Iraq Election, New Earth Part 3
by Candace Frieze
President Kennedy intended to announce our star visitors on they day he was murdered. He had made a speech written on cards, that was preserved after his death. I need to locate it and put it in a future article. The UFO cover-up has been most intentional. The BBB & G's are intent on keeping the planet enslaved. Battles were waged in our Solar System over the years, until our off-world enslavers gave up and turned over a new leaf, which was sometime in the 1990's. Even now, there are small battles still with the Little Greys that don't want to leave.
The little Greys are the ones responsible for the abductions. They made an agreement with our government to do so in exchange for technology. The star visitors taking part in this Second Coming event desire nothing more than to be of help, and they bring much to improve life on this planet. They had nothing to do with the abductions. It is the Universal intent to help planets grow, not enslave them. This event is our liberation from the dark forces.
Well, time to paste in Sananda's comments of the day. First are the Iraq election comments. His words are in bold print. For those first reading this, this information comes by telepathy.
The Iraq election will be an enigma. There are 86 parties, most unknown to all the others, so a clear victor will not be possible, I would think. Maybe I will be proved wrong. Many were forced to vote. If they didn't their food rations would be cut 70%. According to your statistics, 70% are unemployed. They need the food hand outs. Many have been on them since the Gulf war.
Mostly Shiites and Kurds voted. Fewer Sunnis were able to do so. The Shiites want the power, and that is in part the reason for the shelling in the Sunni triangle, to discourage Sunni votes. The Sunni are the majority in the area. I suspect the American puppet will "win," but we shall wait to see. On the positive side, those, who chose to vote willingly, inject much positive spirit into the situation.
I want to note at this time, that the Americans working undercover, so to speak, are directly responsible for the "insurgency" of al Zarqawi. This is just a con job by the Americans. The BBB & G‘s always play both sides of the coin to create imbalance. Had the BBB & G’s (American Military, etc.) not played both sides, Iraq would be in much better shape.
Playing both sides is encouraging many Iraqi's to boot you out and join the insurgency. They don't realize they are being used and for whom they may be fighting. Much as your churches use you to support this war, the Islamic clerics are doing the same thing.
However, I will note, that you immorally and illegally entered that country, and they have every right, and in fact, an obligation to defend themselves from you. If not, they would be committing a type of suicide, which is the killing of self, by allowing you to kill them. You have killed many more than you think, and many more than the estimate of 100,000 on the Internet.
In the "saving and freeing" of Iraq, many are homeless, many have little or no electricity, few have jobs, and many are sick and poisoned by the weaponry, such as DU. You have also used chemical weapons similar to Napalm, and have used neutron bombs. You have brought great shame on yourselves.
Those, who support this war, without looking onto their own God given intelligence (The God within), may very well find themselves on the new pristine planet, and not ready for Ascension, which requires giving up war and seeking to heal the planet. You will receive the truth with NESARA and my Second Coming, and the landing of your friends in the sky. I highly advise that you listen to it and make the better choice.
The sorting will occur very rapidly in the near future. Remember, those of you who are Christians, the Bible saying in the story of the wheat and the tares, that one shall leave and one shall remain. Those that remain are the ones who will be living on the New Earth, Heaven. Those leaving are those not yet ready. You have one final short period coming up to make your choice.
If you still want that rapture you so believe in, know that that choice could mean you will be entering a long period of relearning elsewhere, and although this new planet is pristine, and the schools on it quite good, this choice will, in fact, delay your evolution, that you could experience by journeying on with this planet. Think seriously about that. You will be allowed your choice.
As to the Social Security game being played, in fact, as the earth comes into her Ascension, there will be less need for it in the near future. In due time, there will be none at all. You will not die in your new or remodeled bodies, You will not age, will not chose retirement, neither will you work to the bone to exist. The game of Social Security being played will enrich them more than it will enrich you, since the money is planned to go into their investment schemes.
A number of years down the road, twenty maximum and maybe sooner, you will no longer use money. Everyone will be provided for, and all will work many less hours a week than you do now to just exist. You will have oodles of time on your hands to grow in Godly ways. Bartering is the preferred method of exchanging goods.
The folks living in the inner earth work varying times according to where they are. In Telos, the city under Mt. Shasta, for example, folks only work about 20 hours per week to provide for the needs of all, and they choose the work of their desires, so all work is most pleasant, indeed.
The rest of the time is for family and personal pursuits, travel, including in space. Inner earth has space ports. Amongst the choices in personal pursuits includes advancing your education in your chosen field of endeavor. Many of you now have both parents in a family who need to work just to have rather basic surroundings, which leaves little time for other interests.
This denies time that children need with parents. Some of course, chose to works lots, and don't want to raise the children they chose to have. They want the money. In the New Earth, you will live (it will take some time for you to make all the changes needed) in financial abundance without having to spend all your waking hours creating it.
I will let Candace describe what it might be like, as I must get on with my day. It looks busy. We will now be providing direct aid to those trying to get NESARA announced. I cannot describe the details, the secrecy is quite important, but suffice it to say, you will have NESARA rather soon. Our technology is way beyond what the BBB &G’s have. Good day and Salu.
Well, this is an interesting task, to describe what it might all be like. I guess, I will look at some of the difficulties I have faced on this planet, and how it might be different. I would like to say at this time, that I am from another planet. I am among the many, many millions here from the stars to work within Earth to help with her Ascension, and to gain from the experience. This is my sixth life here, and I shall await another time to discus some of this. Here is a most simple list of possible "coulds."
We could have optimal health, without the extreme hassles and dangers of our current medical system. We could live in our bodies, as long as we wish, and never face debilitating illness and ongoing pain and an uncomfortable old age.
We could control the climate. We could be doing work and learning that it is for our benefit and of our choice. We could not be hungry. We could not be worried about the bills. Living in harmony could become a worthy goal. We could accept other's rights and choices. We could have clean and nutritious food, and have the ability to determine what our individual bodies require. We could have clean air and water.
The government could no longer introduce disease causing viruses such as AIDS in our vaccines, like that done to Africa and the homosexual population. Our government could be open, elected honestly, and be totally transparent without hidden agenda.
We could have a world without war, without famine, without poverty. We could have our ability to use mental telepathy returned for everyday communication, which makes it also much more difficult to be dishonest and use others.
With our space travel abilities restored (yes, some on earth once had this ability), we could travel the stars. We could enjoy others that are different, and grow and learn from them, and share in our different discoveries. We could have back the galactic life that so many of us miss, since we have been on this planet.
We could have every child totally loved, cherished and wanted. We could raise each child as a gift truly from God, without abuse. We could walk the streets without fear of crime against our person. We could sleep at night in a pleasant dreamland free of nightmares. Our animal friends could be loved and respected, and not used and abused.
We could live without limitations and heavy rules and regulations on earth, to which we have been subjected. We could truly soar and become all that we could become and more. There could be no end to the heights we might climb. We could never be restricted from learning or changing, how we would wish to be for lack of money to do so, or from unreasonable pressure from a society, that so often has said "you can't." Someday, as Sananda mentioned above, we could live without money and be free of its' abuse by the powerful. Money is a tool of enslavement. That is something to remembe,r as you file your tax returns at this time.
We could awaken each day in joy, looking forward to the day's wonders and challenges. We could have time to really enjoy life, and time to really play in it. Feel free, as you read this, to dream how it all could be.