Sananda Speaks About Power!
Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
When you ponder injustices, you awaken a cellular vibration and knowledge of every time throughout existence that that injustice existed. At that point of awakening you can strengthen or dilute the injustices by your thoughts. Your woes, your wants, and your non- solutions can command the elements into disaster. Or you can embrace your inherent power by using your breath, your intent, and your manifestation ability to assist in the solution of the problem. You inherently hold all questions, all answers simultaneously. In this upcoming experience of humanness, when you have a thought that involves or revolves around a person's decisions, a place, or disease, or injustice - your biological essence is asking you to add your thoughts of completion to it. It is crucial to add your thoughts in a positive element to the outcome, not to hold on to the negativity and the injustices or ask why on any level (body, mind, and spirit) that the problem is not solved. Each time your thinking goes forth to the place of "why something is not acknowledged," then you to become a team player in alignment with the problem not the solution. Your destiny is to be part of the liquid solution of all things that you seek. Everything that is addressed by you is addressed by you because you are part of the destiny of the solution. It does not matter if it is personal, planetary, or private. When it comes to you, it is asking for your help. You have the deciding energetic vote. You have the deciding X-factor. You have the deciding quantum/quark that will shift the situation from problem to solution. Do you see how much power is involved in this knowledge?
Do you understand that with each thought throughout your day, you are influencing the outcome of humanity, of earth, of this solar system that you exist in, and this universe that you play in? You think that you do not make a difference but you do. Every thought you have is a deciding vote. Every desire you have to make right, to do good, is a deciding vote in favor of illumination, ascension, and evolution. Look at your day. Look at your thoughts. Look at your actions and then in a subconscious vision, see how many matchsticks pile up as problems and how many matchsticks pile up as solutions. Everyday work on that until that problem pile no longer exists and there is nothing but a grand mountain of solutions that is in your energy field. When someone gives you a problem as a gift, say "Thank you. I know that I have a solution. I know that I have the answer. I know how to help energetically. I know how to make a difference. I know how to count." This power seems minuscule to you, but you all sit on a jury of life and death in a multitude of expressions. Will your dreams live or will they die? You decide. Will the earth live or shall she pass into the dust. You decide. Will disease be conquered, will there be a cure? You decide. Do not leave this up to what appears to be geniuses for they may use the frontal lobe of their brain, but they do not use their heart. Vote from heart. Make a difference from heart. Decree from heart. Hold the focus on what you want to see. You are the deciding celestial vote in everything that you wonder about.
We are the Sananda Council of Light and we will speak more in the future. You are Gods in swaddling clothes on a cold winter's night in a starry, starry sky. Open your eyes to your gifts. They come not as frankincense and myrrh and gold and song. They come not externally. But the gifts that you unwrap this Christmas are grander than any that you have received. You unwrap them from your heart. We leave you in love and in knowledge.
Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan