Breaking: New data dump plus more passports . . .
Mat Staver
Breaking: New data dump plus more passports . . .
A second continent just bowed to Vaccine Passports less than a week after the World Health Organization (WHO) launched its new global push. Now about 2.8 billion people (out of 7.7 billion total) are subject to government-controlled medical restrictions before traveling.
Australia joined Africa and India in mandating these Vaccine Passports, which include testing results. Their governments will be able to share the digital medical data of their citizens … and of anyone traveling to their countries.
Simultaneously, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released another bombshell data dump of more than 11,000 additional pages that Pfizer tried to hide from you. I’ll explain below how it validates my concerns.
Shockingly, half of the states in America are developing or considering Vaccine Passports. We must demand that state and federal governments block Vaccine Passports and mandates. — Mat
Journalist Kim Iverson gave an overview of the following highlights from the 11,000 pages released by court order April 1. Everything below was admitted by Pfizer and known by the FDA:
NONE of the people studied who had natural immunity had severe cases. Not even one! Those with natural immunity had a high level of protection.
The first seven days after the first injection, white blood cell counts drop sharply (disrupting natural immunity and making one susceptible to disease).
People who died in the week following the first injection were improperly recorded as “unvaccinated.” Thus, the actual deaths from the Pfizer shots were false and underreported.
Pfizer knew the real number of people getting myocarditis from these shots is nearly 10 times higher than previously admitted.
Rather than 1 in 50,000 or even 1 in 100,000 people contracting myocarditis after these shots, Pfizer’s own studies show it is at least 1 in 10,000 (or 10 in 100,000). Even for those whose symptoms of myocarditis appear to subside, Pfizer admits it doesn’t know what the long-term side effects could be for these vaccine injuries.
Pfizer does not know what the long-term side effects will be on sperm, pregnancy, fertility, the unborn or even on nursing children.
Pfizer cannot rule out Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) in which the shots cause a worse and more deadly reaction when the person later comes in contact with the virus.
Our government already knew this information but was trying to hide it! In fact, the WHO’s massive, worldwide push to mandate COVID testing and Vaccine Passports ... happened the day before the FDA quietly released this new information buried in an 11,000-page data dump.
We must keep our freedom in America and stop the global move to restrict your movement and medical treatment. Make your voice heard before it is too late by sending urgent faxes to state and national leaders to STOP VACCINE PASSPORTS.
Don’t for a moment think that if you don’t travel, you will be “safe” from this government invasion of privacy. The federal government is very clear that while the Vaccine Passports may begin with travel, they will not end there.
The Government Accountability Office states, “the aviation industry has led efforts to develop digital credentials. … Many other digital credentials are being developed, piloted, and launched for use in the travel industry and other sectors, such as the entertainment industry” (emphasis added).
This is just the beginning.
Twenty-six-year-old Australian Hayley Hodson spoke out after getting locked up in one of her nation’s COVID facilities. A neighborhood acquaintance of Hayley’s tested positive for COVID. Police appeared at Hayley’s door and announced that her license plate had been identified as being in the vicinity of the positive test.
Hayley was forced into a “COVID cab” (a contracted transport to the internment camps) to 2,000 quickly constructed shanty bungalows surrounded by high fences with cameras watching everything. There were even armed guards that kept people from escaping.
Upon arrival, Hayley was informed that no matter what her test results revealed, she would be forced to stay at the “camp” for at least 14 days—and her incarceration would last longer if she did not comply with their rules. She was dumped in a box of a room. Meals were delivered just once per day. Hayley secretly taped video footage that shows guards telling her that despite her continued negative test results, she and others were forbidden from even speaking to individuals interred at the camp. Camp officials even tried to get Hayley to take valium to make her more compliant.
While at the camp, Hayley was informed these camps are being built not only all over Australia but all over the world.
If we learned just one thing from the history of corrupt governments … it should be that politicians should never be trusted with this level of information, power and control!
Liberty Counsel Action is fighting to restore medical privacy and respect religious freedom for billions of people! Your support helps us push back this tyranny. Thanks to our Challenge Grant, your monthly recurring donation or one-time gift to our organization can have an impact that will be DOUBLED right now.
Please pray that Americans and people around the world demand freedom!
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
“Africa & Australia Launch Interoperability of Digital Vaccine Certificates.” GhanaWeb. April 1, 2022. Ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Africa-amp-Australia-launch-interoperability-of-digital-vaccine-certificates-1505489.
“COVID Raises Risk of Myocarditis Heart Condition.” 2022. Healthline. January 21, 2022. Healthline.com/health-news/covid-19-raises-risk-of-myocarditis-heart-condition-but-vaccines-dont.
Hains, Tim. 2021. Inside Australia’s Howard Springs Covid Internment Camp: “You Feel like You’re in Prison.” Real Clear Politics. December 2, 2021. realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/12/02/inside_australias_howard_springs_covid_internment_camp
Iverson, Kim. 2022. “Latest Pfizer VAX DATA DUMP Shows Natural Immunity WORKS. ADE, Fertility Unknown.” YouTube: The Hill. April 4, 2022. Youtube.com/watch?v=5eJ5TIT6zvk.
Liberty Counsel. Navy Seal 1, et al. v. Biden, et al. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT of FLORIDA.” October 15, 2021. Lc.org/PDFs/Attachments2PRsLAs/101521BidenDODEmergencyMotionforTROandPIwithMemo.pdf.
Persons, Timothy M. “Digital Vaccine Credentials: GAO-21-534SP.” Government Accountability Office, June 2021. Gao.gov/assets/gao-21-534sp.pdf.
“Resources & Research.” Liberty Counsel Action, 2021. LCAction.org/vaccine.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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