We Are All "The Messengers"
By Candace Frieze
On April 8, Patrick Bellringer put up an article with partial channeling from Hatonn. He choose to cover some issues he personally has with the Tree of the Golden Light folks. Also, on that date (check to be sure) the Tree of the Golden Light (Jennifer Lee Report) made a statement that they are "The Messengers" of the Forces of Light. I got several letters on this from those in confusion about just who are the "Messengers". Then at the Tree of the Golden Light in their Monday, April 11 message, they chose to insert a portion of Patrick Bellringer's message of April 8th, without giving the author of the message. Some of you noticed Anne's name in that portion, others had read Patrick's message prior to this, and now I have e-mail on this issue, also. Included in today's message is a channeling from Hatonn, of Gyeorgos Ceres fame. Yes, the one and only Hatonn of which I am aware, and he made it very clear who he was. He has a message coming as a result of Patrick Bellringer's message. I am going to start with Hatonn's message.
HATONN: Our dear readers,it is I, Hatonn come to talk with you a bit today. It concerns an issue that occurred recently, and it needs to be cleared up. Last Sunday, (April 3, 2005) someone not myself, announced prematurely the Stand Down order. The announcement was to come through Sananda after the Stand Down had been received by all on Earth over the 24 hours of the delivery process. Sananda intended this announcement to be made on Monday, April 4th.
It was given permission of those using channels to convey this information and update it, as this message needed spreading through many sources to reach many. However, someone on our side "jumped the gun", I assume, in misunderstanding of the order. A receiver misjudged this individual as myself. I would not have "jumped the gun". We are, in general, not very concerned about this at this time, but I do desire to say that it was not I, who did the "jumping". This caused Sananda to confer with all of us, and we decided to go ahead with announcing the Stand Down on Sunday evening.
Much of the information by this supposed Hatonn is reasonably correct, and we will let the material stand, because the website posting it has many readers. The website in question is the "Tree of the Golden Light," (Tree of the Golden Light (http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com ) who are performing very useful service at this time. However, Nancy Tate, this is for you, my dear. You have at times channeled myself quite well, but in your eagerness over the material, you goofed. You are still not channeling myself, my dear, but this other one you believe to be Hatonn. The one coming through you has a high energy, and does have permission to talk about the coming changes. I am not sure who this individual is, Nancy, but whoever it is, he's a bit "wordy", don't you think?
I deliver my messages in a more straightforward manner. I, in fact, did not intend to deliver messages involved in the Stand Down at all. I have many duties of very serious nature right now. I am heavily involved on the ground in the Middle East, and gave of the teachings to others. So, my dear, try to identify this one, you believe to be Hatonn, and put that person's name as credit to the material in the channelings, and not myself.
I will add a few more words now at this time, since I have been brought into these messages. We do still expect to have an announcement and arrest of United States leaders by the end of Friday (April 15). Things are moving well in this regard. This is a huge project. Also, do not wait to see many missing people being beamed out and transported to that other planet.
Those leaving need much time with family and friends and to prepare. In quite a few cases, family members are deciding to take that journey with their loved ones. Time is very needed in preparation. Do not all of you, when you make major decisions, need time in preparation of your moves? Each of these individuals have great needs and settlements of affairs to be taken care of. They are going to be transported in their bodies to the new planet, and as part of their rehabilitation, will have to be Way Showers on this new place. They need to say their good-byes. In fact, they will not leave until after the announcement of NESARA and first contact activities. To remove them immediately would create fear, because there are quite a few going.
We are seeing misteaching already about rapture on the planet, as some Star Nations have removed a few people for various reasons. Some are going to trial and some are just leaving Earth, their mission accomplished. We have advised these Star Nations to wait a bit before continuing this. The Internet is building up stories of these removals or leavings, as being "raptured". Those not "raptured" are feeling at odds, wondering what they have done to be "left behind". Those "left behind" novels did much harm.
Therefore, understand the above and await the proper timing. We do not want the news and the ministers suddenly mentioning people gone in great numbers. This has been the rapture teaching, that ones will come home and find family gone, or one driving a car will suddenly be removed, causing the car to go out of control. This is all pure hogwash, bluntly put.
As to our messengers on Earth, I would add, we have many messengers still, many receivers, and no one group or entity is the only one and true messenger. That some are saying this is very disruptive, and is the ego showing. This creates separation and a grabbing for followers. As Sananda has made so very clear, ye are all messengers at this time because you are all the ones coming as part of the Second Coming event.
Those of you aware, now, of the Second Coming event, NESARA, and the contact activities are greatly needed to be Way Showers and messengers to those around you or who are still with their heads in the ground. Now, I go to return to my heavy duties with the Middle East mess. I will state for the record for those that need it, I AM THAT I AM, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn of the Intergalactic effort of many Universes involved in this Milky Way Galaxy in charge of Project Earth. Go in Peace. Go in Joy, and especially go and get on with your individual contributions to the good of Earth.
CANDACE: I give a short comment here regarding the use of the "Universes" above. If you don't know what this means, please read the previous two messages (The Stand Down, and the Update). The Galactic Federation of Light has membership from quite a number of Universes in our Superuniverse, the Milky Way Galaxy. This is why the term"Galactic" is used in the first place. There are many ships from a variety of nearby and far off universes observing Project Earth. Now, I go to Sananda. We channeled three times yesterday (April 12), and I will start with his message about the "Tree" issues.
SANANDA: There is one more issue, and I would not address it at this time, other than the readers of these messages are asking questions. The following statement was made April 8th, at "The Tree of the Golden Light." It is causing confusion for some, and a major reason for this message. Candace will paste it in.
The Tree of The Golden Light: "The King of Swords essentially told us long ago, to go and do these messages because it is a message that needed to be put out! This is our job to bring this message to the planet. These messages are not Jennifer's messages. These messages are not A & A’s messages. These messages are not even the King's messages. They are the messages from the Forces of Light! And the chain of command has been designated through us to be given to the world. We are the messengers!"
SANANDA: I will say only that I and the Galactic Federation of Light members have many messengers. Candace certainly is one of them. So are the Bellringer's of Fourwinds (http://www.fourwinds10.com ). In fact they have long been messengers, and they have the exclusive right of caretakers of the Phoenix Journals. I hope the above statement means the A’s are amongst the messengers, but it's wording is lending confusion.
At "The Tree" yesterday, April 11 also, is a partial message by Patrick Bellringer, which someone saw fit to put in what was liked and left out that which was not. You made a major error by intentionally not identifying the author of the message. In doing so, you at the "Tree" have caused yourself a bit of a problem with your integrity, as many read both from your site and the FourWinds material. You did, indeed, beat around the bush with your comments, calling this partial message "The Best Part of a Recent Non-channeled Message."
There is in Patrick Bellringer's message (of April 8, at Fourwinds) some material that I assume you are not particularly happy about. I did promise Candace not to be involved in the channel wars, but you yourselves have created you own mess with not giving credit where credit is due. You did not need, of course, to publish all of Patrick's message, but there are some who are going to recognize it, especially with Anne's (Bellringer) name left in it. The person writing as "I AM Michael", pointed out the difficulty with the channel wars, and by choosing to leave off the author, people are openly asking you what you have to hide. So, I Sananda, am asking, what do you have to hide? Whatever you might be hiding, intelligent people are going to ask what it is, and for the truth to come out.
Your site carries valuable material and is an asset to the Federation, but you are not "The Messengers". I am asking that you put up all of this message I am writing to you at this moment, and please come into integrity. I am, also, asking you to give credit to Patrick's message that you chose to use. I am not asking for perfection here, just integrity. If you truly desire to be of help to the Galactic Federation, you will not intentionally hide material in this manner. In doing this you create the exact "channel war" situation that you wanted to avoid. I am having Candace, now, put in the above Michael's comments.
I AM Michael: "I purposely left out identity of who wrote the message-and what could have been easily interpreted as belittling of other channels."
CANDACE: I am now pasting in some material channeled early yesterday, prior to my knowledge of the above issues. I was unaware of Patrick's April 8th message until I opened e-mail I had not looked at over the weekend. I am behind big time again in the e-mail, as I had family duties for a few days.
SANANDA: My Dear fellow beings of Light, I come, today, to add some more to the truth of what is going on in the Earth at this time. Hatonn will be joining in a bit later. (Hatonn's message is above). There remains much confusion, yet, regarding who are the messengers at this time. There are many claiming they are "THE Messengers", implying only they have the truth. No, this is not so, as we must use many messengers to meet the needs of many.
Messengers sometimes give what is seen as a conflicting message to the many readers. In general, the messengers address the needs of their audience. I have, myself, given out quite a variety of messages to different receivers in response to individual needs, and where both the receivers and the audiences needs are in a certain place at that time.
You continue to notice some differences in the channelings. In our message about "Finding the Truth of the Matter," we discussed that there are many versions of the truth, with each version being that individual's "knowing" at the time. I said that when the Star People land, you will find different versions even amongst them. You still have to look at the material you read and study to find what resonates with where you are.
In our letters we see several who want to in some way meld the truth of many into one. This is laudable. It shows that you think and consider! Indeed, most carry much truth that is simply described in different language format and understanding. You are allowed, in fact, you must for your growth, look at many materials and decide how they apply to you. So many live in fear of reading anything but a particular Holy Book, and the major Holy Books of earth contain many misunderstandings. As we have said, there are many intentional changes to the material that creates control. READ, READ, READ, and Study, Study, Study!
The BBB&G’s (Big, Bad, Boys & Girls) continue at this time to create false channelings to add to the confusion. Some actually use valid channels, and these channels do not realize they are channeling a BBB&G. Some of this material is not channeling at all, but a deliberate posting to confuse. After the Stand Down message Candace has received a couple of channeled messages from readers debunking my message, and stating that the Prime Directive remains in order and that the Star People may not intervene, but only observe. One message mentioned the "Confederation" to which I supposedly belong.
This would be a "Confederation" of the BBB&G’s! There are some small "confederations" visiting earth and, I suppose, they are observing the Prime Directive, I would hope, and are not interfering beyond what is allowed of them. Candace read me the entire message, and it was, supposedly, from me, and caused some of you confusion. I will let her paste a part of it into this message in a bit.
CANDACE: This was received by a reader, the receiver being Sal Rachele, having as a website www.salrachele.com. We have put in a small portion on which Sananda will comment. If you have not seen this message, yet, please go to the website mentioned, or better yet, go to Fourwinds, as Patrick received it, also, and has his answer to it.
Part of Sal's message: "However, it is evident that messages are circulating around your world right now that are not clearly describing our purpose and agenda. First of all, let me repeat this very clearly and succinctly. WE OFTHE CONFEDERATION DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN EARTHLY POLITICS. We do not have an opinion on NESARA or the current president of the UnitedStates or the goings on within the inner chambers of what you term the"Illuminati". We will make general statements regarding the overall philosophy of the forces that have been controlling your planet. We will make suggestions on how you can spiritually transcend the limited viewpoints of those hell-bent on controlling and dominating your people. But we NEVER tell you what decisions to make, who to vote for, what economic program to support or reject, or what specific action to take regarding a political bill or legislation."
CANDACE: Sananda channeled twice on this message. At one point, he was dissecting it. I would print a portion, then he would comment. We decided against this idea, but I am pasting in a portion of that, even though it repeats some of what is said above.
SANANDA: The big clue in this message is the word "Confederation." I do not belong to any "confederation". I work for the Galactic Federation of Light. This message contained many paragraphs about discernment. I would like to point out, again, that there are well over ten million mother ships surrounding your solar system at this time. They are not here to hang around and watch the games of Earth, although some of them are doing just that, and that is what they should be doing.
Some of our readers discerned that the above message was not by me. Others were confused and felt some fear from that message, which pretty much stated that there is no direct help coming, thereby, debunking my message. Still others in their minds made both my (see comment below) message in the Stand Down, and the above-discussed message to be true. There was just enough truth given to cause confusion. It is fine to be confused, because in your confusion you ask more questions! This is a good thing!
A comment here, Candace just asked if she should capitalize the word "my" above. No, she doesn't need to do so. The BBB&G’s just love to capitalize pronouns and use the "I AM" expression to cause confusion. They are still an "I AM," and many need to capitalize to get your attention to themselves. I may be your elder brother in the journey, and I do represent Christ Michael, but I do not stand above you in the overall scheme of things.
We are all Ascending Sons of God, and we all are come at this time. It is a sharing, and I do not require myself to be bowed down to. I would require more, that you work at your own journey and ever seek to become like God. The bowing down that is used so greatly with the Catholic Church is submission to mistaken power. This is Earth’s most pressing problem, the bowing down to power, and thus, giving more power to power.
True Sons of God of either variety, do not require this for their egos. In fact, I do not want swarms of people groveling at my feet. I want the people to take responsibility for their own journey. I am a teacher, not someone to be "groveled to". A teacher of any subject should be a Way Shower. A teacher shines light on the subject being taught. In groveling before me, you actually drag me down, not lift me up.
There are many songs and teachings on Earth about lifting me up, and in general, many of these songs and teachings encourage groveling. Please lift me up by becoming ever more in the Light, and thus, we will together lift Earth out of her misery. This is the true meaning of lifting, becoming the Way Shower teachers by your demonstration of Light, wherever ye go. Be a Light at the grocery store. Shine your smile to those around you. Brighten (add Light to) someone's day. Lift up the weary in life. God loves all.
CANDACE: The above section about my question of capitalizing the "my" resulted in an unplanned portion of the message, the above four paragraphs. This happens frequently. I mention this to further elaborate that these messages from Sananda are not prepared that well in advance, and are, thus, quite flexible, showing the interaction between us as we work. I often leave out my little questions to save space in the message.
Now, I am at loss about how to handle two of our works of yesterday, as one was intended to replace the other, and both have merit. So, I am just going to go ahead and paste in the rest. So again, there may be duplications. This was a long day, and I was recouperating from a long weekend. I still am, and am finding it difficult, tonight, to sort it all out. So. I quit the sorting and just did it. This extra message from Sananda continues to discuss the channeling through "Sal" above.
This was my last day ever of doing tax returns! I had some clients coming to my home to pick up the work during the day, and I had to remodel one return after I discovered an error the computer program made. I had to reprint and recopy the whole thing of 17 pages long. This never happens on the simple returns. So, I am running a bit late, having promised to finish this and get it out tonight. Remember, the material below is from our second work.
SANANDA: My dear Friends, for those that need of this, I AM Sananda Immanuel, not some other Sananda. This message we write today concerns issues that have occurred that are causing letters to Candace and myself. Ever do we have to deal with the many messengers and their many names. The reason I said, "not some other Sananda" above, is that Sananda is a title of accomplishment, and I am not the only one bearing this title. I AM Sananda Immanuel, and I am the one who bore the energy of Christ Michael onto this planet 2000 years ago. There is no other Sananda that has done this. I will in all future channelings through other channels be very careful to identify myself as Sananda Immanuel, that there be no confusion as to which Sananda is involved.
CANDACE: That won't work either because any BBB&G reading this can just label themselves Sananda Immanuel, anyway. So, you be the judge in future material on the "Net", as we come ever closer to the Second Coming event. A short while ago, Sananda said he never identifies himself as "Lord Sananda". So, consider this a possible clue.
SANANDA: Yes, I do have an opinion on NESARA, and I and Hatonn and Earth’s Ascended Masters through the Phoenix Journals and other teachings have definitely been giving strong advice on all the above mentioned areas for a long time now. We, indeed, go well beyond the term "general statements". We, indeed, have suggested to you many times what decisions to make in order to give of ideas unto you. We, indeed, have given great teachings about the Illuminati. This is called "education". You can't know the enemy of God that has nearly imprisoned you without our help, so great are his secrets.
The message, also, said that the Prime Directive is still in place. Yes, it is, for certain of the Star Nations here to observe, only. However, for those directly involved in this project of Earth, Christ Michael has approved all necessary intervention. He will no longer tolerate evil of this sort. This is a freewill Universe, and this means that our BBB&G’s must respect the sovereignty of all. Slavery is a big no-no! This is the last bastion the Nebadon’s BBB&G’s. Christ Michael has the absolute authority at this time to intervene in His affairs. We carry out this mission for your Creator Son of God by His personal order, as previously stated. As I mentioned earlier, we could not issue the "Stand Down" of our own accord. It was issued with the Universal seals upon it.
CANDACE: We had additional material for this message, but it is not related to it. Therefore, because this is a messy message to begin with, I will not complicate it further. It is time to e-mail this off! It's close to 8 PM my time. I told some of you yesterday, it would be out last night. Sananda is "hanging around" and would like to end this one.
SANANDA: Well, my friends, it is getting close to "N Day." There are still a couple of issues with the funding, but again they seem solved, and we still plan the announcement in the United States no later than sometime Friday. It is time to get the show on the road. I have been teasing Candace a bit tonight, laughing at her attempts to coordinate my mess in some meaningful way. Your patience, please, in this message. Much of the mess is my problem, but she is the one stuck with the typing of it!
We will work a new message with the material left out of this one. It was a teaching work about our Universe. We shall expand on it and put it all together, I think, for the next message. Many are still having some difficulty with the Universal organization. We may cover some more on cloning, also, as there are still questions about it. Take care, my ones. Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite! Namaste, Sananda.
CANDACE: All right, now I have to make the last comment. Sananda told my little grandbabies to sleep tight a few nights ago, and they immediately told him (through me) that he forgot the "don't let the bed bugs bite". Maybe, in the not to far away future, the poor that do have to deal with bedbugs will no longer need to do so! Take care, Candace.