Sananda on the Second Coming - Message for June 28, 2006
This outpouring of love to your planet is one that has grown exponentially by all who surround your earth at this time and it is even more plausible that those on earth who have a connection with us will, in fact, have reached their enlightenment. This stage of the game was a planned one in that those who will walk forward in all their glory to represent the new earth, shall be duly prepared.
You are coming to know a new way of society, one that will take new understanding. This understanding is currently locked up in the conciousness of all Lightworkers around the globe. Now with your new wings outstretched, each of you will be able to unleash the truth to all. You will all be in your element as those who have run the world for eons of time will have no foothold in the new ways. It is therefore up to each of you to allow for and initiate the strength of the new web of frequency. This frequency grid that is currently being activated around your earth is the one that will take each of you to your proper place in the plan. The plan may seem vague to you at this time, however, I assure you that when the time arrives you will each feel the urging of your soul in a way that is noticeable. It will be then that you will decide the fate of the future of your country and how you will go about change will be entirely up to each of you. There will be help from all who can assist in these changes, and your resources will be unlimited in scope, but ultimately you must decide what will be. Our job is to direct and guide you to the probable outcomes of your intentions and to allow you to choose how this will come to be. We will in no way interfere with your work but will be offering ourselves and our assistance where welcome.
This brings us to the timing of said events. If all goes according to plan the government changes shall commence shortly. I would encourage each of you to tidy up and prepare the way that you envision necessary. We would suggest a plan of action for a possible disruption in society, even if for a short while. This is not to say that there is anything to fear, only that there will be a lot of confusion that will ensue and a lot of re-order will be necessary. Logically, this could cause a short time of chaos, though we will ensure the proper balance of all areas of life. We are in a position to tend to the needs of many and to that end we shall see it through. Know that although there will be a time of confusion, directly following will be the proverbial pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow. Yes, in a literal sense as well. There is abundance for all waiting in the corridors of faith. We are delighted to see the rewards bestowed upon all who have worked so diligently for the Light, and knowing that this time is upon you now invokes great excitement for us all.
As you venture into the next phase of your reality, be sure to stay in a place of respite as the necessary element to calm the swelling fears of others is to be calm within yourselves. This cannot be underestimated as the energies required to push this change over the edge are the same energies that will affect everyone and everything. If you can see them for what they are, you are in a position to choose differently. We say to you, choose peace. Choose calm. This will go far in your endeavors and will assist others greatly.
Now as the time is assuredly upon you, realize that no more is it necessary to struggle. Struggle is resistance and resistance is fear, so resist nothing. We say this as a requirement for all of the ways in which your society will need to change. It will be a process of the unexpected as you become awakened to all that has transpired over the long history of time. It will be a shocking moment of realization for all who welcome change into their lives and it will be the seat of denial for those who have not the strength to change their ways. We say to those, come to the Light of Truth and it will set you free. Only in truth is there salvation and only in salvation is there true freedom. Freedom for all is the goal of this mighty venture and freedom for all it shall be. We leave you with one final thought this day ..... Take with you the armor of truth and all else will become putty in your hands. Hold the light for others to see the way. Stand tall in your glorious pursuits to righteousness, and allow all others to feed off of your valiant glory.
I Am Sananda Immanuel.