A Message From Sananda
Luren Gorgo
A word about way-showers. I wish to explain what exactly being a way-shower entails in this dawning of a new day. The rewiring of your systems will bring about many changes in your physicality and in your mental processing that will bring you closer in alignment with your true heritage. This alignment was predetermined before you took on physical form and it has been followed through by many who support you on your way to your full potential. The aspect of Creator that each of you hold represents the aspect of the communities that you will share in. This means that as each of you hone in on your special gifts and abilities, you will find your group of incarnated souls to support your mission. In this way, all who serve will be connected to a network which will supply all missing elements needed to complete your service with ease. As you embark upon your roles, you will notice the coming together of these communities with little effort. What you may call synchronicity, will baffle you as it happens now with much rapidity.
Also know that in these special days of closing, you will be prompted by your soul to overcome any obstacles projected by your inner reality so that you may move forward swiftly. I and many others have the role of teaching the way showers how to lead the way for others. This will be developed by each of you with your own talent. It will be up to you to realize this divinity but once you connect to it, you will know that it is the way based on the force of light that carries you through.
I wish to now touch upon the many aspects of your missions in the coming days. Your individual missions are very unique to you all in a way that expresses your own divine blueprint. This individuality is what makes your essence. The essence that you emit when you are fully connected to source is one that holds the power to change humanity. What you can benefit from is knowing this special essence in a very intimate way. Developing this essence from every vantage point is what will make you your master. There are many masters because there are many aspects of creation. Each is given the divine opportunity to realize the full potential of that aspect. In this way you are urged to take the many avenues possible to exploring your special part of God. As you delve deeper and deeper in to the essence of you, you will come to realize that no two souls will have the same imprint. This imprint is the encoded in your DNA and is unraveling before you now.
In the coming days, each of you will hold a special space on earth. The spaces that you represent will draw upon the necessary demographic in order to actualize a specific intent of the divine plan. What this means for you is that your role will intermingle with the role of divinity in a co creative collaboration of man and spirit. This is the meaning of heaven on earth, utilizing all aspects of mother/father God in building your new structures on earth. As the current structures fall before you, take notice of the ways in which society responds to a new and higher way. You will notice that the support that was once missing from your fellow man will suddenly avail itself. This support is the direct result of the intense transformative light surrounding you now.
Way-showers and followers alike will be receiving the same amount of light, regardless of their present level of consciousness. This is what we refer to as the coming chaos, since those who are unaware of the changes will be indeed thrusted into the light of transmuation unaware. Each of you knows what that feels like. Each of you then has a role to reach out, via your individual medium, to soothe those in distress. As the light of love illuminates the dark corners of the outworn paradigm, there will be much visibility to the human eye. This visibility may not be easy to look upon by those who will first be faced with truth. Never before has each of you had such a divine opportunity to be heard on a mass level. You will suddenly have the recognition you long deserve as there will be no logical answers to what is transpiring. Use this time to fill your hearts with so much love that you can literally change the consciousness of man with a comforting smile. Unify and establish harmony in the grid of new life on earth.
Many are waiting to enter this plane and become part of the new world. Those waiting to enter have achieved high levels of spiritual attainment and their vibration can not be matched with the current state on earth. For this reason, the way-showers must begin to build the new institution of man to enable the rising frequency of earth capable then to for these new and special beings to inhabit. They are the lighted ones who will see the earth to her destiny. They are the ones who will freely cohabitate on your lands when you have designed and implemented the new paradigm of peace. For this, you are greatly cherished and needed in the advent of the rising Christ consciousness.
The next order of affairs is related to the physical changes that you are currently undergoing. Many of you are experiencing strange symptoms and completing a level of rewiring. It is intended that those who have completed initiations move forward into the light more fully. This process is a natural one in which you are graduating from one level of consciousness to another. In the next level there exists only love. It is in this space that each of you becomes the teacher. It is in the graduation from student to way-shower that affords you the programming to serve. The 7 year cycle of intitation was your formal education into the realm of service. As a ceremonial inauguration you each will receive thy bounty which can then be shared with all others. It is in this receiving that you give in the new world, not in the giving to receive. Naturally, this rhetorical cycle is what will feed the growing flame of transformative fire.
By the standards of your current society, often one gives in order to have. This intention is amiss, as it will only repeat the cycle of lack. What then needs to replace that cycle is the intention of BEING what you wish to receive. In this way, there is no intention of receiving for inherently you already know that you are fully supported, thereby giving to get would be irrelevant. This concept is one that must be taught to all. Humanity at large must accept responsibility for who they are, why they are here and what they must BE in order to attain a state of joy. This must be represented in your mass consciousness in order to affect the institutions of man. Governments, banks, and industry are a direct result of the current vibration of mankind. What then needs to change to collectively resurrect society? Who will do the work? Each and every human is responsible for their sovereignty alone. This is not to say that there is not ample support and assistance, but that the decisions must be made on an individual basis. What then is the role of the way-shower? To show-the-way to self empowerment. To teach others to rule and govern their personal power is the true role of the new teacher. This is the era of empowerment and the way-showers of light have all the tools and experience now to attain the levels of mastery required to help change the path of human BEings.
The transformative light that is cosmically aligned with earth at this time is setting fires within the heart centers of every soul. This ray of light is lifting the veil that has shielded you from truth. As the light permeates the earth it will activate every cell of every creation with the encrypted codes of transformation. This light will amplify all aspects of existence, not just the perceptions of lightworkers, but of all. The magnification of this light has the power to realign what is in discord in each of your lives and on the whole of creation. Your part as always, is to hold the feeling of joy in your heart even as you see society around you crumble, for you know that this change is for the highest good of all.
On this special ray of light, many will be transforming into their highest potential and many will be expressing their darkness. As these mirrors of the collective emerge, allow yourself the detachment to resolve any harboring. If joy is not present in your heart, then allow what is, but be objective and witness what is being released. The violet light is a powerful force and it will remind you very clearly of any unresolved emotion. Do not be dismayed at this, simply allow and let go. That is the purpose.
As the time draws closer for the changing of the guards, know that each of you will be divinely guided at the appropriate time to crossover in consciousness. This is a marked event in the journey of an initiate, but one that happens with great cosmic intervention based on the alignment of celestial counterparts to the path of soul. This means that each of you, based on the timing of your incarnation, the divine role or contract that you hold, the amount of light that you inhabit and the conscious preparedness, all are factors that play in on the release of the divine power in each of you. This is not a race, merely the pace that you chose. It is all your choosing in collaboration with many cosmic and divine factors. That being said, many are prepared to walk into the light now. Many are halfway there and many will be arriving on the heels of those first to arrive. Some of you chose to go first to then reach out for your brothers and sisters who may need your nudging.
This event is one that will release you from bondage and set you free to carve out your special niche in the world. It has been a long road and a bumpy one, but we assure you it was well worth the ride. I and others stand before you now and always in great admiration. Your contribution to this plan can not be underestimated, in fact, it would be impossible without you. Blessings for your journey and arrival into the next reality, the conscious one. Here lies your greatest accomplishments waiting for you to remember. I Am Sananda Immanuel of the Spiritual Heirarchy and together we bid you farewell.
Lauren: thank you Sananada.