Sananda: Morning Wakeup Message, April 21, 2003
Through Nancy Tate
Welcome to this day of beauty! I am Sananda, and I grace you with this one’s
poetic splendor. This is a day that rejoices all others, for it is the day of the new beginning following the Resurrection of the Divine. In metaphor I come to you, and find the truth within, for your truth is my truth when it comes to the Holiness of us all. When the time comes for the Resurrection of all of you I will be there with a song in my heart as the angels sing, and the beauty that surrounds you blesses the day of the Creator’s infinite love.
That day will be the day of the New Jerusalem. It will be the day of the Blessed Virgin’s motherhood and grandmotherhood. It will be the day that the whole of the Divine expression will be realized, and the beating of the drum will sound the call for the release of the baggage of the ages. You are the epitome of the coming times when the release of the sorrow is at hand. You will go down in infamy as the angels of the New Coming; and the bestiality will fall by the wayside to be delivered unto the transformative love of the Creator.
One day the trumpets will sound for the blessings in which you live and produce. You will be the blessings that come to each other, and you will live the song of the angels. No more will the tears of despair wash away the loveliness of the life you create. It will be a whole new song you sing, and a wonder of wonders that will be seen throughout the universe as the marvel that came from the ashes of duality.
I tell you now that there is a coming time on your earth, and in the hearts of all of you when the love that lives there will flourish and bring forth blossoms of good will and gardens of plenty for all who walk on the earth, as well as those who live within the earth. There will be a coming together of all the peoples, and the scene will be golden and full of promise for reaching to the stars.
The heavens will open up and your neighbors will make themselves seen. They will visit you, their family, and bring their neighborliness to you as gifts and promises of love and compassion. You will join hands and find the love that unites all of existence in the bonds of Holy joining. I see it now in promise and potential, and the vision is sweet, my dear ones, the vision is sweet indeed.
So, go about your days my friends, and bring the sweetness of yourself to the happenings. This is a journey of love and compassion, and it is meant to bring you together with your creator, as it is for me. I Am the Creation and the Love, and so Are You.
I salute you, and shower blessings at your feet.
Thank you dear sweet Sananda,
Nancy Tate