SORCHA FAAL: Russian Blitzkrieg Across Syria Nets 6,000 POW’s As Black Africans Cry “Long Live Russia!”
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz declaring before his visit to meet with Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden: “The German government has pursued a clear course for a long time: we never supply lethal weapons to crisis regions and are not supplying them to Ukraine...My duty is to do what is in the interests of the German people and what in this case is the point of view of our citizens”, says quick to follow was French President Emmanuel Macron factually stating: “The geopolitical objective of Russia today is clearly not Ukraine, but to clarify the rules of cohabitation with NATO and the European Union”, after which he took aim at the Biden Regime refusal to end NATO’s controversial “open door policy”, and warned: “We have to be very realistic…We will not obtain unilateral moves, but it is essential to avoid a deterioration of the situation before building mechanisms and reciprocal gestures of trust”.
In responding to the avalanche of fake news articles about the fairy tale planned Russian invasion of Ukraine, this report notes, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned: “It obviously means that a provocation is being plotted…The abundance and quality of these publications, their pre-fabricated nature, and absolute untruthfulness and categoricalness may indicate that some provocative actions are being planned”—a warning joined by Zakharova pointing out that this constant fake news warmongering has cost the Ukraine economy $12.5 billion—then Zakharova plainly stated: “The well-known psychedelic phobias by Western media about the Russian aggression against Ukraine are under development in the forthcoming composition…However, time marches on and Russia is not attacking Ukraine…The calculation by the US who ordered this tune and the British who joined the bandwagon is clear; they cooked up the Russian threat themselves, they braced themselves for a heroic fight against it, in order to commit a provocation and loudly declare their victory...Here you’ve got both an opportunity to divert attention away from their own political crises and a chance to pour billions into arming immature democracies, and a way of reviving the image of the invincible after the Afghan fiasco”.
Now fighting back against this hysterical socialist Biden Regime warmongering, this report continues, is popular radical leftist American ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s, whose just issued statement says: “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war…We call on President Biden to de-escalate tensions and work for peace rather than prepare for war…Sending thousands more US troops to Europe in response to Russia’s threats against Ukraine only fans the flame of war”—a statement of truth now joined by Director Vladimir Yermakov of the Foreign Ministry Department for Arms Control explaining: “The issue of providing our country with legal security guarantees, due to a critical number of problems accumulated in Russian-Western relations, has become so urgent that it has now somewhat pushed a number of other important aspects of the strategic agenda into the background...In the future, Russian experts are ready to consider the possibility of extending the principles and mechanisms of control to systems of interest to both parties, capable of solving strategic tasks, but strictly and exclusively on the basis of reciprocity...But unilateral steps towards US wishes and demands are impossible”.
Security Council Members in this transcript note that the “psychedelic phobias” being displayed by the socialist Biden Regime and its leftist media war propagandists about an imaginary Russian invasion of Ukraine are used to distract attention away from such factual realties like thousands of Russian troops landing in Syria last week—are Russian troops that quickly joined with Syrian military forces in a blitzkrieg to obliterate barbaric ISIS forces—a Russian blitzkrieg of wrath that yesterday resulted in some 6,000 irregular soldiers surrendering to the Syrian army—to keep from being captured in this Russian blitzkrieg it saw Socialist Leader Biden ordering the execution of a top CIA terrorist leader in Syria, that the Americans lyingly claimed belonged to ISIS—an execution that resulted in the genocidal massacre of Syrian women and children—about which famed international lawyer Barry Grossman revealed: “As has become so typical of US efforts to cover up their war crimes by presenting them as accomplishments to be celebrated, President Biden’s press conference pushes all the wrong buttons...He states the raid was carried out by US military forces based in Northwest Syria, to “protect the American people and American allies” but does not explain the legal basis for having hostile US military forces in Syria while the US has made no secret of its commitment to engineering “regime change” in Syria...Similarly, he makes no effort whatsoever to explain just how US bombing raids in Syria carried out in violation of international law serve to ‘protect the American people’ as he so absurdly claims...Instead, we are given a cartoon-styled load of third-rate propaganda by a President whose mental capacity is widely questioned and whose official approval rating is now just barely above 40%...The simple fact is that the continuing US military and intelligence footprint in both Syria and Iraq is a violation of both those nation’s sovereignty and, at once, part of an ongoing commitment to using tactics to advance the US regional strategy of sowing chaos using tactics which on any informed view are war crimes...Quite apart from that, there remains a very real questions over the extent to which the US sees the forces comprising ISIS as an enemy as opposed to US proxies in the war on Syria, Yemen and Iran”.
In the classified at the highest level “Of Special Importance” section of this transcript, the very limited portions permitted to be openly discussed among various ministries sees Security Council Members noting the successes against American-funded ISIS terrorists in various African nations documented by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)—are elite and highly trained MoD-SVR “ghost forces” deployed to free the Black African peoples from their Western colonizer oppressors these Western colonizers keep calling the “Wagner Group”, about whom it’s factually noted: “Wagner does not officially exist, with no company registration, tax returns or organisational chart to be found”—and in reality, these Russian “ghost forces” have flooded into numerous African nations to free their under socialist siege Black citizens.
In October-2019, this report notes, President Putin hosted the first Russia-African Summit warning the Black peoples of this continent that “an array of Western countries are resorting to pressure, intimidation and blackmail of sovereign African governments, against which Russia was well suited to help African states push back”—at this summit it saw General Manager Albert Kofi Owusu of the Ghana News Agency explaining: “With Western aid, there are all these conditions...They say: If you want this money, you have to do this about LGBTQ, for example — even if it goes against your country’s values...China and Russia say, ‘Here’s the money’, and that’s it”—after which President Putin reminded the Black peoples of Africa: “Our country played a significant role in the liberation of the continent, contributing to the struggle of the peoples of Africa against colonialism, racism and apartheid”.
In the new and historic National Security Strategy enacted into force on 2 July 2021, this report details, the Russian Federation vowed to protect, and if needed liberate, every nation in the world adhering to spiritual values, upholding the free rights of their citizens and supporting moral values—a vow countered by Western socialist ideologists wanting to keep the Black peoples of Africa enslaved screaming: “The Russian civilisationalism push into Africa is proving handy in the attempt to expand imaginary boundaries, whose frontiers are defined by Russian speakers and adherents to Russian culture rather than international law and/or ethnicity...Mr. Putin’s concept of a Russian World notes that Western wars allegedly waged out of self-defense and concern for human rights were also about power and geopolitical advantage”—but in factual reality is a “Russian culture” of spiritual values supported by the Black peoples of Africa, who over the past fortnight alone, after Russian “ghost forces” helped liberate their nations from Western colonizers, proclaimed such things like “We support the Russians…Our families are dying, and unemployment is rising, yet France hasn’t helped much…At least we can try something new” and saw massive crowds chanting “Long live Russia!”.
To aid in the liberation of oppressed nations under demonic Western socialist siege, this report concludes, China has invited to them join its largest in human history infrastructure Belt and Road Project designed to bring peoples and countries together through peaceful commerce instead of war—last month it saw Syria joining the Belt and Road Project, and now it’s being liberated—last week it saw President Putin declaring after his meeting with Argentine President Alberto Fernandez: “I would like to point out that Argentina is one of Russia’s key partners in Latin America…For over 150 years, our countries have been maintaining good and friendly relations based on equality, respect, and concern for each other’s interests”—and today saw it being announced that Argentina became the first of the South American Continent’s three top economies to sign up for the Belt and Road infrastructure initiative—the historic significance of which means that the spiritual and moral forces to liberate the under socialist siege American peoples are now at their very doorstep. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
To best understand the significance of the above map, read our report “Russia Moves To “Red Dawn” War Plan To Aid American Patriots After Biden Rejects Red Line”.
February 7, 2022 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]