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Charles Miller
Charles Miller [email protected]
Open Letter to government and its actors.
This Letter is intended to be served via email on the leaders from both parties in every Congressional committee. This will be done, somehow, no matter what!
WHY? No contract or legal relationship can be enforced when the contract is not in evidence, the contract is not called due and payable, the parties properly identified, and a demand to perform is not presented. Basic contract law.
Thus, this Letter is delivered into the public records establishing the foundation for all government actors to choose their loyalties carefully. Public Records are property of the government which must be accepted as correct. Law of the Constitution at Article 4 section 1.
This Letter is constructed in such a manner as to be a simple cut and past into an email to be sent to the readers individual congress critters both state and federal. At the end of this Monograph are cut and paste emails, simply insert the recipient and hit send. Please note the single point solution questions to the Congress critters which clarifies what and who each serves. Be a real American and simply act. No telling what could happen!
Major Premise: All Law is Contract, all Law is private between the parties, all Law deals with property and property rights.
Identifying the root problem is the key element to resolution of the problem of governments confusion being allowed to harm, or, injure, or disrupt the People.
Dealing with the results always, always feeds the problem. This is true if, for no other reason than the energy spent discussing some undefined problem is lost to solutions.
This premise opens real dialogue exposing the possibility of resolution.
Second, in order to reach a resolution, the destination of the dialogue must be defined.
In other words work the problem backwards from the the solution desired. As this process flows the elements needed to resolve the issues are exposed.
Understanding the legal relationship between the People and government provides the key to address the problems while at the same time exposing the solution.
The Questions.
Minor premises.
What is the legal relationship between the People and governments?
Is there a contract in evidence defining the legal relations between the People and our governments?
Is the contact valid and enforceable?
Who holds the right to enforce the contract?
What happens if the servants to the Peoples contract refuse or fail to honor their obligations?
Is the Office of President the position to enforce the contract, with the absolute duty to do so?
If the recipients refuse to act, fail to respond, is that self generated admission and confession of DIVIDED LOYALTY, resulting in exposure of the fact that We the People are held to INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE under breach of contract?
- What is the legal relationship between the People and governments?
We the People engaged with each other to construct the documents creating artificial entities holding the use and application of force, both of law and physical.
Our personal and collective engagements are contracts!
The proof of this statement is contained in our foundational documents, 1776 Declaration, original State Constitutions, Articles Of Confederation, Treaty of Peace 1783, N W Ordinance, and then the States Constitution creating the administration of Confederated powers.
We the People are the only Parties Principal to these contracts.
We the People are the Grantors and source of authority of all governmental operations, by and through our joint and several contracts,
We the People are the political Creditors to all government operations.
We the People did not grant our governments the authority or power to; interpret our contracts; alter our contracts; circumvent our contracts; usurp our contracts!
We the People are the owners of government because We the good People created them!
We the People never granted our governments the authority to legislate over We the People as a class, nor individually, because We knew no one holds power over their neighbor.
We the People are the sole beneficiaries of the administering of our Contracts.
Thus, and very clear as fact and law, We the good People collectively and individually are MASTERS over government.
Governments created and constructed by the good People sole purpose is to serve and protect the good People.
Reading the contracts identifying the parties to them, the purpose for the contracts which expose the cause for the contracts in the first place, settles the issue completely.
There are only two positions available in government relations, Master or servant.
All other relations with government are derivative to these two positions, in short servants by license, franchise or assignment.
If you are government servant you have a contract to serve, that’s the law of the good People.
Is there a contract in evidence defining the legal relations between the People and our governments?
The simple answer is YES!
Article 6 of the Constitution for the United States Of America requires every individual serving, working for, or exercising governments powers or authorities to pledge their personal bond, fidelity to, the good Peoples CONTRACTS!
This oath requirement is the personal individual recognition of the servants position.
No honest servant would ever interpret, supersede, circumvent nor usurp their administrative powers
Failure to act, fail to act in complete accord with the contract terms pledged to is BREACH OF CONTRACT for which there is no defense. This is specifically true and correct and complete in the context of Article 4, Full Faith and Credit to be given all government records and documents. In other word government records are not only property of the government, yet more proof.
Proof of what?
UNDIVIDED LOYALTY! The public records prove that government officers, employees or contractors, either operate correctly according the good Peoples contracts or they do not. There is no escape from these records. There is no denying the proofs contained therein because the servants created the records. No one, particularly government systemites may deny their own records.
The oath, the terms of service, the payment for honest services prove conclusively all government actors or posers have a duty under the contract to serve they voluntarily engaged.
The contracts are either in evidence or they are not. Which is it?
Is the contact valid and enforceable?
The simple answer is YES!
Now, please argue with me. Be advised you will be required to produce the source of authority for your argument. Good luck!
Any attempt to argue by a government actor claiming power or authority to act outside enumerated powers is in BREACH OF CONTRACT.
This charge against any government actor leads to other misdemeanors and high crimes, right up to Treason.
4. Who holds the right to enforce the contract?
The simple answer is the good People!
Under what law theory of law, operation of law, context of law or contract are parties to the contracts, our American foundational documents, allowed in any manner whatsoever to denied the absolute right to enforce the contracts p, by all means necessary?
Under what law theory of law, operation of law, context of law or contract is denial of access to the protections of the good People’s contracts, particular to the Bill of Rights, not a Breach of Contract?
Are contracts to be applied under the intent and specific language
What happens if the servants to the Peoples contract refuse or fail to honor their obligations?
The simple answer is BREACH OF CONTRACT!
Is the Office of President the position to enforce the contract, with the absolute duty to do so?
The simple answer is YES!
- If the recipients refuse to act, fail to respond, is that self generated admission and confession of DIVIDED LOYALTY, resulting in exposure of the fact that We the People are held to INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE under breach of contract?
The simple answer is YES!
Every one must face not only them selves, yet those around them at some point.
Simple direct on point actions always produce results. What those results are is determined by the consensus.
When enough Americans directly challenge the status quo, things change. Thus it has always been. The Court of Public Opinion controls and passes judgement.
Manipulation of Public Opinion is only effective when the People sitting as the jury fails or refuses to act individually which results in the people being subjects with out consent.
In your hands right now is a tool, call to action, which may change your world for the better.
This Monograph is the culmination of years of activities by a few who have affected the international cabal in their slave process of managing human capital. We look forward to exposing what has been done at some point.
To the American People: Is your access to personal liberty, a future for yourself and your children and grand children, worth investing 20 minuets of your time to simply present this gift to those who claim to serve your interests?
If, yes, then We as a nation will survive and prosper.
If, no, then We the People as as a nation will dissolve, descending into feudal servitude to unidentified masters, the human capital managed for benefit of the few unidentified Slavers.
Make your choice!
Remember your choice affects every one around you.
Thank for your time in reading this Monograph.
Thank you in advance of going into action, serving the emails, and sharing what you did with the whole country.
For those who choose to attempt to subject me to your personal Slavery by refusing to act, F. O.
Both, state and federal servants are the same.
( These same emails could be used for any government actor, simply insert the servants name at their official contact.)
Simply insert the email address. The position is recognized by government email address.
SUBJECT: Verification of Loyalty.
I am, Your name , address, contact information.
I am one of your constituents.
You represent me.
Given the massive confusions surrounding so many government activities at the moment, I am confused as to who to trust. This lack of trust is well earned by witness in the public of so much corruption and civil, human rights abuse.
In order that I do not mistake individuals operating in DIVIDED LOYALTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, I have a simple request.
You Will please:
Return an email to me with one of the below statements underlined and in bold.
A. I, , a loyal servant to the good People, understanding I am honor bound to recognize the fundamental law given by the good People through their constitutions, and all records concerning my performance will verify my contractual obligations are in complete compliance with the terms, and conditions of service to which I pledged my oath. I will hold no defense against Breach of Contract charge that is supported by public record.
B. I am a loyal government employee and serve the government as my first obligation.
The simple fact is, if you as a government actor do not serve the good People first, last and always, you operate under DIVIDED LOYALTY! Then the question becomes who do really work for, and are you deceiving me?
The context of this request is presented by the attached published document.
Please take the time to read this attachment carefully.
This request is a formal Letter of Wishes from a Beneficiary, your constituent, to the government office you serve and get paid for.
Be advised this email, in particular your response or lack thereof, will be used as evidence.
I believe ever American wishes for honest properly functioning government.
Do you?
Thank you for your prompt response, I and other constituents look forward to your actions on public record.