Message From Sananda - To Your Good Health Part 2
By Candace Frieze
You need to read every label of everything you buy as food and medicine. Artificial sweeteners are in common use in medicines, and are often not labeled as such. If you do not recognize an ingredient as food on the label, leave it in the store. There is nothing better for you than real food, and even that is deficient, as I previously mentioned. Eat whole food as much as possible.
Even if you desire to use some sugar, and some use is OK, use a product called Sucanat when appropriate to your recipe, which may be labeled as dried cane syrup. This is pure cane syrup, prior to any processing, and it does have significant minerals in it, particularly iron. At least you do not consume totally empty calories with its use.
I, myself, have a bit of a sweet tooth and I love cookies! I do not eat them made with white flour and white sugar. Yes, Sananda, who will be walking with one leg in front of the other on your Earth does, indeed, eat! I fully understand the love of sweets.
CANDACE: (Feb. 28) I wonder if his cookies are made in a food replicator, or does he have a wonderful cook baking for him?
Sananda: I heard that! I can have them either way, but baked and eaten warm is nicer than the replicator. We do cook sometimes on ships and when I am visiting Inner Earth.
CANDACE: This is getting silly. Who ever thought we would be discussing cookies with Sananda? However, for those of you who have written about your confusion as to his body, and his being also on the Other Side, keep reading. He will be discussing this after we finish the health material!
SANANDA: (written Feb. 27) Another thing worth mentioning here is that by these many ways that the BBB&G’s have created to harm you, the result has been to keep many of you living in a hell, that prevents or interferes with your abilities to spend time on the many projects you wish to create. This was by their design.
Also, before I go, so Candace can finish this, I need to tell you that even with our coming and the healing we bring, many are in bodies that are very old. They have lived difficult lives, and they will desire to pass over, and return to this glorious New Earth by being reborn. Accept and welcome this desire in those choosing to do so. They need to experience as babies again and grow up in this wonderful New World, and they will better further their finding of God by doing so.
CANDACE: I will finish the rest of the health material. I am going to tell you about a few things I use and find beneficial. The first would be flax seed. I used to use flax oil, but I had a problem with several bottles I had to return. Flax oil spoils easily, and tastes like furniture polish when rancid. Always taste any oil before using. Rancid oil is poisonous.
So, I decided to buy the seed and grind it. This is much cheaper, and 1/4 cup ground seed has about 1 TBS. of oil in it, which is what I was using per day. I grind a couple quart jars at a time, and keep in the refridgerator. I use a blender, but I would think a coffee mill would work, also. Flax seed must be ground, as it goes thru undigested otherwise. It has a hard seed coat.
Flax seed, as seed, has all the wonderful stuff that all seeds have, whatever it takes to grow a baby plant. It has very high quality soluble fiber (like oats) and has 8 grams of fiber and 6 grams of high quality protein per 1/4 cup. I pour out my 1/4 cup a day, use some in cooking, where appropriate,and take the rest stirred into water with other stuff I take.
The reason I take flax is that it reduces inflammation in the body. Today's animals are fed grain, rather than grass, and produce too many Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) in the meat. Meat fed on grass has mostly Omega 3 EFA. You do need Omega 6, but only about twice as much as Omega 3. Many Americans, from both meat and certain seed oils, get way too much Omega 6, as high as a 20 to 1 ration over Omega 3.
Flax oil is much higher in Omega 3, and helps balance the two out. Too much Omega 6 messes up the balance of hormones called prostaglandins, contributing to inflammation. Prostaglandin's are made from fatty acids. Decrease your consumption of safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and sesame oil, and avoid partially hydrogenated oil (Crisco, etc.) like the plague. This includes most margarine's. Read labels carefully. Margarine's need to be trans fat free, also.
Good oils to eat are olive oil, any nuts or their oils, especially walnuts, flax, and hemp. Canola oil is also OK, as it has some Omega 3. Soy oil has both, with more Omega 6. Also, oily cold water fish are beneficial. You can, also, take fish oil capsules for Omega 3, but don't use them when your stomach is feeling "belchy". Fish oil is pretty disgusting, if you burp it back up! If you like the taste Coconut oil is also good.
I don't buy mass produced oil in the stores, as heat and chemicals that aren't good for you are used in the processing of them. I suggest you get organic cold pressed soy oil or Canola oil if you use them. Also, if you buy flax oil, don't cook with it, as heat degrades it. It must be refrigerated. I keep all my oils in the refrigerator. Flax oil makes a wonderful salad dressing mixed with lemon. I was taken off vinegar for a time. That is how I discovered the lemon combination.
I got some of the above information from Dr. Andrew Weil's book called "Eating Well For Optimum Health." This book inspired my interest in EFA's.
There is another reason to watch your meat consumption. Have any of you noticed that raw meat is getting juicier and juicier? Chemicals might be added for this, but the real reason to avoid or decrease your meat is that the animals are being fed huge doses of estrogen to get them to retain water before slaughter, so they weigh more. I was losing my taste for meat before I stopped eating it, because it didn't cook right. I like stir fry, and the meat won't fry, it boils. The taste of meat was changing, also, and I was eating less, because I did not enjoy it.
Something very interesting happened when I did that. I found improvement in my arthritis! This is because of those little Omega 3's and 6's. I had been on flax for a while at that time. So, I just quit the meat altogether, and I saw more improvement. I, also, needed to take a bit more estrogen, proving to me that estrogen in meat is a problem. Do all you "meat-loving guys" think you should have estrogen in your diet? I think that this may contribute to infertility in men, and increased PMS in women.
My experience with flax has been to reduce my arthritic pain, helped out by stopping meat. Not only has the pain been reduced, but my function has improved. I haven't needed steroid injections in any joints for at least 3 years now. Recently, while writing these and answering emails, I ran out of flax and forgot for a week to grind more. I felt It! I am eating a bit extra for a few days to rid myself of a bit of soreness that happened from not using it. I would think that many of you with assorted aches and pains might benefit from its use, and reducing meat consumption.
This past fall, I decided to try colloidal silver. I detest antibiotics, and I get yeast problems in my gut from them, and silver is supposed to be good for that. It is. It has helped a great deal. Silver kills around 650 organisms. I take some when I feel a bug coming on, and so far, every single one has dropped in its tracks, no matter if it be a cold, a digestive bug, or the flu.
A friend of mine caught a horrid case of flu, and after 2 days of killer pain with it, remembered I had given her silver. She swigged on it all day. Her fever broke, the pain stopped, and she went to work again a couple days later. She never developed the long term cough that happens so often with the flu.
I got the idea of the silver from the Phoenix Journals. There is much available online about the use of silver and other colloidal metals. I would like to use collidal gold also, but it is unaffordable to me at this moment. Collidal gold will kill even more organisms and has been found to help mood, also.
I bought a colloidal silver generator and make my own, as it costs between $45 and $60 a quart on the Net. I paid $200 for the Robey Generator CS. The silver electrodes come with this machine and it makes up to 400 gallons, but I think at the full strength that I make it, it would make considerably less. Replacement electrodes are only $25. Silver, is taken orally. It can also be used on the skin, as ear drops, eye drops, and nose spray, mouth wash etc. There are many brands of Generators available.
Even if one is allergic to silver jewelry, I think colloidal silver would not be a problem. It is made in parts per million, very dilute. It is completely non-toxic, unlike many antibiotics. If you have to use quite a bit for several days, it might reduce your normal flora in your gut. You could eat yogurt or take probiotics. I did need probiotics while I was on silver for a month. For those who wonder what probiotics are, they are commercially available strains of the little critters that you need in your gut. I, personally like the Jarrow brand.
My father just called today. His facial skin cancers are improving with colloidal silver and he wants some more. This is funny, because he gave me some money and got angry when I "wasted" it on the silver machine. He tried it anyway. He is using it orally and directly on the cancers, and is experiencing some clearing up of his chronic bronchitis. His voice was much improved over the phone.
One has to experiment with dosage. The information on the Net varies at every site. I make mine 80 PPM, the strongest on my machine, and take 2-4 oz. as a first dose when I begin to become ill. Then I take some more, if needed, later. I, also, rinse my mouth with a dilute solution of it, and then swallow the solution after I brush my teeth.
I just remembered that a chronic bad gum area around a tooth I am trying very hard to keep, has seemed to heal completely. I was, however, on collidal silver orally, daily for about a month. So, I don't think this healing occurred from just using it as a mouth rinse. Food and water is deficient in silver, and using it as a mouth wash is a good way to get some each day.
I think all AIDS patients should have a silver generator and take collidal silver. It kills AIDS in the lab, but I don't think it will in the body, since AIDS goes into the DNA (retrovirus). It would help keep down the recurring infections, I would think, and a sick AIDS patient should probably, also, be on colloidal gold. In fact, when Sananda and I were chatting, he did suggest that. The advantage of silver is that you, also, become less dependent on seeing the doctor. If you get something that does not improve on silver, then do go to the doctor.
Now, I will discuss one more problem with health issues, and then we will move on. Unfortunately, I also have Fibromyalgia, which I assumed from all that I have read, was another of our New Age problems created by the BBB&G's. There is a doctor that has it, and he discovered a genetic cause for the problem. If you have osteoarthritis, stiff muscles, and an abundance of those "tender points", that are markers for the problem, your kidneys may not be adequately removing excess phosphate from your body. This excess phosphate gets stored, and mixed with calcium all over your body. It causes extreme fatigue, as the excess phosphate causes the muscles to work overtime. They are always in some degree of contraction, causing stiffness and pain. There are many other symptoms that go with it.
The doctor's name is R. Paul St. Amand, MD. He has been working with the condition for 40 years, now. He has written a book called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia. He, also, has a website at Fibromyalgia Treatment Center / Guaifenesin Protocol (http://www.fibromyalgiatreatment.com ). I have been on his treatment for 14 months now and am seeing benefit from it. I have lost a number of deposits in my feet, for example, and bought a pair of winter boots this year. I have had to wear sandals for a long time now, because of foot pain.
The treatment details are too complex for this article. So, go to the website, and if you think this material might be of use to you, get his book, which has more detail. It involves taking Guaifenesin, the stuff that is in many cough syrups (but don't use them as a source of Guaifenesin), that loosens phlegm. I will also note that Sananda has told me that the techniques coming to restore our bodies to our younger selves will reverse these accumulations. In the mean time, I am using the protocol above.
As you see, not all problems are karmic with miasma's to be fixed. I have two problems brought about by the BBB&G's, and one that is genetic. I have family members with Fibromyalgia. I, actually, was alerted to this problem in my first pregnancy. I was having severe Charley Horses, and my first doctor kept telling me to eat more and more dairy for calcium. It did not help.
I switched doctors near the end of my pregnancy, and the new one was horrified at that advice. He greatly restricted my dairy use, limiting me to one small serving a day, and put me on calcium pills. The cramps stopped! He explained that phosphate in milk can cause problems for pregnant women. It was apparently unknown at that time, and still is for that matter, that this phosphate problem is related, also, to the development of osteoarthritis and other difficulties.
I was put on calcium as a child, never knowing why I needed it. I still need it, even on this treatment, to keep down cramping. The reason is the phosphate problem. Calcium is required to store the excess phosphate. You need phosphate. It is involved in energy production, and it is in nearly everything to some degree, especially in protein foods. Milk is high in phosphate, because the rapidly growing baby cow requires it. Slower growing humans do not require as much.
I was reluctant to go into so much detail about this area of my life. I feel "whiny" when I am writing about it. Sananda pushed me to do so, and share of my learning. Now, enough about me and on to answering some more questions from the email.
SANANDA: Many of you have written of the many times that I have helped you out in this life, and that I have been the source of many of your personal miracles. Now, this may be true. I would like to discus that your Guides and Angels have often been the ones, who have performed these deeds and supplied your guidance.
Due to the nature of the teaching in Christianity, and in even much in the new age material, I am the one most often mentioned. One of the missing teachings in Christianity is about your Guides, and the life planning taken on before incarnating. Since I am the one most known about, much is attributed to me, that in fact, I have not done personally.
More of this attribution should be given to your Guides. Also, Guides and Angels receive training from myself and the many Masters, and from other great teachers operating in the Lighted Realms. There are simply too many people on earth for me to personally attend the needs of all, even of all the Christians. I would like you to send a warm thank you to your Guides and Angels for their service. Let them know you are aware of them.
Other than myself, the next most adored personage common to Christianity is, of course, Mother Mary. Did you all know that Mother Mary was an incarnate angel for my mission back then? She is a most beloved and adored person, and thought to, also, be responsible for some materials for which she is not responsible. Christianity has placed great limitation on knowledge of the many ways that you have been helped.
One person wrote that I was seen for quite a period of time in an open area in a certain city. When I appear for any length of time, I have usually put an image or hologram of myself in that location. Hologram is not the best of words, but you don't have others to use.
Candace has mentioned that one website is putting a well-known painting of myself up with our messages. That painting was done by a great soul and person of wonderful artistic skills, known as Nanette Crist Johnson. I appeared to her in 1986, three days before Easter.
I did appear to her as I am now, in her presence to commission the painting, and I appeared next to her easel. She completed the painting of myself by Easter Day, only three days away. Now, after I spoke with her, I left a hologram of myself for her to paint, so as to not have to pose for the portrait until it was completed.
Using holograms of self is a common method used of being in more that one place at a time, and a skill you to will learn in your journey of finding God. A light body is necessary to be able to do this. There are many examples of this skill in your many stories. I can make several holograms of myself at any one time, and it is in this way that I can be many places at once. It is possible to speak through the hologram, so no one is the wiser.
Many of you have received visits from those on the other side. Often this is a relative who has passed. On the other side you have a spirit body, that does not have anywhere near the degree of matter of your incarnate body.
That spirit body cannot be seen by those incarnate, simply due to the difference in dimensional vibrations. Many, but not all when in this state, have the ability to project a hologram of themselves into your reality, and that is how they are seen by you. This is even the method of the Angels most of the time , when you see one.
As your body changes into a light body, as your DNA reconnects, you become more able to actually see into the higher realms most closely above your own. This is why many of you are seeing angels and other beings more easily. They don't need to use a hologram to be seen.
Now, we have, also, seen some questions of how I am on a spaceship, and how I operate, yet, on the Other Side, and the answer is simply with my multidimensional skills. All on the journey acquire these skills in their own timing, and with the teachings.
One person wondered if every time she had heard from me, was it from a spaceship? Most likely, no. I come and go from several ships and spend, actually, much of my time on Earth in the Inner Earth cities. I am on some ships now, simply as part of the preparation process that is upcoming with contact, and My Second Coming.
My contact with all of you over the years has mostly been from the Other Side, of which I am also a resident. Your Other Side seems as a huge mystery, due to lack of understanding. It is simply a collection of other dimensions and realities, and I do the great majority of my teaching and visitations from these realms.
My body, that all shall see, as, indeed, I have said already that I use, is simply of somewhat higher dimension, and fully visible before you, even in 3D. It is not wise for myself to appear often this way, as a safety issue. Thus, I use holograms, which look every bit as real. You will learn as your body ascends, that you can lower its' vibrations to be visible in lower dimensions, and raise them a bit, also, where it is wise to do so.
There are a number of people outside your dimension by only a small amount, who are resident on Earth much as you are. This is the story behind what you call Big Foot and similar creatures. These creatures are in 3D, as such, but if found by you, they disappear by increasing their vibrations to around 3.5D, making them invisible. There is much around you that you do not perceive.
So, I exist multidimensionally out of time, and at the very same time, particularly now, in time.
CANDACE: A reader wrote inquiring about how to tell if one was an enlightened earth soul, or from another planet. I read the letter to Sananda, and his answer reflects his interpretation of the letter.
SANANDA: In response to this question, why would this be important in your journey? "Is there anyway to know", you ask? As your memories come back, you will know. Most people on earth are from elsewhere, anyway. The difference is just the time you have spent here. My dear, in that you are an enlightened earth soul, consider that in some ways you may be farther in your journey, as a result of the rich experiences in the earth plane.
You letter implies that maybe you might be less creative than your husband, but you may deal better with negativity, understanding it to your core. Many of you actually made much more rapid progress than you would have elsewhere. Many come to earth to graduate at the top in their class! You can learn in even just one lifetime here, more than on other placements, because of the diversity.
CANDACE: This is all for this message. The animal message is still to come. Hatonn will, also, be channeled in that one. We will be covering some other material in addition to the animal material, and he has material that will complement that message.
Recently, I participated in the conference phone call that is covered by Tree of the Golden Light- Spiritual Web Content. There are small difficulties with conference calling that are not present in mental telepathy. These include the static and many other background noises. Telephone is less clear than telepathy. Recently, around Feb. 16, I had a conference with Sananda, Germain, Mother Sekmet, and my soul mate from the Other Side. So, there were five of us. It went so very well, everyone talked as they pleased in it, just like sitting around and gabbing. The only thing missing is body language, but otherwise, it is a very clear process. Mood and chuckling come through, just as in conversation.
I understand, that we are to be given better ways to communicate than our phones that are, also, healthier than cell phones are at the present. The nicest way, will be when all, at least, in your groups and families have telepathy. There will be no ringing phones, no message machines, no busy signals, no phone bills, and you can talk anytime, so easily. Won't it be fun!