.

My friend, the radical Homosexual Lobby is spending millions in an all-out assault with Biden to take control of the White House.

You can bet they're working overtime to elect a pro-homosexual Congress, too.

And if they are successful, the entire Homosexual Lobby's radical Agenda could be rammed through with little resistance.

But you and I can derail Biden's and the Homosexual Lobby's radical Agenda.

I'm putting the final touches on a hard-hitting plan of action designed to expose Biden and his promises to support the Homosexual Lobby's radical Agenda.

I will let you know how you can help your Public Advocate in a moment, but first let me explain why this fight is so important.

In 2012, it was then-Vice President Biden who became the first elected official at his level to publicly endorse same-sex marriage, even before President Obama did.

And it's Biden who is now demanding pro-Family Americans to "embrace" and accept the Homosexual Lobby's entire radical Agenda just like he has done.

Supporting the Gay Bill of Special Rights? Check.

Supporting the Homosexual Lobby's forced transgender ideology on America? Check.

Publicly attacking pro-Family Americans opposing their radical Agenda? Check.

And these are just a few components of the anti-Family Agenda Biden has supported.

In fact, Biden has pledged to remove President Trump's pro-Family policies, and has given his word to be 100% in support of the Homosexual Lobby's radical Agenda.

Biden even promised during a CNN "town hall" event to put people of faith on the government's terror watch list if they refuse to embrace the radical Homosexual agenda.

So as you can see, this is a fight you and I CANNOT afford to lose.

That's why it's crucial we expose Biden's radical promises to the Homosexual Lobby so that pro-Family Americans can derail his plans.

By using our proven techniques through mail, email, and Google and Facebook banner ads, I will fully expose Biden's Homosexual Agenda to hundreds of thousands of pro-Family Americans.

And if I have the support from Public Advocate supporters like you, I'm hoping to go even further and launch radio -- and even TV -- ads across the country.

But to even get this started, Public Advocate must raise the funds necessary to launch our hard-hitting program.

You see, Facebook and Google won't take "IOUs," and the Post Office requires postage up front.

That's why Public Advocate must fund our proven program to crash the Homosexual Lobby's and Biden's Agenda.

Only with your support can Public Advocate reach every American who wants Traditional Values protected.

So, please, consider chipping in $10 or $25 today to help your Public Advocate Expose Biden's Homosexual Agenda before it's TOO LATE.

For the Family,


Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. The radical Homosexual Lobby and Joe Biden are teaming up to spend millions of dollars to force their radical Agenda across America.

Luckily, we have a program in place to expose Biden's Homosexual Agenda through mail, email, and Google and Facebook banner ads to hundreds of thousands of pro-Family Americans.

But we cannot do this without your support, so please chip in $10 or $25 TODAY so we can fund our proven program and expose Biden's Homosexual Agenda.

Expose Biden's Homosexual Agenda

*** Public Advocate is a non-profit 501(c)(4) that fights for the Family.  As such, we do not endorse or oppose any candidate for office.

Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax-deductible.  Public Advocate is a non-profit organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby.  Public Advocate receives no government funds.  You may reach us at: Public Advocate, P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, VA 22116; phone (703) 845-1808;