Sananda's Final Message for Now
Candace Frieze
Candace is sovereign, she is a part of our plans, and what she says, we say and it has our backing. She very successfully passed a test given to her, which in part included these messages. You can accept what she says, as she is a Christed Being, and a full participant in our future plans. I leave to her whatever she wishes to teach, and also, it is her choice as to when she terminates these messages.
The very good news, is that we got a significant portion of the prosperity funds delivered to the major participants over the last couple of days, and it will not be long now until the NESARA announcement. We receive letters still, with people complaining that there has not been adequate response to the "Enough is Enough" message, and I am asking some of you to grow up about this. This project has to been done carefully, in a SACRED manner. As we have stated, we are not going to be obvious in our battles, the fear factor would generate enough negativity to cause the poles to shift, and this is not the desired outcome of our thousands of years of hard work.
With the "Enough is Enough" message, star warriors went into active battle with the BBB&G’s and they are nearly decimated now. In this I mean, the military aligned with the BBB&G’s is about out of their power. We have taken out many of their flying saucer machines, and many hi tech weapons, of the laser type that are portrayed in your science fiction films. Although we had disabled the saucers some time ago, we re enabled them, and set some fine traps, and the BBB&G’s fell right into them, guns a blazing. We did lose a few of our craft, as these were intentionally made as targets to draw fire.
There are many detained in a special area on the planet, not to be disclosed at this time. Their power has gone "poof." Yes, I know you want a couple of examples, so I will give that which has been published in your news. We must maintain the secrecy at this time. Over Maine, we set up a "cigar" type craft, which the BBB&G’s attacked, and we did loose that craft, by intention. It was not manned. But while they were dancing in joy over hitting it, they made themselves very vulnerable. Also reported have been some strange blasts in the sky, attributed to some very strange behavior of meteors. Candace had also received letters from readers who have actually seen some battles.
Our show and tells around the world continue, and the US media continues to engage in the practice on non reporting of this. We got a cute suggestion from a reader, to drop flyers, using some humor in them, such as, "now we are just weather balloons." That approach just might be tried, after the NESARA announcement, which includes a huge stand down on the military, so they don't shoot at craft dropping the messages!
After the NESARA announcement, our plans continue to have the show and tells, in the USA. These will include media present, and we are working on a little plan, in which some media personnel, if brave enough, will be allowed aboard the Capricorn and a couple other ships to film the interior, shake hands, and then put this out on the evening news locally. There are other ships working on other regions of the world with plans for the areas they are assigned to.
I am asking once more, for everyone who reads these messages, that what you can do for us, as all unfolds, is to be a resource to those around you. There have been a large number of servers set up around the world, with NESARA information in a variety of languages, and the website addresses will be published in various media, so that the curious can check it out.
Shortly after the Second Coming event, we hope to have significant websites with email addresses, Faster than Light Technology, to participating star ships. This program will increase over several months. It will take a period of time to get it fully established. The big ships cannot land on Earth, the gravity would be affected, but the email services will eventually include many ships a 100 million miles or more away. There will be ways to contact the Galactic Federation headquarters on Mars, also. Many informative websites will be created by various ships, with information of where they are from, and about how their peoples live.
Those of you who are star persons, even back to 2000 years ago, should be contacted at some point over the next several months by ships here from your planets. Candace actually received an email last fall, from a ship from Myrua, her home planet, discussed briefly in message number 25.
The continuance of this joint project is now totally in Candace's hands, and she is to be trusted. She is an active member of our team. I am withdrawing, as my day in the sun is coming, and I must be in preparation of it. I have been working for some time with a special person, in new knowledge for the Mormon church, and I am maintaining my previously planned schedule in this work, which was to begin after our Second Coming event. I am not letting the delay in the Second Coming interfere with work that has previously been planned to occur at this time.
Candace is now heavily involved in the establishment of AbundantHope at this time, requiring many hours. She is personally involved with the orientation of members chosen to this point.
We are again seeing an increase in the work of the BBB&G’s in interfering with this project of announcing the Second Coming. Remember one "AHN" of a few months ago, putting out material to debunk our work? This is a high ranking CIA project, meant to divide you, and it seems there has been some success in that venture. We have seen a great increase in the mail, and on several forums, of the presence of CIA types, posting messages to draw you away from our work. Often the postings say, that why would a person of the light, give out information, just as I myself am going right now? It is because the truth must be known, and the truth is not always pretty. In addition to that, when one is under attack, one must defend self.
I am going to make a very strong statement now, in this last message from myself, that this CIA group was behind the stealing of the funds of the Terra Nova International Trust, and the attempted stealing also of the "flying saucers" being gifted to certain light workers, that their travels be made easier, and they not need to use conventional aircraft in their works.
This same group is totally behind the Nancy Tate, Vs Candace game being played out with you. Nancy Tate, the A & A’s, Celestial, and now Suzy Ward have come under this CIA influence. I cry especially for Suzy at this time. I wish not to see her long and valuable works go down the drain. I am asking readers to reconsider your own playing in this game on the forums, and its distractions.
Candace would have more time to devote to real teaching through the email, if she didn't have an email box full of the "who should I follow letters," and "say something to prove to me your Sananda and Christ Michael are real." We are very real, my friends. The latest work of AHN describes that we are four big bad guys carrying on an impersonation, that we are Orion war lords having a great deal of fun, playing with you, and that we are the Anti Christ.
I assure you, the CIA types behind this little game are having a great deal of fun, laughing at you. They are studying New Age looking for the weak points, and entering into the forums, pretending to be of the light, and causing confusion. Some of you are beginning to see this game, and you will help end the work of the Anti Christ, by not playing with them.
Be very careful to whom you give information at this time. Those who belong to First Contact Scouts, had your personal information given to Sandra McFarland’s group. So did you who were members of SSN. We discussed the SSN issue in April. The manager of the First Contact Scouts group did this, because Sandra told her everyone on this list would receive humanitarian funds. These were not Sandra's funds, and she no right to make that claim. The plan in getting the names was to identify light workers, look for personal difficulties, and exploit them.
There is also a plan behind the works of the Schlossers, in the phone conferences done twice a week to learn information about the light workers. The plan offered on those calls, to help relieve you of your credit and mortgage obligations, if followed might land you in prison instead. At the least, the wolf, the beast, has a great deal of information about you. Most of you participating have also found yourselves, being asked to buy products, and you need to fully check out these products before you invest in them.
Those of you in participation of this nasty little scheme, are being taken to the cleaners, as the expression goes on Earth. In your trust, you give information about yourself, that you should not be giving in these dangerous times. The anti christ is alive and well in new age. The antichrist is stealing information to be used against you, after the Second Coming. We have said there will still be some games played afterwards, and so it seems it will be.
We have put up with these many problems since the work of the Phoenix Journals in the 90’s. We were often called the anti Christ, in part because the material was very straight forward, giving the actual knowledge deprived of Earth's peoples. There are 200 unpublished journals, that are being prepared to be published at this time. We desire they be available again in bookstores, in addition on the Internet at 4Winds. Not everyone desires to read on the computer, nor have a computer online. The Phoenix Journals also expose the games of the anti christ.
The anti christ steals a great deal from this work we are doing. There is the time spent in defense of this project, our pre announcement of the Second Coming. There is time spent by Candace behind the scenes, such as that which she spent in the past few weeks with the works of Sandra. There is the time spent on email, that she must answer, in correcting the teachings of the Anti Christ in the new age movement.
She is more than our channel, as I remind you, she is a sitting member of our team, and is heavily involved in many issues besides the writing of these messages. The anti christ keeps you away from forming plans to aid in healing of the Earth, in his games of separation between Nancy and Candace. How about on the forums you discuss how you might change the world, instead of playing along with the Anti Christ? I think I have said enough now, in this message, on this issue.
I am pulling away, as my time "in the sun" as a Son of God, is about to begin in earnest. I have been working on a project, with the Mormon population for some time, and it was to begin now, in this time, after the Second Coming that was planned for by June 30. I am continuing that work on time despite the delay in the Second Coming.
I remind all of you, that in early April, Christ Michael delivered the Stand Down messages to those in power. These papers had the seal of Nebadon on them, and still the BBB& G’s did not withdraw, they increased their plans. If they would just wave the white flag, all would be over.
But again, in the waiting, we prevent problems after the Second Coming. There were the plans of the BBB&G’s to continue to influence in Earth afterwards, continue in their power from behind the scenes. The Humanitarian funds would have been much enjoyed by them. There were the plans of many small bombings, to continue the fear, and establish rejection of the NESARA and the Second Coming, and these many plans are now exposed and interfered with.
The wait has been well worth it, in the bigger picture. I am personally satisfied with this project of pre announcing that we have done, it brought our BBB&G’s out in droves, and they exposed themselves. We gained a great deal of intelligence for it, and destroyed many of their plans. We were able to determine the weak points within the White Knights, by the sending of 25,000 star people onto the earth. Many are working heavily in the darkest corners of the world, preparing our way. I say our way, to remind you that the Second Coming is all of us, including each of you! The way will now be smoother.
I am asking all of you to get back to your serious dreams and planning, and the preparation of others around you as our events unfold. Be in peace of the process that is working so very well, even though we have the delays. All in God's time, as the expression goes. Time is of the essence, the Earth will be in the photon belt fully year around later this year, and the effects increase. We must be about our Father's work, my friends, and not be caught up in antichrist games. Namaste, Sananda Immanuel.
Candace: For those of you who might be upset with Sananda taking a different course at this time, notice that he has not given teaching messages for a while now. He is heavily involved with the Second Coming and NESARA, and he did say some time ago, he would be spending less time with these messages. That is why I began working with Rafael, and the others. We are so very close now to our delayed goals, and it is time to look ahead. Time to work again, if forgotten about, on ideas for healing Earth. This is message #40! I didn't think their would be 40 messages in the beginning.
I have a work in progress with Buddha, that I think I will now get finally finished. After that, I am not sure what I will do. I can still ask Maitreya and Mother Sehkmet for some material. I will also look in my Sananda folder to see if there is material I have not yet used. I think Sananda gave me more material on the Universe, and his past.
Sananda is currently involved in a project that he planned to work on shortly before the Second Coming, and afterwards. Although the Second Coming was delayed, he needs to start this work anyway, regardless of the delay. He mentioned that above.
This project was to terminate with NESARA, and then I agreed to carry it until the Second Coming. But I also need to get AbundantHope running and ready, times a wasting! At this time, I am putting in around 30 hours or more a week, developing AbundantHope. AbundantHope will be working with organized religion, and the needed changes. I will be working with the idea of re teaching clerics, and then having them pass the information onto their congregations. Also, I will encourage these congregations to create a needed messianic project and carry it out. I would still love to hear of the ideas you are creating of a messianic nature, big or small. I will post these ideas on the new website, when it is ready. There will be a section for messianic ideas.
I need to put time to preparing material for the website, so that I can actually put material on it, when I have my server and can do so. I have been doing on average only one message a week, the email and my other activities that accompany what I do, taking much time. I have no one helping me. I hope at some point to have someone to help with my chores of daily living, like shopping, cleaning and cooking.
I would appreciate some suggestions, of what you might like covered, after I finish the Buddha message. Are you interested in Maitreya or Mother Sehkmet? I got very little response to the Mohammed message. I do plan to stop these messages with the Second Coming, as they will not be necessary. Like all of you, I long to get on with my plans in the healing of this planet. I believe we are going to finally see the USA NESARA announcement in the very near future. AS has always been said, the exact time will remain a mystery, as will also, the Second Coming event. NESARA is marching on across the world step by step. China's recent changes in their currency against the US Dollar, is but one example.
I have been getting requests regards Tofu for recipes, and ways to use it. I will give a couple of short ideas right now. For those that like scrambled eggs or omelets, you can dice an assortment of veggies, brown them briefly in the oil of your choice, and then add slices of Tofu, and mash it with a fork. Butter is very good if you aren't vegan, but olive oil and coconut oil are tasty too. Season with salt, pepper, and if you like it a small amount of turmeric, which turns it the color of eggs, and adds a nice flavor.
Tofu is very low in salt, and just adding salt to it helps its flavor. I don't buy Tofu made with calcium, as it is often bitter. I only use tofu made with Nigiri, which is dehydrated sea water, containing magnesium chloride. You can use items like green chili and salsa also in this "scramble."
You can cube it, and marinate it in a variety of oriental sauces, some salad dressing, or barbecue sauce, then brown lightly, and let it sit in a heavy pan on low, until it dries out some, making it chewy, a little different texture. This is often sold as baked tofu. However, baking takes too long, using a heavy fry pan on low, without a lid works better. And you don't have to heat the oven.
I also use marinated tofu, and mash it with a fork into the skillet and do as above. This makes a crumbled product that I like to use in salad. I discovered this one day, trying to figure out what to do with a bottle of raspberry dressing that I didn't care for. On the tofu, in this manner, it was pretty good, used in a salad. You can store a jar full and add to salad as needed.
I still get material sent to me putting down soy products. The problem to watch for with soy, is that it must be cooked, the raw bean has something in that does upset ones system. Also, hydrolyzed soy, has natural MSG in it, and this would be a problem for many. It is for me, so I don't buy products made with it.
If soy were as dangerous as claimed, then China, Japan, and Indonesia would not have a problem of over population! Christ Michael, aka Hatonn, in Journal #130 (I think this is the right one) stated that people who choose to be totally vegan, should consider using some soy in their diet, for its protein.
I had some Japanese friends who used Tofu regularly, and fed their child soy milk. They tried the America high meat diet, and found it upsetting to their systems. At one point, in my nursing career, I was caring for an older infant that had abdominal surgery and did very poorly on Jell-O afterwards. The parent's defied the doctors and fed him the soy milk he was accustomed to, and he healed very nicely. The parents were from a commune, and were vegan totally, and these people and friends who came with them had the most beautiful healthy, glowing skin I have ever seen.
This made a big impression at the time on me. I tried to go vegetarian at the time, but Tofu was not available commercially where I lived, and making it for a family of four took too much time. I was using too much cheese on that attempt, and used too much for my system, i.e., our phosphate story.
Soy, especially served uncooked is not good for the cows that eat it, as their systems are designed for grass consumption. It was meant to be people food, and can be used successfully on carnivore animals. In Telos, an inner earth city, they feed their saber tooth tigers soy steaks. None eats another there. There are natural planets where animals do not eat others, at least this is what Sananda told me.
Time to move on, and get this out. I had a nice couple of days visiting with family from out of town, and also a birthday party for a grandchild. I actually was able to talk about NESARA, and the Second Coming! Nice for a change, and now these people will be of help shortly! Even if they are not yet sure of this, when it happens, there will have some supporters who will help those around them. Take care, Candace