Jeshua ben Joseph : Pandora's Box, May 2003
Through Judith
And there came from the distance a wise man with a gift for the princess. He gave the little girl a most wonderful gift of a jeweled box, beautiful to behold. It was encrusted with rubies and diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, some large in size, some small, and adorned with a filigree of gold around the box. It was an object of great beauty. And the wise man gave it to the princess so that she would enjoy and appreciate beauty.
But he said to her, There is one directive: do not open the box. You may enjoy how it looks from the outside. It is an object of art, an object of beauty. Enjoy what it reflects back to you of your beauty, but do not open it. Then the wise man went on his way, and the princess looked at the box and saw how beautiful it was. And every day as the sun came into her room, it would alight upon the various jewels, and it would show how beautiful it was. And every day she looked at it and appreciated the beauty of all of the jewels. But she wondered, What is inside the box?
Time passed and she enjoyed looking at the box, holding it, turning it around, holding it in the sunlight. But always there was the question of, What is inside the box?
And there came a day when she decided that she would open the box. And she did. And out flew all of what you know as the world of duality — jealousy, greed, envy, sorrow, disharmony — all of the things that had not been known in the kingdom before. And these were let loose to fly about in the kingdom for ones to capture, to dwell upon, to make of them what they would. And she wondered, “What have I done?” And she wanted very much to put them back into the box, but it was impossible to capture them once these ideas had flown out of the box.
It is, as I have said, a story, a Once upon a time, a parable, with meaning, as you can see, on many levels. It is a story that has been handed down generation to generation to explain why there is other than what the still small Voice within you will tell you of peace; why there is a world that would have such things as greed and envy, jealousy, the desire for power, sorrow, the idea that there could be abandonment, that there could be judgment and rejection. It is a story that has been handed down in different forms generation to generation.
And yet the still small Voice within you speaks to you of the peaceable kingdom, the kingdom before all of the ideas which have sprung from the soil of separation — the belief that there could be separation from the Source, from that once and always kingdom of Love — came to be.
There has been an opening of the box of Pandora in what is known as a region of the Middle East. And much has been let loose. It is, in truth, a healing aspect which you have called forth. For what has been opened now with decisions that have been made has been divinely guided to bring forth all of the issues that you have been dealing with in a lineage of lifetimes.
The issues and the beliefs which flew out of the box in the Once upon a time story are the creations of you individually as you understand them, and collectively as you have agreed to them. And the issues will bring about a healing which is sorely needed and asked for.
The beliefs and issues are not to be judged as having been wrong. They are as playthings, and you have played with them and played with them well, to the place where you now know completion with many of those issues. They are truly as blessings in disguise that you have let loose to play with, to give to other brothers and sisters to play with, and long enough now you have played with them. And you are coming to a place where it is no longer seen that you must put down all of those wrong beliefs, but where you see them as aiding the evolution of consciousness, being as catalysts for Remembrance of the peaceable Kingdom. And they do not have to be caught and put back into the box, to be sealed in the box. But they do have to be looked upon and admired for the beauty of themselves as part of your creations.
Hear me well: that which you have in the story has gone only part way. The opening of the box and the letting loose of certain beliefs and certain aspects that led to events and judgments are to be seen now in a new light. Admire all of those issues that came forth from the box for what they have brought to the human experience. You have truly gained treasures in playing with each one of those seemingly tragic aspects that were let loose into the world.
Truly, the box has been opened over and over and over and over again in this certain region of our holy mother, the Earth. The area has been known as the cradle of civilization, and it has known conflicts, issues, manifestation of the belief in separation and the belief in judgment. It is the cradle and now the birthing place of a new awareness. Out of chaos does come order.
The area that is as the cradle of civilization is as an old wound which has been covered up from time to time and not allowed to heal. It is a wound now that is opening up again, deeply, so that all of what has not been able to heal is going to come to the surface to be healed. And it is not going to be pretty. No wound in its healing is pretty. But it does come to the place of healing. So take heart.
You have had certain prophecies that there are events to happen in the next month, two months, three months, eight months, even a year of your timing, certain prophecies that have said that things could be in upheaval. Well, I say unto you, Take heart. You are in the midst of that upheaval already.
This is the time which is most exciting, for in the next two to three months, you are going to feel an influx of light. Now, we have spoken of that in previous times, and, yes, there will be physical light. You will see it. But there will also be light energy that you feel, a lightness, even within the soul that has felt heavy, a lightness that the world does not understand. And yes, your media is going to keep on reporting all of the darkness and all of the conflict and all of the supposedly what-could-be-happening possibilities. But you are going to be feeling within yourself a change, a shift which the world does not understand. You are the very ones who are going to be changing the world. You are the playwrights, and you are writing this play as you go along. You are the ones who are going to write the happy ending to the story which was only half-told.
Your purpose is to hold the peace, the love of God the Father, Abba, the one Source, to hold that peace and light and optimism in a time now where there is much that is shifting and changing. That is your purpose, and you do not need to feel guilty about having it so good and you do not have to worry about, “Well, when is my turn going to come where I am going to be in the midst of the terror? Surely I am no better than my brothers and sisters, and if they are suffering so much, I guess my turn is coming.”
You do not have to live in fear. That is not your purpose. Your purpose is to live in the ascended consciousness of the Father’s love and to spread that understanding as simply as possible. You are coming through a great time of initiation. We have spoken of that previously. This is a time of one of the greatest initiations. You have come through lifetimes when you have taken yourself apart unto the caves, to the monasteries, where you have studied the ancient rituals and techniques of initiation of all different kinds, and where you have tested yourself to remember the mystical you, the mystical I AM. And you have tested yourself to the place where you have known in those lifetimes in the mystical teachings the divinity of you.
Those were great initiations, but they were as preparatory to what you are doing now. For, in those lifetimes you did not come, for the most part, back into what you call the real world — lower case “r” — to live the divinity. Most of those lifetimes when you went through the different initiations you followed a certain course of study. You had the teachers, the masters, who led you through the different initiations, and if you did not pass at one time, you were allowed to try it again over and over, and perhaps even lifetimes over and over.
This lifetime you have come into the greatest initiation to bring the remembrance of the divinity, the mystical I AM awareness into the world of chaos, of judgment, of confusion, of abandonment. That is the greatest initiation, when you can walk the path of the human lifetime of the world in awareness that, “I am divine. I am my Father’s child. I am the extension of the one Creator, come into this reality for the sole purpose of bringing that divinity and that awareness to light.”
Your purpose is to be the Light, to feel lighthearted, to wind yourself up every morning once again, and to go out into the world, either physically and/or mentally, in a place of celebration, a place of lightness, a place that seeks to know the highest and the best.
In the next two to three months of your timing you are going to feel a great shift. Your media will not pick up on it right away. Your media, in truth, thinks it is out in front. But it is not. It follows way behind. You and the voices which have been raised, and will continue to be raised even more, are the ones who are out in front, breaking new ground, bringing about the evolution of the human consciousness to a place of Remembrance.
You are the ones who are going to be lending your voices to others as well, a great swell of a tide which will not be held back any longer. You have now the technology for communication with brothers and sisters at any point upon the face of our holy mother, the Earth. You have, even as your media reluctantly shows you, the joining of other brothers and sisters in locations, seemingly far away, who also raise their voices to say that which is in your heart. There will be a great wave, and you are part of it, which will be healing the old wound, an old wound that symbolizes all of the aspects that flew out of Pandora’s box and were judged to be not of the kingdom of love. But they will be seen now in a new light and will be seen to be the playthings which they have been, and appreciated for their own beauty. For the beauty was not only outside the box in the jewels and the gold of the box, but the beauty was in the box as well, even though that which was let loose upon the world was judged at that time to be of tragedy and of seeming negativity.
Everything you have ever created serves only one purpose. It serves the Atonement. It serves the place of remembrance that, “I and the Father are One.” And that, beloved one, is where you stand now: to finish writing the story and to give it a happy ending.
So be it.
—Jeshua ben Joseph
In Expression through Judith