Finding The Truth In The Matter
Candace Frieze
The most common question I get is wanting to know, if the channel is the "real channel," especially, if one reads messages attributed to Sananda. Sananda addressed this issue to some degree in a previous message. He has personally answered some requests, and affirmed or not whether the message was his. He always tells the person that there is much truth in the messages being contested, and to look for what resonates at the time with that person's soul. Those believing they are channeling Sananda often do have good truth on the website, even if it is not actually from Sananda. I have spent a fair amount of my time in visiting websites and looking at the material. I have to do this when Sananda is around, so he can "listen" to my mind as I review the information.
When I read material I usually categorize it in my head as true, maybe, and "no way". However, "no way" has occasionally been changed to maybe or truth, and truth has often undergone some remodeling, and at times requires rejection. Our truths, if we are in serious study of our individual journeys, will change as we learn more and more. Truth evolves for each individual. My truths have changed many a time with material either deleted or expanded. I AM THAT I AM, changing moment by moment as I redefine myself.
Recently, we had two major issues come up concerning channels that Sananda did desire to address. The first we covered in the last message, considering the message by one "Sylvie", about which many wrote to me. Right now before I forget, I need to add a comment about "Sylvie" that occurred right after Soltec's message that you read recently. (From my March 16 list message) It follows:
SANANDA: Now, dear readers, I need to address the above article about which Commander Soltec so graciously took time to come and address. I do not know who is this person "Sylvie". She is not one of my channels. I have no doubt that she may believe she channels me. Many assume they are channeling Jesus or Sananda. I think, the Darkside has used this "Sylvie" at this time to bring fear, doom and gloom. I find it quite sad. I may try to locate this person and put her mind at ease, if she is, indeed, a valid channel and, if she even exists in the first place. She may be totally fictional.
I fully expected to have an increase in these destruction stories, since the BBB&G's are fully aware of the changes coming, and they are out debunking everything they can. They have even planned a small first contact event to confuse you and cause fear. They only have a relatively small number of very simple disks, and we know where every one of them is, and have deactivated most of them at this moment, so as not to allow this to happen, nor allow them to try an escape. Even this is laughable, as these disks are not designed for long space travel at all, and they would not get very far in them.
SANANDA: (March 24)I would like to comment on the above statement. Not only are these disks not designed for long space travel or dimensional travel, nor can they cloak themselves, which is a most severe disadvantage!
CANDACE: Now, I go the second issue. Many readers sent a copy of the new message from Matthew dated March 13. For those who do not know Matthew, he is a Light-soul, who left this plane as a teenager and has been communicating via telepathy with his mother Suzy, just as I do with Sananda and others. They have written four books together the last several years. I do not own the books at this time, but at their website , Matthew Books there are samples from each book and also the messages that they have posted regularly since December 2003. I did not learn of Matthew until about a year ago. I love what I have read, and someday (soon) I will own the books. This link will take you to the periodic messages Matthew's Messages to read the March 13 message.
What happened is that Sananda answered Matthew's message that readers sent to me, as there were some matters of dissension. Then Matthew sent back a response to Sananda. I have sent that to the list. This has taken quite a bit of my time, and also, caused me some concern. Because of the "Sylvie" material and the Matthew issues, I have found myself where I don't want to be at this time, relying and writing up much material that fits the "channel war" description to my way of thinking. We have ended up putting time into channel warring that has taken away from the purpose of this project. This is not only Sananda's project, but my own, and I put in more time than he does with these messages.
I receive an incredible amount of e-mail about which books have the real truth. Should a book be read in the first place, it might be "evil" to read it. I often get asked about books and material in languages I do not speak. There is a huge amount of spiritual, new age and traditional religious material available on the Net and in print, and I have read my fair share, but I have not read it all, in fact, really no where close.
My journey has taken me to specific areas because of my personal interests, as your journeys have taken you. I haven't checked my e-mail ye,t today, but last night when I shut down the computer I had 98 e-mails to go. I love to answer them all, but to answer some of them, I have to do research, and some I can't (or some cases I refuse to) answer. I am so very far behind. So now, Sananda will add some comments.
SANANDA: My dear friends, it seems that Candace is, indeed, a bit unhappy and for good reason. She made this very clear to myself at the beginning. We weren't working up regular messages during the interim involved in protective services from threats, and so we worked on answering questions of people on the list. Quite a few people were upset with the "Sylvie" messages and confused with Matthew's messages, and were looking for answers, and in some cases, "proof".
We have delayed getting out this message, as she sorted in her head with her sense of integrity. In partaking in the process that we did, she found her integrity violated. This was a wonderful learning experience for her, for by doing something of which you are not proud, when you look back at the issue, you further define who you are by who you are not.
I used in my message about Matthew the word "debunk". Now, I have no trouble myself debunking incorrect information and using the word. Candace does, and I am going to respect that. She will find herself debunking much in her future projects, but she likes to do it in a way that is not attacking in nature. I think, personally, she is going to run into some types where she will need to "get in their face".
All is learning. She feels the "debunking" in our messages might detract from them. Her issue is with debunking people by name, the "channel war" thing. I assure you that there are many, who claim to channel, that do not. They make it up. Many of these work for the BBB&G's and deliberately confound both those involved in organized religion and those in New Age or of spiritual persuasion.
The BBB&G's have quite frankly come very close to turning New Age into New Age organized religion. They were creating a new "spiritual" religion that was to focus on Diana (murdered wife of Prince Charles), making a goddess out of her for you all to worship, using some spiritual practices. They planned to force assorted ceremonies as essential to create control on you. Some of you may have read that Christians would not be permitted to practice their religion, taking away your free will again. This is true.
Now, when I have personally given information in answer to e-mail, I nearly always advise that even though it was not I who channeled the material, there is something to be learned one way or another from the reading of it. Many of these sites have much very good information, even if I or others they claim to channel are not in actuality the Beings claimed.
I am still seeing some who are looking for the absolute most correct truth, and as I have said, your truth changes as you read and learn. There are a few who seem to worry that they might read something evil, and they should not do this. Yes, you should! God never said you were not to read and study anything. Some are still suffering from Christian and Islamic teachings, that only the Bible, Quran and "approved" literature may be read.
I am still having quite a bit of difficulty convincing brain-washed clerics that it is OK to read anything. I will even include porn in this statement for a reason. Some of you chose to work with people who have sexual addictions. You need to put yourself in that person's shoes. I don't mean you become a sexual addict to do so. I mean you use your imagination, look at the material and try to see the material from another's point of view. So, if you are working with people having this problem of addiction to porn, you certainly may look at the material in an effort to understand from where this person is coming.
When I came 2000 years ago, I encouraged the seeking of knowledge. It is one of "God's Laws" that you do so. It is the will of God for you to become like God. To become like God you have to effort at it. God knows everything that there is to know up to this point, and so should you attempt at it over your long journey. If you read material you find offensive, or you behave in a manner you find offensive, then you learn what you are by knowing what you are not.
This is the big reason to forgive yourself and give up your guilt. If you had reached a state of perfection, you would not make mistakes. Mistakes teach you what book study cannot. This is the secret to getting rid of those miasmas (offensive or poinsonous influence). Remember here, I told you earlier that many of you have real illnesses, courtesy of the BBB&G's, and they are not miasmas. Look at your mistakes as they pop into your head. As we have said before, see what was learned, forgive self if necessary, and move on.
I want to tell you a little "secret" about myself. I am not perfect. I am still learning. I think, I said this once before. I have not participated in as great an Ascension adventure as we are doing with this planet. Not in this Universe has there been as big a project as Planet Earth. So, everyone is learning. Let me tell you, when all is said and done, you all will have had a most magnificent opportunity of learning. Imagine what you might do with it further on in your journey!
So, I ask those of you who are impatient with the time structure, to forgive and understand that this in one very huge project. It is complicated somewhat by so many from everywhere in this Universe, and even other Universes coming here and wanting a "piece of the action." As I believe I have said before, some have not necessarily had the best of intentions.
CANDACE: I have said many times, mostly to myself, Planet Earth is the "Harvard" of the Universe.
SANANDA: There is never any mistake in mere reading of material or the seeking of knowledge. This is, I repeat, merely a control technique used on you. This is how your seeking of knowledge is constrained. This has made for many of you a difficult journey in moving away from the religions that controlled you while you were growing up. Many of you have been very put down by your family for your beliefs and your journey. Do not let this "eat" at you. I assure you they are going to get an opportunity over the next couple of years to reconsider. I have read letters from people in great pain, who are still being told they are of Satan, for their beliefs. No, they are not. They are of God for being strong enough to take their own journey.
The story told in your Bible, and often repeated by the ministry, that I came to set one against the other, is true, but is misunderstood to some degree. I came to ask people to think, to find their values, and stand for them, even if others did not choose that route. I did not mean for you to fight wars of killing either, against other countries or against family and friends. I ask you only to stand for and live your truth. With so many now choosing this for themselves, we are now able to have my Second Coming event in this year!
I will add a bit here. Terri Schiavo has been standing her truth for a long time, and in standing her truth, she is encouraging many others to take a look at their own truths and consider a change, if appropriate. What a great soul she is! Be not sorry for her. She made this very conscious decision long ago during the time of healing after her injury. Look what has gone on the past couple of weeks in the USA. She is actually getting much more attention that I did 2000 years ago.
This is my final comment for now. When the Star People land and begin to become directly involved in Earth, you are going to find a variety of truths among them, also. They vary in wisdom from those just a bit past yourselves to very old and wise races. Even the Angels do not know all, either, and are on a journey themselves. Nothing is static, ever. All is change. All is learning. All is finding that, so that you can say at any time, proudly, I AM THAT I AM.
I know you all are wanting to know what is going on with NESARA. We have, in part, let the Terri Schiavo message take center stage for the learning in it. This brings great honor to her and these last difficult 15 years. The assorted news groups did, indeed, love having this opportunity to help delay NESARA. We did encourage the Congress to act and the President to return to Washington from his trip. We thought we might do NESARA and Terri this week, but it did not happen. It is still going to happen. We continue to have some small difficulties with the BBB&G's. The bank issue earlier this week was resolved. Every time we find a problem, Star People go directly into the area involved. I am having Candace paste in a section of message I sent to the list, also on March 16th, I think. I had many letters to myself through Candace of people getting most angry with us, and in some cases, people saying that if we can't get the job done, leave and go home. You do not want that at this point, I assure you. So, here is that past message.
SANANDA: I have written a good deal in the messages about why all these events have taken a long time. We could hurry them up more, but that would be seen as an invasion, and in the long run, make matters worse. I have explained that the project has changed and grown greatly over the years. I have explained that the Darkside have risen to the occasion. Even the last few days with none left but the dark peons, they still rise to the occasion. So we have risen, also, in greater numbers on the Earth plane.
No matter the wait, I will be having my Second Coming, and it will be this year, and it will be sooner rather than later. Please lighten up, everyone. Imagine, please, yourself in my shoes (and I do wear shoes). Look at this job from my perspective. Look at the huge problems on earth. There is not an instant solution. I am not all of the solution. I do but facilitate the solution, as do all of us and all of you. You have a favorite Earth expression, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get". I do not desire to find myself in the "behinder" situation. I will say once again, that the Star People now working in 3D are making absolutely massive progress, and you are going to be pleasantly surprised when all unfolds. Hold the Light and be not in darkness! Enough said, I think, for today. Salu and Namaste, Sananda.
Yes, enough said this day, also. Blessings to all who choose to hold a candle and light it. Sananda.
CANDACE: One of the contentions with the Matthew message was that Matthew holds firmly to the idea that we are not yet in the photon belt. We have a surprise of sortson which we are working. We are going to do a very good and clear message on the science behind Ascension, including those photons, and how the Lightbody is built. It will probably be given as our final article to this project, and it will take some time to do. This is because I need to learn this material, and I do not do well with putting out parroted material.
I need to feel the messages, and so Hatonn, who is involving himself in this one, and Sananda, are having me do a whole lot of schooling, you might say. This is important to me, and I have to come to a better understanding, myself, of the Ascension process. I will be doing a great deal of teaching in the near future, and I need a clear and straight forward "handle" on the subject.
I was once very efficient at simplifying medical material for my patients, when I was in nursing, and again, later, when I worked in counseling and support groups with my local MS society. I need to do this, also, for my future career, involving bringing people out of the fear generated by organized religion and into choosing the Ascension journey. I hope that this upcoming message will be of value to yourselves, also, as you go about the teaching of those around you.
We will continue with the messages as long as necessary. To you who have written we still have quite a few topics of interest to cover, including the chemtrails and the current messages on the web, that the USA has been recently poisoned by chemtrails. This will be one of the topics in the next message. I am gong to try to get a message out every two to three days. I get lots of "where are you, I miss your e-mails", when I spend a longer interval between them. So, I am aiming for shorter but more frequent messages.
Send your love to Terri Schiavo. She is aware, and needs support for what she has undertaken. I would like to share that last night Sananda, and myself, and Terri had a little three-way conference. She is not really in her body right now, just keeping attached via her silver cord, awaiting the time to either leave or come back. This is very damaging to her body. Each starvation she has endured has set her back physically. She is one very advanced soul! She is most deserving of your admiration. Take care, Candace.