We Must Pause Again
By Candace Frieze
Also, I am going to be very busy the next several days. Our BBB&G's have come out in full force with the knowledge of my coming being not very far away. All the bad news of late is usually the result of their antics. We are getting more concerned that we may have to "fall out of the sky", and still we avoid it. We have been turning off their weapons. We are turning off their beam weapon systems. We have to be careful with the phone towers, so as to not turn off your phones. The problems are mostly coming from the USA, Europe, and Mexico. We are disconnecting HAARP and similar systems. We have the permission to do so. In addition you have heard that we can prevent nuclear detonations.
Some of you know that there are Mexican troops being placed at your borders. This is being dealt with. During your days with Terri Schiavo they have done much behind your backs, but we have allowed Terri her very important teaching. It is waking people up, grandly, in the United States right now, and this is actually beneficial. We at this time have many more ships down in the atmosphere. You should be noticing more "cloud ships" in the sky. Candace's skies are full of them today and tonight.
We must get this done and over with. We are finding ourselves having to get very nasty. We are dealing with a great many programmed clones, and these clones do not think for themselves, and do not take "no" for an answer from us. In this they are very dangerous. I would like to say that for those of you who heard of the mountain home blown up in Colorado recently, this was an act by your government. The little town had taken a stand against government intrusion, and they got a very nasty warning with three beautiful children dead.
There have been several more judges killed not reported in the news. I said recently that they were on a killing spree, and this is very so. They are even killing their ones, they are not sure to trust. IT IS ALL COMING DOWN. There have been many dead in the Pentagon, which they tried to cover with the Anthrax scare. I believe, I mentioned this before. The Texas refinery was, also, not an accident.
Also, recently there has been put out on the web, and Hatonn addressed this a bit in his article, that we are dealing with threats of more chemicals and viruses in the chemtrails. Rest assured on this, that this is not actually true. We have prevented this final onslaught. Indeed, they are chem-trailing but not with these infective agents. Actually, the Federation has been able to change the contents of the chemtrails in the background through people on the ground, and they are not as bad as they once were in content. Some substances in these are even beneficial. The polluting of your skies from them will totally stop with NESARA and Contact.
At least you should see this as a form of proof about the coming changes, otherwise our BBB&G's would not be so upset and running scared. They are also setting up many more websites, along the line of Sherry Shriner's. Sherry Shriner - New World Order - Aliens - Abduction - UFOs - The Last Days (http://www.sherryshriner.com/). Now, recently you saw information that we covered about Rense. He is a lighted soul, but there are many websites that purport to be against the New World Order, that are in fact, part of it. Use your discretion in what you read.
Many of you participating in message boards, news groups, and other Internet associations are getting hate mail, and you may get more. They harvest your addresses and your code names. Please, just close these up when you get them. If you get an actual personal threat, silently convey it (by telepathy) to the Guard Attachments of the Galactic Federation. If you speak out loud, this distorts telepathy. You will be assigned some protective services. Yes, we have actual Guards on missions of protection to you all at this time. Keep yourself protected in the Christ Light by whatever is your comfortable method, and be not in fear. This only gives support to these ones.
Meanwhile, Candace will still answer e-mail, and she is intensely at work on our big final message, which she discussed previously. We are doing up something in good detail, but easily understood about Ascension, and some of the science behind it in the change of your bodies. So now, I go and return to my increasing duties. Namaste, Sananda
CANDACE: I am so sorry about this again. As said above, at least this means that something is going on or our BBB&G's would not misbehave so very much. I am not in fear, but I do find myself tensed for a time after I get threatening mail. This usually causes me to walk, and then want to lie down. As said before, do not open attachments with my address, as e-mail is being sent in my name with a virus in the attachments. Some of this bounces back to me and actually states on it that it bounced because a virus was found in the attachment, so some of you have good systems in place.
I am tired. I work, it seems, nearly 24 hours a day including the "night-schooling". I am enjoying learning more about Ascension than the general knowledge available, and I hope our final project will be valuable. We will resume regular messages again, when it has been determined all right to do so, and Sananda has a bit more time. His time is better used for other things right now! He is making appearances around the world and doing things of which I am not to know at the present time.
I thank all for making this recent journey a marvelous event for me. I have learned much. We are not ending these messages, just pausing. Keep sending the messages around. I have heard from several the last week that are finding new ways to get them out by new lists, new websites and new translations. Thank you all so very much for this. In the meantime, maybe I will get caught up with your e-mails. I had fifty more today when I last checked. I still have a few unanswered ones that are pushing ten days old. I tend to answer the recent ones first, and since I usually do not get them all answered, they pile up. I think I will take one day and get the remaining old ones answered. Be patient. I have not forgotten you. Take care, until we meet again! Please do continue to write. I have found many new friends! Blessings, Candace.