Message From Sananda : To Your Good Health
By Candace Frieze
SANANDA: I know also, that you are all still wondering about NESARA and the timing. I am willing to say, that in the past several days, we have dropped off 1000's of star people onto Earth in secret locations. Many of these are warriors extraordinaire, and all will be of much help in bringing the coordination needed on the ground. I will say no more!
Let it all unfold, that which is going on behind the scenes. No more little hints! Just continue to dream your possible plans, for those not already committed to a plan, and await the glory that will very rapidly unfold when our plans go into action. I surround you all in peace, and in Christ light. Namaste, Sananda
CANDACE: Wow! He did let me know a few days ago that many were being put on the ground, and I think this has been hinted at elsewhere, but 1000s! Warriors, yet! This should help out a bit. This is giving me some motivation to get this finished and out today.
He told me a few days ago not to discuss it, and then the last couple days let me mention a little in answer to an email, but I didn't really expect this today, for him to go this public about these landings. I was telling him, we needed to say something, since it has been several days now since I have gotten a message out. I have actually been a bit resistant to getting this one done for that very reason. I get emails of the hurry up and get going nature daily.
Many have written asking assorted health questions in various ways. The Sananda information has been done in several channelings, as I read email to him. As I read the mail, I would make a list at his direction, and then go to my word processor for the channeling. There are a couple places of repeat information for this reason, but I do not like to redo his channeling. I chose to let the repeats stand.
To those correcting my obvious spelling errors, please leave the incomplete sentences in his words. I punctuate and paragraph the material, but I try to maintain it otherwise as given to me. These messages as I have mentioned do result out of conversation, which often contains incomplete sentences naturally. As you read Sananda's words, you should be able to imagine the questions asked by our readers. So, I shall now go to Sananda.
SANANDA: I have been asked by many, which channel and which website has the correct information. Candace is often asked if a certain channel is valid or not. She has not heard of most of them, as she herself did not read much channeled information on the web prior to beginning this series.
CANDACE: I have only read channeled material at a few sites I have discovered over the past year. I have read some channeled material in books. My search in recent years has been around my need to learn about how religion is used to control in societies around the world.
SANANDA: There are many channels, some working in my name, and others I have certainly never heard of. I desire at this time, not to spend my time with these questions, and Candace can visit any such websites that may or may not be of interest to her. Channeling will soon end as a method of communication for many of us.
It will be unnecessary, as truth will be given via the public formats in existence. Also, many starships are setting up email servers and faster than light transmissions and you will be able to communicate with them in the absence of telepathy. In fact, we are probably only going to do 2 or 3 more of these communications. Further ones should not be necessary. I did this to announce my Second Coming in an informal way, and to let you know myself differently than before. It has been fun for me to do this.
CANDACE: I am now going to the health type material, that we began preparing a few days ago. Many of you are probably familiar with much of it, but since we had the questions, many are not, or misinformed.
SANANDA: My dear readers, today I will address some more issues coming from you in the email letters. Some of you have noticed that my personality and tone of voice in these messages are somewhat different from others I have sent over the years. One person in fact wrote that these messages could not be from myself because I had never said anything negative, and that whoever was doing them had a severe ego problem.
Those who have read some of the Phoenix Journals should recognize this aspect of my personality. The messages that I have sent in recent years are spiritual teachings, sent out to keep in touch during the long wait until my coming.
It is very important now, that I make more clear the needs that I have during the upcoming period, and it is appropriate for myself to teach now in this manner. This is why you see the change. Nearly everyone that has written actually loves these messages and find comfort in this new format. That is the point of this experiment, and I note that the great majority of you like my being more available to you. I find great joy in having your letters read to me.
Now, on to other issues being described or asked about. Many are having bad memories or unusual nightmares or negative images suddenly appearing in their minds. If you are having bad memories, it means that you have not addressed these memories, and it is important as part of the Ascension process for you to do so. If the memories occur over and over, they are still in need of being resolved.
When these memories occur, you should study them, see what you might have done better, especially if the memory is something that you are not proud of. If negative people are involved with the memory, if it seems reasonablel you might need to confront these people. However, confrontation may make the situation worse. The point is, you must look and study, make changes if necessary and move on. If there is no apparent solution, just welcome the memory and let it go.
This is a very common occurrence, and use your common sense. You must forgive yourself in these bad memory situations. If they are recurring, expressing the same issue over and over, most likely it is your forgivence of self that has not occurred. You must always, no matter how you choose to handle these, forgive self, and drop the baggage. This is how you heal your soul.
In this healing of the memories you heal your past and present life, and affect your future lives, in that you do not need to repeat experiences any more to learn the lesson. This is the Grace of God. Once the lesson is learned, you no longer need to repeat the lesson.
One misunderstanding of Karma, as an example, would be that suppose you caused the death of 10 people, either intentionally or from poor judgment. You do not have to experience 10 deaths in future lives. You only have to have learned the lesson. So, it is very important to review the memories and study them. Learn the lesson, forgive and let go. That is all there is to it. You have to move out of guilt.
Some of you know that you are from a more advanced planet and wonder how in ever did you make all these errors in this life and others. You feel you should have known better. Consider that you had not had these challenges in the lovely worlds from which you may have come.
Many of you will journey to other planets when you are finished in Earth and assist in their ascension, and there is no better place than Earth to understand the challenges involved. It is a "been there, done that" situation. See all as lessons, and heal self by the forgiving of self. That really is what is meant that God always forgives. As a Son or Daughter of God, you are God. Forgive yourselves. You need not to look at a God above you for forgiveness.
This now brings us back to karma, and the belief that bad karma is responsible for illness. Some are having karmic experiences, but many of you walked into bodies with damaged DNA or your were made ill by viruses, vaccines, poor nutrition in food and a myriad of other possibilities.
Some are in guilt over your inability to heal yourselves, when indeed you have something that you cannot fully heal by yourself. This healing is being brought. Your Inner Earth folks have techniques that reverse aging and return you to the health in younger years and these techniques can rid you of acquired illness from vaccines, viruses, and food and aging conditions such as arthritis.
Our Star people are bringing many other techniques. One example of how cancers and viruses that have imbedded in your DNA can be healed is by the use of special energies. Every type of cell in your body has a different electrical vibration.
It is a fairly simple matter to use advanced, but relatively simple machinery to identify these sick cells, and kill them while having no effect on the other cells in your body. This technique will be widely used to cure AIDS. Did you know that even advanced AIDS can be cured by only a few visits in these machines, a scanner type of device? Simpler, easily portable machines can kill off virus and bacteria, sending the common cold on its way before it even sets in.
The Ascension process heals you at soul level, and reconnects your 12 strands of DNA, giving you a light body that is impervious to malevolent agents. Your inherited DNA defects will be healed through the Ascension process.
Many are seeing natural medical practitioners or other types of healers, that offer much more that conventional medicine has to offer, and these treatments may be very beneficial. Please again, do not be in guilt over the inability to heal self. There is too much influence in the new age teachings that all illness is at the soul level. Certainly healing at the soul level is most beneficial to the health of your soul, and in some cases this will heal the body.
Many of you have damaged immune systems given to you through vaccinations. Lupus and other autoimmune disorders are usually caused by vaccine and not by the desire to harm self. Unfortunately, this is a teaching going around, that if you have an autoimmune disorder, you created it to harm self.
Let go of that concept. The guilt carried over the inability to heal simply causes you more harm. Guilt is not a Godly place to be. Let guilt go in everything. If you did offend somebody and are guilty in that sense, make amends for it if possible, and if the situation is long gone and fixing not possible, forgive and let go.
I need your positive energy and your creativity in the coming times, not your pain and guilt.
As to the wondering why suddenly in your head in the daytime, you have brief nasty sorts of visions, and you wonder where they came from, the BBB&G,s can send out low energy waves that create these. Just "hang up" so to speak, and do whatever works for you to get it out of mind.
Some like to imagine a golden light around them, for instance, to help this pass. When we disable HAARP and the other systems used to influence, these difficulties will pass.
Many of you are experiencing symptoms at this time that may make you feel as if your illnesses are returning attacks. This may be instead Ascension syndrome symptoms. These symptoms include the memories described above, extreme tiredness, weight fluctuations, craving for foods you need and some you need to learn to avoid, such as white sugar, and meat. Dizziness and assorted odd sensations are part of the process.
CANDACE: I often have to look at my physical problems from day to day, and decide if I am ill or having Ascension symptoms. In particular the last year or so, we are getting ever increasing energies through solar flares, that also affect the body, and may cause a little fatigue or brain fog.
Learn from your food cravings what to avoid and what you need personally for your body. You do need protein to rebuild your light bodies, but you do not need the quantity that you may have typically consumed on a meat diet. In fact, too much protein, especially animal protein, actually can lead to osteoporosis from loss of calcium.
If you feel the need for more protein than you might be getting from vegetable sources, consume high protein shakes made with soy, or if soy gives you problems, you can use whey. There is nothing wrong with using milk and egg products, but you should try to get them from organic sources where possible.
This is important not only in the feeding of animals making the milk and eggs, but also you may wish to use products from animals that are not abused, as these will be healthier for you. A stressed animal adds stress hormones to its milk and eggs, and you intake of these. I want to point out, that please, you should purchase the cage free eggs available even though they cost more.
Chickens are the most abused animals on the face of the earth, followed by pigs. If you still want some meat, buy organic meat. Animals give unto you of themselves as food, willingly for your growth and theirs. They need to be cared for in honor and love for this service. As your light body forms, you will eat less and less food altogether over time.
I am advising you to take supplements of vitamins and minerals. All food is very deficient in them. I suggest you go to the extra expense to buy sea salt, and use it liberally in your food. Many have low blood pressure as the result of overtaxing of your adrenal system, and need salt. Do not buy white sea salt. It has had the minerals removed. Natural sea salt is beige in color and sometimes has flecks of darker material in it.
CANDACE: I use a brand called Orsa Salt. It is actually from the Great Salt Lake area. I used to get a very nice salt from the coastal area of France, that had a subtle clay flavor and was very good. It has been less available. If a sea salt has been refined, it should say so on the label. Refining removes minerals.
SANANDA: If you are one who does not need salt and experiences difficulty with fluid retention, you can buy products made from sea salt with the salt removed, and the minerals remaining. Almost all of you need supplementation with magnesium, and potassium. You can use the artificial salts available for potassium, as the FDA restricts potassium in supplements on purpose. Magnesium oxide helps a bit, but is not totally usable, so I suggest magnesium citrate or aspartate.
Some of you suffer restless legs, and magnesium will stop this. Feel free to try other supplements as desired and experiment. If you have arthritis, glucosomine draws moisture into the joint linings and can make you more comfortable. The popular MSM helps draw toxic metals from the body and is useful for that purpose. Some get pain relief of their arthritis from it, also.
CANDACE: I was surprised to see the glucosomine mentioned, as I have not mentioned, that I remember any way, to him that I use this. It helps my joints significantly. I once cut back to one 1000 mg. capsule a day from two a day, and there was such a huge difference, that I increased it to three per day and remain on that dose. I do take MSM for the sulfur, if I don't I want to eat several eggs a day, which are high in sulfur. I was unaware that it draws toxic metals from the body.
SANANDA: Many of you are experiencing old nemesis's in your life. You may need to deal with them, or send them on their way. Do not allow people to drag you down. Energy vampires recognize those of the light and intentionally attack them. You can be attacked astrally by them in addition to face to face confrontations. Some nightmare activity is an astral attack by vampire people, and they can attack you this way, even when incarnate.
CANDACE: I am inserting in here an experience I had a few months ago, that will demonstrate this strange problem. I awakened at night to find a man, who lives across the street from me in my room with a knife in his hand. I screamed, "God protect me," and he disappeared. No one had entered my house through my doors, and I was left pretty perplexed by it. It was very real.
So, I asked my guides about this. I was aware of the concept of astral attacks, and have had several, but this blew me away. I have always sensed that this person doesn't particularly like me, but to find what turned out to be an image of him in my room was disconcerting to say the least.
I was told by my guides that this was, indeed, a possible situation to be attacked astrally by someone incarnate. Now, just as I am writing this I have an idea. Could he have used that knife? So, I am asking Sananda about this now:
SANANDA: No you can't be hurt physically. It is an image. If this happens at night, yell for protection if you awaken, turn on a light, surround yourself in white light and demand they leave. In due time, through the cleansing and sorting process that I described earlier, they will be removed.
CANDACE: The man that did the astral attack to myself above, states to me often he is a good Christian and awaiting that Rapture. Just an interesting thought, that a good Christian would do this to me. I must be some sort of subconscious threat to him.
SANANDA: Much of the lower astral realms have been cleansed and many of these attacks are coming from those incarnate, as described above. I suggest to you, if you are experiencing night attacks, that you leave some low lights on through the house.
Light discourages them. They need the darkness. Use only night-lights in your room or nearby lights that shine a bit into it, as you need to sleep in darkness. It is necessary to your hormones. You could also use blinders over your eyes, if light disturbs your sleep.
Another point to cover here is in regard to autoimmune disease. The belief that autoimmune disease is the result of attacking self is generally not true. Why would you attack self in this way? I suppose this might be possible, but most people attack self, who have low self-esteem by drinking, using drugs and other means of slow suicide. Nearly all autoimmune diseases are produced from vaccines, swine flu vaccine being one cause of this, for those of you suffering from having received that vaccine, as an example.
CANDACE: I am inserting again another personal experience. I was vaccinated with the Swine Flu Vaccine, during the winter of 1976-77, as best I can remember. I developed a Multiple Sclerosis type syndrome from it. In fact I passed or flunked depending on how you perceive it, many of the standard MS tests. There are many developing MS and other chronic illnesses. MS is thought to be auto immune. I have received some star treatment, described above, to remove virus from my body through the identification of viral material with a different vibration than my body cells.
SANANDA: If one is trying to heal autoimmune disease by confronting past issues and still having the autoimmune disease, please do not continue in guilt in this "perceived failure." Not all body problems are miasma's occurring from this or past lives.
I am in sympathy with those that have been told to" just get over it", with health problems. It is not that simple, and these comments from others are attacks at you. If you have courage to do so, tell them where they can get off. Nothing wrong with this technique! Do not allow them to persist in destructive activity against you. You have the choice to turn away or confront. It is all a lesson.
Many have so many lessons to confront, because this is the end times, the last chance so to speak of dealing with what earth has been teaching you. Take on these little challenges. Understand that famous old prayer, and make use of it, as you look at all the issues.
CANDACE: This is the famous old prayer off my copy long thumb tacked to my wall. It is often call the Serenity Prayer.
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can, and
Wisdom to know the difference.
Good advice in these changing times, more so than ever! Good advice to use as you sort your memories.
Malevolent organisms are not attacks or failure of self This is misinformed teaching, and is causing great pain amongst many. This is the same type of guilt and destruction that plagues the teachings of organized religion.
If you have illness, you can be a way shower in how to deal with it. Many are sharing of experience in the public format through books, on TV, support groups and such. It is fine to be a way shower, research ideas, and teach what you learn. I am asking Candace here to tell her aspartame story, which she has put off, and put off because of the anger that its memories generate.
CANDACE: Yes, I have put this off. I considered and started an article months ago, but avoid finishing it. Due to my increased readership as the result of this that I am doing with Sananda, perhaps more will read it. I have lost the notes I had on it in avoidance of doing the work. It is important to share my story and alert all that read that ASPARTAME, known commonly as NutraSweet, is a poison that can cause severe damage to ones nervous system and other bodily systems.
This was known when it was allowed on the market around 1981. Those that got it to market were more interested in the huge potential profits from the use by diabetics, as a weight loss tool, and by those seeking to reduce sugar consumption for various other reasons.
Our current Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld had much influence in getting it to market. He worked for Searle, the company that introduced the product at that time. There is currently a $350 million RICO (racketeering) lawsuit filed against the perpetrators that created this product.
I started using it as soon as it came out, as I had weight problems, and also too much insulin production, as a result of sugar consumption. In the middle of 1996 I increased my use of it, as I went on a low carb diet and had terrible sugar cravings on it. I only knew that maybe children using the product were at risk. I made use of a number of products, including some drinks, Jell-O, and small quantities of soda. I became increasingly ill, but blamed my symptoms on the MS.
I quit using Aspartame on the advice of a doctor near the end of 1999. I did not realize until 10 months ago, that the Aspartame was the actual cause of much of my health issues, which were extreme during those 3 1/2 years of increased use.
One day last April at a restaurant, I consumed 2 packages of NutraSweet in some very bad ice tea. I had used none since I quit it. I began to itch like crazy, clawing at my skin for hours, until the aspartame was out of my body. Now, one of the problems I suffered before I quit it was extreme itching. I have scars from those years of itching and scratching. This was exactly as I had experienced previously, and I went on the web.
What I found horrified me. My doctor, when she told me to stop the use of it, did not tell me any of this, and made no connection to my symptoms. She only told me that lots of people are sensitive to it. This doctor was an allergist, and that was the reason she wanted me off of it.
Let me now describe, as best I can, the hell I lived through. The reason I was seeing the allergist to begin with was that I had been diagnosed with severe Meniere's syndrome, which was responsible from my extreme dizziness. I would not hold my new grandbabies without sitting down firmly, both because of my dizziness and balance, and a problem with my arms giving out. I was afraid of dropping them. I would position a pillow under my arm first.
I quite regularly felt drunk (I do not drink), and crashed into my walls when walking. I suffered brain fog, burning eyes, the intense itching, severe insomnia, often getting only 3-4 hours sleep in 24 hr. That alone makes one feel very out of sorts. The sleep issue lasted more than 2 years.
I also had some heart problems. I had spasms in my coronary arteries, which caused an irregular heart rate with a slowing down, and chest pain simulating heart attack, as the result of the constriction of blood flow. In fact, the condition can, indeed, kill.
I made several trips to the emergency room over the years. I was on special medicine for it. I also took several nitroglycerine tabs a day year in and year out. I also had spasms in my other arteries, causing much leg pain in particular.
I had anxiety attacks, mostly related to my heart function, I believe, looking back at this. In fact, I didn't relate my heart trouble to the Aspartame until President Clinton's surgery this fall, when someone put up an article at Rense.com, I believe, saying that Clinton used Aspartame, and that he should quit using it at once, as the Aspartame contributed to circulation problems with the heart!
I was so fatigued during those sleepless years, that I would fall asleep often whenever I sat down, including when using the toilet. My family member found me asleep there many times, when I did not emerge in a normal amount of time. I actually would fall out of my chair watching TV.
I had severe vision loss in the dark, and did not drive at night for that reason. In fact, I only drove short distances to the store. I had family living with me at the time, and required much help of them, and they were in anguish over my condition.
I might add, as I am writing this, the heart diagnosis was made in 1995 before my increased use of the Aspartame, and my heart symptoms and the anxiety associated with it were occurring long before then. I took a 911 ride to the hospital at that time, and during studies, I had 9 blockages to my heart on testing, and it was suggested before my arteriogram, that I was looking at major heart surgery.
My arteriogram was clean, and that is when it was decided that the spasms were the problem, and I was put on medication for them, big doses of that medication plus the nitroglycerin, to keep me from dialing 911 all the time. I did, over the years, dial 911 4X that I remember. In 1995 I was 48 and too young for all this.
I was on many medications and had developed asthma. If there is such a thing as hell, I was living in it. I had swollen legs, a common condition with Aspartame, and probably related to my heart and circulation problems.
In the fall of 1999, I figured out that perhaps something was poisoning me and began throwing medicines one at a time down the toilet. It did not help. However, after the doctor got me to stop the Aspartame, the swelling began to decrease over a period of time, and within a short period of time, I began to feel a little better. It took some time for my body to heal.
In May this year, I will have been off my heart meds for 4 years. My Meniere's disease is gone, completely. I haven't had additional tests. All the rest of the stuff above is gone, except for small amounts of the brain fog. I sleep normally. I can drive at night. I don't claw myself half to death.
My heart ticks away quite normally now, which is the greatest relief of all. I am no longer on anti-anxiety medicine. That was the first medicine I was able to drop, in fact. I am my old self, mood wise, now experiencing joy in life.
Aspartame breaks down into methanol, which breaks down into formaldehyde and formic acid. Formaldehyde is used to preserve dead bodies and tissue, and formic acid is the poison in ant stings.
PLEASE, I ASK ALL OF YOU, GET OFF THIS STUFF, NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL. IT SNEAKS UP GRADUALLY. Read every label. Don't let your kids have a single drop of it. I currently use a substance of plant origin. It is called stevia. I use the white concentrate, as the green leaf stevia is pretty bad in coffee and baking. Very herbal tasting!
For those looking to solve all your health problems by curing your miasmas, I assure you the only cure for Aspartame use is to never use it in the first place, and get off it now, if you do.
Here are 3 suggested websites to visit. There are many others listed if you do a search. Aspartame/Dorway.com Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Toxicity Information Center (http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame); ASPARTAMEKills.com
SANANDA: Much of the exhaustion many are experiencing comes from these illnesses from malevolent organisms and vaccines. Your adrenals, thyroids, pituitary glands are tired. You may find homeopathic medicines that might help. Go study them in your health product stores and try some out. Get rest! If you are overwhelmed and exhausted, you must hit your couch.
Use any sort of meditation or other techniques that help. When attacked by energy vampires, just put that light around you. You might visualize the light forming within and spreading outwards. You might visualize a mirror around you to reflect negative energy back to the source. Experiment.
There is not one right way. Find something that helps you. Put any sort of cheery color into your aura that you like at the moment, that is soothing. You can imagine people that trouble you and put them out past you aura and blow them up. Do the same with problems. Find what works for you, and when you find a technique, stick with it. Yes, you should confront all these little things, these traumas. Look at them. Deal with in some way. Forgive self if necessary and let it go. In this you heal your soul.
CANDACE: I have had something occur here that has never happened. Evidently an email can only be so long, and I can't finish this up. So I will sign off, and pick up where I left off in the next message. That message is going to cover your animal questions, as they relate to ascension and other questions. So, If you have not already asked an animal question, this is the time to do so. Take care!