What's In A Name
By Candace Frieze
I took a bit of time off for R & R. I was quite tired, excited, and overwhelmed and needed some time to refocus, adapt to the changes in my life, and sleep. I finally got to bed on time and stayed there until 9:30 this morning. (Today is Friday.) So, I have many emails unanswered, and I will get to them as I can. I ask your patience. I do not know how much space I am allotted by my ISP for email, so if yours should bounce, just try again.
I was so caught up and busy that I even forgot to read the Sheldan Nidle Updates (http://www.paoweb.com). So now, I have done a little catching up today, and I was so happy to see all the new current channelings. Notice the difference in them this week. They are all conveying in one way or another that the time is, indeed, finally at hand. I have never seen the messages in quite the same way as are being written this week! WOW! Check out Patrick Bellringer's posting of Feb. 17 also at Four Winds (http://www.fourwinds10.com).
Also, I have discovered that bolding Sananda's comments does not work for some sites and email systems. I have been advised to use italics instead, so I will do this. I once had an ISP that had no choice whatsoever for fonts, so I will try to remember to use quote marks, also.
Hopefully, the messages will now more clear as to who is doing the speaking, myself or Sananda. Those of you who are putting up the reports, and find the bold method does not work, feel free if you are able, to change Sananda's remarks to italics or another font that will create more clarity.
In addition, some put up the reports and then wrote to ask, if it is allright to do it without permission. Yes, it is all right, and please do so. They should be spread far and wide. If any of you reading them are fluent in another language and can translate and get them posted on sites in different languages, this is something that is very needed. If you need to do something that matters while we all wait, this does matter. It matters, even after the coming events, to have them up for the teaching in them.
Many of you are quite naturally interested in my history and journey. Due to my security and that of those around me, I have to at this time be careful of what I say. Sananda does, indeed, desire that I tell something of my story, but I also don't wish at this time to draw attention to myself. As I see it, the attention belongs to the material and coming changes.
I will, after all has calmed down, write my story. Many of you are placing me on a bit of a pedestal, and I assure you, my journey has been most similar to all of yours. I grew up, had children, got a nasty divorce, have grandbabies, and got lost to some degree in the problems of journeying on Earth. I've had more than my fair share of trials and tribulations. In these end times, so many of our incarnations have truly been a test. This is my sixth incarnation here, and I assume, I had yet much to learn of Earth's lessons. So I have done, and am still doing.
I was born with the mental telepathy skill, but it needed refinement. I rarely used it until starting around 1997. I got some wake-up type calls, as did so many of you, as the time approached ever closer to the coming events. Germain told me last summer some time that I might be used to channel, and asked if I would be interested. I never dreamed at the time it would be for Sananda. Even with the starting up of this little adventure, I did not fully "get" the importance of what I was doing. After the past several days, I am starting to get it, especially with the events of Tuesday. I am a bit overwhelmed.
Many of you have sent wonderful compliments on my writing ability, and love the simplicity of the writing. You, also, like the simplicity of Sananda's messages. This is the intent of the messages. I acquired that skill mostly with working as a nurse for around 20 years of my life. Many doctors, especially in the earlier years, did not explain in any detail what their patients were experiencing. People would not ask. It wasn't proper to address "Dr. God".
So, I made it my point to assist in my patient's education. I saw so much fear, as people went to surgery or for treatment or tests that they did not understand. So, I learned to ask questions and encourage them to talk. I had to learn my listening skills, so I didn't talk over their head. This took a long time to do. I love to teach, and I did and still do at times give more than asked. I think what you are seeing and admire in the writing simply came from this long period of experience in the medical world and communication with so many.
My writing career did not start until last April, when I was invited to be a columnist for LewisNews. I had submitted a requested article about NESARA, (National Economic Security And Reformation Act) and it was liked, and so my writing adventure started. As to NESARA, some folks are still in doubt as to its existence. When I learned of NESARA, which was not until Dove had her website up (http://www.nesara.us), I, too, wondered how this could all be, and set about to prove it to myself. It did resonate with me as truth, but still, before I told others, I had to know for sure.
Myself and some friends all made trips to banks with papers from the website in our hands. This is what we found out. The banks, indeed, had the new rainbow money, and had it before 911. We learned that there had been repeated training and preparation, always ending in disappointment. We learned that they, indeed, had White Knight guards in the banks during last spring's announcement period. One person even got her banker friend to introduce her to the White Knight at that bank, a Marine.
We also learned that the credit card debt would be zeroed out. We were unable to prove the prosperity programs with our visits, but this was quite enough for me.
I got a bit mad. I wrote many emails and sent them to many websites. Many answered me and said NESARA was a con job. Lewis News, howeve,r was interested, having not heard about it, and invited me to send an article. So I did. So now, I write, or at least work at it. My NESARA article is still posted there with all the rest of my column material. I hope this little story will be of help, if you are still in doubt.
Now, enough about me at the present, and on to the point to be made by the title of this article. Many are still in confusion about the many names of Sananda and the other Masters. Many are also confused or angry with the many names of God. So, that is what we are discussing today. Sananda now follows, in Italics, and quote marks.
"Candace was wondering if she was spelling Immanuel correctly, as she has seen it also as Emmanuel. It does not matter, both sound the same. She naturally spells it with the "I". I am not fussy about it. There are many different languages on Earth, with many different letters, and it might be spelled many ways.
I am fine with Immanuel, as this is the spelling more to be found in Christian literature, and would more likely be recognized by Christians or those with a Christian background reading the material.
The bigger problem to many, and this has shown up in a couple emails, is my name of Sananda. People that have only known me as Jesus are easily confused. I was at one time, as you may have read in the Journals (The Phoenix Journals- http://www.fourwinds10.com), not really that happy with the Jesus name, because it was corrupted and misused by the clergy since the earliest times.
One day, recently I simply threw in the rag on this issue. People love me as Jesus. I come unto the whole world, and I will accept any of the names that people know me by. Many of you, for example, have a formal legal name and go by a nickname. The only part I have an issue with, is that I am not the one and only Son of God. Ye are all Sons of God (and Daughters),, and this is one of my most important teachings that will free this earth of dominion. I say it again and Candace, put it in capitals please: YE ARE ALL SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD!
So, those of you who are confused about whether this one called Sananda is Jesus, yes, I say unto you, I AM THAT I AM. I am the product of my journey in all of time. I have had many names in my journeys as have all of you. The Jewish people may wish to remember me as David. I don't know how this would work out. I was David then, and many of them are quite unsure of this Jesus name.
Some of you have found, often thru hypnosis, that you have a Universal name. If you bear a name in this life that you are not comfortable with, either change it or live with it, depending on your circumstances.
So, I AM Sananda, Immanuel, Emmanuel, Jesus, Esu, Yeshua, and any of the assorted pronunciations in one's native tongue. I come unto all of every faith, of every color, of every nationality, to all members of the Earth community, by any name your are comfortable calling me. After all, its only a name. And, yes, in answer to another email question, I am a member of the Kumara's who long ago became involved in this Earth, so you may see me called Sananda Kumara. I still do like and prefer Sananda, because it is a descriptive name of where I am on my individual journey. It means "One with God."
The more important matter is the energy you bear, and every one's energy is as unique as one's fingerprints. You are all unique, made in the Image of God, blessed with his spirit within, and this is more important than the current name you are using.
Your name is merely a label. It is how people recognize you here on Earth. The names, in a sense, are less important as you ascend, and get back those communications skills you miss so much. You will be more recognized by the energy you emit.
I asked him if I should be capitalizing such words as Me, Him, etc., when writing, especially when he was talking. Here is his response.
"Also, I am not concerned with whether you, Candace, capitalize the words such as "he" meaning me. If you want to capitalize them then all of you should always capitalize these words, when in reference to self. Since that is not typically done on Earth, it is not necessary.
If you would all start capitalizing the pronouns in your letters and writing, the folks reading would assume that you are stuck on self and setting yourself above others in your journey to Godhood. You would find some resentment. Maybe in time as things change, your natural pride that you should have, will allow this.
As it now stands, I don't require capitalization of every "I am" or "he" or any other pronouns used. When you are making an important statement to self, by all means say, write or think "I AM" in capital letters, when you are stating intention to strengthen the intention. This is a nice idea, but not a rule. You all have too many every day rules."
There have also been requests for knowledge about the many names of Germain, so I also asked that of him. This is Germain's reply: "I, too, have acquired many a nickname on Earth. I, too, will answer to any of them. I AM Violinio Germain. The spelling often seen of my last name, Germaine is the feminine spelling and incorrect.
I have a little story here about Candace. When she first contacted me, she asked if she had to call me Dearly Beloved Master St. Germain. No! I am completely happy with just being called plain ole Germain. Works nicely for me. I am also the Lavender Lad. Some attach 9D or 6D to my name. These refer to dimensions and I work in many at this time. Many in my realms refer to me by Violinio.
These names all work. However, some do claim to channel me that do not. The BBB&G's (yes, I like this term for the dark folks also) put out some pretend material about me, meant to confuse, so you must go within and discern the material as in everything you read. So, I must go. I just gave this to Candace as she is finishing up this writing. Be mightily prepared for wonderful events to shortly occur. I AM Germain." Germain gave this to me today, Friday the 18th. I inserted it in this spot as it works here best.
One writer wrote asking about the name of God. She preferred the term "The Isness." She asked me if Jesus always used the term "he" when speaking of God. I know what she is talking about, as will many of you reading this. She believes the proper name for God is "The Isness," and why isn't that truth being presented. I read the email to Sananda, so I go to his reply.
"The fact is, there is no correct term for the concept of God. Most of the rest of the Universe does not really use the equivalent of the word God, as used on Earth. Examples of God words in Earth languages would include Jehovah, Yahweh, and Allah.
And as I have pointed out before, I AM not equal to God of all the creation. God is not a person. God is a spiritual entity. There is the term Mother/Father God going around and even that is not totally correct. God is truly trivalent, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The God Spirit at the head of all the Creation, those 700,000 Universes we have mentioned (and if we didn't yet, we will) is located in the Paradise Isle. The Father is the original totality of the God idea, and is, indeed, a huge spiritual being in location on the Paradise Isle. It is taught that This Father, begat the Son, called the Eternal Son. In many places in our universe this Son is called the Mother Son. Together, Father and Mother Son begat the Infinite Spirit.
Now the Father gives unto all humans a piece of his spirit. "Human," does not refer to just the body style on Earth. There are many body styles from the many various planets. By human, I am meaning the level of development the individual has reached. The individual must have the concept of "Will." I will leave it to everyone, to ponder what "Will" is. The Father is the source of personality, as well as the source of Will and all of Creation.
The Eternal Son is actually Spirit. This is the Spirit of life in everything that lives. The Son resides in Paradise also.
The Infinite Spirit, well, is not Spirit since the Son is. The Infinite Spirit is Mind. This is a simple story and a way to get the general idea.
Each Universe has its' own God, so to speak. This is the Creator Son, who is created and trained in the Central Universe, call Havona, which encircles Paradise.
When a new Universe is being formed, a Creator Son takes charge of its development. The Creator Son is a product of the Father and Son, and brings also personality to his Universe. He is the Father Figure or Father God, if you well. As a product of the Father and Son, he brings the characters of the Father and Son (spirit in life) to that local universe.
The local Mother Spirit comes from the Infinite Spirit, and brings mind to the developing universe. She also brings ministry. The Creator Son is in charge of all the universal development and government.
Between them they produce as assortment of universal managers, life givers, the many types of angels, and many other needed individuals.
The Creator Sons are called Michaels. Each has a name. The Creator Son of this Universe is Christ. Hence the use of the word in such terms as being Christed, the Christ Energy, Being Christ conscious. I am a Christed being. I earned this. There have been many Christed beings on this planet.
Mohammed is. Moses is. Krishna is. Buddha is. The 144,000 that came with me are all Christed Beings. Many of you from the stars here at this time are Christed beings. Many of you, that have been with Earth since long before my First Coming, are Christed Beings. You all have great power. Being Christ Conscious is a stepping stone to being Christed. Christed beings are Ascending Sons of God.
Those beings created that I mentioned above, created by the Creator Son and the Mother Spirit, are Descending Sons of God. Ascending Sons are individuals that come into being from the evolutionary planets.
There are forever new planets, new suns, new universes and galaxies being formed, and when ready for life, it is given. Eventually, through the evolutionary process, mankind appears when "will" has developed. These individuals then choose whether to go on the evolutionary journey to finding God. These are the Ascending Sons.
You all are Ascending Sons. Some of you know yourselves to be Angels. Yes, there are some Angles that desired to take the evolutionary journey to finding God also, and many did, indeed, ask for this journey, and it was granted.
So, those of you, who are Angels that wished this experience, did indeed, descend into matter in order to Ascend. You are not necessarily amongst the Angels and other beings that "fell into Earth" , as the story goes, but some of the many that did fall, also are now by choice on the Ascending Journey. As to the reader's concern, it does not matter. The universal term is Ascending Sons, male or female, period. It just is.
However, the sense of God as male energy on earth is very misunderstood, as the result of the lesser gods that own the place and installed themselves as god. They are very male and very dominant and their behavior is what is responsible for that terrible wrathful god. They are wrathful and used their wrath to intimidate those long ago, as recorded in the Bible stories.
Each planet in its journey frequently gets teachers that are Descending Sons. Some of these Sons are from Paradise, some from our local Universe, some may be from the Superuniverse. Seven Super Universes exist, each with 100,000 member Universes.
Talk about a management job! You all will do your share in management, teaching, research, healing and many other job descriptions. This is what you do in Heaven. Heaven might more accurately be referred to as the management realms of a Universe. There are spheres, intentionally constructed for the purpose of living, management, teaching, researching, etc. These are the Universal offices and schools, so to speak. You have all been to some of these at some point.
So again, what's in a name? The word "God" and its foreign language equivalents just are names. God doesn't really care. God does not have a sexual orientation of the sort that folks believe he does. Most of you that read this type of material know this.
The women want a neutral God, because they have been so exploited. God may be the Isness, but this Isness does have 3 parts. God the Father is the original Creator, and no one yet in all the 700,000 universes even has a clue how it all began. It simply is not known, or the story would have been told long ago.
So, I use "He" because it is universal custom to do so. The Master Creator Son, our Christ is both Father and Son (Mother Son). The Holy Spirit is the Mother spirit, and besides donating mind to the Universe, she donates ministry, and thus feels feminine.
They both together create the Descending Sons of the Universe. They both donate to your being through their respective abilities. They are both spirit in construction, but do have individual essences or form.
So, go on about your lives and use the word that feels most comfortable to you. What you visualize in your head is what God is to you. God is in everything and is every where. God is in the rocks, the air and in life in various different ways. I have to use them all in my teaching activities. Earth is what it is, and I must work within what IS.
Overtime, as things change on Earth, the names and concepts will also change. Every planet develops uniquely, and the names its members chose reflect their current understanding in their journey. It's a very flexible universe we live in, and this is the important concept to understand.
There are many truths, and many partial truths, and it is all individual. Your truth is based on your own personal experiences. There are as many truths and descriptions of truth as there are people experiencing them.
This is because each and every one of you is totally unique, even twins that share an identical body. The soul and its travels through time are always unique.
Understand that you are all searching for the exact correct truth because of the corruption that is so pervasive here. There is little exact truth and absolutely no universal understanding that is totally complete.
Even The Christ, the Father figure of this Universe is in "learning mode." Learning and experience never stop. You can never know it all. You can only know what you know where you are in your journey. You are always at any point the sum total of your experience. This is what the expression, "I AM THAT I AM" most truly means."
Now, I will give you a bit of information on my name. My last name "Frieze" is one that I took for myself fairly recently. I carried my married last name for 20 years after my divorce. I kept it at that time, for the benefit of my children. They are long grown now. I did not desire to keep a last name for which I had lost respect.
Years ago I attempted to change my name and some family members were aghast at the idea. Why should I keep a name I do not like? So, I tried out different ones in my mind and settled on the name "Frieze." It was the maiden name of my Grandmother, who gave me much love and safety while I was growing up. In those early years she was the most important person in my life, and even now, 30 years after her passing to the other side, we are still close and I hear from her regularly. So, I took her name in her honor.
I also dropped my first name, I just never liked it. Candace is my middle name. I grew up and am still called by most "Candy". Many pronounce my name when they see it as "Can dis". I was raised pronouncing it as "Can duh see." I found my name in an old Webster's dictionary once, and a suggested pronunciation in it was "Can day see".
I liked this immediately. It seemed to generate a memory of some sort. Turns out, it is really close to my Universal Name! So, I have found my name that is comfortable. Well, its now 6:30 PM where I live, and I've been at this for 5 hours. Sananda's remarks were made on Wednesday and Thursday following my reading of emails to him. So, until the next time, Namaste! Candace