Jeshua Speaks On The Light Of The New Year
In Expression Through Judith
You, on an individual level, have been facing your challenges as well. You have been coming through issues which have been in other lifetimes so overwhelming that you deceased the body, for you thought that, whatever the issue was, it was life threatening to that lifetime. And I have watched you and you have brought joy to my heart, the way you have looked at your creations - your issues being your creations - and have said, "I will breathe and I will have new perspective." And I have seen you wrestle and I have seen you overcome fears which in other lifetimes have been as the big black clouds which would engulf you.
Long enough have you struggled. I would offer to you now my strength, my perspective, my guidance. Long enough have you felt that you had to carry the burden all by yourself, and you have done well with it. That is why I have said, it brings joy to my heart as I have watched you. But long enough have you struggled in the place where you have felt bereft, alone. No longer do you need to have that perspective for I offer you my strength, my peace, my guidance. Receive it, for it is yours. Willingly I give it to you. Now, in Truth, it has always been available to you. Nothing would I withold from you. Nothing can I withold from you. But I say to you now a new promise so that you may hear it once again and take it deep within your heart. I say to you a promise once again: I give to you my strength, my peace, my guidance. Receive it, for it is yours. Willingly I give it to you.
Long enough have you struggled lifetime after lifetime doing the best that you knew how to do, feeling that you were in a place far from Home, knowing that the world was not your home, feeling that you were a stranger in a strange land. Long enough have you struggled in the darkness. I would give you now your Light. I would give to you, now, your light, the light which heals all issues, all circumstances, all perceptions, the light which dissolves all fears. Receive your Light. Feel it even now within you, even within the body. Feel the light within the heart. Imagine with the mind's eye; go within and feel the light within the heart chakra. See it in the mind's eye, how it will be - perhaps as a flame which grows brighter - the light, the Christ Light which you are. Never has it been extinguished; always it has been with you and is you. But oftentimes you have turned the focus of your attention away from it as the world has clamored for your energy, and you have gotten caught up most wonderfully in all of the events, fears and darkness. The Light, your Christ Light, always has been with you as you. Now it is time to claim it, to feel it, to live it, to remind yourself during the day,"How does the light feel? Oh, I feel that it is a warmth, an expansion...." Whatever your key sensation is, remember that and come back to it during the day from time to time, for I will meet you there and I will give to you my strength and my peace, in the place of the heart, in the place of light, the Light that heals every fear, every misperception.
Imagine the Light. As you will have the willingness to go within and to imagine the Light, there will be a lightness which you feel spreading throughout the body itself. And you may know that it will be healing the body as it spreads throughout every cell of the body. As you will be willing to work with the knowing of the light within the heart and allowing it to expand throughout the body to the place where you see yourself to be a glowing orb of light, you will feel yourself lighter. And what happens after that is a most wonderful miracle. You begin to feel lighter in the mind, lighter in the perception, lighter in what you see around you and how you interpret what is around you. You will go with a light heart and a light mind, a light step. And that which you do for yourself, you do for others as well because, as you are willing to live in the light and to live Lightly, you stand as example for others. You give to them a gift: a vibratory rate which has changed.
With the new vibratory rate, there is another Light which comes into your experience and your expression, and it transforms everything. It is the Light of love. The expansion of Love. You have felt the expansion of love, the love of a lover, a mate, a friend, a beloved pet, my love. As you will abide in that space of expansion, you begin to feel how powerful love is, how expansive love is, how it transforms everything in front of you, in back of you, around you, anywhere you can imagine it to be. And you feel yourself to be young again. You feel yourself to be innocent - innocent in the true meaning of the word: you do not know separation from your Source. It does not mean that you do not understand the world. You do know the world. You have a certain interest in the world because of what you have given to it lifetimes over and again in this lifetime. But you come to the place of true innocence where you do not know separation from your Source, and the light dawns, a most brilliant Light and love is expressed and heals that which has been seen as unhealed, unholy. When any situation comes to you, any decision you have to make, go first to the place of the light, the flame within the heart, and abide with that light. Abiding there, feel the vibration of Light. Feel it pervading everything: the body, the surroundings, all of the circumstances that you have in your life. Feel the Light encompassing the brothers and sisters, all of those with whom you are in a most wonderful dance. See their Light. They may not see it themselves, but you see it. Know yourself to be one with that Light, with their Light.
How do I serve the Light? Then ask, "How do I serve the Light of us?" Ask to see with holy vision; you want to see the whole picture. "Where is this next step going to take me and the brothers and sisters? Where is this next step going in the long range?" Allow yourself in your meditation to go forward to what you see to be a year's time. Look back at where you are now and the decision you are contemplating. Perhaps there is an option here, another there. Perhaps a third, fourth, fifth option. Look at those options from the place of one year hence, and ask, "What will have transpired if I make decision "a"? If I choose "b," a year hence, what will have happened in between?" Et cetera. Now, you may not know all of the specifics but you will have a clue, a feeling. If one year is not quite enough, allow yourself to go forward to five years, and allow that part of you, which in Truth exists even now, to speak to you as you see yourself now. This new year will be a time when you will be making decisions of import to the Awakening. You will want to ask for centering, for remembering the touchstone: to come back to the place of light, the Light that heals, and to weigh everything in that Light. You have, most exquisitely, put together events and circumstances in the past year to bring you to the place of the wake-up call, a place of reality - not only with a small "r" but with a capital "R" - and you are well into the process of Awakening.
Put away old images. It is time now for you to put away old images, old judgments, old beliefs which, in truth, have served you well on the journey because they have brought you to this place. But it is time now to put away old beliefs and step into your true being, the Light, the Christ Light. It is time now to arise up and to live Lightly, to make decisions from the place of Light and to live as the Innocent once again. The life experience is not given to you so that you can struggle with it. Allow that knowing to go deeply within your consciousness. Long enough have you bought and paid dearly for the belief that life has to be full of challenges, that it is as the dark tunnel and, when you release the body, then you will know the light and you will go to the Light. Life is a gift. I say unto you that life is a gift, freely given. It is you. Life is you. You are Life. And it is you free choice to live it as the Innocent. Go freely into this new year unencumbered by any habitual past belief, any habitual past limitation. Go freely as the small child, exuberant. "What did you bring me? What can I play with next? Where can I go? What can the body do?" Be as the Child once again. Allow the heaviness of the old-timer to be laid down. You are young, newly made in each moment.
Be the Light. In this coming year you will experinece many opportunities to see darkness or light. As the collective consciousness has believed so strongly in duality for eons of time, the apparant manifestations of light and darkness will come more and more in clarity and intensity. You are being called to choose for, support and manifest your Light. Allow yourself to live life as the Child, the innocent holy Child, and to see all others in that same Light. Be the Light of the New Year and I will meet you there.
So be it. -Jeshua ben Joseph in expression through Judith Adapted by Jeshua from His message to us entitled "The Light That Heals."