Sheriff Joe expands Obama probe to Hillary supporters
Jerome R. Corsi
Obama campaign, DNC accused of voter fraud in 2008
PHOENIX – Based on interviews WND conducted with insiders in Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, Sheriff Joe Arpaio has decided to expand the scope of his law enforcement investigation into President Obama’s eligibility to include evidence and affidavits documenting alleged criminal activity by the Obama campaign in the 2008 Democratic Party primary race.
Hollywood film producer Bettina Viviano and Hollywood-based digital photographer Michele Thomas have given Arpaio’s investigators the names of dozens of Hillary Clinton supporters willing to come forward with evidence and affidavits. Among their claims is that the Clintons were the first to charge Obama is not a natural born citizen as required by Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution and that his birth certificate is a forgery.
Moreover, the Hillary supporters identified by Viviano and Thomas have argued that the pattern of questionable and possibly illegal activity suggests that the alleged act of producing forged birth certificate documentation for Obama may have been merely more of the same.
As WND reported, Viviano claims she heard Bill Clinton say that Obama is not eligible to be president.
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‘Not a partisan investigation’
Arpaio has insisted his investigation into Obama’s birth certificate and his eligibility to be president is not a partisan investigation. It was triggered, he noted, by a petition presented to him in August signed by some 250 members of the Surprise Tea Party in Surprise, Ariz.
“I’m just doing what I took an oath of office to do – enforce the law,” Arpaio told a combined meeting of the Surprise Tea Party and the Sun City West Tea Party on Saturday attended by over 1,100 people. “I report to the people. I’m not accusing the president of any crime. We used no taxpayer money, and I listen to the complaints brought to me. I don’t throw citizen complaints in the wastebasket.”
Arpaio said he began the investigation with the goal of proving Obama’s birth certificate legitimate.
“I feel very strongly as the constitutional, chief law enforcement officer for this county,” Arpaio told the Tea Party audience. “I wanted to do everything to clear the president of the United States. I wanted to be the guy who stood up here and said that birth certificate is legitimate – leave the president alone. But it didn’t work out that way.”
As WND reported, at a press conference March 1 in Phoenix, Arpaio announced his investigators have probable cause to believe Obama’s birth certificate and his Selective Service Registration form are forgeries.
“The last I heard, if you forged documents, that’s a violation of law,” he quipped to the tea party audience. “If you did it, you’d be in trouble big time.”
Chaos in 2008
Viviano, working with screenplay writer and director Gigi Gaston, produced in 2008 a documentary, “We Will Not Be Silenced,” based on interviews from participants in Democratic Party primary caucuses. They accuse the Obama administration of illegitimate and illegal acts, including threats, intimidation, lies, stolen documents, falsified documents and busing in voters in exchange for meals.
“This documentary is about the disenfranchising of American citizens by the Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign,” Gaston and Viviano write on the “We Will Not Be Silenced 2008 website, which features a 40-minute preview of the documentary.
“We want to be heard and let the country know how our party has sanctioned the actions of what we feel are Obama Campaign ‘Chicago Machine’ dirty politics. We believe this infamous campaign of ‘change’ from Chicago encouraged and created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote.”
Arpaio’s investigation has already uncovered evidence of intimidation by Obama supporters in an attempt to suppress media coverage of the birth certificate and eligibility issues.
A memo published by the Hillary for President campaign March 4, 2008, noted the following specific accusations of irregularities and voter intimidation allegedly committed by the Obama campaign:
- Irregularities: Prematurely taking precinct convention packets by the Obama campaign;
- Voter intimidation: Lockout of Clinton caucus goers by the Obama campaign; and
- Obama supporters filling out precinct convention sign-in sheets during the day and submitting them as completed vote totals at caucuses, a practice explicitly forbidden by Democratic Party rules.
The Clinton memo characterized the Obama campaign caucus practices as “undemocratic, probably illegal,” reflecting “a wanton disregard for the caucus process.”
Hillary: continuing threat to Obama
In the 2010 mid-term elections, the blue-collar voters who supported Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign abandoned the Democratic Party led by Obama.
A Greenberg Quinlan Rosner poll after the November 2010 elections showed Democrats’ support from white, non-college-educated male voters dropped 12 percent from 2008, with only 29 percent of blue-collar men supporting the Democrats in 2010, down from 41 percent in 2008, as reported by TheHill.com.
Last November, prominent Democratic pollsters Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen, published an editorial in the Wall Street Journal suggesting Obama should abandon his candidacy for re-election, stepping aside for “the one candidate who would become, by acclamation, the nominee of the Democratic Party: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”
Conceding that even with an all-time-low job approval rating and even worse ratings on handling the economy, Obama could “eke out” a victory in November 2012, Caddell and Schoen argued that the type of campaign required for Obama’s “political survival would make it almost impossible for him to govern – not only during the campaign, but throughout a second term.”
The PUMA P.A.C. that emerged to oppose Obama and support Hillary in 2008 remains in existence. It describes itself as “a burgeoning group of bloggers, writers and citizens who are joining together to fight back against the corrupt leadership of the DNC, their ‘chosen’ candidate and the mainstream media that enables them.”
In 2008, Obama won over women voters, with 56 percent voting for him, versus 49 percent of men, according to Woman’s Vote Watch at Rutgers University.
The Obama campaign appears to have gained at least a temporary advantage among women, after charging that GOP presidential candidates, including Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, are “hostile to women” for their stand on contraceptives, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll released this week.
According to the poll, Obama’s biggest advantage rests with women under 50, with six in 10 supporting him. Romney’s support in that demographic dropped to 30 percent, giving Obama a 2-to-1 advantage.
Obama administration senior officials confirmed Monday that Clinton will not campaign for Obama to avoid making her position as secretary of state appear political, according to the Huffington Post.
Clinton previously announced she plans to leave the State Department at the end of Obama’s current term.
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