Messages From Sananda - "That the Earth Be Lifted Up"The Truth Shall Be Exposed" "The Time is Now & the White Star"
Sister Thedra
We need no gadgets of such as Earth science uses. We need no "oil". We have everything necessary for our work, for our "tools" are light....of light are they created, therefore we create as needed. We have no need to store away or destroy that which is no longer needed, therefore we have no clutter, such as earth.
Be assured that we know when we use our "tools". We are well equipt! We are of the "Greater Power". Let no man set himself up as the greater power, for I say with the authority invested in me by mine Father, that there is greater power than man of flesh and bone hast dreamed of in all his dreaming.
I am come that Earth be lifted up, and I bring with me a Host of lighted beings. We are come for/with one purpose, one intent...that of deliver her (the Earth) out whole, safely, even as the children of the Earth. For as the children of accountability are lifted, so shall Earth be...for she is a living entity and she has come unto her full time when she shall find her new berth prepared and waiting. For she shall bring forth a "Son" as she moves out from her present port into her new place, wherein she shall rest and be prepared to receive the new generation, the Sons of God. For this is it said, "The Son born of Mother Earth shall be as a new moon which shall be the new school for the laggards that Mother Earth hast disavowed for her new place of abode.
These are the ones which have betrayed themselves...they have forsaken their mother which hast brought them forth and nurtured them. They are bastards, for they know not their Father. They have denied their "Source", therefore forfeiting their true inheritance. Even so, so be it that the new moon shall be their new school-room, wherein they shall grow to maturity with the new born moon. It shall be in the East that it is born, and in the East that it raises, and it shall set in the west.
It is said that this is the time of sifting and sorting, and it is so! The dark shall be separated from the light, for the two cannot occupy the same place. Be it so that I speak in simple language that even the child might understand that which I am saying unto thee. Be ye of a mind to learn of me and I shall reveal unto thee great and new things ye have not dreamed of.
Be ye, O man, not puffed up, for ye have not seen or heard that which is before thee. Ye are as yet babes at the breast. Ye are at thine creeping stage. Let it be recorded herein, that ye which are of a mind to learn, shall learn to walk...then run...even leap up where no man hast been. I call thee, O man of Earth...hear me and respond unto that which I have for thee, which shall be thine freedom from bondage, wherein ye labor for bread by the sweat of thy brow.
I speak unto the ones which think themself wise: "There are none so foolish". For the time is nigh upon thee when ye shall see that ye have betrayed thine own self...ye have sold thine birth right for a counterfeit penny.
From the newsletters "A Call To Arms"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
Behold the dawn of the new day and see that which shall be done. And I say unto thee, this day I shall justify mine people, for they shall not be sacrificed. They which have gone before me to prepare the way before me shall be blest of me and by me, and no man shall say it is given unto me to forget mine servants. I say, I shall remember them and they shall be glad for their part.
Yet, I say they have suffered, and they have given of themself that this day might bring forth great fruit. While it has been a long and hard way, it shall have its ending, and its reward shall be a glorious one. For I say unto thee, the time is now come when they which have suffered for the sake of knowledge and justice shall be known as the "defenders", and they shall be a people set apart. They shall be given a a part separate from all others, for they shall go first into the new fields, an they shall blaze the trails of unknown knowledge... that is, they shall prepare the people to receive this new knowledge, which shall be unto them sufficient unto the day.
Each one shall be prepared for a part, yet the "defenders" shall bring forth a new science, and a new trend of thought, and a new fortune unto man. For it is now come when this present scientific data shall be obsolete, and he shall wonder at this, for he shall be a s a child which has grown up and yet holds within his hands his toys... clutching unto himself the childish toy which he has outgrown. I say, so suddenly shall he grow up that he shall wonder at his progress and his outmoded toys which he clutches unto himself, for he shall surely find them obsolete in the face of his new discoveries.
I say, he shall be mystified, and he shall be as one which has not been prepared to receive the new science. He shall have no need for his present books, papers or his degrees, or his many inventions which he has labored so long to bring forth. For they shall be as square pegs in round holes.... they simply will not fit into the new pattern.
I say, there is a plan, a design, for man's awakening. And he shall be awakened... may I say, very abruptly! It shall be, and he shall be as one surprised, if not shocked. So be it that the governments of all the lands shall no longer hold their subjects bound by their subservient governments and their secret codes and nefarious schemes. They shall come to know that nothing is hidden, and they shall tremble in fear and misgiving, for they shall be justified in their trembling. They shall be fearful, for I say they shall be exposed for that which they are. They shall no longer sit behind locked doors and plan their nefarious schemes to defraud the populace and hold bondage the people of all lands!
I Say, they shall be exposed and the power shall be taken from them... and they shall know that they have lost their power over the subjects which have labored under their burdens and the iron hand which has weighed heavy upon them. I say this, knowing well that which I say, for I am one which has labored long that it might come to an end.
So let it be as the Father hast willed it.
The Time Is Now!
The White Star
From the newsletter "A Call To Arms"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
The Time Is Now!
CCC: With this signature ye shall find that which ye are searching for, for it is now come that there is a plan formulated for to bring in the ones which have followed the Law set before thee....those which have been true unto the precepts laid before thee. These are but the beginning of such instructions, which ye shall remember and adhere to;
1) Give unto me thine undivided devotion*, love of truth and Light, which is Truth, for there is no mockery in the Light/Truth.
2) Ye shall have no other God before that which is thine "Source". Ye shall be as one clean of hands, and mind...devoid of all covetousness, hate deceit and rebellion against me, the Lord thy God*...this is that which shall bind thee in bondage...I come that ye be unbound, freed from all limitation.
(* The meaning of "Lord God: "The Lord God, for he is "Lord" of, and responsible for, that which he has brought forth. *"devotion/follow me", that the meaning thereof is; "follow me back Home, I am the Wayshower" )
I have called unto thee, man of Earth, come out of the pit! Know ye that ye are in the pit? Ye have, as yet, not seen that which I have for thee when ye give unto me credit for being that which I Am...Thine Benefactor, come that ye be lifted up. Yea, lifted up, out of the world of illusion, which is that which ye have fortuned, unto thine self in the time of the dreaming.
I am now come that ye be awakened, and for that shall ye be prepared. For there are many which come with me, and each one is given a part to play in this great project of this awakening. We know our part in the process...we understand that which is allowed for us to do. And there shall be no mistakes, no guess work, for in unison, as one mind, one plan, with no division of mind, for we have but one purpose.
We know that which is necessary to bring about the fulfillment of this greatest of missions. Be ye as one which can hear that which is said for thine own good, for thine benefit.
While it is foreseen that there are ones which have not the will or mind to hear, we shall give unto them cause to awaken, for we come not to fail! We are the hands of the Father Mother God made manifest upon the Earth, and no man shall set himself against us, the Host...for we come in great power, in strength, which no man knows.
Let thine heart be softened...thine eyes open...thine ear be made to hear...and ye shall be able to understand that which hast been given unto thee as thine inheritance, which hast been kept for this day. Why wait ye the morrow which comes not. This is the time of action, this is the now...there is no other! The day of action is now, for there is no time within the realm of Light.
Time, as we know it is that which signifies such changes as necessary for action. Let it be that which is written within the heavens which give the time precisely, for the movements of the heavens are the perfect "time piece", for they are the precise ones which no man reads in his dream state.
Who knows that which is written in the firmaments? We do! For we of the Host are not bound as man of flesh. We know no bounds, for we are "One" with all creation. The Father, the Cause of our Being, hast given unto us to be Creators, even as He. For we are ONE, and know ourself to be One in Him. And with Him. So be it and Selah.
The White Star
This shall be seen by all peoples of the land in the time which is now come, and it shall be as the announcement of his coming. Think ye not, O man of Earth, it is not so! For long hast it been said, "prepare thine self, for it is at hand".
There is a plan, and it is truly a grand one indeed! It is not finished within a day of your time ...it is not finished as ye might imagine. This plan is one of cosmic proportions...it is the "Greatest Show on Earth", for it includes both Heaven and Earth.
So let it be as mans awakening! It shall not fail, for long hast it been planned within the Inner Council of the Heavens from which cometh thine freedom.
From the newsletter "A Call To Arms"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
THE PIT HAST BEEN OPENED This is the time of coming and going. The populace is restless...the time is short for the finish of the old ways. The new ways are forming within the Matrix...and many are frightened. This is that which hast been spoken of and recorded, when many are going mad...for the deceiver is abroad in the land. He comes into his full existence these end days.
I am warning each one which has a mind to reason. Take note of mine words, for ye shall see and wonder at the crying out. Fear shall consume the ones without reason and knowledge of the truth of their inheritance, the Truth of Mine Being, and that which I bring.
I am the One which is sent of the Source of all light, in which we, All, have our Being. While there are many which have fallen into a deep sleep, these have walked into the trap of the Master of Darkness, the "evil"that is only the underside of the light...the shadow world wherein the ones which are "ugly", unaware and dangerous, have their time of existence, which shall end.
I have said aforetime, that the pit of darkness hast been opened and the demons are coming forth. These shall bring about such horror and sorrow that no mortal man can stand against it alone. For this have I come to warn, to council, to lead and assist all which are prepared to receive his inherited true estate.
I am sent to awaken all which have the will to accept and follow me ( I am the wayshower). These shall awaken unto their own light. They shall walk with me and do that which is given unto them of the light benefactors that they be brought out...wherein they shall be safe, and sure of their inheritance willed unto them of the Father, the Source of their mortal being...which shall be as mortal awakened to become the "Lighted True Self".
These ones which are bound in darkness are but pawns in the hand of it's pit. I bring with me a Host of lighted ones of Great Power that they be awakened! Freed! and brought out into the light of their own existence, their Oneness with the ALL LIGHT...then the dream, the mystery and unknowing, shall be no more.
Now it is come when I shall move mine hand. I have cried from the hilltop, "Come Ye Out"! Have ye heard? Have ye believed? Have ye accepted that which I have brought for thee? Have ye reached out mine hand?
Ye have only to answer mine Call, and give unto thy hand which is One with mine, and a Host of Light shall stand guard for thine safe passage. I ask for thine attention! Watch! Look and See! Listen and hear! And then ye shall rejoice that ye have accepted mine gifts which shall surpass anything mankind could give unto thee. Blest art they which abide with me, for I am the light which never fails...
* * * * *
At this time I speak unto the populace as a brother of light. By mine armor ye shall know me, for I Am of the Light. I am the ALL, the Totality of the Light...for this am I as ONE with the ALL. I know the entire creation as it is...the reality of it' s creation. I am not a dreamer, a poor copy of the real which hast been given the power to create.
Know ye that which I say?... No! Ye know not! For ye are not so learned that ye know of such as I now speak of...the soulless ones. These are the ones which move, as ones which have life and form, yet they are as one which have not the power to recreate alive the Eternal Being. Their creation is as of the moment. Their creation is as of the moment, the shadow world. These have no knowledge of the light of Life or their origin, for there is no commonality within them. The way before them is nonexistent.
These do as they are given to do, as suggested by the dark ones. These exist on the energy of others which know not that which they do. I say, these are not of the light, brought forth as everlasting. There is no eternal substance within these, which are but creations of the shadow world. Have ye seen these which have moved as man, spoken as man, and caused thee to fear Me and the light I bring?
Now, let us consider thine own part which ye have played in the dark...when ye have been as one frightened by their threats of eternal punishment, and the awful suffering ye must bear, with no escape! I am come that ye might learn the Eternal Verities. Of the light I come, of the Light I AM...while ye have given of thine power unto the dark ones which live by the energy which ye give unto them. They simply are not of the Light Eternal! Know ye the difference! For this am I speaking unto thee thusly!
I hear ye say, "All things are of the light"....Yea, ye are but poll-parroting mine words. These ones in the shadow world have no substance except that of man's energy, which he gives them in the unknowing. Examine well thine self. Watch that which ye do...say...think...and examine the results therein with that which hast been thine harvest, the results of thine sowing. Study well, and learn the truth of thine own power to create for weal or woe...for ye are Master of that which ye create.
Listen unto the words that ye speak. See the things ye do in the time ye are unaware of the Law by which ye have thine being! Give unto thine own self credit for being the creator of all thine own torment or tormentors...
* * * * *
Sori Sori: I am now speaking for the good of all, yet I am giving this "Word" unto them through thine hand, as mine hand made manifest. I say, this is the time long foretold, that there shall be greater fires, greater winds, greater floods and sorrow. The ones from the pit of darkness shall come out as mad and horrible creatures...such fear mankind hast never known! These are the demons which have no mind or intent to become as changed in any matter. These are the ones which hold the "Scythe of Death"....they go forth to destroy in any fashion possible.
They "possess "the unwary, the ones which are exposed unto these creatures of darkness, the ones which inhabit the places of darkness wherein the debaucheries are committed willingly by the ones weak of character...with no thought of the "Light of the World" which I Am, which is now come to give of mine self that they be as ones to see and know that which they are exposed to in the places wherein these beings from out the pit linger. They (these dark entities) have no sense of morality or love...they are creatures of the underworld.
I am now calling unto each and every one which has the will to be free, to learn of the way in which they shall go to protect themself. Iam now speaking unto the ones which give of themself in the practice of sex amusement and fantasies, of "black magic" entertainment, which is so fashioned to entrap the unwary one, old and young alike.
These are ones which contaminate the very air they breath! I say, these dark ones have no scruples, no morals, no thought of the result of their future. It is foretold in the tomes of thine literature...know ye of these! Take heed, for they have been given for thine knowledge, that ye be as ones on guard...not for thine entertainment to appease thine evil intent.
Be ye as ones alert! For this do I cry out unto all: Give unto thine self credit for knowing that which ye do brings unto thee the results of thine acts. As ye sow, so do you reap! I have said many times, "Come ye out from these dark ones which know not the light". Have ye heard the warnings? Have ye given thought unto these...unto thine tomorrow? Remember...there is no death! Life goes on! .... ye choose in what state or condition!
Be ye not deceived by the ones which have been hoodwinked, the ones which have not given unto thee the truth of the conditions on the dark side and the Light side. Which side have ye learned of? What have ye learned? What are ye doing for to enrich thineself as ye prepare for thine tomorrow? Ponder well these mine words, for ye have free will to choose!
I am come that ye might be spared. Think not that I am a traitor come to set a trap for thee or to pick thine pocket. I need no such as ye have to give. I am the wayshower unto greater heights, greater light, where there is eternal freedom from want.
Be ye as one whose shoulders rests thine own responsibility. When ye are of a mindintent to hear me, to answer my Call, I shall give unto one and all my hand as an Elder Brother, in love, compassion, and wisdom...for I am sent from the "Source" of mine being, even as ye. I say, Awaken! Awaken unto thine True Being! I am come that ye be spared.
I am the wayshower...so be it and Selah.