Thoughts on Islam-- Part 4
By Candace Frieze
First off, I always ask the condition of the NESARA announcement, and today he says secrecy is very important, and that things are simply going as expected. So, at this point I will paste in his comments about Islam. His comments are in bold.
Islam tends in certain ways to be an improvement over Christianity. Muslims believe each person individually is responsible to God, and needs no intersection by a cleric to communicate with God. Islam still fails to get the idea that self is a son of God and therefore of God, and still thinks God is a being quite separate from earth and "up there." Islam makes the giving of alms a necessity. Rather than giving 10% to the church, as a contribution to God, money is given more directly to those in need or charitable organizations.
Islam is too modest, clothing wise, but many Christians and other people are of the other extreme. People should not be near naked at public events to attract the opposite sex, but neither is it necessary to totally cover the body. Shorts that come part way down the thigh (rather than letting the "cheeks" show) and shirts are fine, as is a regular swimsuit.
Public prayer 5 times a day is not necessary at all. Mohammed was trying the teach the concept of being in contact with God frequently, and eventually all the time. When your DNA is fully restored, you will be multi dimensional, which means being in contact with several dimensions all the time.
Mohammed did not set apart a holy day for prayer. The Islamic prayer day was manufactured by others for the purpose of control. God requires no day set aside, and this is, in fact, an inconvenience for many to do so. Farmers, for a simple example, need to feed their animals, and milk the cows. Cooking is a holy event, and some do not cook on their holy day. This is unnecessary, unless one simply desires to prepare in advance.
There is certainly nothing wrong in a day or two off work, and in fact this is useful for rest from work and to allow other pursuits. When I was here, during my ministry, we usually took Wednesdays off for rest and to attend other needs, since we worked on the Sabbath, which got me into lots of trouble.
I found it necessary to work with the people, and do my teaching and healing on the Sabbath. Funny that they did not consider the Rabbi's to be working when they held the Sabbath Service, and why would God not allow healing on the Sabbath?
In very young cultures, the idea of a day for God is taught to draw attention to the idea of God, and provide some focus to this, but no where is it taught that services must be done on that day, and all other activities curtailed. In time, the person on the journey to finding God will make every minute of every day a holy event. All activities, not of an evil intent, are holy.
Many clerics, in the 3 major organizations are rather unholy indeed, in requiring this day each week, where they can monopolize people and collect the money meant for more Godly use than supporting a church. After my Second Coming, we will be teaching better ways, indeed, for becoming Holy and joining in the search for God. This search is in great part, finding the God within, and learning to use the power that comes from this knowledge in appropriate ways.
Much of Islamic Shariah law is correct, except how it is used and enforced. The Shariah law basically comes from common sense law. Let the punishment fit the crime idea. For example, if something is stolen, that item must be returned or replaced to its rightful owner. The offender would pay any legal costs involved. If the person continues to re-offend, and does not learn the lesson, it would be appropriate to separate the person for a period of time from society. Your jails are way too harsh and often make the problem worse.
There are crimes that Shariah law punishes, that should not be publicly punished, such as your recent cases in Sudan, I believe for example. There the policy is to stone a woman to death, if she has a child out of wedlock or from adultery. This is most foolish indeed, as a child needs it's mother.
This method of killing also is most cruel. Remember the law that says you must not kill another human being! This makes all that participate in this killing, guilty. All children are welcomed. The mother and father that created this child need to provide it love and care, if they are capable. It is their spiritual problem to resolve any social difficulties encountered in their behavior.
Cutting off the hand of a thief makes it even more difficult for the thief to work and not need to steal. Granted, Earth has many that steal for a living, but you must look at the individual circumstances. If a man steals food or clothing for himself or a family member, because no one has work to provide, because no work is available, you must look at this situation carefully, and provide support to those that need it.
Wealth on this earth is in the hands of a few, and there is no better way to create unrest, than steal wealth in various schemes, and deny adequate work and money to those in need. You are seeing greater problems in Iraq, that the US has created at this time, since so many have no work.
This, quite rightly, will cause people to rise up against the situation. Many Iraqi's are not seeing the income that was supposed to come, as a result of this occupation. The money, that was to rebuild Iraq, is not coming from the oil. Others there from the USA and Israel are setting up companies and the Iraqi's are not being allowed to set up their own business.
If you have a large amount of people without work and without the necessities of life, you will have problems. Iraqis, in general, because they are Islamic, will band together and share whatever they have, and have great strength in this sharing, but there is little to be shared in areas of that country now.
Islam, however, was hijacked by the rich and powerful, and many unnecessary rules added for control of the people, just as in Judaism and Christianity. Another point for Islam is that Muslims do not charge usury, which is interest on loaned money. Banks have other ways to engage in business activity that generates income for them. Usury is what creates great power and control, and steals the wealth of the common folk. Under NESARA, banks will not charge interest.
I would like to note here, that Islam prefers money backed by precious metals. Many Islamic nations that have oil are preferring to collect either in gold, or in Euro's, which have gold backing. The American dollar is not money at all, but a note owed the Federal Reserve Board, hence the name Federal Reserve Notes on them. This preference for real money is, at least in part, some of the reason we are involved in Iraq, so we can have the oil. This is a type of theft, and the US power structure is, in my opinion, definitely involved in the theft of Middle East oil.
Sananda is not enthralled with organized religion. Religion is a tool to control the populace, and I know that some of you in the ministry, that are receiving this, may not realize, that much of what you have been taught as truth, was deliberate untruth, manufactured by earth's controllers. It is these controllers, that have intentionally and with deliberation, created the animosity that exists between the various religions on earth.
I have always found it amazing that those of one faith can call the others infidels. Islam calls Christians, infidels, and Christians call Muslims infidels. Who is right here? Maybe neither of you. I am going to quote Pat Robertson, from his book "Bring It On," p. 256.
"Following September 11,....... President George W. Bush assured America that Islam is a religion of peace. With due respect to the president, that statement was either meant to placate potential allies, or it represented a grossly naive understanding of America's number one enemy in the world today. Islam is not now, nor has it ever been, a peace-loving religion. Its history is rife with violence and bloodshed."
Pat follows with incredible and incorrect understanding of Islam, and states that the Koran is Christian heresy, and illogical. He states the Bible is quite logical and orderly. He proceeds in his comparison of the Koran (better spelled Quran) and comments that the Koran is mostly about violence.
After his above quotes about the violence and bloodshed of Islam, he fails entirely in noting that Christianity has also been horribly brutal in its history, and is still today, since Christians tend to support this war in Iraq. Pat absolutely grosses me out with his comments on the 700 Club about how this war ought to be managed. This is not a peaceful Christian man.
I have read the entire Bible and a bunch of the Quran, and let me tell you, I find much confusion and violence in the bible, especially the Old Testament. The Bible is all over the place. So is the Quran. I am not fond of either, but I find some truth in both.
James Dobson of Focus on the Family is not fond of Islam either. I watched him on Larry King Live once state that only Christians go to heaven, and none of those over all of time that did not know Christ get to heaven. He made the statement that there are at this time around 400 million Christians, that are aware of and know this, and know they are saved and the rest of the world isn't.
People, there are 6+ billion on the surface of the earth now, and plus 100 good sized cities of the inner earth. All these folks that have not heard of Jesus go to this mythical place called Hell? Come on now. Where are all the Catholics that controlled the world during the dark and middle ages, and caused the burning at the stakes of at least 1 million people, and the Crusades. These people are in Heaven or will be, following the "resurrection" because they knew Jesus? Think!
I had a relative tell me once, that I will go to hell because I didn't believe her brand of Christianity. I asked her about people who were raised their whole lifetimes in some other faith and never learned of Jesus, why would these go to hell? She replied that everyone gets the opportunity to hear of Jesus, some at the time of their death. So my comment was, goody, goody, for those fortunate ones. They don't have to live like Christians are supposed to and be subject to continual judgment. These others could live a disgusting life, but if they "got" Jesus as they died, it did not matter how they had lived their lives.
I comment here regarding the folks of the inner earth. They are spiritually advanced above most on the surface.
I have read some writing somewhere by folks that believe that as long as you know Jesus, that is all that is necessary, and that your good works have not a thing to do with it at all. Insane! In fact, a friend was watching Daystar TV in the middle of the night after a late shift of work, and listened to a black minister tell this followers, that it was OK to for a black person to steal, because they had Jesus. She was most appalled by this, and now won't let her kids near Day Star TV.
Sananda then wanted to make some comments about the earth changes coming.
There are coming great changes to the surface of the planet. The planet desires to be restored to her original grandeur. The lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria are going to be brought up from the Ocean floor. Your star visitors will aid this process. Her firmament will also be restored.
The planet has to vent her negative energies. When you are rightfully angry, do you not need to vent it some way? So does the planet. As mentioned earlier, we are trying to prevent another catastrophic occurrence on the western Pacific Rim, well north of the recent earthquake activity. We are causing many daily small quakes to release the pressure and prevent a major event, that would most certainly be worse that the recent one.
Your whole solar system is to be repaired. It has suffered much damage from the Galactic and local warring. Maldek, will even in time, be reassembled. Mars and Venus will be restored, so that you may populate them in the future, as your populations grow. Some of you will participate in the restoration of your solar system after you have your galactic travel capabilities restored.
I fail to understand how your assorted governments do not want our help. This planet is in really awful shape, and we bring the technology that can help you out. They would rather the planet be lost than saved, if they cannot have it. They are still bent on removing most of the population, and keeping only those that they require to serve them and keep them comfortable.
He goes on about the technology and how less work will be required of our population and how we might live with the use of the techonology.
In fact, with our technology, much physical work can be ended, and less hours worked. Very advanced societies on other worlds, and even some of the indigenous societies still on earth, work only what is needed to care for their society. They, thus, work no where near the acceptable standard of 40 hours in the USA, which is a farce for many, as they have extra jobs to get by.
Both parents should not have to work and be away from the little ones. Children should not grow up totally in day-care, and so many are left alone after school, because care can't be afforded. A single mother should be at home most of the time. It is sad that there are so many single mothers.
Life is to be enjoyed. What work that is needed should be chosen, as to the type that is done. Leisure is very important. At some point in the future, if you accept what we can offer, you will only work a few hours a week, and can pursue education, quality leisure (not spent in front of the boob tube), partaking in sport, more than watching it, or at least watching it live and not on TV.
You were meant to have some idle time enjoying the beach, the mountains, etc. You were meant to have and enjoy creative activity. Some of the bartering done by advanced civilizations is for beautiful goods created by artisans etc. Advanced civilizations do not use money. YOU ARE SIMPLY MEANT TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE. This is true abundance, the time to enjoy life and the pursuits that you love, and ever journey to Godhood.
May I say something here? Your space program is stupid and part of the "UFO" cover-up! You have had "flying saucers" since WW II. With our help, you have earth folks on Mars inside that planet at this time. You know the situation of Mars, and have no need to put those little Rovers on it.
What is amazing is that some of your scientists, that are doing this work, are kept from awareness of us, or told that they will die, if they mention this. You have personnel on the moon.
You had 2 moons once. They were brought down by the BBB & G’s long ago, and used to take out Atlantis and Lemuria. Atlantis was an accident. They intended the moon to destroy China. They miscalculated. Your moon is artificial, constructed in Orion, and towed to earth.
It will be used elsewhere after your natural moons are restored. Your scientists are currently reporting a new moon that circles earth about every 80 days, and another quite a bit father out. These are our creations, not artificial, but from the Asteroid belt.
Then he needed to finish and get back to his duties.
Well, we have gone about an hour, and duty calls, Earth ever being a major challenge. I will repeat again, though, I will indeed have my Second Coming this year of 2005, and it will be sooner than later. I look so forward to walking the surface of the earth publicly, and not having to be on star ships or underground.
The many masters, that are returning, will walk the earth and be teaching and in contact. You are not going to be raptured away somewhere. I will be meeting you in your churches, and I will be on TV. I will be most available, and I so desire this, to be among you again in person, as it has taken way to long. Salu and have a wonderful day.
Something I would like to point out in closing. Many Christians, Pat Robertson included, consider that Jehovah is the God of Christianity (he says so in "Bring it On"), and that this God came and died on the cross for us. This is not true. Jehovah was one of the beings that captured earth so very long, and established themselves as gods of earth.
This Jehovah is most certainly not the father of Sananda. I will leave it to Sananda after his Second Coming to tell about his father. Remember, he is human. The Father, spoken of in his teachings, is the Divine Spark within and not a human like God. God the Father is in Spirit form. The statement, "made in the image of God," doesn't refer to this type of physical body, it refers to the fact that we are sons and daughters of God, and are thus divine in the image of God.
After First Contact has occurred and folks get used to the idea of our star visitors, you will find that there are many, many different types of bodies, all in the image of the God Spirit within. This Second Coming is a massive project, going way beyond any idea of rapture. It's about the salvation of the Earth itself, not just our souls. Our planet was very nearly dead after WW II. Without all the aid we have received, that most are unaware off, we would not have a home on which to live. Consider that.