Sananda: Ray of Hope, March 19, 2003
Through Nancy Tate
There is a coming together that is happening. Thank the leaders of your world for bringing you to this feeling of unity. Why, my brothers and my sisters have you not brought this together before? Why have you not brought this unity to yourselves in a time of peace, in celebration? It is because of the duality; because you are mesmerized by your own peacefulness, and your comfort. You rise up only when you feel threatened; and you bring to the cause of God the beauty of the light that shines within. There is no greater beauty than what I see this day; for it is as a melding that I see this day.
A great blanket of light spreads around the globe as talk of war and battle goes on in the pockets of frustration. This light grows and grows. And as this light grows it infiltrates every aspect of life on planet earth. It touches those weapons that would be of mass destruction and renders them love. It reaches the hearts and souls of every being on the planet, and renders it whole. There is no greater beauty than the light that shines forth from every window, every hand, every eye, and every heart on this planet.
I give you a beautiful example of how you can mold your world into the finest beauty and work of art that you have ever beheld. I give you yourselves; I give you your beauty and your love that rises above all that can ever come in your path. There is no finer example of the works of the Creator than to gaze upon your beauty, and know that you gaze upon perfection. How can any darkness or any shadow stand up to the brightness of the light that I see today? There is no greater passion than the passion that arises when the light of God touches your very beingness.
I say to you my brothers and my sisters on this day that no matter what happens in this world that you have created, there will not be destruction of who you are and what you can do. Stand in unison; envelop yourselves in the light that comes forth from knowing God, from knowing yourselves, the part of you that is God. There is no greater power than that knowingness that stands up to anything that comes your way. There is nothing that can overcome that light. You are truth, you are wisdom; you are love and peace, and the joy of being. There is no greater thing than that. I bless you all, and salute you in your divinity, and I walk with you now through this land of love.
Thank you dear Brother, Sananda,
Nancy Tate
From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom.