Sananda - Weekly Message, June 5, 2003
Through Nancy Tate
One of the revisions gives a broad scope to the idea that there is no one, more in authority to one’s life than that individual in his Godness. This is the supreme right of every individual from the onset of existence. There is no one in this world who has not experienced at one time or another their own authority, and what resulted from the exercising of that authority.
There has been a gradual giving away of that authority in a manner that has not been seen. This is about to change, my friends. This is a time when there is a change coming that will open the eyes of many to what has been going on in front of their eyes, and they have been blinded to.
I wish to divert my focus now to a matter of another nature. I would like to present to you a question, and that is one of great concern to your well-being, and the rate of your spiritual awareness. Where would you have your life go at this time, and what would you have the world do for you in order for you to make this happen? There is but one way to go with this, and that is forward. In these days of great change we are fulfilling a prophecy that was laid down many eons ago. This was a plan that was brought forward and presented to the energies of experience. It was entered into with the suggestion that this be set in place for the evolutionary process that the ones involved would undergo. When the plan was implemented, and the players in place, there was a great deal of worry that there would be a break down of the plan, for there was no openness, or flexibility to it. So the plan was brought to the table for revision. There the nuances of failure were inspected and the solutions found. This was done with the express purpose and motivation to not only cease to have an expected agenda, but to allow the players to supply the details as they went along. This brought about a wonderful arena by which you could all play your parts and exercise your free will as well.
You are doing that now, my friends, and now you are about to be given that same chance again. We have seen the results of that earlier revision, and now we have brought it to the table again, and the results are already showing themselves in the energy that the thoughts produced by the knowing of the revisions have started. Already, things are being set in place that will prove to be the catalysts that move your lives in the direction that you create in the spirit of the Creator.
We wish to tell you one more thing about this, and that is that there will no longer be an arena in which you can be immobilized by the ones who have usurped your power through the use of tactics that go beyond the capabilities of so many. These tactics are responsible for the results that you see in the world all around you. Why has the world taken such a backslide in the last fifty or a hundred years, you wonder. I will tell you this: there has been an increase in the numbers of overt acts by these ones, and they have taken the stopper out of the free will that you live within and allowed themselves to take that away from you by the use of off world tactics. This was not to be allowed in the original revisions and they are not being allowed to carry these tactics out anymore. You as beings on this planet have recognized that there has been a multitude of boundaries usurped, and you have called for our intervention. This is why we are working with you and supplying you with information in order for you to be able to bring your own plan and its revisions to the table, and act on it. We are not doing the bulk of the work for you. We are here in an advisory level, and you are carrying out your decisions in the way you choose. Yes, some of us are walking with you in this matter, and we are working with you. The final decisions are yours, and we respect your authority to bind your choices to the events at hand.
You are the promise that you bring to yourselves. This is one of the finest gifts of learning that you bring to the table at this time, in fact throughout this whole plan. You have given yourselves a lesson plan that far supercedes the original, for you could not have known where this would lead. Because of the flexibility of the original revisions, you have been allowed to reach this point, and now you are in a school that will propel you far wider and with more scope than had originally been foreseen. The results are outstanding, and with every new turn of the wheel we find our breath taken away again by your grandness.
So walk in your light, my friends, and continue with the course of action that you are involved with right now. There is a grand scheme that is unfolding, and the results will be noted and taken to a greater height of brilliance. This is the final hour and you are shining through it. Shine on, and we shall see, as shall you.
Thank you dear Sananda,
Nancy Tate
From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom.