Sananda's Message At Easter
Channelled by Losi Hartwick - Notes by Robert
understanding is that we are living in an unbalanced manner, as a
culture, through our intellectual and information-gathering centers.
The heart center has been minimalized for a variety of reasons,
although many of us would think not. I believe our destiny lies
within this choice.
Should such message be of interest to you, dear reader, please take
time to contemplate your own heart and what is possible now, as
Sananda requests. I can only say for myself something as yet
indescribable is occuring in revealing my life in ways I have not
comprehended from this newly unfolding and profound perspective.
Sananda's message came forth in the midst of this unraveling and
deeply imprinting time for me. During his channeling before our weekly
group, the tape recorder was on 'hold' for his talk and not captured
on tape. Notes taken from one of the group members, who very kindly
typed them up for you to read, are included here. When I reviewed
them, Sananda came through to add additional thoughts. I do wish I
had all his exact words to send as he said them; however, you will get
the import of his message very closed noted.
with blessings and love
Lois Hartwick
Sananda's 16th Message
April 10, 2006
Easter Week
Channelled by Lois Hartwick
Notes by Robert
(Some parts are paraphrased, some bits are missing and new sections
are added by Sananda. L).
I greet you at Easter. My energy is present and accelerated at this
time on Earth. This is a time when I connect with you. Pay attention
to receive that which I offer you in times of transition and change:
A stabilization which is required to transport your being into full
light and realization. It is a companioning in your being that is
altered to some degree so that what feels impossible along the way
becomes possible. It is that level of hope which dominates the higher
realms so needed on earth at this time. Be aware that love pervades
the ring of hope. There is no discussion here about this. The truth
remains intact as to what it is. Without one there can be no other,
for loving without hope is a different quality. Express yourself in
terms of what is possible and dream not of lesser things. I am
offering you these thoughts in conjunction with what has been
presented below. You will need to hear me quite closely at this time,
for the changes are strong and your hearts must remain intact in our
communications. You have been given certain times to think about
different levels of reality.
Soon many levels of awareness will change. You are in tune with them -
pre-programmed for greater awareness. I am available within your
heart. Request an audience with me in your meditations. There you will
find new knowledge representing questions of the reality of mankind
for many people. The answers will come through if you ask. Upliftment
is possible. Create within your being the conscious desire to receive
this vision. The focus of lesser thought will alter this. Do not take
in that which disrupts your higher connection to light.
My time with you will be concurrent in the forthcoming week -
concurrency moves throughout the year. I present myself to your
conscious and unconscious selves. A condition within you is your
request to receive my heart. As you expand awareness, move into a new
reality; you will encounter joy. I participate in this expansion of
your reality. I am a part of this path and you are joining with me.
Remember to request this level of completeness and understanding. It
arises from need in some cases, but let it stand as it may, for the
greater expansion of self is possible now with inherent dictates of my
potential within you.
Earth is undergoing a difficult transition. In times forthcoming,
greater change is coming. Incorporate within your being levels of
harmonization that can smooth out these changes. Harmonization is a
combination of energies - love, light in balanced reality. Too many
are walking the Earth without this reality, not listening to these
dictates. There is one God for all mankind. If you participate in
examining your own mind and heart, I will serve each one who says yes.
By giving over to fractious thinking causes greater disharmony than
you know. Why serve such a master? Why allow oneself to move from a
center of balance, harmony and peace to one of inner destruction? Why
consider such an alternative to the greater self of being? Have you
come forth into a time in which you are knowing less of yourself than
It is not meant to be, yet forthcoming are many signs of such
appropriation, and I would request you consider not joining such
measures. Your world is here for the upliftment of mankind, not his
Where would you find me, do you suppose? On a battlefield taking
sides? Or perhaps within the construction of your heart which has
alluded to a world of love? For the many who spend their time
considering the outcome of the world, it is time to consider this: I
am a part of the world arena because I pervade your hearts. If you
distort what I Am, or release me to chaos, you have lost the companion
of your life and finer choice of seeing. It does not matter your
brilliance, nor your vision. It matters what your hearts contain and
where you spend your time in using or not using them. I would offer
you this advice:
Remain centered in procreating love for within it comes the peace you
seek. Let not those who dismantle me again and again in self-interest
and relationship geared toward destruction be your friend. Remove the
blinders! See where you are heading as a world and do not allow the
contructs of mankind to supercede the Higher Will of God wherein peace
lies intact.
You have incorporated an expanded level of reality into your being.
Most cannot see a way of changing what is occurring. This will come
from those who are centered on the planet to begin the changes that
are needed. The reality is offered from your hearts - the love -
generating the frequency to begin the change. When is the Messiah
coming back? I Am present within all of you. Please hear me now. This
is the time to incorporate that which I Am: a truth, a frequency, and
a vibration to change a world gone astray.
Hold the awareness that I Am within you. The more people who do this
the higher potential for change needed now and the greater benefit to
those around you. No idle thoughts here today for it is my intent to
create within you the proposition that earth has come to a time of
decision, and you, my dear ones, are the inhabitants who decide what
level of creation is possible. Within the thinking of mankind now
lies the sense that much must be altered, but no sense of who is to
create this greater vision. It lies within you! Seek from the inner
self and not the creations of the mind but the heart. Seek to find
that vision, but also that vibration you radiate! Uphold the truth as
the guideline for your lives. Distort not that which you think your
neighbors wish to hear or your boss or some other figure in your life.
Uphold that which you are and came here to be, for if you do not, if
the world does not, there is no place further to go. To maintain that
which is crooked or misaligned, off-base, and without consideration of
any kind is not something which will ultimately stand in the light.
Consider now that which you are and offer it to the world instead of
lesser things. I know it is hard within the overall composition of
this plane to imagine the greatness of your selves, but I would share
with you this is so, and while awakening your heart centers, you will
find that self of greatness within reach. I companion you on the
journey. Allow me that given path.
At Easter, energies are present to help you transition to greater
levels of truth. Request and spend time in meditation requesting what
is most beneficial to you. Much is being released this week - let go
of old situations pervading you reality. Arise with Light. Open your
heart to new beginnings. That which you have long sought is here.
When I walk beside you, you may not feel my presence because
frequencies are so different. I can create a connection in the center
of your heart, know and recognize this. Some of you have lost faith;
have not seen changes you wanted on Earth. There can be a complete
alteration of what is inside you. This becomes your Christed self. You
did not come here idly in this life. You came for the opposite - to
move into the higher reality of your being and live from that space.
In this time of Easter, the transition becomes possible. What I am
inside you remains.
Troubles may exist, but with me beside you, this makes the journey
easier. There is much more to come. Passion must be ignited and
caring, too. Ask that I come forth. I want to serve each one of you.
Opening doors is easy. Walking through often difficult. But the
greater worlds remain before you, not behind, and the time of vision
toward that end is here. By aligning to the truth, light and love
contained within your hearts, expansion begins. You are in a very
specific space of time for this transition of being to come forth.
Utilize the energies now; abandon not your trust.
I entreat you, and hold your hearts in mine.