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Message From Sananda: Attitude: You Create From Your Everyday Thoughts

Ariana Sheran

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udes” but I would just like to touch on the word “attitude” for a moment or two.

For this is a planet of choice, hopefully eventually, you choose what is right for you and from the experiences you gain, you slowly make better choices. But all the choices you make, give you the experiences that you have.

As you all know, thoughts are things and just in the process of thinking, you are creating.

But I bring this word attitude in now for the attitude you have in any given situation also reflects on the outcome of that situation. For you can choose to have an attitude of being a little child, of being humble and being teachable and being willing to listen. You can choose to have an attitude of forgiveness, or not. You can choose to be angry or not? You can choose to be offended or not. You can choose not to be offended.

My advice would be to choose never to be offended by anyone or anything but to know that many people on the planet at this time are out of balance and when they are out of balance they don’t always make wise choices. They don’t always have the right attitude. They don’t always have the attitude to listen, or an attitude to care or an attitude to be of service. Having the right attitude, at this point in time, or out of time, is important. You are all guiding lights and you are all shepherds. You have within you different gifts and different abilities. Each of you is going through the challenges that come from living within a third dimensional body vehicle.

Take a minute to think about your personal attitude. What is your attitude right now as you deal with situations and as you deal with people, as you deal with occupations, as you deal with challenges that come your way? Blessings come through choosing to have a good attitude. At this time it is so important for us to be in high integrity and high honesty with ourselves and with others.

Know that angels are placed before you, for they are indeed all around you and behind you, at your right side and your left, above and below you. Not a sparrow falls to the ground unnoticed. These angels are not just there to protect you and not just to help and guide you but also to assist in the lessons which each of you choose to experience.

You will find that these lessons will now come back to you so quickly. That is why I am telling you to make the right choices and to have the right attitude. Lessons are going to be learned quickly now, in order to prepare you for your final mission. Take time now for self, for self healing and for serving self. Many of you have served others for eons of time and have spent very little time on self.

It is now time, in this “no time” period, in this waiting moment, to finish those things which up to now you have failed to work on, or recognize. Whether it is addictions, whether it is family issues, relationship issues or something else, take the time out now to make them right, to correct them or deal with them.

Look at yourselves critically and choose an area where you could do better. Choose an area to focus on that you feel will be of benefit for you in this moment. It is so beneficial if you can find twenty to thirty minutes twice a day, to go into meditation and go within, connect to your higher self and God source and to work on your inner subtle bodies in order to remove those last emotional blocks that seem to stand in your way.

Each of you is precious. Each of you has a great work to perform and just by being here, you are doing that. Always remember you are a light unto the world, that you are the love and that you are the Light. You are a spiritual being having a third dimensional experience. Do not forget yourself in your service to others and be aware that I am just a thought away.

If anyone has any questions at this time that they would like to address to me, I would be happy to offer any words that might help.

Ariana: Sananda, it seems that when one takes on a new endeavor they might encounter what appear to be road blocks. Often we call them tests. I have often wondered how these are arranged from Spirit and about our attitude when that occurs.

Sananda: Thank you for the question Ariana, it’s a good question. This is a planet of learning. This is a planet of challenges. Some people refer to it as a “Veil of Tears.” At times it can be and at the same time it can be full of joy and happiness. That is the way the Creator would have it.

Our attitude towards a situation, a blockage, a trial or a tribulation affects the way we handle that situation. You might be in an altercation with someone that you love. You can choose to handle that in so many different ways, from being in denial, to sitting down and listening, being willing to be taught and being willing to listen to all sides to going into meditation or doing many other different things.

One of the things I taught was that we needed to forgive, that forgiveness was a key issue. Now, that is easier said than done. Forgiveness would be great if it could be instant and understood but sometimes there are things that have to be worked though. Sometimes forgiveness does not come easy and it takes time. We choose our attitude about being offended or not being offended. To have an attitude of being willing to learn from a mistake, being willing to admit there was a mistake and to ask for forgiveness of self and move on, is the greatest key that there is.

If you can remember the Children of Israel were taught to offer sacrifices unto The Lord in the Old Testament times and then what occurred was the only sacrifice that was required was that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Be willing to recognize a mistake somewhere along the line and have a desire to correct it. That willingness to go through that process became the new sacrifice, not one of burning an offering. This is the lesson that each of us needs to learn. So, how can we simplify that? Having an attitude to learn from one’s mistakes and striving not to make the same mistakes over and over again. This is really important.

Ariana: Sometimes the person does not recognize a mistake. (Pause) That is indeed the blockage. Okay.

Sananda: It is indeed and being willing to recognize it means to be teachable; to be pliable. As shepherds we also need to be good listeners.

Blessings to you all.

A channeling from Lord Jesus-Sananda

Cosmic Telepathy Channel “Brother Paul”

Victor Vashoda Ra Melchizedek - On Assignment

From Cloverleaf Connection U.K.

At a Cloverleaf gathering in Kapa`a, Kauai, Hawaii, U.S.A.

February 22, 2007

Tape #894 Cloverleaf Connection

138 Sturgeon Drive

Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 4B3

Web Site:

E-mail: [email protected]PRESENT: Alakea, Ariana, Claire, Dawna, Liana, Michael, Paul Rose, Renee H., Robert

Note from Brother Paul:

Lord Jesus is now called Sananda, the new name given for this new age. The new name is Sananda, which means “blissful” or “The Blissful One.” Other previous names include Joshua, ben Joseph and Jesus son of Joseph. Please use whatever name you are comfortable with. I myself prefer Lord Jesus – Sananda. (This connects the old with the new.)

Creating sacred space in your own home makes it a sacred place or portal for you are a temple for the spirit of God to reside in. Peace be with you, now and always.

Tapes are also available of Cloverleaf Connection sessions, as well as individual channelings such as this one, through Cloverleaf Connection – Canada. Ariana Sheran.