Messages from Sananda: "The Imposters & Discernment" - "They Cling To the Written Word", "The Earth Shall No Longer Give Footing Unto A Rebellious Generation"
Sister Thedra
I say they seek not after me, they follow not in mine footsteps. The follow strange gods...they seek out places wherein there are ones which set themself up. They have not learned the true from the false. Yet I have given unto them the "Way of the initiate, the '" Laws", the "Portions" ( The Scripts, recorded by Sister Thedra) which are designed to set them aright, with feet firmly plant on solid ground....yet they are found seeking out the ones which have set before them a table of poison on which to feast. It is given unto them to partake, knowing not that they shall sicken and suffer, from it and because of their gluttony.
They are forewarned: "Partake not of their board", for I have set up mine Altar and I have placed upon it the Bread of Life, which ye shall eat of and be fed and nourished, and suffer not. While it is now come that they are but the foolish casting about in dangerous waters, they shall find they have baited their own hooks wherein they shall be caught, wherein they shall be "hooked"....it is well to use the word "hooked", for they understand that which I say, so let it profit them.
Now, ponder ye well these mine words, all ye which run after the ones claiming to be the "One Sent"....for I say, they shall find themself caught up short. These are but impostors...IMPOSTORS I say! Mine servants put not their foot into their trap! They keep their own councel and waste not their energy for such as that which I abhor. I say, I abhor such deceit, such deception, for it is the way of the dragon to deceive them which are not learned in the way of the wise.
So let it be well with thee, O ye of little knowledge! Seek ye the light and I shall lead thee all the way. Fear not! Flaunt not thy puny knowledge, for it is of the lesser school. Be ye as one humble and be ye as one prepared to learn of that which I give unto thee, for I see thee in thy need. I supply it, and ye shall be wise indeed to heed this mine word, for I am not so foolish as to give unto the babe mine pearls of great price, which knows not their worth.
Sori Sori: For this hour let us give unto thee a part which shall be for them which "claim" for themself the part of "healer". These are the ones which seek to display their skills, their power, their wisdom. They are living in an illusion
The one which claim for himself the power to heal the body of such infirmities as that of palsy, broken bones, and the many pitfall cases of distress, is but deluding themself, for the healing power does not lie within them! They are the ones who "claim" to have the power which is not theirs. They are fraudulent, for I say unto them: Healing is a gift...the power is a gift...and the gift cometh from the Light, the "Source" of Light.
The ones which have the True gift boasts not of his powers. He struts not, for he knows that he is endowed with the gift which is the greatest gift bestowed upon man. Yet to heal him of his infirmities is not his greatest work...to heal him in his parts, whereby he might discern his own malady, and be as one clean of spirit...and within himself go as one prepared to clean out his own closet, and be as one clean of Spirit.
Wherein hast it been said that the ones which are as the "walking dead" take up habitation within the unclean? And then they speak of "reincarnation" as the knew themself to be another so- and so, until they believe themself to be great and mighty kings and pharaohs of the Earth....while they are but hosting within their aura the "impostors" of the dark world of the discarnate spirits of the world of the "dead".
Death is not understood by man of flesh, for he knows not that he dies unto the flesh but once. He walks many times in flesh, yea, many times...yet he hast not fully known the magic, the so-called miracle of birth and death. The magic hast not been understood, yet the ones which practice "black magic" hast stumbled upon some of the principles, which are then used to confuse the unknowing ones.
I say, they are working their illusionary principles this day to ensnare the ones which no not. These are the ones which shall be snared in their own trap, in their own net. They shall find themself face to face with their foolishness, for they shall be called to account for such as they have done in mine name...for I have not called them to do these things which they call "miracles". I say, they shall be held responsible for their own traps in which they shall be held bound. So be it and Selah. It is the Law, the Just Law, that they learn.
It is said, the true soldier wears not the insignia of the enemy...yet I see them as ones wearing the Sacred Symbols while (also) displaying the insignia of the dragon. These insignias are written within the aura which they claim to know all about. They are as the false ones! For this I say unto thee, "Hear them out, see them for what they do...they are as ones playing with their toys". While i see them as babes which have not learned the first of their alphabet, they simply understand not that which is given so freely from the "Fount of Life". They walk in mystery, for they are born in mystery.
It is the way of the (true) Mystic to seek light, yet he claims not to know all things. He is very sure there is yet greater things that he must learn before he can truly say, "I am wise". The truly wise do not boast or strut, claiming to do the things accredited to the Magi, for he walks quietly and gently. As for the most part he is unknown, unsung, and ofttimes he is insulted and disgraced amongst men...yet he fears naught.
He hears that which they say, yet he feels only compassion for the little ones which know him not. He walks with sure foot, knowing from whence his strength, from whence his attributes, cometh. I say he, the initiate, asks no recognition of men. He finds no consolation within their insincere compliments, their laurels. He asks not, neither does he bid for their accolades. He goes about his business quietly and as one knowingly. He wavers not before the breeze which blows his way...he is sturdy, strong in his knowing. He rushes not after signs and wonders, seeking the favors of men, or recognition of his gifts, his worth.
This I would have them ponder upon! Consider well that what I have caused to be recorded for them which are of a mind to follow me where I go. I am free to go and come, for the Father hast given unto me mine passport. I am not denied. This is mine word unto them which would be free even as I. Mine word I give freely...freely ye shall accept, and freely shall ye come unto me as one clean, as one prepared to enter in. So let it be as ye will it.
None bring thee against thy will...none cleanses thy house of its foulness...yet I send unto thee ones which have gone the straight and narrow way in which I have led them. These are mine servants which I have called to assist thee, that ye too might find thy way.
Yet I see them which are rebellious turn from the servant, thinking themself wise! They go out as ones knowing not the first lesson which the initiate must first learn...that of obedience and respect. (see obedience unto the Law) The way of the Initiate is not easy...it is the way in which I point thee. And ye shall find therein many snares...yet I have plainly pointed them out, one by one, so that ye be not ensnared by the dark one.
So be it I watch with diligence that the young ones, (the neophytes) fall not, for I am not unmindful of them which are prone to seek Truth, the Light which fails not. The way of the Initiate is strait! The way is exact and turns neither to the left or to the right. It is the way that leads to joy and peace everlasting.
So be it Amen and Selah
From the newsletter "A Call To Arms"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
Sori Sori: This is a day to remember for all time to come, as it shall herald the New Day. It shall bring with it a New Order, for mankind shall no longer worship "idols", such as they have made of me. They have made images of me and bowed down before these, knowing me not. I have called upon them, "Awaken...Awaken...Awaken..." and they have not heard or moved out of their trance. They move about as ones dead on their feet. They deny me mine name (Sananda).
They cling unto that of yesterday, as though they knew me then...which, for the most part, they call me by a name given unto me by man of little knowledge of me at any period of time. These ones which cling so tenaciously unto the name of "Jesus" hast not a fragment of true knowledge of me as I Am. They cling unto the written word, so many times translated from a poor translation. Many times over have they changed these poor translations as they imaged or thought they should be...thus causing much confusion, and division of opinions and preconceived ideas of and about me and mine teaching.
Some have deliberately changed these words to further their ambitions, to hold fast their subjects. These I see as traitors unto themself, for they have turned me away as the imposter, knowing not that I am come to bring them out of the dream state, the illusion which they have taken unto themself as "Truth Immaculate".
These call mine servants which know me and obey mine mandates ( see Obedience unto the Laws), "fools and hypocrites", ofttimes giving unto them the bitter cup. Now I say unto one and all, this shall be a condition which shall not exist in this New Day, for I shall prove mineself and justify mine servants tried and true, for they shall be caught up with me. For this I have provided them a place wherein they shall be made whole and know even as I For that am I sent to gather these ones which hast been unto their calling true.
It is written, and correctly, that their reward shall be great indeed. They shall be given their inheritance in full, as the "Father" hast willed. So be it and Selah.
* * * * *
Sori Sori: I am now speaking unto thee for the good of all. There comes unto thee these ones which know but little of mine way, mine "method of operation". I am now speaking as one of their kind that there be no barriers between us. It is now come that I shall break these barriers which hast long existed between us. This has been the way of the priesthood, to hold in bondage the populace, that they hold sway of power over the ones asking for light. These of many minds, many ideas, opinions and intent, have taken mine words, mine work of the Age past, yea Ages, and used it to build great and impressive Cathedrals, Temples, Synagogues, and places wherein they pray unto their unkown "gods"...not knowing me or remembering that which I have given unto thee in the light of mine Father which hast sent me unto these, which have lost their way among the many various methods they have encountered in their many cycles of going in and out of mortal form.
Through the denseness of the many planes of the higher world they have come and gone, remembering little or nothing of their everlasting being, or their Eternal Being, or their oneness with the Source of Being, which makes of all men brothers. These are the ones bound..."Bound I say! Hoodwinked are they!
I am now come this day with the intent, the Will and the Authority, to bring light unto them for to break loose the ties that bind them to the fog-mist wherein they have labored, wondered, and wandered long in darkness. Now I come in the time of great and sudden changes, crying "AWAKEN"! Come!...Come!...Come up higher!"
Unto them was it given (in the time of going into mortal bondage as mankind) the gift of "Free Will". This is a Law which we of the Host of the lighted ones honor and obey. Yet we are bound by the Law of the One (which is Love of All...of our Source in which we live and have our being) to give of our love and assistance and wisdom as ones which know the Law of the One...as we see the over-all, the whole of the way, of the eternal journey thru the cosmos. While it is not given unto mortality to understand the plan fashioned for his return into the light from which he descended into mortal denseness, he hast fallen asleep in his forgetfulness.
For this I am come, crying, Awaken ! Awaken!
It is mine intent that all might hear and respond unto the call, yet as ye, man, count time, there is no time to wait or loose. The time of great and sudden changes is upon thee, the populace. Have ye seen or heard? Have ye slept? The time is upon all flesh to be as changed! These changes shall come about in the twinkling of an eye, according unto that which each one hast fashioned unto self. It is written that no man is responsible unto another, yet this is not understood by the laggard, the sleeper.
The whole totality is within the Law of the One...Each one is but a part of the "One Source", from which he, as self, cannot be separated...while he can, if he wills, go to sleep. While he is eternally bound to return unto his Source, understand that this is (only) as one is prepared and willing to arise and learn of his inheritance, his Source! None are brought by force!
While we of the great army of light are presenting ourself as One, of one mind and intent...that of showing unto all of mankind the way he shall go forward into the light of the New Day. I am the wayshower. I lead...I do not push! I give the Law, I show the Law. I show the way, and say "Come, I know the way!"
From the newsletter "A Call To Arms"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
FOOTING UNTO A REBELLIOUS GENERATION Sori Sori: I speak unto thee as man, for I am all things, both manifest and unmanifest...I am light! I can do make mineself known as that which is necessary for mine purpose. I bring such as is necessary into the place wherein there is sufficient need for the desired results...for I know that which is necessary for every result that is needful for the present occasion.
I am mindful of every situation and each person participating in it, yet it is with wisdom that I withold mine hand at certain times for the welfare of the subject participating in the particular event. It is for the greatest good for the greatest number. Too, here is to be calculated who shall be partakers or recipients of such actions or action that is to be taken at that particular time...for not all receive from the same cup at the same time. As each receives as he is prepared, therefore the system of sifting and sorting is a system of justice in action.
Let it be understood that not all Earth mankind is prepared to go all the way with me. For this, some shall finish their sojourn upon this planet upon which he finds himself, and he shall then be given a new place within the cosmos to finish his development into that which he has created to become. For it is now come that the "Mother Earth" shall no longer give footing unto a rebellious generation. She shall give unto them no comfort, for they, the rebellious and slothful, shall be removed from her, for she hast long suffered their indignities and disgrace.
Thou Art Not Self-Sufficient
While they know not that we are about, and that we are their benefactors, they hear not, neither do they see. They give unto us no quarter, no credence, for they believe themself "self-sufficient" and alone. While we say: Thou art not alone! Thou art not self-sufficient! Were we to forsake them they should perish, for it is by our efforts that they are able to breath...for by their efforts they polluted the ethers, the very air they breathe...
They have been so bold, so foolish, as to blast the face of the Earth with nefarious machinations. They have been so foolish as to blast the bowels of the Earth (with atomic testings). The depths of the water hast been at their mercy, and they have desecrated the depth and the heights.
Their thoughtlessness and abuse is as an abomination. For she hast brought forth fruit and viands which hast sustained them...the grains in the fields to fill their bellies...the herbs of the field for the healing of the flesh...the blossoms such as to feed the soul. Yet mankind, as the laggards, hast abused the privilege of her hospitality...now they shall no longer be participants in her great generosity, and suffering which they have brought about.
As for the ones which have been thoughtful and loving unto the little Mother Earth, (which was) created to bring forth great and powerful manifestations, to be Mother unto a new manifestation called "Man"...this creature shall be as one made new. From the old order he shall arise purified and made new...for this he hast prepared himself. He hast given of himself that which would bring joy unto the "Mother" which hast given unto him his reward.
Let it be understood, that as one sows, so does he reap. There is a time of sowing, and a time of reaping. It is now the time of reaping for the New Age is come, and the time of sifting and sorting is upon the generations...each shall receive as he hast sown, for this is the day of accounting. Each receive his just portion, for justice is the Key Word at this time of sifting and sorting.
No man can rightfully say he hast been misjudged or overlooked, for he shall find that he hast kept his own record. It shall be given unto him as he enters into his new place wherein he shall fulfill his growth as a lighted entity. He shall find that he hast faithfully recorded each day as he hast lived it and contributed to it..signed and sealed is his record. It is his, and his alone! No man shall read or change one iota for him. He is totally responsible for his actions and intentions.
The Law is just, and works with perfefct precision for both the just and the unhjust. Be it so...So be it, Amen.