We Stand In Awe Of You
By Candace Frieze
SANANDA: Greetings all, this beautiful day! I thought you would like a tidbit of information about the progress our warriors extraordinaire are making on the ground. I would like to say that not all are of human format. Some are Reptilians, and they look big, bad and mean.
Some were beamed right into the war game rooms, filled with highly decorated brave military men, those that war behind the scenes, rather than take the bullets. I will leave it to your imagination what happened to their expensive uniforms in their moment of surprise!
After they pulled themselves together, they thought that these were their comrades-in-arms, and again suffered when they found out quite the otherwise! We think they got the message that they are very alone now. I will add, not all Reptilians work for the dark. God continues to give Grace to those now jumping ship.
Those on the ground are making great progress in bringing together the motley crew that you read about at Sheldon Nidle. There was a short period required for everyone to get into place, and a period required for the star visitors to identify themselves, and make a comfortable alliance.
In answer to those that write wishing that all had not taken so long, I will give some brief history. When myself and my Pleiadian brothers and sisters arrived in 1954, with enough starships to evacuate the planet, if necessary, and having previously arranged for your new homes, only a few Greys were here, plus a number of the Annunaki and the Anchara.
Your government had already made many alliances with these Greys. So, I began to teach again and do what I do, and the others took to securing your planet a bit and supervising many activities. Soon, we were joined by the Sirians, and our two groups most certainly did not see eye to eye. It took until 1987 to form an alliance between us.
More and more came as news spread around the Universe. More alliances were necessary. Many wanted an active part in the healing of the Earth. A few were not so graceful. There were many battles fought!
The Annunaki joined the Light, as did the Anchara after defeat in battle. That did not occur until the mid and late 1990’s. After their defeat, they, rather than licking their wounds and hightailing it out of here, decided to become part of the solution instead of the problem. More work was necessary. We had become a very motley crew, indeed.
The plan for healing the Earth grew and grew of not only healing the earth, but repairing the entire solar system to its former grandeur. As you know, your solar system has experienced great destruction. The dark on Earth, of course, grew darker in attempts to dissuade us. Now, saving the planet was always in our minds, but ascending the planet in the manner that has now come into being, was not foremost in our minds in those early years.
I know that many of you are very concerned about the ongoing suffering of Earth's peoples. This plan that has been formulated over these many years is far superior to the original idea. Never before in galactic history has something of this nature been attempted.
Usually, ascending a planet involves planets that have not experienced what Earth has experienced. Those planets are a simple job to bring into Universal consciousness. The whole population of Earth is a motley crew.
You are from so many different places and have such a variety of history. Some of your are aware that this is the 3rd attempt at integration of peoples, and it has been the most difficult to do. In addition to everybody that is here from the earlier failed attempts, there are many many more that came to work the planet from within. Some peoples were removed to this planet from other planets for the purpose of growing and learning.
At the present time there are now well more than 10 million ships from everywhere one can imagine. It took so much diplomacy and effort, but look what has happened for all that. Rather than a liftoff and some education prior to liftoff, you have salvation of your whole solar system, and a most glorious new way to be!
What has been accomplished far exceeds what you would have learned, had you just been moved elsewhere. The precious jewel of life, as an evolutionary planet that Earth is, has been preserved and will be healed and mended. So many have come back to the light. All galactic war is done. All those millions of years of war are in the past.
Now, I shall draw attention to your accomplishments! You got the Internet up and running. You got many projects going to deal with many of Earth's problems. You drew attention to environmental problems. You drew attention to the poor system of education in place, but remember, also, that you drew attention to the need of learning in the first place, even though your schools are less than satisfactory.
You have been drawing attention to our presence in the skies. You have been providing a better understanding of the concept of God. You understand the poor need to eat and be sheltered and clothed, so they can more actively participate in their spiritual growth. You developed worldwide commerce. You are making all equal, no matter the sex or the race. You drew attention to the truth that it is not right to enslave people. You drew attention to the fact that everyone is of God. These are stupendous accomplishments, and the above is only a very short list of what you have accomplished.
I ask you to stand in pride for these accomplishments that you have made on this Earth. Those of you on the Earth have done great and wonderful work to this point. NESARA is a jewel of a plan, and you did it! It was not us. We are merely giving it this last minute support in our haste to tend your Earth.
We have learned as much as you in the resolution of our problems in your skies. Now, we will go into greater partnership. Think what we shall all accomplish together! Talk about rapture in the true meaning of the word! WE STAND IN AWE OF YOU!
Speaking of the rapture theory, the Darkside has done great injustice to Earth peoples with its' use. I fully expect to be rejected at least for a time by many in the Christian community. They will await the "real" Jesus. There are many websites and books working against myself.
The teachings are that we are frauds, that anyone, who can communicate with the "dead" or with Angels, are talking to Satan. We have tried incredibly behind the scenes to work with this, and get rid of it, but people are tired of Earth, it seems, and want to leave and be in Heaven. You can't escape life, and these people, I think, will be hard to motivate to save their planet and bring heaven unto it. The knowledge of what Heaven is, is just plain dumb.
One reader asked how to talk to people, for me to give some clues. I do not know what to tell you to do. I have been less than successful myself in working with the "brain-washed" pastors. Just do your best in your own ways, and direct people as you can away from the disturbing websites and literature. I think in a fairly short time many will come around, as they notice the changes are of benefit to them. I think few would turn down the benefits of NESARA.
You might try to explain that the idea of rapture was misunderstood, rather than inform them they have been stupid to believe in it. You might explain that the planet is being returned to heavenly status from being a prison planet. It might be better, in other words, to re-define the words and concepts of their knowing. You can certainly say that the dark brothers intentionally changed the concepts to suit their agenda. Their agenda was to prevent my Second Coming with the UFO cover-up. Be gentle, but firm. BE WAY-SHOWERS, just as you have been with all your other outstanding accomplishments.
I would personally suggest that a good series of books for those having difficulty giving up their Bible would be the "Conversation with God" series, by Neale Donald Walsch. They are gently spiritual and should have broad appeal to those trying to change their concept of God.
Now, for those that have read these and wonder who the "God" that is working through Mr. Walsch might be, it is not myself. It is none other than Lord Buddha. Since he is, also one with God, and at this time the Planetary Logos, He can call himself God, for those writings. Should you recommend these books, share in the knowledge that the Buddha is the author of the writings.
CANDACE: I received a huge number of emails after the posting of the Health articles. I. myself. blew it a bit, or so, I thought, on the Canola oil. I received many letters stating that it is a contrived product by genetic manipulation. I, myself, had read literature about Canola oil in the last year. So, I was prepared to do a big apology, but Sananda has something a bit different to say about it. Many had comments about Xylitol also, considering it a safe product to use. So, I will let Sananda continue.
SANANDA: My, our readers had much response to our health messages! Candace received many messages about the Canola oil. Yes, Canola is a genetically modified product, however, used in small quantities and if it is not overly refined, it is all right. An issue with oils that is important to understand is that no oil is a whole food. Whole oil does not exist in nature.
Anytime you remove a substance and concentrate it in great quantity, it can affect the overall balance of health. It may become either poison or medicine. It is fine to use some amounts in cooking, and it is better to use oils, in general, that come from very naturally oily plants, such as the olive and coconut and some seed oils. I do not understand the use of corn oil, as corn has so little oil in it to start with and seems a waste of the plant. Those of you sensitive to corn, may be, also, sensitive to corn oil and corn sweetener.
Oils have fewer vitamins, no minerals, for the most part, and are almost empty calories. It is better to get the majority of your fat from the whole nuts, seeds and oily fruits, if you are Vegan or vegetarian. This is why sugar is a problem, also, when used in great quantity as an isolated product.
I stand very firm on the use of sugar alcohol's. Some wrote that Zylitol is quite a natural product. Sugar alcohol's are present in very small quantity in food. Separate them out and eat them in quantity, and you invite damage to your organs. It matters not that you get your Xylitol from the birch tree. It is good for the birch tree, but in concentration it is not good for the human.
I know, also, that you love maple syrup, which does has more nutrition than white sugar, but it is still sugar, and your body is not made to handle extreme sugar. I suggested Sucanat, because it does have nutritional value, but Sucanat and honey, also, are still sugar, and ones need to limit consumption of them.
CANDACE: We had several questions about weight. During the lost channeling, Sananda discussed that weight difficulty may, also, be related to past life experience of having starved. Thus, you fear hunger in this life. To handle this problem you need to study what your eating issues are and make conscious decision to correct your imbalances and overcome the fear.
Sananda is not happy with blaming the genetics, as an excuse on this issue. Most of you that have weight problems as a child had parents that overfed you. Otherwise, the past life experience may have created your childhood weight problems. If parents knew this, they might be better able to help their over-eating children. Parents must take responsibility for the food in the house and for teaching children how to eat correctly, and listening to see if fear of hunger is behind the problem. I chose to summarize this information, rather than going back to have Sananda re-channel it, after I realized we had forgotten to do so this morning.
SANANDA: Many of you have difficulty loosing weight because you have trained your bodies to produce way too much insulin to process the sugar, the white rice and white flours. Then, your insulin, which is high, stores the sugar rapidly, lowering your blood sugar and creating terrible symptoms in the process. You remedy the situation by eating more sugar! You, also, stress your adrenal system greatly by doing this.
I said I like cookies. I do, but I do not eat a plateful. I eat usually only one, and if it is a large cookie, less that that. Once the sugar is in the cookie with other ingredients, the sugar does not hit you system quite as rapidly, especially, if the cookie is made with whole flour. You can handle sugar better when you are active and burn it up as you digest it, rather than storing it as fat. If you use the sugar right away, you will get less insulin surge. A major property of insulin is the storage of excess carbohydrate.
CANDACE: A number of years ago I did the low carb diet in extreme for a short period of time, about 2 months. Once you get the insulin out of the way, you bring forth another hormone that enables you to empty the fat cells. You must restrict the fat in your diet, also, if you wish to drop weight. If you need to get over hyperinsulinism (medical term for the condition Sananda describes above and below) and are not overweight, eat what fat you need for energy.
I could not maintain on that diet. I still have about 20 lb. to lose, and I can't motivate myself to try it again. I found it very uncomfortable. I needed some carbohydrate. I must still restrict my carbohydrate. I have a meter, and I know exactly what I can eat before my sugar goes up. Yes, I now have the opposite problem, I am a tad diabetic. I control it with food and exercise choices. With my hyperinsulinism that I used to have, my sugar still went sky high before it rapidly dropped from the insulin response. The above diet did end that problem.
I will suggest to those with diabetes, that you use that meter and exercise to gain some control over the diabetes, including weight loss. You may find you need no medicine at all. Doctors just love giving out pills and keeping you dependent on them. I can personally handle 2 servings of carbohydrate, if I am active, and one at a time sitting in front of the computer or watching TV. I can eat carbohydrate all day. I just watch the consumption per session of eating. Your blood sugar should not rise over 180 ever, even after a major "pigout". It should be below 140 within two hours of eating. I bet some of you diabetics never had your doctor tell you to use your meter this way!
I grew up on homemade bread, usually whole grain, so I love it. If you have a good natural bakery near you, try the breads. My bakery grinds the flour fresh each day, so it does not become rancid and bitter. Much "store bought" whole grain bread is a little bitter because it is not really fresh, or has many additives. Read the labels! "Wheat bread" is not whole wheat bread. It is white bread with maybe a spoonful of whole wheat and coloring added.
SANANDA: Now, those with weight problems, change immediately to whole grains, and gradually eat less every day of carbohydrate, until you deprogram your insulin response. You may need to eat only 1/2 serving of carbohydrate, such as a small fruit or 1/2 slice of bread for a month or more to deprogram the insulin response. You can then gradually increase your consumption of carbohydrate along with exercise.
You, absolutely, have to give up pop and similar all-sugar beverages. You must read labels. Fructose and corn syrup in everything is a big no-no. Now, don't all write and say that you have been told fructose is better than sucrose. It, usually, is not! Many people actually feel far worse when they buy pure fructose and use it. Consuming pop made with corn syrup may be more upsetting than pop made with sucrose.
Read the labels on your jam and jelly. The best is made sweetened with fruit juice. The next best is made with regular sugar. Leave the ones that have corn sweetener on the shelf. Also, limit the quantity of fruit juice you drink. Read the label and make sure the product is 100% juice. One glass of juice has several servings of fruit in it, and can cause you problems with your blood sugar. It is best to eat the fruit whole. As with anything, listen to your body.
The worst foods you can eat after pop are donuts. They have lots of white sugar, lots of very white finely milled flour, and oil that is used to fry them, until it is nearly black. Oil should not be used over and over. This hydrogenates it, and makes it more damaging. Buy baked chips made of whole organic grain. You intake so many excess calories because you do not read labels, and you do not pay attention.
Fat provides far greater calories than carbohydrate, and you have it everywhere that you do not need it. Cut way back on the frying. Saute at lower temperature. I would advise you to not fry at all, period, as high temperature degrades oil. Another issue with eating lots of fats in a meal, is that you, also, pump out lots of bile to digest them, and then the excess bile is irritating to your gut!
How many of you feel really great after a huge steak, a potato with lots of fat, a salad with lots of salad dressing, the rolls with fat on them? Then you top it off with a fatty, sweet dessert! You may have started that meal with a fried appetizer! That meal should last you a whole day for the calories, but I imagine you ate some other meals that day, too. Then you wonder why you are overweight?
If you are more vegetarian, you still do not need that wonderful asparagus, dripping in olive oil, that salad dripping in salad dressing, the re-fried beans in the burrito. Pay attention! This is a most simple example of living in the Now, paying attention to your life and making responsible choices.
CANDACE: We got lots of comment on soy! These past several months I have seen many articles that debunk soy. I personally love tofu and my homemade soymilk. The fact is, most of our food is contaminated in some way. Even organic produce is often contaminated from jet fuel in the atmosphere. There is wide spread contamination of GMO products via pollen transfer. Right now, it is pretty much impossible to avoid contamination. One would need to quit eating to do so.
SANANDA: Now, I say that soy is fine, as long as you are not one that is sensitive to it. Try to use non-GMO product with the soy. Also, avoid hydrolyzed soy. Soy has some natural MSG in it, which becomes concentrated in the hydrolyzed product. The MSG is fine in the whole food, but again, not so in the concentrated degraded "food." MSG added to food will cause you brain damage!
You get into much trouble in the separation of whole food. Your body can handle small amounts of concentrated product, but it should not be in emphasized. That is the problem.
We received many letters that soy is dangerous. If it were, China and Japan would not be around! Those countries had greater health from the use of soy before they began the western habit of excessive meat consumption, especially grain-fed meat, and the increase in sugar consumption.
The only danger in soy is that it must be cooked and not consumed raw. Soymilk must be cooked, if you make your own at home. This applies to all dry beans, for that matter.
For fat use, I recommend pure organic butter for those cookies, followed by coconut, oil if you like the flavor. It tastes like coconut, so let the taste buds determine. Eat desserts and sweets on occasion, tasting them rather than filling your plate, and exercise right after consumption of them to keep the insulin response down. You will not be able to abuse your Lightbodies, either. Good health depends of the care of the body, conscious care. Pay attention to what you shove into thy mouths!
CANDACE: I am still working on the animal material. It is fully channeled. I just have not finished my part in it. We decided to answer some of those health questions, and then get on with other projects. I am, finally last night, down to only 50 unopened emails. I have had as many as 300 of them at once. I try to answer all, but I am now forced to pick and choose.
I am putting many more than 40 hours a week into this project, and I must begin to set some priority on my time. Be very specific in the subject box to help me choose what to open. I need to know more than "questions for Sananda." As this project winds down, I will get to all of them.
Now, I have mastered the technique, via trial and error for great tasting homemade soymilk. If you want my method, send an email stating "Want Milk Recipe" in the subject line, and I will mail it out as I have time to do so. Expect a short wait on this. Making soy milk is a bit time consuming, and unless you own some pretty large cooking pots, it is difficult to make more than a gallon at once. It keeps about a week.
You also have a problem with using left-over pulp. I am able to make some into granola and veggie patties, but I have difficulty using it all. I recycle what I can't use into my garden. I make it, in part, because I am on a short budget. I had I brand I used to love, but they changed their recipe.
If some of you are having difficulty with store bought soymilk bothering your gut, read the label. Those that have calcium carbonate as the calcium supplement in them, irritate me. I can't handle Tums for the same reason. I find those with Tricalcium phosphate in them are all right for my body. I enjoy assorted teas with soymilk in them. I, no longer, can handle the taste of cow's milk, except in quality cheese.
Now, this is quite enough on the health issue for the time being! I still have quite a bit of material not written up, yet. I must move on. Take care, Candace