Large percentage of Dems would give U.N. veto power over Supreme Court
'Our country has been divided. I'm starting to fear that is becoming irreparable'
A new poll done by Rasmussen Reports in conjunction with the Heartland Institute reveals that Democrats apparently have given up on the great experiment in self-government that the United States is, instead preferring to turn over power to the United Nations, and get rid of the Supreme Court as it now stands.
"I am shocked and dismayed by these poll results," explained research fellow Donald Kendal of the Heartland Institute.
"How can an institution like the Supreme Court function properly when the majority of those who call themselves liberal think the court is sexist and racist? How can our system of government continue to work as outlined by the Constitution when the majority of those who call themselves liberal advocate for the abolishment of the Supreme Court? … I know our country has been divided in recent years; I’m starting to fear that division is becoming irreparable."
The survey interviewed 1,025 U.S. Likely Voters July 6-7. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
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The polling report explained in the wake of recent decisions that strengthened the Second Amendment, reined in the administrative power of the Environmental Protection Agency, and ended the federal protection for abortion and allowed states to impose regulations, "only 33% of Democrats view the [Supreme] Court favorably."
"Sixty-three percent have an unfavorable opinion of the court, including 40% of Democrats who have a Very Unfavorable view of the Supreme Court," Rasmussen explained. "By contrast, 72% of Republicans and 52% of independent voters have a favorable opinion of the court."
The report said, "A majority of Democrats view the Supreme Court as racist and discriminatory against women, and favor either 'packing' the court by adding extra justices or replacing the existing court with democratically elected justices."
Among Democratic voters, two out of three would choose to expand the Supreme Court to 13 seats, including 37% who "Strongly Favor" the idea that essentially would allow Joe Biden, a liberal, to appoint like-minded liberals to be a majority on the court, so that liberals always would get their desired result in cases there.
Overall, based on a strong rejection from Republicans and independents, 51% would oppose such a plan.
On the plan to have Supreme Court justices elected directly by the people, 53% of Democrats would favor it, including 33% who "Strongly Favor" the plan. Only 21% of Republicans would agree.
Fifty-six percent of Democrats say the Supreme Court now "is a fundamentally racist institution." And 67% of Democrats say the court "is a fundamentally sexist institution that favors men over women."
Overall, a majority of respondents disagree with both Democrat opinions.
The poll revealed that a full 39% of Democrats say that would like to give the United Nations veto power over Supreme Court decisions. Only 17% of Republicans agreed.
"Voters under 40 have more negative attitudes toward the Supreme Court and are more supportive of radical proposals to change the court. Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters under 40 think the Supreme Court is 'fundamentally racist' and 54% believe the court is 'fundamentally sexist.' A majority of voters under 40 favor expanding the Supreme Court to 13 seats (55%) and abolishing the existing court in favor of one elected directly by the people (54%). Nearly half (48%) of voters under 40 think the United Nations should be able to reverse Supreme Court decisions," the polling explained.
The rejection of the Supreme Court is closely tied to those who support Joe Biden most emphatically.
"Among voters who Strongly Approve of Biden’s job performance as president, 62% favor abolishing the current Supreme Court and replacing it with one in which justices are elected directly by the people. By contrast, among voters who Strongly Disapprove of Biden’s performance, only 17% favor such a proposal and 76% are opposed," the polling said.
"By and large, the American people hold the court in high esteem, as this poll amply demonstrates," added Heartland Institute senior editor Chris Talgo. "However, there is absolutely a movement afoot, principally among leftists and America’s youth, who desire to ‘reimagine’ the Supreme Court so that it will become nothing more than a rubber stamp for their radical agenda. Fortunately, most likely voters reject this notion and steadfastly support the Supreme Court."
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