Jeshua Ben Joseph (Sananda) - April 26, 2004
Through Judith Coastes
There were times in my lifetime when I had to make choices. There were times when I went and sat by flowing water to feel the dynamic creative energy and yet the peace of flowing water. There were times, many times and it is recorded in your holy scriptures that I took myself apart from the multitudes because sometimes you can be so much in the world that you feel a bit of chaos with it. Take yourself apart whether it be physical, in other words, if you go to a certain garden or a certain place of peace or if that is not possible go to the garden within even if you are surrounded by a grouping of people you can go to the place of peace within and allow the nonattachment, nonjudgment of even the grouping around you and see the most exquisite weaving of energy and intelligence and value your part in it.
. Jeshua Ben Joseph thru Judith Coates