Sananda: Balance Of Power, August 7, 2003
Trance-channeled Through Debbie Wright
The majority of the balance of power that we're talking about right now that is changing has to do with the monies that has been accumulated by the various religions that have been set up `in my name'. For without you even realizing it, those religions run your governments. Those religions run your life. They determine how much money you get paid, they determine the fashions that you wear. If you could do a little bit of research and find out what companies religions own, you would absolutely find out beyond, a shadow of a doubt, that two separate religions actually own the plutonium that is put into the bombs. There has been much said about secret governments, there has been much said about hidden, cloistered secret societies and all of that. Every one of them is backed by a religion. Every single one of them. And they are backed by a religion that was set up in my name.
Do you have any idea what type of karma is getting ready to hit? The repercussions of this will disperse everywhere. Now, as I spoke to you, the true church of God resides in your heart. Even the one and only true Gospel that spoke truthfully, yet has not been tampered with, the reason why it was not tampered with was because it was denied by the religions that put the Bible together.
Now, everyone take a deep breath. I am gifting you this evening with the knowledge that is to go out and be shared. There are a handful of you in this room that the sole purpose for you being here, the major portion of the Contract that you signed to come into this lifetime, your `Mission Statement', is nothing more than to assist this to happen. This is one of them [points to guest]. This is another. You are another. And you are another, as is this one. I am not here to tell you `how' you are to do that, but I am here to tell you you've run out of time. And I will suggest to you the same thing that I suggested to this one when we had our private conversation. Contemplate going into silence for three days, total silence. Deny yourself noise as much as possible. Go into the silence in a prayerful manner. All prayers said to the Creator during these three days are to be said internally with intense focus. You are to meditate during this time, you can work, you can do whatever, you can watch television, just with no sound. Most of you have the ability to be able to read it [closed captioned] if you wish. Go into total silence. If you wish, go into it in a fast. And then, at the end of your three days, verbally request that the Creator gift you with the knowledge that you need, in this moment, to do this job. Make it a passionate prayer, and then immediately upon the end of the prayer, go into meditation. For now is the time, in all of Creation, to stop this, to change the balance of power. You are here to do this work and I am here to assist you. I can assist you, but I cannot tell you `what' or `how' to do it. That is directly between you and the Creator, and it is something individual for each and every one of you. As for the rest of you, as this information comes through, they will share with you. You are Emissaries to assist them in this work. There are others out there that have this type of work to do also, and when they read these words, they will feel it and they will know it, and they will make themselves known after their three days of silence. If you choose to not do this, you have that right, for this is a big job. Every one of you, including those out there who have not heard these words yet, have individual talents and have had individual experiences that you have gone through in this lifetime to assist you with how this is to be done. When you receive the information from the Creator as to your specific talent and how to do this, you will have a marvelous epiphany and your memories will come flooding into you. "This is why I had to go through that!" "This is why I did that!"
Now, take a deep breath. Shake it out a little bit. It is time for all of you to come into your own. Every one of you. Some of you are soldiers, some of you are seamstresses, some of you have a multitude of jobs to assist in this work, for this is what truly will bring about the true awakening of this entire planet. to take the power away from the religions. It is time that wars stop being fought `in my name'. I did not come with an ax, I came with a Fire, the Fire of Passion, the Fire that does not `burn' but, yet, `consumes', the Fire that does not reach out to harm, the Fire that reaches out to embrace. And each one of you, if you choose to take these steps, if you choose to accomplish this job, you will find a peace that you have never known in this lifetime, a self-acceptance that you have never felt for yourself. You will feel an energy that is electrifying, and energy that courses within you, that you will have no doubt as to who needs that embrace, who needs that healing touch, who needs the compassion, who needs just the smile. It is an energy that will be your counterpart, merged with you for the first time in this life. It's just a small taste of the energy that you are in your true Lightbody, for it IS the connection of your Lightbody with your physical body, manifest through your work, through your job. Work with each other, share with each other, and the information will come through, yes? [calls the four people into a circle] Join hands. This is your circle of your Contract. There are groups of you coming together worldwide right now with this same Mission. You are here together for a purpose, and this is a part of your purpose, yes? Spend time with each other, share with each other, get your energies adjusted to each other. It will assist dramatically in your work, yes? How about food and chocolate? We could get together and have meals and break chocolate together! Think on this, find your guidance, decide if this work is for you. You still can back out if you wish.
Group: No way! We've waited too long for this.
S: Good