Our Good Friends, Our Animals
By Candace Frieze
SANANDA: Now, my dear friends, we will get to the promised topic of the Animals. We have had quite a number of questions, nearly all referring to those you take into your homes.
First, I am going to cover a bit on evolution that is essential to our discussion. Planets are seeded with life when they are ready, and the evolution supervised to varying degrees. Each planet is different in terms of its distance from its sun, its atmosphere, the amount and type of water, as examples.
In most cases life is carried to the planet by those especially trained to do so, by Descending Sons of God, who evaluate the many circumstances and determine the types of life that will evolve in that planet's condition. Earth has very salty oceans, so that was a consideration of the type of life for this planet.
Earth was such a glorious planet for evolution of new life, that much experimenting was done to create many more forms of life than many planets have, and this is one reason it is so important to take back this planet. It is an evolutionary jewel.
Evolutionary planets are for the purpose of creating more intelligent life as the Universe ever grows. As life evolves, DNA templates are formed in ever increasing complexity, as you see all around you, with highly intelligent life forms eventually coming into being. Now, we are going to go to one of the questions asked by several, to help in this discussion.
It was asked, "Do the animals ever become human?" Yes, indeed, but you will not see your kittie's body type becoming human. What happens is that your kitties and dogs will leave their soul groups and incarnate into human bodies when they are ready to do so.
We have many animal souls on your Other Side now in preparation for this journey. They have been collecting there for some time now, and have not, yet, begun this journey, because we have held them back. We want them to come into your New World. Can you imagine your beloved pet coming into this one, as it has been?
Now, let us go back to evolution. As the DNA templates are formed, meaning the many different types of life, new spirit journeys through the existing ones. Spirit does this to learn by going ever on increasing journeys of higher learning. Each type of plant or animal group is called "group soul", and once a soul group has learned the lessons in a certain body type, the whole group is moved into the next higher type, and a lower group moves up into the "empty DNA template."
Evolution creates new souls. Most of you on the Ascending journey had your origins in this manner. So did I! When any animal realizes that it exists, it becomes an individual in its own right. Most mammals have reached this point. Some still in herds, such as cows, may not yet be individuals, but when cows are raised in loving human care, this indeed, may dawn on them, and at this dawning, they have started the human journey.
By "human", I am referring to the journey of the I AM. I EXIST! What wonderment to the animal at this discovery. The animal is, indeed, a tender young soul or primitive human at this point. It has become a younger brother or sister to you, just as I am an older brother to you. The animal might even think you to be a god of sorts.
It suddenly desires to consciously learn! It is often wonderfully excited and in sublime joy with this knowledge. It begins to think more and more as it observes itself in its surroundings. Now, I know that some of your scientists do not believe the animals think, but they do, indeed. Their thinking is simpler than yours, as it reflects where they are in their journey.
They begin to question their surroundings and study them. Have you not seen many animals to be studying what is going on? They begin to make actual decisions. This is "will" in action. Is it not wonderful for you to observe this in your animal family members? Is this not why at times, it seems that they are almost human? They are!
So, show them what you know that they understand, and involve them in your families, fully. Be the wayshower to them, and share in joy the common ground that you find together. In the journeys of all, everyone is a teacher. As you learn, you share with others. You should share with your animals what they are able to comprehend.
Many birds have made this discovery, also. When the animal makes this discovery in its next life, it may separate from the soul group it belonged to, and move into another soul group, using a new DNA template for learning. Finally, when it knows enough and is thinking well enough, it leaves the last soul group behind, usually cat or dog, but also may be horse, for example, and desires to join the human DNA template. Your cat does not need to become monkey first. In fact, monkey may become cat or dog to experience human contact.
Now, if this were understood better, you would not abuse your food animals as you do. In your evolutionary journey, you may have been a food animal, also. Does this knowledge not shed new light on the importance of how you care for your planet? Man was not given dominion over the planet to use and abuse it, but instead to care of it, and keep it in pristine condition for the journey of all on the planet. YOU ARE ALL ONE.
Now, another question is "Do animals go to heaven?" Yes, indeed! They journey onto the Other Side, also, and there are those on the Other Side that specialize in the animal soul journey and provide assistance in this process. As mentioned above, many animals on the Other Side are now preparing to return unto you in human format.
I will mention briefly here, that evolution is only one source of new souls. Many are aware of over souls and Angels choosing to take the ascending journey, and other ways of being and learning. I think I should discuss this in more detail in another writing. It is too much for this article.
Now, for an interesting question that a reader thought maybe not worth asking, but did. He asked about the nature of cats purring, and if it is healing energy. I will put that question right back, and ask if any of you that experience purring, find it healing? Indeed, I would think so.
This is a special talent of the cat. It purrs as an expression of its' peace and joy in life, and you do, indeed, enjoy this and find peace and joy yourself in this, as you hold your cat. Many animals are very sensitive to your needs and share of themselves in unconditional love this way.
I personally love cats, but do not currently have any pets. I cannot attend to them personally at this time. Many on the ships do have pets and love them, as do you. I spend time in the Inner Earth with animals. It ever continues to bring me joy to do so.
Now, there is something that is concerning some readers. Several have read recently that Germain has supposedly said that you will not have flora and fauna in the 5th dimension. I do not know the source of this, but that is most incorrect. I am advising you to go to this website, Mount Shasta Light Publishing, and read about life in Telos, underneath Mount Shasta for a description of 5D living!
There are realms that do not have flora and fauna, but on this planet you will always have it. That is the purpose of the planet. That is why you are to have the firmament reinstalled, to create a more temperate climate over much of the Earth. Life needs this! The firmament will protect life from the radiation of the sun, which causes aging and shortens life.
Many lost species will be returned. Some of the links to evolution, the DNA templates, have been lost or diminished, causing difficulty in the evolutionary journey of spirit. Actually, some of the lost species are alive and well in Inner Earth. They have been safeguarded there, and can be returned to the surface of the planet when conditions are right for this.
Will your animals ascend into 5D? Most certainly, but they will not have the long lasting body that you will have. They would make no progress to remain forever in a cat body, as an example, and not vacate it by the dying process to move on. They will live longer and have far fewer health problems. They will experience some DNA renewal and change, also.
A small house cat should live at least 25 years of normal life span. Cats and dogs, as do you, have to have more incarnations for the learning, because of the shorter life spans. As you come into caring for the planet, the animals’ soul growth will hasten, just as yours will in a better environment.
When you read of Telos, you will find that they have preserved the saber tooth tiger, which walked the Earth during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. I, myself, have visited some of these animals, and they are just as friendly as your house kitties. They have been raised in total love and peace, and know no other way to be. They do not hunt. They eat soy steaks.
There are planets in existence, where noone eats another, ever. These planets are not fully evolutionary in the sense that Earth is, but that is still a valid way of living on those worlds. There is many a way of doing things. That is why I said recently that there are relativity few hard and solid truths, as truth seekers on Earth perceive it. The BBB&G have been most manipulative in this manner of your education.
Some feel that their animals are little angels of sorts. This may be because your Guides and Angels can overshadow them a bit, as a way of communicating with you and caring for you, since you have not enough contact with the higher realms.
Are some animals soul mates, a reader asks? Yes and no. That would depend on your personal definition of soul mates. Many animals have been with you before, and this is why you may bond so closely with some animals and not others in your life.
Many animals come back to you. Candace has a relative who has an animal they call a "cog," a cat that acts much like a dog, and this person feels very attached to this cat. It could be quite possible that this cat had a dog experience in it's last life or previous life at some time. It is, also, quite possible this cat has journeyed with this person before, even as a dog. Open up to the many possibilities! Do not restrict your imagination in your journey of obtaining knowledge. Trust your feelings.
Several readers have asked if it is OK to neuter animals or have them put to sleep. Yes, this is OK. It is situational. Animals suffer greatly when in over population. Yes, if the animal is in pain and is suffering, it is all right to offer it rest, and allow it to continue its' lessons in another way.
If there is no one to take extra animals, shelters are forced to put them to sleep. If you are responsible, you will assist in population control, and not allow your animals to over-breed. You will, also, not partake in inbreeding, as you well know, genetic defects are enhanced by doing this. When animals over-breed in the wild, they learn and pay a price for this experience, as do you in your learning experiences.
Can you be telepathic with animals? Certainly! You will find when you study 5D life in Telos, they are telepathic with their animals. Candace has experience in this, so I shall let her describe of her experience.
CANDACE: My beloved kitty "Spicy" passed to the Other Side last December. I was telepathic with her the last few months of her life. It didn't occur to me to try sooner. I hear from her on the Other Side, much as I talk with my Grandmother and others that I have living there. Recently, Spicy came to me and said "Mom, guess what? I'm in school! We are going to become people!"
She loves her life on the Other Side. She tells me she has many new friends. I try to get her to tell me what she is learning, but her vocabulary is still a bit small but growing. She has said that she won't hunt for her food, nor have it fed to her; that she will learn to cook. She much enjoyed human food and smelling the cooking while here.
She has, also, told me that she made great progress when she was with me. She said simply, "I learned lots with you Mom. I do good in school". I had her for 16 beautiful years. I figured I was the one to make the progress. Although, I know she is in the right place, I continue to miss that wonderful purring of her sitting on me when I watch TV or nap. I miss her sitting between my keyboard and my monitor. I miss her meeting me at the door, when I return home.
I, now, have a new kitty. She came to me shortly before I started this project. She is still growing a bit, so she is young. Her family moved away and left her. Yes, I immediately began to see if I could be telepathic with her, and yes, it is so. She told me she came home, and they were gone. She wandered a bit.
Someone took her to my neighbors house, thinking she belonged to them. They fed her a few days, and I watched her playing with other cats, having no idea she didn't have a home. One day, I opened my door to read the thermometer outside, and I felt something brush at my legs, I turned around, and there was this beautiful young kitty sitting in my entry.
She explored the house and settled right in. My Guides let me know that they had sent her my way, that is why she showed up at my door. The neighbor's female kitty just gave birth about three weeks ago to six little ones, and I am sure I can find among them another little one to melt my heart. I want my new kitty to have a buddy.
SANANDA: We have received questions about animals leaving this realm in increasing numbers, and is this related to ascension, somehow?
Some animals are definitely leaving to come back in better times. Life is hard for them. Some are simply done with that life mission. Once a mission is fulfilled, for either humans or animals, the journey may be ended. Animals incarnate with the idea of learning some planned lessons, also. They can, also, incarnate to tend to you, especially in those cases where an animal finds its' way back to you. As mentioned already, the animal can be overshadowed to help in your care.
Some are asking if animals are assisting us in ascension? You are assisting each other! The animal learns from you about being human. You learn about unconditional pure love from the animal. The animals can teach you to relax into life and enjoy it. How much do you enjoy watching your animals, just enjoy living? There's a great lesson in that! ALL IS ONE!
We have a question, also, about whether animals can walk-in and walk-out of life. Yes, this is possible, as it is with humans. If an animal has finished its' lessons, and maybe the human would benefit from continuing in relationship with the animal, and another animal would like the experience with that particular human, this could be arranged.
CANDACE: For those unfamiliar with walking in and out, is it possible for one that has finished lessons, or desires to leave for some other reason, to make an arrangement for the exchange of bodies? Walk-ins are becoming increasingly common. Many star people are entering this way, as well as advanced teachers from the Other Side. The needs of the planet at this time do not allow for a long period of childhood for these ones, who must get busy with their work.
SANANDA: Another asks if the animals will experience similar healing of disease, when the star people come. The answer, is yes. Healing techniques will cover healing of all life forms and the environment on the planet.
Can I keep my pets as I ascend? Most certainly so! The animal will leave when it is ready. Do not hold back from adopting a pet, just because it is ascension time!
One reason that animals are leaving may be for another cause than finishing a lesson. Some are dying from their food. I would advise that you read labels on your pet foods very carefully. If the label says "meat" on it, that means the meat may not be beef, pork or poultry.
It means it may very well be dead cats, dogs, and any other variety of animals. In general, animals are not cannibals. Much prion-type diseases can be caused by cannibalism. Even human cannibals in primitive societies have a problem with a brain disease passed in this way. Mad Cow, at least in part, comes from feeding cows to cows! Vegetarian animals should not be fed meat. This is a no-no. Not all organisms are killed by sterilizing processes in pet food, and you do not understand the role prion proteins play.
In the choices of food for your pet many are asking if they should use vegetarian foods. That is your choice. At least in doing so you have a better idea of what is in prepared pet food. Your pets are fine with quality meat. Just read the labels. If you pet throws up a certain brand, throw it out.
I do suggest that if you use choose to make a vegetarian out of your pet, and the pet agrees to eat that way, that you choose specialty foods for that purpose, and not prepare it at home, unless you have a source showing you how to do so. I would suggest that you do make some of your pet's food. Search the web for information. Fresh food is better for anyone, humans or pets.
One more question to cover before I depart to the needs of my day. Some are noticing that some animals already seem a bit different. They are seeing age-old wisdom in the eyes of some. Yes, my dear friends, some wise old animal souls are coming into your realm, as animals once more. This is a way to update the DNA, also to enable a better life for the animal journeys yet to come. DNA and spirit are not separate as supposed. They are closely integrated. These wise animal souls are, indeed, improving the DNA templates, hooking up disconnected DNA, much as you, yourself are doing in your ascension.
I want to say one more thing. Several people have written apologizing for not being sure these messages are real, for being in doubt. My friends, doubt is fine! You must question what you read. A major problem on this planet is that so many do not question what is going on. This is one reason the BBB&G's can get away with their games. Too many still will not look at the events of 911, still believing that huge fairy tale the press puts out.
There is, also, the fairy tale that we are not here, but we are! Please do not put yourself down for doubting and asking questions! Pat yourself on the back for this, instead. I go now in seriousness, so Candace can finish with some animals stories of hers. No more hints about what is going on in the background with NESARA. We must keep the Dark in the dark! Know only that we are pleased! Salu, Sananda
CANDACE: The above writings were channeled over a few days, as we had more and more questions to answer. The final message, just above, was given today, Monday, March 7. Now, I will finish with a couple of animal stories of my own.
First, since I have made some telepathic connection with my new kitty, I would like to describe how this may help in animal behavior. This new one loves to claw my cheap paneling. I was able to explain simply to her why she could not do so, and showed her where she was allowed to claw. This worked much more quickly than my telling her "NO", and I got real cooperation on her part. She will often, now, before she tries clawing something, look up at me, and say "Can I use this"? Sometimes, I just see this question in the expression in her face, and answer "yes" or "no".
I think you should all try telepathy with your animals. You might be in for a delightful surprise! One night I was trying to fall asleep, and she was digging at something on some shelves, annoying me. I asked her mentally what she was doing. She said "I'm trying to get my toy." It turned out that she had found some small items, and thought they were toys. When I told her that they were not, she left them alone. I think, as we become more telepathic with the animals, that we will solve many communication and behavioral problems with them. You might want to watch the "Pet Psychic" on Animal Planet on television. It is interesting.
Now, I go to one last story. Sananda loved this story, when he asked me what stories I might tell. When I was in high school, I took home some rats to raise from my biology class. We always had plenty needing homes! I had a half wolf-dog at the time. Now, you would think that a half wolf-dog would consider rats a nice snack!
No, she loved to play with them, and they loved to play with her. I would come home from school, let them out of their cage and leave them totally alone with my dog to play. I would often find them asleep in her wolf-like ruff around her upper body! I once sent a picture of them to the newspaper. I wish I still had a copy of that picture.
Sananda loved this story, because he did not realize that both rat and dog could so overcome their natural instincts this well. He never did try to raise rats. My beloved Grandmother, who lives on the Other Side, did not take kindly at first to my rats, back then. We had to live with her for a short period, while waiting for our new house to be finished. Curiosity got the best of her, and soon she was playing with the rats and holding them, also. She had grown up in a city, and had to deal with rats in apartment buildings, where they were a nuisance. We often had rats, when my children were growing up. They can be a bit smelly to care for, but they love kids as a rule, and like to be held and played with. They even seem to have a soft purr when they are content.
That reminds me, a reader asked what to do about nuisance bugs in life. She wanted to know if it is all right to kill them, or should we respect all life? I am calling Sananda back to answer that one!
SANANDA: Yes, it is all right to control nuisance bugs. All are in competition in life, and not all life-forms that develop are helpful or beneficial. Some you may not need to kill, just move them elsewhere. Don't let little children get stung by wasps. Get rid of those wasp nests. You don't need to put up with termites that eat your homes. You have the right to control pests that eat your gardens.
You have a somewhat greater right to existence in this way. Insects infected with organisms, that can hurt you, are not needed. When we come, you will, also, receive some better technology to control pests in humane manners, that do not cause the environment harm. Earth, being the great evolutionary planet that she is, occasionally produces harmful and unnecessary life forms. You will be schooled into properly identifying these forms of life. This is part of the role you play in the care of your planet.
CANDACE: Well, I think we have now covered all the animal questions that came! I hope this article will go far and wide. It has beautifu,l simple messages in it, that some that abuse animals, need to hear. Feel free to educate those around you with this message, that think animals are, well, "just animals".
I thank all of you that read these articles and get value from them and share them. I thank all who write. I love your kind words. I, even, like the ones that haven't been so kind. At least, I read them! I do get those that tell me I am quite full of s*****t and other uncomplimentary terms. Most of these are very obviously from the BBB&Gs reading the messages. This is one reason Sananda mentioned the 1000's of warriors and other star folks on the ground. It was a little message from him to them! Take care! As always, Candace.