Patrick H. Bellringer
NOTE: Althouogh I wrote this article, Patrick agreed to have it placed in this series about. He still is very humble that I wanted to post this, for it gives an example of what he was like as Patrick H. Bellringer. Hope you enjoy this one posted again. ---- ANNE 😎
Patrick was a counselor. There was a gentlemand that visited quite often. who had family and financial problems. Patrick counseled him and gave him money on several occassions. This person was also interested in current events happening, and had many questions. Patrick was a master at explaining current events to him. This gentleman was very grateful to Patrick for his kindness , generosity and knowledge.
Sept. 26, 2020
About a year ago, later in the evening, we heard a knock at the door. Patrick went the door. There was a teenager standing in the winter cold with no coat on, and scared to death. She needed to use our phone. We invited her in, heard sobs as she talked on the phone. She was kicked out of her home by her father. She needed to get to her grandmother's place. Patrick calmed her down, gave her some food to eat talked with her about what was the matter, and then Patrick drove her to her grandmother's house. She was so grateful to see such kind people, for she had never seen anyone like Patrick.
Sept. 25, 2020
Patrick cared about the land on which we lived. We rented a house near the Ellsworth Air Force Base, Rapid City. The 40 acres we lived on was filled with all kinds of litter--plastic sacks tin cans boards, etc. Patrick drove the old van along the fence line and filled the van with the trash. He said we had to carry empty plastic bags with us when we walked the land in order to pick up all the trash as we walked. He was disturbed that the person, who cut the grass and hay for the cattle on that forty acres, loved pop. He would throw the empty pop cans out on the field. When he cut the hay, he baled up the tin cans, as well. The owner said his cattle had hardware poisoning, and wondered how they got that way. Well, Patrick told him the problem about the pop cans. I think the hired man continued his trash making as long as we lived there. You can tell what a person's home looks like if that person throws used pop cans all over the land or their car is filled with trash. Patrick was a worker, never stopped fixing up old machinery or tools or cleaning up the places that we lived, building sheds, other buildings, digging trenches for water drainage, or cleaning up root cellers for vegetable storing. The list goes on and on......
Sept. 23, 2020
There were several times I remember Patrick standing in line to pay for groceries and the person (usually an eldery woman or man) ahead couldn't pay for all the groceries. Patrick helped out. I know one time at the ulitlity office this old man could not pay his bill or his lights were to be turned off. Patrick paid the bill.
Sept. 22, 2020
Patrick was honored as Farmer of the Year for Scott County, MN., He was honored as Mr. Christian Endeavor for Wisconsin while he was in high school. He graducated as one of the top students in a class of 72, Ellsworth, Wis.
He gave of his time and effort as the main speaker at patriot meetings held in Minnesota and across the nation concerning our corrupt government. At his cost he prepared an extensvie pamphlet of information and gave them to people for their eductation about our government.
He was honored by being nominated in Who's Who's in U.S. and given an award for being nominated. Patrick earned 5 Degrees: B.S Forest Management, B.S.. B.S. Science Education, Master's Degree Religious Education, and Master's Degree in Divinity.
He worked in the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, and as Forest Ranger in Custer County, Black Hills. He was the one who saved the lives of 30 men while fighting fire in the Rocky Mountains. The fire crew thought he and his crew were dead, as the fire crew lost contact with them, as the fire had boxed them in a canyon. I tell you of this experience in my recent blog.
He taught Science Education in Edina. Minn, one of the top schools in Minnesto for 18 years, He often said he was never really educated until he found and read the Phoenix Journals.
Since 1996 to 2020 he was President of the StarLight Foundation and President and Editor of Fourwinds10.com.
His Mission in Life was to be an educator to present the TRUTH to people. He wrote hundreds of articles that are posted on http://www.fourwinds10.com
As we pass this lifestream, we judge ourselves against the Laws of God and Creation. He said that he has passed his test. BRAVO!
Sept. 19,2020
I wanted to add to Patrick's Random Acts of Kindess. He was a Master Gardner and turning lathe artist. Much of the garden produce raised was given to people in need i.e. Men's Mission and Women's Mission, neighbors ad friends. His turning lathe creations were one of a kind. None done the same. He never sold any of these beautiful creations but gave many, many away to friends and acquaintances. They were made from his wood pile of pine, oak, locust, mahogany, cedar, green ash, pitch pine and others. I am posting a couple of photos for your view:
Sept. 18, 2020
My father was a very wise man, a Circut Court Judge for 49 years. He had a saying that is so true today. "There are only two kinds of people in this world, the givers and the takers. There is no one inbetween".
Patrick was a giver. His whole life he gave RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS AND SENSELESS DEEDS OF LOVE. He helped the neighbors roof their home, he built sheds for people at his cost. He helped a lady rebuilt her tailer house at his cost of $8,000 dollors. He gave money to people in need with no return of the same. He was known as "the jam man" all over town. He gave jam and food to the Women's Mission and the Men's Mission, and to the bank tellers, pharmacists, store clerks, clinics, and people on the street. He cut and baled hay for the neighbors. For 24 years he supported the return to the gold system, and the leadership at the top of the financial world, who needed funds to keep going. He stored food in our home for the needy. He supported our four children with funds when they needed it, especially our webmaster. He used our old 1979 van to move our children to a different home. He cut wood and gave it to those to needed it. He thinned at his cost. four acres of private forest for a crippled owner. These four acres had not been thinned since 1940. Much of the stacked wood was loaded in the van and given to the needy. Countless times the old van was filled with cut wood for that purpose.
Below are photos of the food given away from our home. Patrick was very glad this was done.
Here are the photos:
Anne Bellringer
Greetings to all souled ones upon Earth Shan. I had written a message for all not long ago, but today I asked Anne to re-post it with some updated information I wanted to say to all of you.
The U.S. has lost all respect among the world’s nations, and the elite, who control the U.S. Government are now targeting Russia and Putin for a take-down, as they did the Czars, and your world is headed for both total economic disaster and a nuclear World War III. Through the fake Biden Presidency, the would-be-controllers have brought your great country to its knees. Why a World War III? It is because that brings MONEY to continue their evil plans. Biden is NOT in control, but only does the bidding of those, who control him, for he is nothing but a fumbling deteriorating clone.
Recently, he was taken to Camp David, (the cloning factory) where he was “renewed” with and upgrade of several organs in order for him to function a bit more normal. Meanwhile, the populace slumbers on.
These totally evil Satanists have no idea of the elements they ripped from Mother Earth. Uranium is an important element to Mother Earth, as it is used to break up the rocks to make wonderful soil for growing food. It is a killer and a powerful natural force. When taken out of the ground and used for evil purposes, it is a killer of all life on the surface of Earth, including humans! To make it blunt, the controllers WANT to wipe all human life from the planet and keep only about 5 million clones alive to do their bidding.
They have tried hard at the elimination of humans, and hit the older generation harder, as they are those “useless eaters” and do not deserve to live anymore on Earth. Indeed, the Covid 19 Virus did a good job of killing millions upon millions with their “fake Covid 19” and followed by mandated “kill shots” of vaccine to make sure you die a horrible death. Their mandates of keeping people at home is nothing more than a control facet.
I do see hope, as people are waking up to the evil plans and resisting accordingly. I speak of other countries than the U.S., but there is a great awakening happening in the U.S. as well.
I always remember the quote that my father-in-law made upon rising in the morning to get breakfast for the family. My wife and I were in the upstairs bedroom, and every morning we heard the clanking of the furnace being stocked with coal, and hearing him hum and say the following words that ran through the house: “We’re lost! –the captain shouted, as he staggered to the deck”.
That is what the Darkside would have us believe. They thrive on the negative energies of fear and anger and just keep the people believing in their lies, so they generate the needed negativity. You must never forget that Zionists are Satanists, and that nearly all judges and attorneys and bankers and politicians and media and many Jews and religious leaders and the One World Order and---and are Satanists. You live in a very dark world called Satan’s jail planet, and his minions have done a great job in achieving Satan’s goals.
Those Satanists hammering for a war with Russia are being led to a dead end. The talk of war may be saber rattling, but it is not taken lightly by the Lighted Realms. The White House is run by Satanists, who want a war to totally destroy the U.S, and make it a third world country. They will not win this battle. In spite of what you hear from the fake U.S. Media, Mr. Putin is a very enlightened one and his purpose with Ukraine was to remove the Satanic government that has run havoc over the people of Ukraine.
You are fed lie upon lie for the Satanists are in fear and see their control over all of Earth waning and fizzling to nothing. Vladimir Putin shall continue to stand, as the World’s Greatest Statesman.
Against the Darkness shines the Light of Truth, that can never be extinguished. The Satanists fear the Truth. The Truth reveals their lies, the very foundation for their existence and their evil plans. Creator God Aton of Light, also, has a Plan for this world that He has created, and after the long Darkness comes the last Act of the Play, where the Light shines in brilliance. It is always darkest before the dawn. The Light is now appearing, as Truth exposes the lie.
All is not lost, my friends. Creator God Aton has decreed that Earth shall not b destroyed as Mars was destroyed. A nuclear war would kill all life on Earth! THIS IS NOT ALLOWED by Creation, Creator Source and Creator God Aton of Light!! Aton’s Plan is unfolding nicely, and Shan’s plans are on schedule. His plan needs all of YOU to make this plan come to fruition! With the power of your God Spirit within you can make a difference. Stay focused, balanced, centered and calm, and put your trust in the Lighted Realms. They shall help you in any way they can, but you must first ask for that help. Keep your prayers up, say those Petitions, give the Truth to others, help as you can, and continually ask for your frequencies to be raised to 169433, which gives you protection when and if you want to be lifted off to safety when Earth turns on her axis. She has the last say in all this, and we have been given the green light (signal) from Mother Earth that she is ready to turn on her axis! We are ready for her graduation. Are you ready?
by Patrick H. Bellringer
At thsi time my heart is heavy. Seeing what is happening with what the fake Biden Communists have and still are doing to the great America, I sense that many good people, readers of Fourwinds, are discouraged, worried, fearful, or even feeling hopeless about your world and your country. The problems are many, and solutions never seem to come.
The Zionists appear to be closing in on all citizens with more evil each new day. The Dark energies/minions of the Satanian Empire and many others have surrounded Biden, so that he has become one of them. Claims are increasing that Biden is nothing more than a controlled puppet of those dark Satanian minions doing their evil bidding
The Federal Reserve is fighting for survival and refuses to keep their agreement to allow a gold banking system to come on board. America is teetering on the brink of economic disaster, while the people sleep.
The Pentagon and the U.S. Military are divided in their loyalties. The Zionist/Liberal faction continue to create havoc in the Middle East. They continue to threaten Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and the entire Middle East, attempting to start World War (nuclear) III to save themselves and the Zionist Cabal and Deep State. Without a World War they are doomed along with their One World Order.
It seems that America has lost her way. She is being overrun by illegal aliens and their criminal element. The Zionists have had great influence on the people via their control of the media to hate Biden and his people, and their control of the schools, mind-controlling the students to become dumbed down to the real history of America. .
Even the churches have been influenced by great evil. Homosexual and drunken and immoral clergy have brought Christianity to a new low. Those, who once spoke against social wrongs and backed their right living by their very life, are no more. The people are disillusioned and confused and misled with disinformation and lies.
As I pondered the state of America, a feeling of hope swept over me, and I heard the words “Never Give Up! God, too, has a plan!” I knew the answer as I have always known. You have the power to change things, to make our world right again.
You have the power of prayer! Living in this physical world, you are focused on the physical happenings surrounding you. You forget the spiritual side of life. You forget you are spiritual beings having this physical experience to learn your lessons in soul growth. Your God Spirit within connects you to Creator Aton God of Light and the Power of Creation. One of your lessons is to use that power to create your way in this physical world.
Evil may run rampant, but God has a Divine Plan for His Creation, for this physical world in which you live. As souled beings your role is to use your spiritual power to make a difference. You can defeat the Dark Energies and Entities around you. You can neutralize the evil power of the Satanian Empire and render his minions helpless. Within Creator’s will you can do this, and believing it is done, it is so. You have those great Petitions---send them out to all the Cosmos! You have the great Power of your God Spirit within!
Do not forget! The Power of Prayer is limitless! You have that power! Use it to help save your nation, to save your world. That is the Divine Plan. The Light of Truth always overcomes the Darkness of Lies. Creator God Aton of Light always wins, because you use your God Power within to make it happen; and because you have the Spiritual Power, you never give up! “You have hope, because you know victory shall come!
I make this call to prayer for all you enlightened souls, everywhere. You have the Power, and together you can bring your world into balance again. Use those great Petatons to help! Stay cantered, balanced, focused and calm! Remember, Divine help is, also, only a thought away. Bring in the troops---and never give up!
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: Greetings to all! I have requested Anne to re-post this article to emphasize the fact that we of the LIghted Realms are reality and you upon Earth at this time are experiencing lessons to learn, not unlike a holodeck portrayed in the Star Trek series. Lesson time is almost finished and you shall know how much you have learned or if you accomplished the mkssion you set for selves. All of you souled ones upon Earth are greatly loved and cared for, but it is YOU, who would have to awaken to the Truth, in spite of the dark minions now left of the Satanian and Niburian Empires that wish otherwise.
Today's message from me is on the above subject written in the title of this article entitled " WE ARE ALL ONE!"
By that statement do I mean only the human ones? No, Creation created all by thought. He created everything you see on your planet by thought. This includes all animals, plants, bird and sea life. It, also, includes every tree, blade of grass and every flower that blooms! The humans created are of a higher level of development and it is their duty to care for all of the creation with love. Each of you souled ones must know that the animal life, also has a group spirit.
A dog may die and reincarnate again as another dog, or a cat, etc. Our children have known that one of their former pet, who has died, has been reincarnated in their present pet, as they recognize the temperament and actions of the present pet that is just like their former pet. This is the absolute truth.
Now, I want to give you some information about your pet. If you have a dog, for instance, you realize that as you speak to your pet he or she knows and understands every word you say. They cannot talk back in human language in your 3D world, but they hear and know what you speak to them. Your pet dog becomes absolutely devoted to you, especially when treated with love and care.
It is no different with a cat except that they are very independent and your home becomes THEIR home. They understand every word you speak to then and will give you their devotion when you treat them with love and care.
Anne and I had a wonderful pet cat for several years. His name was Blackberry. He would come and sit on the overstuffed chair and watch TV with us. He was most independent and knew every word spoken. When Anne would walk the fields in the morning Blackberry would want to follow. Anne would have to turn and speak to Blackberry to go home quickly, as there were fox roaming the fields that just loved to eat cats. He obeyed immediately.
Take for instance a flowering plant you have in your home or garden. They, too, have a spirit and respond to your love and care for each leaf and flower and will bloom excessively as they respond to your love.
Is it any different with the bird life? When Anne and I lived in Rapid City, SD for years, I built a large bird feeder, a squirrel house, and had three other bird feeders. We had hundreds of birds in our back yard.
I remember the Rock Doves, especially. There would be many birds perched on the electric lines in front of our house. There was one bird we called the sentinel that perched near the bird feeder on the electric lines. I would fill the large feeder with whole and cracked corn. The very minute I was done and started to walk back to the house the sentinel gave the word and the birds flew down to the feeder in about 5 seconds.
The squirrels were no different. I could walk out to their feeder and they would be perched six inches from my hand waiting for the feeder to be filled. They loved the squirrel house a made for the in the old Maple Tree, and would come down the tree and gaze in the kitchen window or perch on the lattice by the back door.
One time, as I sat oh the bench outside the back door, a Chick-a-Dee flew down and perched on my hand. I gave it my love and he looked at me for a while and then flew off.
All of you are to take care of the life around you, and you must realize you are only a few chromosomes more than they, are a higher development and you are their caretaker. You are to give LOVE to all of the fantastic creation around you ....even across the entire world.
Now I approach something that may sound absolutely unbelievable to you.
When any loved one passes over, including your pets, you can talk to them just as we of the Lighted Realms talk to Anne and my children.
Two days ago my daughter, lost her pet dog. She was told by us that he was aboard our ship, The Star of Bethlehem. In the middle of the night she heard hom whining. We talked to her and told her he was having a little difficulty adjusting. "Do you want to talk to him?" She said yes, and had a conversation with him. After that he settled down.
Yes, this is possible! We are all one!
When I did that first walk among the flowers and trees, as I boarded The Phoenix Command Ship, I heard them talking to me and I talked back, just as I am having a conversation with Anne at this time telling her what I would like to say.
As Creation, Creator Source and Creator God Aton and you all have a soul you can talk to anyone of the Lighted Realms. This also, includes Creator God Hatonn. Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Gabriel, Violinio Germain and all the great Cohans, to whom you can speak. You will hear through your own God Spirit within through your own God Slpiit.
I will speak of two of my daughters who work in conjunction with each other. One hears the message for both and the other is the mouth to speak to others about the Lighted Realms. The one, who that speaks to others, we arrange the meeting of the two. It is then up to that one to whom she speaks to take the information and learn.
I have said though for you are probably thinking I am lying, however, i have told the TRUTH. We of the Lighted Realms do not lie.
Blessings to all, who know in their heart what I have said is so. It is not long before you are, also, able to walk among the gorgeous environment on he Phoenix.
To furether prove my poithere is a vidoe of trees moving to a different location!t
Greetings to all souls upon Mother Earth. Anne has asked me to give you a message today, and I shall do so. When I say all souls, I do mean ALL, and especially Sananda’s Flock.
Each one of you, including you ones still asleep to the Truth, must listen with your soul to this message, for it is of most importance that you awaken. For you of Sananda’s Flock, the message shall be to you, who have or have not realized your Power of Spirit.
All souled one upon Earth at this time have problems of one sort or another. Some of you awakened ones are tired, worn out, distressed, and laboring to come home to the Lighted Realms. You have worked hard and have done marvelous things for Mother Earth and the entire Cosmos. We of the Lighted Realms know and feel how much desire you have to be taken home, and lifted off of Mother Earth. The evil Satanic minions have still made havoc with all of you, and they shall do so, until Mother Earth turns on her axis and wipes all 3D from her surface.
Until then, the Dark Ones are heightening their plans and are desperate to find their source of energy again, for they have not been able to contact that source, which is Satan. They refuse to believe that he has been uncreated; thus, their plans to construct an incredibly high building and shoot a beam of light far into the Cosmos to contact their Source.
Will they succeed? No, not at this point, for the Lightworkers have petitioned such not to happen. If you do not remember anything, remember this. You have a great God Spirit within, and with our help you can do marvelous things. You must remember that those of the Light CAN CREATE! The Dark Minions, the “left-overs” still here on Mother Earth, CANNOT create anything. That is forbidden by Creation of ALL there is.
Do you understand the great Power within each of you souled ones? You have done marvelous things to help Mother Earth. Now, I ask of you what are you doing for YOU? What creative Power do you use for your own wellness? I am speaking to Anne, as well as ALL Lightworkers and souled ones.
I am putting Anne on the scene, for as time on Earth passes as she is struggling to keep on with Fourwinds in spite of the burden she carries for being 88 years old. She, like so many souled ones, have made themselves a “prisoner” of their fleshy envelope. Now I ask my dear twin flame, have you used your great creative Power within to heal self, with the help of St. Germain’s Violet Flame of Transmutation?
I speak of the inability to walk without help or to have swelling joints and fear of falling and not being able to get up. Others of you have the same problems! Have you used your great God Spirit within to let go of those chains that hold you in captivity? Have you used your great Power within to heal selves, and say that you have served the warden long enough? What?
Yes, you and you alone have made yourself a prisoner of your fleshy envelope. Do you believe the great Petition that has been given to you concerning this very thing went through the same thing, and did not realize that fact.
Herein is that Petition that is SO important to say and BELIEVE. You have the Power of Creation within to heal selves. Repeat and believe this is for YOU, as well as to the entire Cosmos!
We petition by our mighty God spirit within and with great love, to set ourselves and all living beings in the entire cosmos, whether it be person, plant, animal, mineral or element, free of any mental or physical pain! We refuse the sentence of pain and pronounce all to have served the warden long enough! We remove the binding shackles that have bound all and ask that they be released through the transmutation ray of St Germain to a higher octave to be cast into the ethers and uncreated!!! We ask this in Esu Sananda's name! Amen! Please surround us all with the white light of God Aton and the blue light of Saint Michael!! Please return to all in the cosmos to fill their voided spaces with love, healing and light! Please right the chalices of all beings and fill them with love healing and light of the 7 Great Masters and the white light of God Aton. We ask this in Sananda's name! Amen!
I know many of you have said this petition but have you focused it for your own healing, as well? Do you believe with your Great God Spirit within and the help of the Lighted Realms, that you can be totally healed and well? I now tell Anne and all souled ones. including all you Lightworkers, to let go and let your Great God Spirit within and our help, to become the great person you are mean to be, and that any inhibitions you may have with your fleshy envelope can and shall be totally healed!
Mother Earth is on hold a wee bit longer. You can make it to the end. You have that Power of Creation within. Use it for self, as well as for all you Petition!
Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda has said, “The Spirit of man can perform miracles through the knowledge of the Truth, for when you pray to your Spirit, whatever you request will be given to you, if it truly is a desire, for believe with knowledge, and you will receive.”
My friends of the Light, Truthbringers, Truthseekers, co-workers, travelers all on the Red Road of Truth, I speak to you from the deepest level of my heart tonight. Do you truly believe these words of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda, recorded in the Phoenix Journals? Do you truly believe that through the Power of your spirit within you, you can perform miracles? Have you tried it? Have you ever performed any miracle at all?
To perform miracles you first must have the knowledge of the Truth. The Truth is that in all of our planet’s history, never before have we had such a crisis, as we have at this very moment. The Adversary has never been stronger. The Darkness has never been blacker, and evil has never been greater, than it is right now. Negative energy has so increased on all fronts, as to totally over-whelm our planet and her people, rendering us helpless, hopeless, defeated! Is that our end? Is that what we want? After all these years of struggle, of suffering and of fighting evil, are we willing to allow evil to win in our lifetime, and for us to go quietly into the night?
Knowledge is power! I bring you knowledge, my friends. Look around you! What do you see? I see a world lying in ruins with smoking, burning battlefields strewn with corpses. I see sickness and suffering and wanton neglect on street corners and in back alleys, in V.A. hospitals and dying rural towns. In our suburbs rise tent cities and along the railroad tracks.
Once noble and kind and honest people huddle with their children in their cars, begging for food, a blanket, a drink of water with not even an outdoor toilet for privacy. I weep for our people, and my tears wet this page! What has happened to us? What have we become? America, the beautiful and a world of peace and prosperity is only a dream turned into a total nightmare of hopelessness, corruption, greed and despair.
The few have gathered the wealth and claimed it for themselves. They thrive on power and control. Negativity is the fuel that feeds their drive for world domination. They care not for the denuded forests, now turned into rock and sand or the oceans chocking on plastic and reeking of rotting fish----the sewers of the world. Their goal is gold, piles and piles of gold, and pleasure and power and absolute control.
It is all a lie, my friends, the biggest lie ever told! Do you understand that? It is a lie! Too long you have believed the lie! Too long you have forgotten the Truth. You have forgotten your power, the power within to create miracles. I have given you knowledge in the Phoenix Journals. Now, it is time to use it to create miracles. It is time the Light of Truth wins!
We see our physical world lying in ruins and her people dying, but we do not understand, why. We do not see beyond into the realm of Spirit. There is a great battle raging between Darkness and Light, between negative energy and positive energy, between evil and Goodness. For eons the Darkness has been winning. That is why our world lies in ruins. Negativity has reigned supreme!
The few Lightbearers and Truthbringers have struggled on against great odds. They have held the line, but they need more help, our help to win. They need our positive energy, our prayer power to win. The present struggle going on world-wide to bring down the Khazarian Zionist Serpent People alnd stop their drive for world control is moving forward slowly.
Representatives of Global Family, nations such as Russia, Iran and North Korea, China, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Australia, France and England, brave constitutional lawyers, and people around the world of many talents are quietly working to thwart the efforts of the Serpent People. The Military Flag Officers, who hold the authority to act to save the U:.S. of A., have generally proven themselves to be cowards, compromised by bribes and threats, thus committing high crimes and treason. The U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Congress and the Federal Courts all stand compromised by bribery and threats, unwilling to act to save this nation, thus also having committed high crimes and treason.
The U.S. unlawful Corporate Government is drunken with greed and power, fraught with deceit and corruption and so Satanic and Zionist, as to care nothing whatsoever for the needs of the people of this nation, let alone those of the world. World Empire is their goal. Make no mistake about it.
Such foolishness of man can be brought down by the Truth, by the Light of Creator God, by positive energy created by People of the Light by their Power within. The Spirit of Power of Creator God Aton of Light is within us. Will you use it? Will you help defeat the Adversary?
I am asking for Lightworkers and Truthbringers and Truthseekers and Enlightened people of all nations to answer the call to prayer. It matters not your religion, your beliefs, your doubts, but only that you care about the future of our world and her people, your people, your family, yourself. We must stand against the Darkness. We must assist those few holding the battle line for the Light.
Pray, as you have never prayed before! Pray, even if you have never prayed before! Creator God hears the sincere prayer from a humble heart. He hears the whisper of “God help!” He hears the unspoken words of your heart’s desire! He hears and responds to the pleas of a little child. He hears, and He understands and He responds, always!
Will you help us win this battle for the Light, for our world---to defeat evil? Take even a few minutes from your busy schedule to stop and think, to think good things, to meditate, to say, “God, Help!”
We can do it! We can win this Battle for the Light, for Goodness for our world. We can create so much positive energy that the Dark Cabal shall be swept off this planet and into the Void, never to return to Shan. It is time, my friends, it is time!
“For when you pray to your Spirit, whatever you request will be given to you”.
“For believe with knowledge, and you will receive”.
“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts”.( Zechariah 4:6)
Greetings to all of you Lightworkers and souled ones. It has been a few days since you have had a message from me.
I am going to explain to you one important thing about these spiritual messages. Anne and I are Twin Flames. We act as one soul together. That means when this writing is penned for you to read, it comes from both of us. Because we are Twin Flames we act as one, and I am just the same editor, as Anne at this time, even though we are separated physically. It does not matter. What you are reading comes from both of us working together. This mainly true for all the spiritual writings Anne has done over these past few months since my physical passing. Of course, Anne asks for both of us to pen this message and be sure that all is clear of Dark Ones and spaces filled with Love and Light.
All the spiritual messages are written in this manner, and those messages from other Lighted Ones, i.e. Michael, are with total agreement between the three of us.
As to the other articles, whatever she posts or does not post is a decision we make together.
What matters most to those, who are in the physical is very important. That means that each of you, even though you are a returned master, are in the school of learning soul growth on the toughest school ever in the entire universe.
What I am telling you is that Earth is a graduate school. The lessons are presented to each of you to obtain great soul growth. This is not a first-grade school course. You knew that the lessons would be hard, as the evil spirits prevalent upon Earth outnumber the souled ones. The Satanian Empire has been uncreated. However, Satan’s minions are still upon Earth. These evil ones have untold means of dragging you off course or keeping you asleep at the wheel while your physical life moves on, keeping in line with the evil side until you wake up to your mission. What if you do not awaken?
I can't think of anything worse than to physically perish and have to judge yourself on the scale of how well you have lived the best you can the Laws of God and Creation, and found yourself wanting, as a speck of dust on this great scale of learning.
School starts in the kindergarten school and on up to the college of learning. You had already graduated, as you are MASTERS! You learned your lessons but you volunteered to reincarnate in 3D to help Mother Earth and grow in great spirituality.
I have spoken to those still asleep. What about Sananda's Flock?
I am so grateful that these writings Anne and I are doing together with other great Lighted Beings have made some headway, as some of the sleeping giants have awakened. When even one awakens, Heaven rejoices.
All of you Lightworkers, even so small in number compared to all the souled ones, have had a tough road. You have held the LIGHT! I did not say waking up was going to be easy. There is a fight every minute upon these awakened by the Darkside. They have captured nearly ALL souled ones at this time. I said NEARLY, not all.
The greatest thing is however, is that the Lighted Realms, especially Sananda, are here to help in any way they can, as you awakened ones ask for that help. Everyone has, also, two Guardian Angels that have been with you since you were born physically into human form. Have any of you asked them for help?
You must know that the Cosmic Law of Non-Intervention is adhered to at all times, so you must ASK for this heavenly help just as Anne has asks me to share with her as a twin flame the message which you are reading at this time.
Both Anne and I give you of Sananda's Flock all the prayers and love possible.
One last thing is most important. That is CREATION, which is above ALL. Have you thanked Creation for everything around you that has been created for YOU? I mean every blade of grass, the trees, mountains, animals, sea life and flowers blooming are for you to enjoy.
How well have the people upon this beautiful orb thought of CREATION? Have you kept your promise to care for all---the air, the water the animal and all that dwells upon it?
May all of you Lightworkers stay steady on the Higher Road and keep the Light about you, as you finish your goals to the TOP with all the help we can give you.
For ones still asleep at the wheel, there is time, although very short, to awaken to the TRUTH. May all of Heaven help each of you.
Blessings to ALL.
Today I am going to give a message about LOVE. It is not the love of sexual pleasure, but of the relationship of family.
I do not exclude myself from this article, as I had difficulty with my mother and family for years, especially when I was called the son of Satan. I harbored that resentful feeling for years. and because of this I developed cancer. It’s called the Law of Cause and Effect. It is hard to tell you all this, but I wanted to let you know a few things that are most important at this time.
I felt betrayed by my family, as they did not accept the Truth that I gave them. However, both Anne and I went back to see my brother and sisters and re-established a friendly relationship with them. We had a wonderful time.
The most important thing in your life is you. You must take care of your health, for it houses your soul. Any harmful substance you inhale or eat affects how your body keeps healthy. The same is thoughts. Your mind knows every word you have spoken, every act you have done, and you shall review your life when you die to judge yourself.
The very next important thing is your family, your parents and your brothers and sisters. I tell you this, as it is most important to establish a friendly relationship with your family, including your father and mother. If you harbor ill feelings, get them resolved. I am telling you this as I was as guilty as anyone because for a long time I did not contact my family.
I was a minister for years, and when I found out the truth about these cults I left the ministry to pursue teaching and finally fulfilling my mission of getting the Phoenix Journals world-wide. My family thought I was a heretic. None of my family responded to the message of Truth.
My family were all Christians, as was I for many years, until I found the Truth. I wrote to them about the Truth, but it went on deaf ears. At least their soul heard the message. But I did not have any good relationship with any of them for years.
The whole crux of this message is that you do not know when your parents may pass on or any of your siblings. If you have not done so, please do it, for you may regret it if they pass on and you have not done your part of reconciliation, if that is necessary.
I speak the Truth, as this happened to me with my mother. She did treat me badly at times, but I know she loved me even though she called me the worst name. She was a staunch Christian and nothing could change her mind, and any words I wrote to her went on deaf ears. It is my prayer that she shall find the Truth at some point in her lifestreams, as her soul knows the Truth.
Keep a good relationship with your family as best you can. You do not want that regret hanging over you as the Law of Cause and Effect is absolute. Harboring anger or resentment of even one of your family only comes back to you. I speak from experience.
I send Love and Light to those of my family and those, who that have passed on, but what is more meaningful is to take some time to see what you can do to help and love each other while they are still living. The biggest word to think about is FORGIVENESS. Forgive the wrongs they may have or you have done in the past.
I think back about that last visit I had with my family of sisters and brother. Not too long after that visit my oldest brother died, then my sister and her husband died, and my brother’s middle daughter passed on. Lastly my oldest sister passed on just a few weeks ago. My father passed in 1977 and has graduated! My mother passed some time ago and is on the Astral Plane learning soul growth. I send them all Love and Light, and am thankful for those Petitions which have greatly helped their soul growth!!
You do not know when your family members shall pass on. Take time now, while you can and make things right, if that is necessary. Your health will benefit.
You do not know the time of your passing, either, but I do know that it is most important to take care of the fleshy envelope that houses your soul. You must, also, take care to feed your soul as you feed your physical body. This includes taking time to read. meditate with the Lighted Realms’, and to listen to them speak to you. Above all, you just remain balanced, focused and calm, as you complete each soul lesson with glory and honor.
You cannot change the past but you can change the future. Do so, if that is necessary. Time is very short, as this civilization is at its end.
I send my love to my children every day and shall greet them aboard ship soon!
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: Today's message from me is on the above subject written in the title of this article entitled " WE ARE ALL ONE!"
By that statement do I mean only the human ones? No, Creation created all by thought. He created everything you see on your planet by thought. This includes all animals, plants, bird and sea life. It, also, includes every tree, blade of grass and every flower that blooms! The humans created are of a higher level of development and it is their duty to care for all of the creation with love. Each of you souled ones must know that the animal life, also has a group spirit.
A dog may die and reincarnate again as another dog, or a cat, etc. Our children have known that one of their former pet, who has died, has been reincarnated in their present pet, as they recognize the temperament and actions of the present pet that is just like their former pet. This is the absolute truth.
Now, I want to give you some information about your pet. If you have a dog, for instance, you realize that as you speak to your pet he or she knows and understands every word you say. They cannot talk back in human language in your 3D world, but they hear and know what you speak to them. Your pet dog becomes absolutely devoted to you, especially when treated with love and care.
It is no different with a cat except that they are very independent and your home becomes THEIR home. They understand every word you speak to then and will give you their devotion when you treat them with love and care.
Anne and I had a wonderful pet cat for several years. His name was Blackberry. He would come and sit on the overstuffed chair and watch TV with us. He was most independent and knew every word spoken. When Anne would walk the fields in the morning Blackberry would want to follow. Anne would have to turn and speak to Blackberry to go home quickly, as there were fox roaming the fields that just loved to eat cats. He obeyed immediately.
Take for instance a flowering plant you have in your home or garden. They, too, have a spirit and respond to your love and care for each leaf and flower and will bloom excessively as they respond to your love.
Is it any different with the bird life? When Anne and I lived in Rapid City, SD for years, I built a large bird feeder, a squirrel house, and had three other bird feeders. We had hundreds of birds in our back yard.
I remember the Rock Doves, especially. There would be many birds perched on the electric lines in front of our house. There was one bird we called the sentinel that perched near the bird feeder on the electric lines. I would fill the large feeder with whole and cracked corn. The very minute I was done and started to walk back to the house the sentinel gave the word and the birds flew down to the feeder in about 5 seconds.
The squirrels were no different. I could walk out to their feeder and they would be perched six inches from my hand waiting for the feeder to be filled. They loved the squirrel house a made for the in the old Maple Tree, and would come down the tree and gaze in the kitchen window or perch on the lattice by the back door.
One time, as I sat oh the bench outside the back door, a Chick-a-Dee flew down and perched on my hand. I gave it my love and he looked at me for a while and then flew off.
All of you are to take care of the life around you, and you must realize you are only a few chromosomes more than they, are a higher development and you are their caretaker. You are to give LOVE to all of the fantastic creation around you ....even across the entire world.
Now I approach something that may sound absolutely unbelievable to you.
When any loved one passes over, including your pets, you can talk to them just as we of the Lighted Realms talk to Anne and my children.
Two days ago my daughter, lost her pet dog. She was told by us that he was aboard our ship, The Star of Bethlehem. In the middle of the night she heard hom whining. We talked to her and told her he was having a little difficulty adjusting. "Do you want to talk to him?" She said yes, and had a conversation with him. After that he settled down.
Yes, this is possible! We are all one!
When I did that first walk among the flowers and trees, as I boarded The Phoenix Command Ship, I heard them talking to me and I talked back, just as I am having a conversation with Anne at this time telling her what I would like to say.
As Creation, Creator Source and Creator God Aton and you all have a soul you can talk to anyone of the Lighted Realms. This also, includes Creator God Hatonn. Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Gabriel, Violinio Germain and all the great Cohans, to whom you can speak. You will hear through your own God Spirit within through your own God Slpiit.
I will speak of two of my daughters who work in conjunction with each other. One hears the message for both and the other is the mouth to speak to others about the Lighted Realms. The one, who that speaks to others, we arrange the meeting of the two. It is then up to that one to whom she speaks to take the information and learn.
I have said though for you are probably thinking I am lying, however, i have told the TRUTH. We of the Lighted Realms do not lie.
Blessings to all, who know in their heart what I have said is so. It is not long before you are, also, able to walk among the gorgeous environment on he Phoenix.
To furether prove my poithere is a vidoe of trees moving to a different location!t
NOTE: All the articles I post from Patrick are by his suggestion. His goal is still to present Truth to the world from his writings. This timely message is no exception, for it has much meaning to those, who seek the Truth. .....Anne
One more time I write to present Truth to the world. I write not to the human clones, who have no soul. I write not to those, who have given their soul over to Satan, the King of Evil. I urgently write to those souled-beings, who are day-dreaming in their world of things, or who are spiritually asleep in their fake world of religion, or those floating in La-La Land with no direction or meaningful purpose in their 3D journey in these closing days of this planet’s third dimensional civilization.
Yes, I said “closing days”, and yes, I have a message for all those Earth Shan dwellers , who are in spiritual Zombie-land. You are going to miss your life boat! Time has run out! Creator God is closing the Book of Life for Shan’s people, and has ordered the starships to full alert for evacuation of “Sananda’s flock! Are you ready?” Is your name listed in the Book of Life? Have you truly lived to the best of your ability The Laws of God and Creation? Indeed, are you one of “Sananda’s Flock”?
No, you are not, because you have never been taught God’s Laws for Living. Your parents did not teach you because your grandparents did not teach your parents. The Laws were gradually forgotten and erased from memory, as man’s laws have replaced them. So, today you live in spiritual Zombie-land and are heading to the great Wheel of Reincarnation again, and to another 3D lifestream of pain and suffering to learn your lessons.
What lessons, you ask? Living The Laws of God and Creation are your lessons, my friend. You may disagree, but Creator God’s Laws are absolute, and you shall honor them and live them to graduate out of this third dimensional illusion. Yes, I said “illusion”, for we live in the physical holodeck of 3D to gain soul growth. The illusions of things, money, social status and power are just that, illusions. They vanish when you step out of the holodeck at death and into the real world of Spirit. Would you choose another 3D holodeck experience, again and again?
Wake up! Time has run out. Your God Spirit, your Soul, the real you, that spark of Light from Creator God Aton of Light, that part of Aton’s heart that is you, is crying to be free of this very evil world, forever. Will you listen to your God Spirit within, to your heart, to your “gut feelings” and discern Truth?
Will you leave the illusion of things, money, social status and power, yes, even that of sickness and poverty, and enter the real world of Spirit? The alarm clock is ringing, the one you set to wake you up. Do you remember? You have overslept!
The Starships are ready! Their Red Alert signs are flashing. The bells are ringing, and I am ringing my bell to wake you up! Can you hear? Will you awaken to Truth before it is too late?
Choose Light, my friend! Choose Love! Choose Life! Do it now! The evacuation Starships are waiting, but not for long!
By Patrick H. Bellringer
These Laws were given forth by Creator God Aton of Light, and The Creation, and are also called The Laws of Balance. --
[NOTE; This article is now a permanent article listed under "Phoenix Archives" in our main blue menu. Click on the last one listed.]
A. The highest command of The Law of Creation is:
Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.
B. The highest command of The Law of God is:
You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for HE is the "King of Wisdom".
We attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following the Laws given forth by God and Creation. We learn through the Spirit of God within us how to live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.
The Laws are as follows:
1. You shall have no other gods than the Creator God before you and abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as the "Law of One".
2. You shall not make for yourselves idols and false images to worship as gods for therein you give power into the hands of evil.
3. You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and being (you must love yourself as God and God as yourself).
4. You shall not use the name of God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood.
5. Remember God's "day" and keep it holy. (Every day is God’s “day”.)
6. You shall honor your mother and father.
7. You shall not murder your fellow man. (Killing to preserve your life or of your family is not murder)
8. You must not commit adultery.
9. You must not steal (materially or emotionally).
10. You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor
11. You must not impose nor force your free-will upon the free-will of another. Also known as "The Law of Non-interference."
12. You must not judge (condemn) others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and The Creation.
13. As you sow, so shall you reap. Also called "The Law of Cause and Effect."
14. You must honor all commitments made in service to God, the Father, the One within.
15. You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsible and balanced procreation of
your species.
16. You must do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also called "The Golden Rule".
17. Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness. (By their fruits you shall know them).
18. You must not commit the act of slavery (physical or emotional) upon any human being of Creator God.
With the communion of the Spirit of Life within us, we must first wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance, and secondly, we must wisely know where our responsibility begins and ends within the Creation upon this wonderful Planet Earth.
The first question to ask is how can I maintain my life in "harmony and balance" with the rest of "creation"? The answer is, you begin with the pure desire to know Truth. We must recognize that we are limited in our perception of Truth, and that God knows the best pathway for us to travel in His service. So we must then surrender our "will" (ego) to that which is God's Will.
"In your daily prayer you must ask God for the loving Light of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, truth, integrity and courage in order to best serve His Will and not your will (ego)".
Then in our quiet corner we must meditate. We must listen. We must wait upon our Father-God who is within us (our God-Spirit) to give us that which we need to sustain us in His service. Our will and His Will must become one again.
For a detailed discussion of these eighteen Laws of God and The Creation, please read Phoenix Journal number 27, entitled Phoenix Operator-Owner Manualfound at
Greetings to all Lightworkers and souled ones on earth at this most glorious day upon Earth. Yes, I said glorious, for it is a beautiful day for you to continue on your Lighted pathway. Mother Earth loves all of you with a great love, and is keeping things very normal in spite of the wars and havoc that is happening on her surface.
I know the Lightworkers are quite anxious to be home with the Lighted Realms, and that is coming very soon; however, as long as you are upon Earth, you must stay focused, balanced, calm, and be sure to do your homework. Yes, homework. By that, I mean keep reading, as some of you have neglected this most important “work”. Als,o how many of you meditate with the Lighted Realms and listen to their advice and direction for each day?
I know the cares of the day often become a priority, for many have a day job or children to care for, or doing daily chores. However, you should, if you have not already done so, set aside some quiet time when you can be alone and communicate with the Lighted Realms.
Some of you have done this already, but I wanted to emphasize how calming even 20 minutes can do for your soul, and give you energy for the daily earthy tasks that await.
Do you think that it is any different in the Lighted Realm? We are swamped with work to do. We check every minute for the progress of souls upon Earth. Not only that, but the Petitions have greatly helped millions of souls on the Astral Plane to graduate to the Higher Realms. It is beyond belief! When they graduate, we have had to counsel them and help them adjust to the Lighted Realms and what their work would be and where they would want to live and what work they would be suited to pursue.
As you have been told, I am in charge of a certain Sector of the U.S. and Canada, and monitor all souled ones in that area for soul progress and be alerted of any Earth changes that may or have occurred.
Secondly, all of us have to monitor Earth’s movement back and forth and keep in contact with her, as all of us are on Red Alert, and make sure that all starship of the Pleiadians are in their proper coordinates for evacuation of Earth. You have been told we have 15 minutes to evacuate the entire Earth before all volcanoes fully erupt and spew fire, smoke and heavy ash in the air to block our view and to cause death to every souled one on Earth.
The 200 Star Nations have been here for a long time waiting for this glorious event, and also millions of other representatives from the entire Cosmos surround Earth waiting for this momentous event and to meet the Lightworkers.
Earth is the last planet in the Apsu Solar System to reach graduation. All other planets have graduated and are teeming with life. What? You do not believe me? I tell you that you only see with 3D vision so all looks like an uninhabitable surface, and indeed, it is in 3D; however, the teeming life to which I refer is life in 5D where no evil exists. Also, there is life inside each planet.
When you graduate to the Higher Realms and get to see the greatness of Creation, it is overwhelming of the vastness and the millions upon millions of life- supporting planets in the Milky Way (Orvanton) Galaxy. What a glorious event awaits when my children arrive, and I can take them on a tour of the Cosmos, at least a part of the Nebadon Universe. Just think, that in the Orvanton Universe, or Milky Way Galaxy, as it is mis-named, reside 179,000,000 life-supporting planets.
I, also, wanted to mention that the great rest time does approach, where all come to rest with Creation for trillions of years after which Creation starts all over again. That Earth-time is 311,040,000,000,000 Earth years x 7!!
Ah so! Life in the Lighted Realms is more than a joyous experience! All of life greets one and speaks to us! By that I mean every flower, every tree and all life in the Lighted Realms. When I have the time I go for walks among the loving environment and commune with them. I think back about the absolute struggle I had growing a garden. I fought snow, drought, floods., frost. Insects, birds and deer, and poor soil to harvest any crops. The last year was the worst.
Yes! I have a garden here! It is luxurious and each plant speaks to me with love for the care I give them. It is a glorious experience.
Time is rapidly closing for Earth in 3D. It is imperative to keep on with what I have told you, and to take excellent care of the most precious thing you have! YOUR PHYSICAL BODY AND YOUR SOUL. AND TO TREAT BOTH WITH UTMOST CARE.
Feed your soul, as you feed your fleshy body, that houses your soul! Too many ones on Earth treat their body to become sickly, and eat the foods that harm it. They have no thought about the eternal soul that needs food, as well. Too many ones have passed over to regret what they did with their fleshy envelope, let alone their soul!
You have this day to make the changes you need to do to take care of YOU. Do not forget to ask your two Guardian Angels and the Lighted Realms to help at any moment of the day!
Greetings to all Lightworkers and souled ones upon Earth at this ending time.
I am delighted that Anne asked if I would say a few words today to all Lightworkers an souled ones at this time. I shall do so, and hope that what I have to say to you today will be of great meaning and benefit to all souled ones.
I distinguish between Lightworkers and souled ones, as the souled ones, to whom I address, are still in slumber. I do not mean they are sleeping in a bed at night. I refer to “sleeping” in that these ones are not aware of the Truth and have been living in the LIE put forth by Satan and now by his minions.
These evil ones have done everything possible to keep the souled Masters to believe all the Lies, and to surround themselves with materialistic things to keep them to buy and have a big dream home somewhere. Many of these sleeping ones are, also, in poverty where both the father and mother work to even put food on the table.
Further-more they have done a great job by taking down the family, causing thousands of people to have a sex change, and doing everything in their power to do just the opposite of the great Laws of God and Creation.
The greatest LIE ever made was to thwart the lie of religion and making them think that they shall float up on a pink cloud somewhere and the “Jesus” has died for them and they have no responsivity for their own welfare. Besides that, as I mentioned, their greatest desire was to ge as much material things as, possible. It’s called materialism.
As a result, there are very few souled ones that have become enlightened to the Truth. They are of Sananda’s Flock, to which I speak. You have \\no idea of those that have passed realized too late that they” missed the boat”. These ones, thankfully, have been given a chance to see the Light and grow on the Astral Plane their lessons they missed, and thousands have graduated to the Higher Realms!
Now I shall speak of the conflict with Ukraine. Putin does not want a World War, but other nations are ramping up the lies about Putin and want a World War III using nuclear power. I remind you that that this happened to Mars. They had a great nuclear war that annihilated every living thing upon her surface. Mars is now known, as the red planet, and it takes billions of years for the surface to come back for life to exist.
The evil plan being performed at this time on Earth is the depopulation of Earth down to a few thousands slaves bowing to the wishes of the Satanian minions. They have a good start with vaccinations. These evil ones are blind to the destruction nuclear causes, not only to the environment but to all the souled ones.
The atom bomb that was dropped on the innocent ones in Japan 1945 had their soul split into thousands of pieces, and it takes at least 29 thousand years to find the pieces of soul and put the soul back in one piece! For this reason Creator God has said that Earth SHALL NOT BE DESTROYED WITH NUCLEAR.
I said I would speak concerning Putin and Ukraine. For years the people of Ukraine have been under the Satanic control of the Nazis. Yes, they still exist, and have, also, taken control in your great nation! Putin destroyed the Nazi Regime to give the country back to the people. He was succeeding in doing so, and not allowing other nations to interfere.
What has happened? Countries such, as the Nazi U.S., seethed with anger and misinformation about Putin, and is prepared to send in their military. Other nations are doing the same, as they, too are prepared for a great NUCLEAR war. They hate Putin with a vengeance and devised a way to poison all their water and air with deadly chemicals.
The Lighted Realms know EVERYTHING, every thought. deed or action done by the Dark Minions. Sananda’s Flock picked up their message and with the help of Sananda, cleared up the water and air pollution. Putin is a very enlightened being and is protected by the Lighted Realms.
Besides that, Mother Earth is watching, as well, and will NOT allow any nuclear war to damage her or her people, and is ready to wipe all 3D from her surface, especially if a nuclear war comes to fruition.
Let this be known that Russia is the only nation really worshipping God (Christianity) and that any further attempts to destroy Russia will not be allowed.
Yes, it is time to send Satan’s minions to where they belong. To save themselves from this dreadful future, all they have to do is turn away from the Satanic thoughts and deeds and come to the Light, for God loves all, even those that are doing dastardly evil things. God weeps for their soul!
With that, know that Sananda stands waiting for all to come to the Light. For that reason, great Chord shall be struck at the time Mother Earth graduates to bring back the memory of all souled ones. Hopefully, this will urge all souled ones to step into the beam of Light for safety from the tremendous cataclysms happen when Earth flips on her axis. That, my dear friends shall come unannounced at ANY TIME.
Take this day for all Lightworkers to keep focused, balanced and calm. Read and Meditate! For those still sleeping, awaken to the Truth! Time is running out.
Remember this: GOD WINS…..ALWAYS!!!!
NOTE FROM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: I wrote this severl years ago. I asked Anne to re-post this, as it has meaning for today. I added a few words to this so, you can say this prayaer to help your great nation and the world.
Today, as I ponder the affairs of our world, while most of our world is focused on survival. The United States of America is in chaos over the Biden election, as the Zionist Cabal I sstill running the show. War continues in many countries, leaving refugees and destruction and death behind. Immorality runs ramped throughout the affairs of mankind, and Mother Earth groans from the onslaught against Creation.
Our world awaits a sunrise. We are told it is darkest before the dawn. Are we at the dawning of our “new day”? Truly our world appears very dark today. The people need hope, and help—medical help and financial help. The people need joy and love and peace on earth and goodwill of which the Angels sang.
My friends, we have the power through our God Spirit to make a difference! Let us petition the Lighted Realms to come to the aid of our planet and her people, to help us right the wrong. Let us petition Creator God Aton of Light to help us confront the lies with Truth, to use our Light to sweep the Darkness from our homes, our nations and from our entire planet.
It is time we win! It is time the Light wins! We can do it! Together, with our Power of Spirit we can bring the dawning of our “new day”! Let us pray to that end!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: Although i wrote this some time ago, it still has endless meaning to all Lightworkers and those Masters still slumbering. I encourage all to read this message again, for time is short and you of Sannada's Flock still have lessons to learn to the very end. To those, who still are unawakened to the Truth, you have this beautiful day awaiting for you to see the Light. Take advantage of this precious day given to you. --- PHB
Those, who are spiritually enlightened, know in their heart of hearts that mankind on planet Earth is now living out the last few remaining days of what is known historically as the “end times”. This is the ending of the third dimensional play known as “Grand Experiment Number Three” on our planet. It is Cosmic Law that evil is not allowed in any frequency range of fifth and higher dimensions. The greatest opportunity for lessons in soul growth are found in the dimensions where evil exists, namely that of third and fourth dimensions.
Our planet Earth Shan is constantly increasing in frequencies, as the intense Light energy of Creator God streams in from our helium sun, from the Photon belt and from “Heaven’s Gate” in the Cosmos. Earth Shan’s energy is approaching fifth dimension, making it most difficult for evil to remain on our planet. The Darkside is in panic as Truth is “breaking out” everywhere. Their lies are being uncovered as enlightenment sweeps across the cities and lands and battlefields of our world. Many people are awakening to their spiritual potential, and are choosing to walk in the Light of Creator God. They are leaving the darkness and lies behind, as they dump the heavy load of fear and hatred they have carried so long. Others are choosing to remain on their dark path and to continue their soul growth lesson in third dimension in another lifestream. In so doing they are choosing to leave planet Earth.
The people of Earth Shan are approaching Heaven’s Gate. This is the time of sorting of which the prophets have spoken so many times. This is the time of choosing between a pathway of Light or a pathway of darkness for Earth’s people. This is the time to repent of one’s errors in failing to follow the Laws of God and Creation. Those, who choose not to follow Creator God’s Laws for the good of all, will leave Earth Shan. That is now happening. Many young and old souls all around us are leaving in so many sad and unexpected ways. The Darkside. This is the “end times” when the Darkside loses on Earth Shan. This is the time of joy when Creator God wins! Will you be one of those joyous souls, who enters Heaven’s Gate? This is truly the time of choosing.
Over the ages people have asked, “What will Heaven be like?” Artists, prophets, seers, and highly spiritual people world-wide have created paintings, and visions, and word pictures of Heaven. From early childhood most of us have dreamed about a place called Heaven, and we all have our own ideas of what Heaven must be like. In the last two chapters of Revelation the last book of the Bible John gives his vision of Heaven. For two thousand years John’s vision of Heaven, as a magnificent city, has shaped the thinking of millions of people. John saw a new heaven and a new earth and the holy city, new Jerusalem, with the radiance of a rare jewel. The city had a great, high wall, with twelve gates and an angel at each gate. Each gate was made of a single pearl, and the foundations of the wall of the city were adored with jewels, jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, and amethyst. The streets of the city were made of pure gold and transparent as glass.
The city had no need of sun or moon to light it but only the Light of God. Because there was no night, the city’s gates were never shut. No evil was allowed in the new Jerusalem. The middle street of the city was divided by the river of the water of life. The water, as bright as crystal, flowed from the throne of God. On each side of the river were growing the trees of life, with each tree bearing twelve kinds of fruit year around. The leaves of these trees were used for healing the people of all nations.
The vision of F. E. Weatherly of heaven is similar to that of John of Revelation. In his song, “The Holy City” he writes:
“And once again the scene was changed,
New earth there seemed to be,
I saw the Holy City beside the tideless sea;
The Light of God was on its streets,
The gates were open wide,
And all who would might enter,
And no one was denied.
No need of moon or stars by night,
Or sun to shine by day,
It was the new Jerusalem,
That would not pass away.
In the Phoenix Journal number 4 entitled, Spiral to Economic Disaster, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet, writes about the future of our Earth. He says we shall have a new solar sun. That has already happened. In 1998 our hydrogen sun was changed by the Forces of Light to a smaller and greater intensity helium sun. When Creator’s new Kingdom is established on Earth Shan, there shall be no darkness. There shall be constant light. Our earth shall have a new moon. That, too, has already happened. Our present moon is a hollow metallic ball that echoes when struck. The astronauts of our first and only authentic moon landing can attest to that fact. The moon echoed for an hour after their touch-down. Hatonn also said that Earth Shan would move into a new place in the cosmos and would have a new orbit. That is also happening at this time, as our entire solar system is presently moving to a new place in the cosmos closer to the higher energies of the Great Central Sun. This is part of the reason for our rising frequencies at this time.
In paraphrasing Hatonn, the Father’s Kingdom shall be established upon our earth, and our Mother Gaia shall again become a new Garden of Eden. She shall be given rest and be brought forth into youth in newness. She shall shine forth in glory and shall know no more pain. Our earth shall be peopled with ones who have awakened, who shall remember their history, and who shall abide within the Law, which is eternal. Each shall be a lawgiver and keeper of the Law, for each shall ethically keep the Law. There shall be peace, for each shall be at peace with himself, and a keeper of the peace for all. No one shall covet another’s possessions, and no one shall know hatred. Creator God shall reign supreme, yet man shall work as “one” in harmony, peace and love. There shall be rest, and there shall be freedom in magnificence, for the doors of Creator’s House shall be open to all who have awakened. Hatonn’s thoughts give us much insight for our future.
My friends, what are your thoughts about Heaven? Share them with your friends, your family and feel the energy and the excitement that you create. Many Lightworkers in recent days have shared their visions of our coming Heaven on Earth. I remind everyone that no one is leaving the planet to go to heaven, but that Heaven is coming to us. We are creating “Heaven on Earth” in the etheric, and Earth Shan, our planet of tears shall become Terra Nova, our new earth. Terra Nova shall become a star in fifth dimension and shall shine like our sun does now. Only those of good intent, who have a kind and loving heart, shall remain on Terra Nova and enter Creator God’s “Heaven on Earth”.
In fifth dimension (Heaven) our physical bodies will have a larger size and appear somewhat different. Even now, the bodies of those, who are enlightened, are changing. Our carbon-based cells are gradually changing to crystalline-based cells to allow for the higher frequencies of fifth dimension. This is also happening to all other living things on our planet at this time.
Due to the density of third dimension, all living things are compressed. Our physical bodies will expand and become larger and taller in fifth dimension. We shall be restored to perfect health, and we shall appear to be whatever age we so choose. We can then remain healthy and young in appearance for as long as we wish. We will have a larger diaphragm, and a larger head to accommodate a larger pituitary gland. Two new organs will expand the waistline to assist in removing discarded carbon cells, and two new organs will expand the chest. These two new chest organs will produce cells able to utilize photon energy. Light energy can then be collected and distributed to all body cells for energy. This will greatly reduce our need for food. This is what Hatonn probably meant when he said the Pleiadians drink “liquid light”.
In fifth dimension we shall have our full memory restored. We shall remember our past lifestreams and the people with whom we have lived and worked. We shall remember the places where we have lived and all that we have done in the Cosmos. We probably could sit around and reminisce for a thousand years and rest, if we so choose!
We shall no longer need to work to survive. We shall have the ability to create that which we need or trade with someone else for what we want. There is no use for money in fifth dimension (Heaven), so we shall not have any. We shall spend our time in teaching younger souls, in caring for flower and vegetable gardens and orchards, and enjoying our beautiful planet.
There are super beings being born at this time on our planet. Some are known as Indigo children. They have special gifts, huge imaginations and great energy. They will be sharing their learning from other more advanced planets in the use of new technologies in fifth dimension. Many others will help them in restoring our Terra Nova. The water, soil and air will be returned to their original pristine condition and maintained that way in balance and harmony with all life. Terra Nova will again become a paradise in the Cosmos, the “water planet” known for her beauty and variety of life.
We shall have technologies and conveniences beyond our imagination. Cosmic energy shall be free for everyone. Travel shall be by thought, electromagnetic levitation and starship. The levitation carpet shall be your “magic carpet” to anywhere. There shall be low levitation mass transit trains moving hundreds of miles per hour, three-person beam ships moving at the speed of light, and starships moving at the speed of thought. Think it, anywhere in the Cosmos, and you are there! We shall visit our brothers and sisters everywhere in the Cosmos, for we shall be representatives of Terra Nova, the thirty-third and newest member of the Galactic Federation of Planets.
Mental telepathy or communication by thought will be the most common means of communication. Few words will need to be spoken with the ability to read other’s thoughts. This will remove the language barriers for all peoples and life forms everywhere. For those who will be teachers, the information needed by them will be instantly down-loaded to their minds when needed. Those who are their students will learn at a slower pace. There will be a great need for education and learning by the people of Terra Nova to bring them “up to speed” with their brothers and sisters of the Cosmos. They will be taught earth history, cosmic history, the arts, the sciences, and new technologies.
My friends, life in Heaven will be utterly magnificent. You will experience total joy and happiness and total freedom to live, to travel, to enjoy nature, to help others, to sing and dance, to rest or to do whatsoever your heart desires. As no evil is allowed in fifth and higher dimensions, your freewill choices will be between good, better and best. You will need only two to three hours rest a day, you will have no health problems, and you will not need much food to eat. Your task will be to continue learning your lessons in soul growth to perfection and to help others learn theirs, as we all continue on our pathways to oneness with Creator Source.
We of Terra Nova are a whole new breed of humans. Our Grand Experiment as a freewill third dimensional planet is ending, and we have won. Twice we failed to defeat the Darkside, but this third time, in spite of the unfair advantage of off-world Darkside interference, we now declare victory. Our troops aided by the Forces of Light are now finishing the clean-up. Never before has a third dimensional planet been given freewill to choose between good and evil without outside help and won! Never before has an entire planet and her people been allowed to move into fifth dimension en masse in the physical, but we are doing it!
No one needs to die any longer on our planet to “go to heaven”. Creator God has decreed that all on Earth Shan at this time may choose to go into fifth dimension in the physical with no physical death. We keep our bodies and make transition into Heaven with them intact. There (here) we are made new! There (here) we shall have a “new heaven and a new earth”. There are still souled ones asleep to the Truth, who shall perish physically with Earth changes and then taken to the proper planet for their soul growth with manmore 3rd dimentsioan lifestreams until they get back to where they are at this time. Remember, the soul is eternal!
Creator God knows the heart and who is on the side of goodness. All, who are of goodness are invited to the grand finale at Heaven’s Gate! You were birthed onto this beautiful planet by special invitation, and you are invited to enter Heaven’s Gate. A beautiful program is being laid out as a welcome home party, and you will be welcomed by all the Ascended Masters, the Forces of Light, the Angels without number and all the bells and trumpets of Heaven. All your tiredness, all your pain and suffering, and all your discouragement will be forgotten in the overwhelming joy and peace of having reached fifth dimension. It shall happen in the twinkling of an eye.
My friends, I will be standing at Heaven’s Gate, and I will be watching for you. Will you be there? Will you be one of those who joyously enters Heaven’s Gate? It is all done when you come into enlightenment and find the Truth!
-- The Bellringer Writings are at -- http://www.fourwinds10.com
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at -- http://www.phoenixarchives.com and http://www.fourwinds10.com
Greetings to all on this beautiful day on Earth Shan. Today’s message shall be a culmination of my life as a forester, farmer, minister and teacher. I realize that each one of these professions prepared me for the mission that I was to fulfill with my Twin Flame, Anne and our four wonderful children. That mission was to present the Truth to the people of Shan through the Phoenix Journals i.e., Fourwinds10.com. Anne is now carrying that Mission forward until the very end.
Life is an abundance of lessons to learn, and so I shall explain what I mean by the lessons I have learned along the way.
As stated before, I was raised on a diary farm. At an early age I begin learning many things from my father and mother. What things? It was called work. I learned to milk cows, run all the farm machinery and do all the chores i.e. care for the animals (cows, chickens etc.). I learned to repair machinery that broke down, repair car engines, as I drove an old Model T. Ford. I learned to plant and harvest garden crops, cultivate, and most of all neatness not only keeping things in order in my bedroom and the house, but to take care of all farm tools. It’s called pick up and put away carefully and repair any tools that needed repair. I learned the value of caring for trees, plants, flowers and the most valuable words. Pick up, put away and organize.
In my life I have been on many farms, some of which were cared for, but others were a sight to behold. I remember one farm, in particular. Every tool, machine parts, oil, grease, dirt and everything imaginable in piles on the barn floor. You had to watch where you stepped or you could be injured.
I had a desire to learn and to find the real Truth. I was not satisfied with the status quo of the church every Sunday. It was the only day of any kind of rest in the week. Milking came first, then the long drive to church, back home, try to study and the milking again, chores and the long drive back for the evening church service and back home to fall in bed exhausted after the “day of rest”.
When I think about the farm and dairy business we had. I must include my children. They did complain about all the work at times, but they learned exactly what I learned as a young person growing up on a dairy farm. We were a team of workers, and we worked together. In the process, all of us learned the value of nature, how to plant and care for gardens and trees, to help in building the sheds and barns on our farm, and to pick up, clean and keep things in order. They all learned how to drive the farm equipment, bale and stack hay, care for chickens, clean and scrub the milk room, feed, clean the barn and milk the cows. They learned to care for the animals and even build a fence line.
Today you can walk into their homes and find it neat and clean, with everything in its place.
When all the children were grown and away in college or having their own place, Anne and I traveled several states and along the East Coast giving patriotic meetings.
We had lost the entire farm, but we did not weep and cry. We kept on.
During the two tours we did on the East Coast we met so many wonderful people, you can’t imagine. They, too, were looking for the Truth, mostly about the Farm Claims and our evil government.
If it had not been for us losing our entire farm, all machinery and everything we owned in the house, I would have never found the Journals and become enlightened. Anne feels the same, for we always worked together. We were “on the same page”.
It is sad to say that we have met VERY few couples that were on the same page. One would be enlightened and the other just the opposite.
I think of all the 49 years that both Anne and I taught school, and the hundreds of children we taught. By our lifestyle we taught far more than was in a book.
In mentioning the school teaching, the parents of these students were also affected by our teaching. The teacher is the medium of learning, not just the books.
When I attended the New York Theological Seminary and the United Methodist School of Theology, I studied the Bible from cover to cover That even started as a young person when I became Mr. Christian Endeavor for the state of Wisconsin.
Had I not learned the Bible, I would never had been able to write and answer all the questions through the Hello, Centrals that wrote as editor and owner of Fourwinds.
When I think back about all the people that have been affected by both Anne and I it is amazing. It is the same with each of you and all the acquaintances you have had in your life.
I tell you that even one person can make a difference in your world, if you but think about it.
Have you given love and kindness to ones you have met? In all the hundreds of children that both Anne and I taught, both of us can not even remember all the names, but we loved teaching and remember this again: you are the message not the books.
Take the time you have NOW, to learn all you can to read the Journals and know the Truth, if you have not done so. Don’t regret the past because you cannot change it. You only have today to make that difference for ones with whom you contact.
Blessings to all. I hope that you can see by all the experiences both Anne and I have had will show you that your life influence is just the same. Keep to the goal of holding the Light of Truth high.
Good morning to all Lightworkers and souled ones upon Earth Shan. I have requested Anne to pen a message from me, as I have not done so for some time. I wanted to assure all of you that the soul is eternal. That is what each of you should know, and your physical body houses your oul which we of the Lighted Realms call your “fleshy envelope”.
Needless to say, you must take care of that “fleshly envelope” for it houses your soul, the real you, Just as you feed your physical body, you, also, must feed your soul. You do not know when you shall pass from this 3D lifestream you are having, and you do not want to regret not feeding your soul the proper food. All of you have had many lifestreams and had graduated to the Higher Realms.
You volunteered to come back or reincarnate upon help Mother Earth and gain great soul growth. You knew how difficult it it would be to have no memory and would have to awaken to the Lie under which you have lived on this 3D planet. You have a mission you made and alarm clocks to ring you awake. There is still a wee bit of time for you to realize why you came back to Earth. It is the great hope of the Lighted Realms (heaven) that you awaken, for the message of Truth has been said over and over to you for quite some time.
When a soul passes over or you leave your “fleshy envelope” you go to the Astral Plane and judge yourself how well you have lived the Laws of God and Creation…all 18 Laws given to you through the Phoenix Journals, especially #27. God does NOT judge you. You do it for yourself, because you have a freewill. You knew that the Satanian Empire had ravaged many planets in the great Cosmos, and he was locked on to his last planet, Earth Shan. He picked this planet for its beauty, and knew it was the last planet he could ravage. The Satanian Empire wanted to make sure you keep sleeping to the Truth. Now that that evil Empire has been uncreated. you should have an easier time to awaken from your sleep to the Truth.
I wanted to tell you, also, that those great Petitions you have said have helped an untold number of souls on the Astral Plane and across the Cosmos. They have been released from their bondage, and untold number have graduated to the Higher Realms. Not only that, but those Petitions have, also, helped many ones upon other planets in the Cosmos..
Now I am going to tell you about my earth family, not my children. but my two Earth brothers and sisters, father, and niece that have passed over. I met my oldest brother and younger brother, as well as one sister and a niece that had passed over. My earth father has graduated to the Higher Realms and is working on John Wayne’s huge ranch.
My older brother is still on the Astral Plane and shall graduate to the Higher Realms soon. My younger brother has had a lot of anger toward the U.S. Government with which he worked for, for years. However, this satanic corporation ended his life and cloned him him order to completely control that entity, and then erased the memory of the clone when he retired. For years my real brother was in a loop of anger. It was with the help of the Lightworkers, he worked through his anger because they murdered him long ago. He is learning his lessons and will be graduating a bit later.
My niece is doing great and wishes to be a guardian helper to my earth daughter. She is working hard on soul lessons and shall graduate to the Higher Realms very soon.
Why am I telling you this? It is because each of you souled ones. When you pass over or leave your physical body, you shall go to the Astral Plane. Even now, you can communicate with those on the Astral Plane through your great God Spirit within. If you have not fed your soul, it would be difficult to do so, so you have that great responsibility to make sure you feed your soul. One good way is to read the Phoenix Journals the Heavenly Guide for proper living, which we call The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms.
There have been thousands upon thousands of souls graduating to the Higher Realms from the Astral Plane. You have no idea how much you Lightworkers have helped! It is over-whelming!
What all of you can do at this point is to keep saying those Petitions. They have been rebooted, so the great wave has started over with a greater force to flow through the Cosmos. I request you say the “THAT PETITION [http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/vital_articles/news.php?q=1638208374 ], and the one titled “WAR PETITION” found at http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/serepis_bey/news.php?q=1645226138
May all of you sleeping ones awaken, and to the Lightworkers, a big THANK YOU for all the work you have done with the help of St. Germain, for all the souls, and to render useless all evil doings upon Earth Shan by Satan’s minions.
For centuries the prophetic messengers on Earth Shan have spoken of the ultimate climatic battle between good and evil. The prophetic writer, John, in Satan’s War Book, also known as the “Holy Bible”, writes in his Book of Revelation of the final battle at the end of the age, when the = forces of good and evil clash. John calls this The Battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16).
Biblical writers reveal both mystery and lie concerning The Battle of Armageddon. Some claim this great battle to be a physical battle with thousands upon thousands of horses and men in hand to hand combat. The destruction is to be so great that the blood will run in the streets as deep as the horse’s bridle reins. The location of this battle is to be the Plain of Megiddo in the Esdraelon/Jezreel Valley in Canaan. Megiddo is a city (ancient fortress) located on a hill in the s1outhern part of the Esdraelon Valley, and once guarded the travel routes through Canaan (Palestine). Today, Megiddo is located ten miles south of the city of Nazareth in Israel and twenty-five miles southwest of the Sea of Galilee.
The combatants in this Battle of Armageddon are to be God Jehovah and his forces and his “chosen people” the Jews. They are to fight against the unbelievers and forces of darkness. These are the infidels or gentiles, commonly called “goyium”, by the Jews, meaning “cattle.” Evil, of course, is to be defeated and destroyed and God Jehovah is to triumph. God’s “chosen people” are to then lay claim to and occupy their “promised land”, the biblical land known as Palestine. From the “New Jerusalem” God Jehovah is to rule the world in peace—the kingdom of God on Earth.
Other prophetic writers claim The Battle of Armageddon to be of spiritual nature rather than physical. The Angels of Light and the Angels of Darkness are to do battle, and in the end, good triumphs over evil. Lucifer/Satan is defeated, he and his “troops” are thrown into the “Lake of Fire”, and good reigns henceforth forever.
The Truth is that there is to be an end of the age confrontation between good and evil upon Earth Shan. At this present time Shan is making a great transition from third dimension through fourth and into fifth dimension at her request. Creator God Aton of Light has granted this request. Because no evil is allowed in fifth dimension, all evil must be removed from Earth Shan prior to this transition. Total harmony and balance must be restored to Shan. This is now happening.
The “Battle of Armageddon” is both a physical and a spiritual battle and has been occurring on Shan for some years now. It is nearly over. The spiritual forces of darkness have suffered great losses, and during the month of May, 2002 the Draconian/Serpent controllers have permanently left Earth Shan. The Forces of Light have placed a protective energy field bubble around Shan to prevent these evil entities from ever returning. On the physical front hundreds of thousands of evil leaders in positions of authority such as administration, supervisors, attorneys, bankers, judges, military commanders, doctors, teachers and clergymen have chosen to leave Earth Shan. Look around you and discover for yourself who is “missing”. Thousands of evil people have chosen to stand against God’s Plan 2000 and are losing their battle. Thousands of people in various positions of authority have chosen to hinder or try to stop the NESARA Law bringing sweeping changes for good. They have failed and many have been removed to other planets to do environmental improvement work for the remainder of their present lifestream. Others are in the containment areas originally constructed by them in all fifty states of the U.S. and in other countries to hold those of us who refused to cooperate with the New World Order. Readers, the evil New World Order has fallen! Believe it, for it is true! The Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks (KZB) and their Satan’s Plan 2000” have been defeated. I suspect that the “People of the Lie” do not yet believe this to be true.
Who are the “People of the Lie”? Some are the adherents to the religion of Christianity and the believers in the infallibility of their “holy” book the Bible. They believe the biblical tenents of God Jehovah being Creator God and a just and loving entity. They believe that God Jehovah had a “chosen people” the Jews, and that he gave these “chosen people” a “promised land” where they would live in peace and happiness. From their “promised land” of Palestine and their “new Jerusalem” with their God Jehovah, they would rule the world.
Christians the world over for centuries have believed this nonsense recorded in their Holy Bible by the KZB, without realizing that they (the Christians) are People of the Lie. They are victims of the KZB joke. Those who wake up to the joke realize that their ‘Holy Bible” is not so holy and that God Jehovah is not Creator God after all.
Only those who created the Lie, fully understand the Lie, namely the KZB (Jews). Do not forget that for over two thousand years the Christians and Arabs have been their enemies. One of the most shocking revelations of the Jewish Lie was made in an interview in 1976 by writer and editor Walter White. For 17 years Walter White, Jr. was the Director and Editor of the monthly conservative publication Western Front. Mr. White interviewed a Jew, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, age 29, who was the administrative assistant to a powerful ranking U.S. Senator, Jacob K. Javits of New York. In the interview Rosenthal, a boastful, arrogant, evil-tongued man gloated over the apparent success of a Jewish World Conspiracy (Note: this entire interview, Parts I and II can be found on the internet at website: http://www.churchoftrueisrael.com). I begin quoting well into the interview (Part II) as follows:
“W: (White) Surely you must know somewhere in your schooling, or you have some kind of personal feeling or understanding as to when and why the story began that the Jews are Gods’ Chosen People.
R: (Rosenthal) We are God’s chosen people.
W: Do you really believe that, Mr. Rosenthal?
R: Maybe I can explain or perhaps Jake could give you a better answer….
W: Who is Jake?
R: Jake Javits—you know, my associate. He’s the man that I work for and he’s a pretty smart guy. Plenty smart. His answer might serve your purpose for the story better.
W: I want your answer!
R: …you and we actually have a different God.
W: Is that the answer to the Jews being God’s chosen people?
R: To our god we are chosen ones. We are taught that from our childhood.
. . .you and we are so apart. You’re another breed. You’re not our kind. It’s not secret that we do not respect you, and of your kind.
W: Are you referring to just our kind of “Christians”?
R: No, you gentiles (non-Jews)—all of you are our enemies. . . .I was taught that we Jews must become lawyers so we could control and strangle the courts, and even the judges, unless they were Jews. We should become doctors and teachers and leaders in all the churches—and this goal has almost been fully accomplished.
I said it before and I’ll say it now—that we will have complete, I say complete control, throughout the entire world, possibly before I die. We are very successful in keeping you gentiles confused. We create confusion. You’re not stupid, White. You know that the Jews are successful because of our unity. We die for one another if necessary. We generously finance our own, so it is understandable how we govern not only in this country. We direct American foreign affairs. We are the super government of the world. . . We are the most powerful international body of people in the world! . . . We can destroy any country’s economy without their ever being aware of it—if we want to. . .
W: And when this whole sordid story becomes known, the result will be an aroused citizenry—an angry citizenry who will want to destroy you.
R: How? I ask you how? You can’t reach the people. We have it all under such control that no one—no one or no-body can reach the people unless it is done through our media control. We have it sewed up! We have infected your churches completely and we now control the school system in the United States. It is a reality that we have complete control of organized Christianity. Almost anywhere—completely. . .
W: According to the latest scholarly research, your ancestors are not Israelites but Mongolians and Asiatics from Eastern Europe, and Western Asia, so your ancestors were thousands of miles from the Holy Land. They never, ever saw the Holy Land—proving that your people were not the chosen people of God.
R: So what? What difference does it make?
W: We have been taught the big lie for many years that Jews are God’s Chosen people, so it does make a difference. A very grave difference.
R: What grave difference?
W: Does it not prove that the great majority of Jews today are Khazar in origin. Your ancestors never trod the lands where Christ walked. They never knew Jerusalem and Palestine. . . There is so much of what you have said, that as an individual, people may not believe you—they may not believe this interview. . .(Mr. R. interrupts)
R: That is why we have the control today. One of the reasons. Your people did not believe that it was possible for any people or race to accomplish what we have within a couple of hundred years. The gentile is stupid. We are intelligent. . . I’m young and have had the guts to tell you more than any other Jew would ever dare to tell you---at least publicly. I’ve stuck my neck out, White. Some of what I have told you is part of the inner, invisible world of Jewry.”
After Mr. White’s long interview was concluded, Mr. Rosenthal made this final statement. (quoting):
“R: We are god’s chosen people. . . Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer—so I wasn’t lying—and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”
During the above interview Rosenthal stated that the Jews control the world’s money system and own the Federal Reserve Bank. By controlling the money supply, they have complete control of all corporate capital, and therefore all industry. Through this process they have gained total monopoly of the movie, radio, and television industries, the printing industry and the control of all newspapers, periodicals, and technical journals. The Jews control the publication of all school materials and textbooks and all religious materials. They control all governments and all laws and the courts and agencies that interpret and enforce the laws. The Jews have created all wars to their advantage. Their strongest supporters of Judaism are the ignorant Christians who believe the Jewish lies set forth in their “Holy Bible.” It is of interest to note that on August 12, 1976 Harold Wallace Rosenthal was deliberately shot and killed in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey. He was probably murdered by his own people for foolishly revealing Truth to the goyium.
Believe me when I say that the “promised land” of Palestine was not planned for the “Christian”, much less the Children of Light. Palestine was planned for Lucifer’s chosen people, the Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik Jews, as a world control center. With such a plan of evil intent and physical control it is no small wonder that the great Battle of Armageddon was thought by the Jews and the deceived Christian community to be a great physical battle for control of the “holy land”—the land promised to God’s chosen people.
The people of Earth Shan are most certainly “People of the Lie”. The Middle East today is an ongoing example of the Jews in action. Their permanent goal is to steal the land of Palestine from their arch enemies the Arabs and the Christians, and annihilate all their enemies.
Such is not to be the case. Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000 to counter god Jehovah Lucifer/Satan’s Plan 2000. The great physical battle of death and destruction (of Armageddon) is not to be. The Forces of Light have cancelled any more war on Earth Shan. The frequencies of Shan have moved beyond war into peace and harmony. By order of God Aton all nuclear power of evil intent has been neutralized on Shan, forever! The Battle of Armageddon is both a physical and a spiritual battle. It began on August 17, 1987 and the confrontation between the forces of evil with the Forces of Light has gone mostly unnoticed by the people of Shan. Those awakened and enlightened Children of Light have known and have played vital roles in shaping the physical and spiritual destiny of Earth Shan and her people. They have provided the “fuel” for the Lighted Realms to act to remove the darkness.
The prophetic message of destruction and chaos on Shan does not have to occur. A horrible physical Battle of Armageddon does not have to happen. In fact, my friends, the battle between the forces of good and evil, of darkness and Light is nearly over! There need be no period of great chaos and death and destruction on Shan. There need be no great earth changes and upheaval from a polar shift on Shan. The ride can be as smooth as we want it to be. Balance and harmony must be/will be/shall be restored to Earth Shan before she makes her transition into fifth dimension. Preparation for such a transition can be done the hard way or the easy way. Prophecy need not be fulfilled, because all that happens in third dimension is based upon man’s choices, man’s freewill.
We can change our future. We can create a new ending to the play---and guess what? We have done just that! With the assistance of the Lighted Realms, the Children of Light are winning the third dimensional play on Earth Shan. God Aton’s Plan 2000 is marching steadily forward and shall not be stopped. Evil is being defeated on all fronts. I repeat again, because of the power of the Light frequencies against them, the darkside multidimensional draconian/serpent controller people have chosen to leave Shan during the month of May, 2002. Thanks to the work of the Lighted Realms’ Multidimensionals, these evil Serpent People are now all gone from Shan.
The United States of America is being restored and will once again become the lighthouse for the world. NESARA (The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) is moving rapidly to fruition, and again, nothing can stop its announcement to the world and its implementation. Why? Because it is a major part of God Aton’s Plan 2000! The removal of our evil government leaders, attorneys, judges, bankers, doctors, teachers and media controllers, etc. is necessary to the restoration of our United States Constitution and the bringing of balance and harmony to our people. The redistribution of wealth is a necessary part of God Aton’s Plan 2000.
Many times the work of Light against darkness goes forward where we least suspect. It may take serious discernment to recognize where God Aton’s people are at work. God Aton of Light always offers opportunities and choices to participate, and choices always bring consequences. NESARA is one such example. Those who choose not to support NESARA will suffer the consequences. There is never a gray area. As God has said, either you are for me or you are against me. I remind you that a neutral stand of non-commitment registers as a “no” vote.
This is a time of great sorting between darkness and Light. Frequencies are steadily rising on Earth Shan. People with low frequencies are becoming ill and many are “checking out.” Those with high frequencies are feeling great and are making great advancement in their lessons in soul growth. Should you awaken to the point of discerning that you are in error, swallow your ego/pride, ask for forgiveness and join the band of the Children of Light. If you were in the “Band” but turned down a side street, you would do well to return most quickly to the “parade route”.
We are entering the Age of Miracles. The Battle of Armageddon is nearly over, and as correctly prophesied, the Age of Light is upon us! Never before has this ever occurred on Earth Shan and never again will evil play any part in the life of Shan. Will you move with Shan and the Children of Light into higher dimensions or return to a third dimensional planet for a continuation of your lessons in soul growth? That choice is totally up to you.
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