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Anne Bellringer

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Emil C. Muhlhausen, better known as Patrick H. Bellringer, died on August 2, 2020 at the age of 84.  He  was born on March 10, 1936, the son of Clarence and Ethel Muhlhausen. He is survived by his wife, Patricia (Anne) and four children:  Cindy Muhlhausen, Star Collins, Jewel Fried and Flint Muhlhausen.

He was raised on a dairy farm near Ellsworth WI, and at age 5 started helping with farm chores.  He attended a rural school and walked a mile to get there.  He attended Ellsworth High School and graduated 3rd in  class of 72.  He worked at a lumber mill in Ellsworth and also at Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing to earn money for college.

He attended Bethel College in Minnesota for one semester and then transferred to Logan, Utah to attend the University of Utah.  He graduated there with a degree in Forest Management.  During the school year he was a custodian at a Presbyterian Church.  One summer he worked for the Forest Service in Sitka, Alaska marking timber.  After he got his degree Patrick  worked for the U.S. Forest Service in Custer, South Dakota.  Patrick felt he needed more spiritual training, so he went to New York City to attend New York Theological Seminary. On  June 17, 1962 he married Patricia Anne Seacat.   He and Patricia (Anne)  lived in New York City for one more year while he finished his Master's Defree in Religious  Education.   Thry moved back to the Black Hills where Patrick worked as a forest manager on the Custer District.  Cindy Anne, his first  daughter was born in July, 1964. 

Still he was dissatisfied,  He resigned the Forest Service, was ordained an Elder in the Methodist Church and then served as the United Methodist minister at Hurley, Davis and Viborg, SD.  Star was born in 1966. He still felt he needed more spiritual  training, so he resigned the Forest Service.   Emil then left Hurley to go to Kansas City, Mo. where he attended the United Methodist School of Theology for two years.  He graduated with a Master's Degree in Divinity in 1967.  Jewel, his third daughter was born.   He and Patricia lived in Amsterdam, Mo. for two years.

He moved moved to Castle Rock, WA where he became the minister of the United Methodist Church. He was there two years.   Emil became dissatisfied with the hierarchy of the Methodist Church.  He left  the ministry and  he moved to Minneapolis, Minn where he attended the U. of M., graduating with a a B.S Degree in Education.   Flint was born in Minneapolis in 1971. He taught school in Glenco, MN one year and then Edina, MN for 17 years.  In 1976 while teaching in Edina he and Patricia also bought a house and some land  in Jordan, Minn.  He made this land into an organic dairy farm.  Emil and Patricia ran a truck garden, built a barn for milking cows which he and the family milked  for 16 years. He and Patricia were also Shaklee Supervisors.  Emil was a master builder and tore down houses, barns, sheds, and built the buildings on the farm in Jordan.

In 1990 he learned about the farm claims, prosperity programs and our evil government.  He began speaking at local meetings.  Then he lost the Jordan farm to the banks.  After struggling with the U.S. Court, he and his family became homeless and lost everything . He lived with friends in Mankato, MN.  At that time Emil prepared for trips to the East Coast to give meetings about government corruption, prosperity programs, and the farm claims that farmers were working on to save their farms from being taking by the banks.  He and Patricia traveled South Dakota, MN . and  the East Coast giving meetings about this corruption.  He made two trip to the East Coast..

During the travels to the East Coast, he learned about the Phoenix Journals, Commander Hatonn, (Aton) and the starships. After the trip to the East Coast twice he lived with Star in Bloomington, MN,   While living with Star, he ordered the first 10 Journals.  Emil knew he had finally found the Truth he had been seeking his whole life.   It was an education!  He was determined to get the Phoenix Journals world wide, but how?

Patrick and Anne moved to Alexandria, SD where Anne birth place an stayed there about one year.  The family then  moved from Alexandria to Rapid City and rented the "yellow house' near the EAFB.  Patrick not only built sheds but worked at different jobs to motel to make ends meet .It was at that time that Flint built the first website for Patrick,.  Both Patrick and Anne worked the next 3 years getting all the published Journals and the Contact Newspapers, the Express  and Liberator newspapers on the internet.  Jn  2000 he and Anne moved to Rapid City where they lived for the last 20 years, continuing with the fourwinds10 website.

When Rmil became ill in 2017 with a  sore on his right cheek, he used black salve to remove the tumor.  This was accomplished.  The sore continued to spread.   He worked with alternative methods for a year and a half.   He then went to a medical doctor for tests in 2019.  They diagnosed skin cancer and wanted to operate on his face, but it  meant almost certain death with radiation and chemotherapy.    He began working with an alternative doctor.  In May, 2020 he requested to go the clinic in AZ.  The wonderful Fourwinds' readers provided the money for him to fly to AZ. on June 30, 2020, and  rent a  house and car.  He was to be completely funded, but that fell through fifteen minutes before his first session at this Arizona clinic.   Emil had two full treatments, but the funding source could not help.  He continued with partial treatment until a week ago.

NOTE from Patricia: Emil was in the hospital in Rapid City, SD two times.  His treatment was less than human.   While here in AZ he was in and out of the hospital several times for blood transfusions.  He had wonderful treatment from the hospital doctors, nurses and other helpers.   Finally, on Sunday, July 26, he was admitted  to the hospital for a transfusion again.  He just went downhill after that until Thursday, July 30,  when the hospital took him to Hospice.  Flint and I visited him Thursday and had a good conversation with him.   He mentioned about the holes he saw above him, and said they needed to be lined up.  We did not understand that he was looking at the underside of a space ship hovering over the hospice,  We visited him for the last time around 5 p.m. Saturday, evening , Aug. 2.   We told him that he could let go and board the starship waiting to pick him up.   Emil was comatose, but we knew he heard us. he heard them.  When we left the hospice we noticed a very huge ship in the clear sky.  The sun shone with no other clouds in the sky except this huge ship.   I heard the message in my mind as clear as a bell.  " We are here to pick up Emil".  Flint and I went out to dinner and came back home at 8:30 p.m.  The huge starship was still in the sky unchanged.  Flint took a photo.  Again I heard the message that the starship was Archangel Gabriel's.  His ship, according to the Phoenix Journals. is called The Star of Bethlehem.   Gabriel took Emil to the Phoenix, the Command Ship of Hatonn (Aton) which is three times larger than Earth.   When we were notified about Emil's  death at 12:30 a.m. Aug.2 we left for the hospice.  The huge ship was gone.

Emil was a master at wood turning.  Our house in Rapid City is filled with his work, but the majority of his work was given away.  He was a master jam maker, and is known all over Rapid City as "The Jam Man" for giving jam to everyone he met in the banks, stores, etc.

During all these years of travel, etc. I taught  school--- New Jersey, Minneapolis and Chaska, Minn.  My teaching career was 29 years.   Both Emil and I taught a total of 47 years in the public school system.

Emil is abroad the Phoenix Command ship, is very happy, and for us to rejoice.  He told this to me, and to Jewel. He has learned his lessons in soul growth.  We miss him but WE REJOICE!!

In Love and Light,

Anne Bellringer

[email protected]