Message From Sananda August 12, 2003 #12
Through Elizabeth Hays
This channelling was from Lord Sananda and his helpers three.
What I believe you may not be
inclined to trust, but wait, I’m free.
T’is time to trust, time to be free.
So take your cudgel or your cane,
and hold aloft for all to see,
your stand to show all those not free.
It is time to show the tardy and the blind,
To stay behind would not be kind.
Are you ready? Are you ready? There is much to do out there and some appear not ready. Those that are, are faced with a particularly difficult task to cleanse themselves and to explain to others just how this whole thing will work out. We have been around from ages old, watching and waiting for this event.
The train of events you are about to see will startle some and comfort others. Those of you who have been working with the light for so long will still have their time taken up with helping those who do not understand.
It is not important that each and every person knows every minute detail, but enough that some do. The hundredth monkey syndrome will work exceptionally well. You just need to “nudge” it along.
Why do you quail at the thought. The Light is with you all. It IS THE TIME. There is to be no other time like this. ALL WILL BENEFIT. Yes, some will appear not to. Those that are not of this world will find solace elsewhere and their just rewards or desserts will be given them. So much has been hidden from you all, those of the Light. You are like little children in your knowledge and thus knowledge can only be given to you the way you can understand it. Some will learn easily and graduate to the teenager stage, others will require coaching. As you learn, so will you grow in knowledge and be able to apply that knowledge. You cannot expect to know it all instantly.
Be comforted yet, the words I speak are those of knowledge borne of time. Time is not measured in your time, but in a different way, like the harmony of music. The notes and chords of music contain a wealth of knowledge in each sound. You cannot play the whole song in one go, you need to play each note to hear the sound of the soul. Only after the whole song is played can you enjoy the music of the soul. Time therefore is suspended in these notes. Who can measure time. Measurement of time can be done many ways, but essentially you and your soul own your own time. You make you own time. The way you play your soul sounds makes your time in this space. If it is in harmony with other souls then you enjoy the time you spend with them. You are the master of your own time. You chose to be born, you chose to live, you chose that time to be born, according to your soul’s needs.
Some of you volunteered to be born at this time to help others. Those of you who help others in any form are Lightworkers. You work for the Light to be brought forth to the darkest places on earth. A simple song, but one which tells it well, has a line “You in your small corner and I in mine”, meaning by shining your own love for others will help brighten up the world. One tiny light is nothing, but when combined with millions of others, it becomes a flame of intent. That intent of Love is enough to change the World. Be not overcome by this thought. You are worthy of the greatest Love there is by shining this lovely Light even through the darkest times on Earth.
Open your hearts to the wonderful times we hold in anticipation for you all to claim as yours. It is, indeed, time. Time to change, time to claim, time to be free, for all time.
Be as one, you will be free,
Claim it all, my love to thee
Be not afraid, I desert you not,
For one and all will come this night,
To bring the Light and bare the Soul
To love each other, so be bold.
Forever hold my Love in trust,
That you will here and must,
Believe in all you see and hear
When the ships come from there and here.
The time indeed has come at last
So celebrate the joy, I trust.
Lord Sananda. Thank you.