Message from Sananda September 5 #14
Elizabeth Hays
Message September 5 #14
From Sananda.
You wait so patiently for times to come that will throw the rest into disarray. Fear not, the ships will come, the changes wrought will be so new to some they will not be, all they seem. We offer proof to you. There will be more obvious sightings of our craft. There will be mention of a light also. A strange light that seems to spread. Be assured that you all will see what needs to be. Some care that what they say will be met with scorn, and others can’t wait for more. Bear in mind the new day is about to dawn and you all will be a part of it. You will all play an important part in helping to stabilise this job we all have of bringing the light to earth once more.
We say to you to be prepared. Your bodies may register changes unheard of so far. Your emotions and yes, your intellect you will question. Lapses of memory for some, adjusting may be difficult for others. Let the light in. Let the light rebalance your bodies. Your bodies are like amplifiers that can take in so much light and then give out more. What incredible abilities you have. You do not realise how important that is to have. That makes you different to the rest. Those that wear the face and claws of birds of prey. They prey on you, beware. They are cold, calculating and cynical in their dealings with you. Be not tricked. They are not here to help you, so be wary and avoid them.
Crystal light, crystal path and crystal night,
Beam down on some and bring forth Light.
Your Light you share with others yet,
Be sure to tell them of the net,
Of golden strands that covers all
With love and Light and better yet,
Joy to share and joy to be,
a part of He, whose love,
is with us endlessly.
So open up your hearts and share
This wondrous time with all you know.
There will never be another time
And chance to show
Your love of life, your love to care.
This time will never come again, be sure
This is your one and only chance, make sure
You see what you can do
To take the love and light to all.
It is the time, it is the place,
Be known to others what you are,
Your Soul to bare, a time to care.
On your foreheads some will wear,
The diadem of who you are,
But those who do not see this gem,
Will wonder why so fair.
It alone will tell the tale, but only
Some will come to know
The meaning of this fair crown.
The Light, the light, the glowing light,
Is the secret of the gem,
by God’s command you wear it fair,
but wear it with no thought of fright.
It will protect the young and proud,
It makes the weak so very strong,
And not one, just one of a crowd,
But will stand alone with angel hosts
To bear you high, to the highest post.
I get the impression that those of us who choose to “spread the word” of the imminent arrival of our galactic neighbours and the angelic helpers, will be recognized by the “Light” of the “diadem” that will glow from our foreheads, or Third Eye area. If I remember correctly, somewhere in the Bible in Revelation or Daniel, it says the faithful will be recognized by some means. I believe this is what they may be referring to.