Message From Sananda Immanuel, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Violinio Germain and Candace Frieze
Through Candace Freeze
HATONN: Hello, one and all. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, and I come again with a message that I never intended to need to give. Remember, I am not supposedly involved in the messages around the NESARA announcement at this time. I seem forced into the issue. At the time that the e-mail showed that the message from Nancy Tate went out, I was in conference with Candace, Sananda and Germain. We had quite a lively discussion with updating of events. It was agreed that Sananda would post a message late this evening. It seems that now I am doing that.
Yes, we have some important people in your government in detention at this time in the White House basement areas. I, myself, have not been there. Others are in charge. I am informed that these ones are being quite recalcitrant about giving up their authority. I care not what is their decision. We go ahead with the plans anyway.
There were ten hostages taken, all part of the presentation team on Friday, April 15, NESARA announcement day. This event occurred approximately two hours prior to the planned announcement. I will not give out the names of these people. I will say that the 10th person is a Star Person, who would have been responsible for announcing our presence as part of the teaching schedule. Of course, the Star Person received no mental harm by the abduction process, but the others did.
These ten people are actually part of the "teaching" team taking over after CNN's roughly one hour news event. They are highly visible people in the society of the United States. They included the temporary President and Vice President. Also, there was a financial person to explain the upcoming changes of credit and other financial information. Several of these people are people who are held in great trust in this country. This is needed, because I must remind you that 99.99% of the population is totally unaware of NESARA, and this would appear as a coup d' e`tat, initially. These very known and trustworthy individuals are very necessary to the success of the announcement.
We decided some time ago, with the failure of the Emergency Broadcast System, to use CNN, "the most trusted name in news folks" for the announcement. After we got rid of some moles and the Star People began working with them, CNN came quite into alignment with the idea, and literally were on pins and needles all day Friday awaiting their participation, which would be to announce the President and Vice President and many others who were either under arrest, or had an arrest warrant issued. This still stands, although we now, of course, do have many under arrest, as a direct result of the kidnappings.
Believe me, these folks in detention are not in a state of total comfort right now. They are under duress, as well they should be for the carrying out of the taking of hostages given by their orders. We are not happy with this. We did anticipate the possibility with these ones. We do plan for difficulties.
The presenters have been accompanied by Star People for quite some time, who are invisible in higher vibration by intent of stealth. The BBB&G's know who are all of the quite famous people. I find it truly amazing that this was attempted. The persons actually doing the kidnapping were not aware of the Star Guardians. The Star Guardians, of course, beamed all of them, the kidnappers and the hostages, out immediately. The hostages were not in a group. We had them separated, so this was a well planned event. As mentioned, the kidnappers are no longer on earth. They are quite dead, in fact.
Candace read a letter from a reader today during our earlier conference in which the reader complained about the importance of this elderly man that was so shaken versus the importance of the NESARA announcement to the world's people. It was asked, "Why couldn't he just rest at home?"
Please, I am asking you all to look at the higher perspective. We are not talking of the Love and Light perspective. We are talking of the reaction of the American people to seeing the arrest of their leadership. This elderly person is extremely trustworthy to the people, and these services of trust are very needed. Sit in your living room and pretend that you know nothing about NESARA, and dearly love Mr. Bush and the American dream. How would you react to this? I do not mean to cite this one letter. There have been, repeatedly, for some time now, many letters of this nature, including, "If you can't get the job done, go home".
This is the last bastion of Nebadon’s BBB&G's. They have Star technology, which can be devastating if used in the wrong hands. That is why we took out the big weapons. With HAARP, these idiots could and would not have hesitated to set a fire to your atmosphere (Van Ellen Belt), after which you would all be quite dead. I know the poor need to eat, but eating would be moot had that happened, and several thousand years of work ended in great sadness. This happened to Mars, my friends, and many of you are here from that catastrophe.
I suggest that you re-visit your star war type films for an idea of the power that exists, and imagine the last of that power "holed up" on earth. WE will not risk the planet, having come this far! Get a Grip! As has been said by Sananda recently, we are not backing off and setting up again another future date. This is it! The date is just taking a few days instead of a few hours.
After CNN's broadcast on Friday there was to have been a three hour teaching presentation, with more episodes and repeats on the weekend. We would like to have, basically, the same schedule all over again, but we are not waiting for a Friday and a weekend. These quite famous people are not warriors, not one of them, except maybe for the elderly person in a manner in his younger years. This person has recouped himself with a bit of healing from Star Doctors. He suffered an anxiety caused heart problem but is quite well now. We value this person, and so do you, and you will understand this when the announcement does happen. We are not invaders and we will not be seen as such. We are in no risk, whatsoever, from weaponry, but this is the Second Coming package deal, and it is going to be a sacred event, period.
After the NESARA announcement and teaching process, there will be included near the end portion, an introduction to the fact of our presence in your skies. There will be increased contact activities, and, I promise, that CNN and ABC will be covering them. We are still having some reticence with the other stations, but what, pray tell, are they going to do about it? I think, they will be on board quite rapidly.
The Second Coming event is planned well prior to June 30 of this year. It's date remains secret. It will be one big bash with massive worldwide landings of the Star People with the Master's returning. The main Master, of course, is Sananda. We are going to have people comfortable with us before we drop out of the skies. Your patience and understanding, please, in all these issues. NESARA will be announced in quite a number of countries soon after the USA announcement, and this process will vary from country to country. Candace gets quite a few questions about NESARA for other countries, and it will vary in each country according to their inflation, tax codes, and banking processes.
We see many questions about the prosperity funds. This varies, also, from country to country in the distribution manner and the timing. To bring NESARA to the entire world with increasing Contact activities prior to the Second Coming event, is quite a process. Those that think they can do better can send their suggestions my way via telepathy and not via Candace. She is but one person.
Project Earth Transition is a mighty project. As has been said before, until the beginning of 2003, we were not sure of our dedication to Earth following the results of 911. A lift-off was a real possibility, and to let these "turkeys" have their fun and games, minus the presence of any of God in their skies. Just walk away for ever, never to return other than leave them very incapable of every leaving this place. That would, indeed, be hell, especially with entry into the Photon Belt.
Then the peace marches began. The Internet really got up and going. Now, many get their important news from the Internet and are waking up. The Ascension process has started in many people. The world is beginning to glow, and I mean glow. From where I hang out in your sky, the Earth is actually beginning to shine. There is an actual Light around it, my friends.
So, we got realy serious again, and now here we are. Don't you think a few more hours is worth what you are going to experience? Rather than being lifted off, and having to travel and meld with other existing societies, you get to be involved in the healing of your planet and her many peoples. Have you no idea what this means for your spiritual growth? Have you no idea how much we are in admiration of you? We trust in you, or we would not have gone this far. Hang tight, please! It is all going to happen. So, now, it is around 11:00 PM, MST where Candace resides. Go to bed in peace and joy, please, and send your prayers to these ten and to the members of the CNN staff that were so greatly shaken up in their service to you. I AM Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander-in-Chief, Earth Project Transition.
SANANDA: Dear friends, I don't think there is much more to add. Gyeorgos has done quite well. It is only a short while now until our "final " grand event, the Second Coming event, and as I have repeatedly said before, you are all going to be much needed to help those around you prepare for it. To recap on Hatonn's figures above, 99.99% of the whole world is unaware. That makes you a mighty small group with a mighty big job. Of course, with the assorted Contact events, people will be aware in a relatively short time of our presence. In general, I don't plan to announce the Second Coming event other than by these messages. So, it will still be a surprise, but we will have educated the people in many little ways not to expect rapture. The Star People will take care of this. This will be quite the finest year Earth has ever experienced. Lets us be in joy of it. Namaste, Sananda.
CANDACE: I would like to add a small note. I get a fair number of letters from people that think Sananda will be doing NESARA or coming during the NESARA events. This is not so. He is doing the Second Coming event which will be, as stated, sometime prior to June 30 of this year, and by my counting less than 2 1/2 months away. For those non-Christians reading the messages, I would like to remind you also, that Maitreya, the Coming Buddha is coming to Buddhists and Mohammed to Islam, plus several others associated with various religions on Earth. Sananda comes for all. It is his party, as representative of Christ Michael of Nebadon to this planet. Now, I must get some sleep. I hope tomorrow I will see it all, myself, on CNN. I am as glued to it, as are all of you. Take care, Candace