Prophecies Concerning Our Earth- Parts 1-7 and "The Time Table 3X3 + 9 = 18
Sister Thedra
We are preparing to come in great numbers as the war preparations are being formulated. We are standing by in readiness to loose the ones who are of other time bands. They will be gathered up and relieved of the holocaust of coming events.
And there shall be a mighty awakening in the days ahead, for the cyclic time rushes in with mighty laughter and mighty weeping. For the cast of the U.S.A. is that it is to break in twain in the area of the Mississippi in the region of Canada, the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico, into Central America will be as changed.
The great tilting of the U.S. to the East will throw up a mountain range along Central States, along the great new sea, to North and South. The new mountain range shall be called the Argone Range.
The face of Egypt will be as new. The desert will bloom. The grapes will enrich her valleys. The pyramids will be as a cast of the dead no more. The land of the West will be as the great sea of Khar in which the Lotus will bloom again. The times of the fulfilling of these things are to the cast of their fulfilling. The "land of the Lotus"is meant the great land which was submerged as three times, then remained beneath the water of the Pacific. As one cast into the fury of the deep, she will raise in her glory to the new dawn as a fertile land of the New Order.
When it is accomplished that the Lotus blooms, this land of yours (Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A) will be as the Lotus now is. Only the three mountain peaks will be the islands of the Atlantic.
The uprising of the Atlantic bottom will submerge the land of the Atlantic seaboard. The cast of the risen land will be as the new mountain range of the east, though rugged to the cast of forebearance, the type of the Himalayas. At the high point they will stand 18,000 feet, and the land will bear the city of the Sittur of old for the coming sibes (scientists) to explore. Yet the way shall be to the tops of the land which will be cold as Rainier and as the rugged place of Nepal, which is uninhabitable at present. The mountain range will extend to the Equator.
The land of England will be as nothing seen; the land of France to the bottom of the Atlantic; the cast of the great Russia will be as the sea of one which is now called the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, and to the north it will flow as one into the ice land of Siberia.
The planet Earth shall rest for 3,000 years. The cast of Peace shall be as the silence of the Com (calm) upon the surface of the Earth to the end of the Cycle, which time she will again be peopled as from the first with the ones from the planets from the Solar System. There are solar systems within solar systems in the Omniverse.
There is no law which is of the Earth to cause this thing to be as stayed, for upon this thy city (Chicago, Illinois) shall be the very lake that is now in its bed, but the bed shall make a new course, and a new river shall flow from the Lake through to the Gulf of Mexico...
There are to be the ones who awaken to find their beds soaked with the water of the Pacific, and the place shall be from Seattle to the coast of Chile whereupon the great caps shall roll back unto the Rocky Mountains...
To them say that the sands of the desert are to be as white with the flood of the Guards in the time of the casting in which time the land will be as the (symbol) of the rolling into the mountains of the great Rocky Mountains, the great tide of the Pacific. The land will be as drenched though not as sunken... The great places of the coast of the Pacific will be no more.
The place of the desert will be as the open place for the Timeless Ones to take their charges up, for they will be as the flock of birds -- wither they goeth they know not -- for they are herded into the mighty Atavans, which you have called "Saucers', they will be as the dead of the flood, and the dying shall cry out in their delirium to the Christ...
The rescuers will be as well trained to do the work. There will be many welfare workers... To this we are given the (unmechanized light beam) light forces, for the light forces which we use as a magnet impulse to bring into such impulse as the frequency compels...to this is given the degree of cosmic light forces which is necessary for such carting as it is necessary in this cast.
This is the very sibe (science) of the Craft we use. Though your sibes of earth comprehend its function, they do not comprehend this law which operates this timing of the light forces.
As one who calls himself the Elder Brother -- Sananda -- has told, he does the timing of these bands unto the various densities...
From the booklet "Prophecies concerning our Earth"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
And that there is not a place within the State wherein ye are (California) which shall remain as is, for there shall be great purging, and a great seething of the land which is under the waters, and a great sinking of that which is above, and not a place shall be left untouched within the Earth...
And many shall find themselves in their wet beds, and the whirlwinds shall gather them up. And it is so...And wherein they may turn for safety in the days of the "great coincidence" which will be no coincidence, but it will be the greatest of all Earth upheavals which the world has yet known and it shall be within the timer which is allotted to such fulfilling the law. And no person who has gone the last mile will be mid the great cataclysm, and therefore no person will be in the wrong place , nor shall he be in another other than his own, and it shall be the right place.
But there shall be a great rush of the winds and a great upheaval of the Earth and the greatest of al the fire from Earth within shall leap from beneath. And it shall be as a molten mass. But within the ocean bed lies the cradle of the next generation upon the Earth.
It is told thee that which shall be... a storm within the country wherein ye are (Los Angeles, California), and therein shall be many who are homeless -- and which shall be a great tragedy unto them, both in the South and in the West.
And there shall be a great force from within the Earth which shall be as a parting of the land, which shall be from the North to the South; and it shall be between the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico; and it shall be in the time when the trees shall bow down their boughs unto the ground.
There shall be a mighty wind, and she shall wipe away all the places which are now standing within the radius of the great open spaces which are known as Washington and Oregon. And it shall become greater until it hits the mountains of the Rockies. Then it shall swerve into the land of Texas, and it shall destroy most of the towns of greatest size within the place wherein it shall blow, taking many lives...many of them have been unto themselves traitors.
And so shall the Earth be renewed, and she shall be made new; and she shall be within a new position; and she shall be in no wise destroyed. She shall be in in no wise the old Earth, for she shall be made to shine in all her glory for she shall be washed anew.
And she shall be gorged from the Hudson Bay to the Central America. And she shall be as the great continent of the North which has been cleft in twain. And she shall be in no wise as she is today, for she shall be dipt and she shall be turned asunder. She shall go under and she shall come up. And she shall rock with mighty words which shall be spoken which shall settle her down once more on her axis.
And before it is dawn it is darkest, and which is more -- there shall be a great light and it shall be as none thou hast seen for it is not of Earth. For there is nothing which is of Earth which can compare with the light which shall appear within the heavens and that which can be unto the earth her undoing or her reformation...
And there shall be a mighty wind, and it shall encompass the Earth. And it shall be that there is none who shall not feel the results of that which has passed over him...
"Yet they have not known that which shall be, for it is written that they shall have pestilence! And they shall have famine! And they shall call for peace! And they shall be as one which has no place to lay his head! And they shall make their beds in holes, and they shall be as the foxes..." And they shall be within the time when there is a great rushing of winds...
And there shall be the winds and they shall blow the waters, and they shall blow the sands and they shall mix them, and it shall be within the time when it is winter, and it shall be without the warmth of the sun...
And it is said there shall be winds, and there shall be mighty winds, and they shall blow North and they shall blow South and there shall be no place where they shall not be felt...
And which has been shall be again. And when it is come upon the Earth that which shall come shall be as nothing which has been before. Yet it is but the more, for it has been that there has been great wind and great earthquakes and great floods, but they shall come as one. And there shall be a great earthquake in the place where ye are (Arizona), and it shall give up some of the secrets which now lie hidden within the Earth...
And it is said that there shall be winds, and there shall be the winds, and they shall be as none the Earth has known, and they shall be as the winds from the sea and from the land all rolled into one great tempest. And they shall be as the winds of the North and the South and the East and the West, and they shall tear that which is in their path and they shall be as the reaper who mows down that which is in his path. And they shall sing with the bitterness of the cold. And they shall be as the elements of the Earth, for they shall contain both rain and wind. And the hail shall be as big as bird eggs, and it shall split that which it hits.
And it shall be that the suffering shall be great upon the Earth, for it is given unto man to know suffering. And he has not known such suffering before, and when it is come upon him, he shall fall down and he shall cry for mercy...
And it shall be that the winds, too, shall be great upon the Earth -- they shall blow East, West, North and South and not a place shall there be upon the Earth which shall escape the winds which bloweth. And when this tribulation has come upon the Earth, it shall be that there shall be many who have kept within the law...
And with the coming of the winds and the belching of fire from within the Earth there shall be... Think ye not that there is no more!
From the booklet "Prophecies concerning our Earth"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
And it is said that there will be winds, and there shall, and they shall be in the time when it is winter. And the trees shall bow down their boughs and the winds shall sing with the cold, and there shall be great suffering among the people and they shall fall down and cry for mercy...
And there shall be a mighty earthquake and it shall split in twain the country of North America. And it shall be as nothing the world has known before, for it shall be that there shall be a greater part of the great land of the north continent go down, and a great sea shall form within her center part from the dominion of Canada into the Gulf of Mexico. And there shall be great ocean liners, liners which shall travel within its waters, which shall be propelled by solar energy of the next age. And with this they shall be unable to travel east to west or from west to east, through what is now the Atlantic Ocean, for it shall have a mountain range which has been thrown up from the bottom of the Atlantic, and it shall be extended into the air to the altitude of 18,000 feet. And it shall be as the Sittur of old (Atlantis), for it was the Light of the world that this land once took her place in the sun. And she went down amid a great shock and a great wave, and it shall be that she shall come up the same way as she went down. And it is so that it has been (symbol) and now it shall be as (symbol)...
And the west side shall be as the sheer of granite, and it shall be without foothold. And the way shall be as the eagle flies from the place which is upper Virginia three hundred miles due east...and at this point it shall be one thousand and eight hundred feet from the waters. And not an entrance through the land shall there be unto the east, for it is not for them which are to be the remnants to communicate by water. For it shall be with a new science and a new method which shall be given unto them, for there is not a place which is (now) that shall remain the same in it present state.
And not a person shall be left which is not prepared for that which shall be< And there are many called but few are chosen, for there are none which have been chosen which have not been carefully prepared, and they have been unto themselves true and they have given credit where credit is due. And now it is given unto them to be the seed of the new civilization which shall come upon the Earth.
And within the time which is left before this shall come upon the Earth, it shall be that many will be called. And they shall doubt and they shall fear, and they shall faint and they shall fall by the way...and they shall be in no wise wise, for it given unto man to fear that which he does not understand - and for that does he wait...
And now the time is upon him when he waits no more. He either moves on or he is left unto the elements of the Earth, and they shall consume him as the pore (the flesh). And that which is eternal shall take upon itself another bound and it shall be sealed, and he shall have no memory of that which has been, and the experience of the past shall be blanked from his memory. And not a person shall be as he is, for he shall take upon him a new garment and a new name, for it is given to man to be as the little ones. And he shall grow into that which he knows not of, for he has not yet become as God. And he shall be within the law when he proclaims that which he shall become.
And within the time which is allotted unto such things, he shall become God and he shall be as God. And he shall declare (symbol) and he shall know whereof he speaks, for it is given unto man to mutter the mutterings of the unlearned and that which is full of spurious spores, and it profit him nothing.
Yet he shall learn that which he has said shall be as his bound, and he shall be bound by his (own) words until they have fulfilled unto every jot and tittle. And he shall be as one which has in his hand the scales whereupon he may weigh them...word for word shall he weigh them.
And not another shall be responsible for the words of another, nor shall any man take upon himself that which is done by another, for it is the law that no man atones for another. Yet it is the law that each shall "love his brother as himself, and he shall not be his sice, nor shall he be his grouse", for it is not given unto man to know one from the other while in the time of thinking for he under a spell. And it shall be removed and he shall awaken.
And he shall find that he has descended into the Earth which is dark, and he has taken upon himself the garments of the Earth, and he has lost his identity with the Father which has sent him forth. And he has not only been dreaming, but he has been worse than asleep...he has been dead! For it is given unto man to believe that which he sees, feels and touches, to be real...and yet he knoweth that which he cannot see to exist, and without question does he enjoy the benefits thereof. Yet he has not been in the least concerned with that which shall profit him most, for it is for his own good that these things have been given him. Yet he has not looked for that which is eternal, for it is given unto him to be as the pore (flesh).
And the pore sees, feels tastes, and hears that which is of the Earth, and that which is eternal and without the pore he sees not, neither does he hear. And so shall he be blind and deaf unto reality until he has grown to the age of accountability whereupon he shall receive his inheritance, which is sight and sound.
And ye shall see and hear that which IS and shall remain ever of the eternal verities. And not a person shall deny that which he does not understand, for therein is the greatest of folly. For it is said that "There are none so foolish as those which think themselves wise." And it is so!
And now, within the time which is near, they shall learn many truths which are new unto them. And they shall say that it is the ravings of the foolish, and they shall say that it is not possible, yet they reckon not with the law. For it is in no wise the work of men (which shall be as nothing) that shall bring about these things. For he has been UN (the animal mind, the mind of man, the goat mind) and he knoweth not that which he doeth, for he has been within the darkness and he is not accountable for the things which he has said in his sleep.
And yet he stirs within his sleep, and he stirs within his slumbers, and he has but begun to stir. For in the days which are to come, he shall awaken from the deep sleep which has fallen upon him, and he shall stand within the place wherein he shall go as on come alive! And he shall walk knowing whither he goeth and from whence he came, and not a place shall he fall nor shall he stumble, for it shall be his inheritance to talk with surety and he shall not be afraid.
From the booklet "Prophecies concerning our Earth"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
And within the time which is allotted him upon the Earth, he shall prepare himself for that which shall come unto him. And he shall be as one in the dark, yet there shall be beacons of light which shall appear unto them. And they shall learn much which is new unto them...and for that has there been many among them which have been sent for to be the beacons. And they shall be as my lamp unto the feet of the weary, and unto the world shall they light my lamps where they find them from the tapers which I have given unto them.
And it is said that "I Am The Way". and it is so! And none can come save by me, for I am the keeper of the gate and I guard my secrets well. And not a person is so foolish as those which plunder my secrets, for it is given unto man to take that which he can pilfer without paying the forfeit. And therein is folly, for it is the law...that which is earned is for the best part worth the effort, and that effort is within itself that what is most profitable.
And for that reason is much kept from man's grasp that he might wain and wax strong, and that the may learn to stand alone within the time when there is no help. And yet there is no time when help is denied, but the wisdom of withholding it is the greatest of all good deeds. Within their wanton would they purchase their fare into a place called heaven, where they might have a life of ease which should profit them nothing. And that which is not profitable unto eternal life is denied them by the Father*, for He knows before they call that which they need and that which shall profit them.
And it is now time that they arise from their sleep and shake the dust off their garments. And they shall awaken and they shall become alive, and they shall learn that which is within the law. And they shall become aware of that which is is real and they shall not be bound by the garments of the flesh, for it is the law...that which is eternal is not surpasseth that which is flesh. And that which is eternal is not bound within the flesh, and it has never entered into the flesh, yet flesh has its being in that which is eternal, without beginning without end. So it is that the pore shall pass, and the ONE WHICH IS shall be no less for its passing.
And so shall it be in the days which shall come...for it is said that there shall be great famine and great pestilence and great suffering, and yet it shall be as nothing seen before. And not a place shall be left untouched...but that is but the outward manifestation of that which shall be, for it is the law...that which goes out must come back. And it is given unto man to be the part which has gone out from the Father*, and to the Father* he must return.
And in the days which shall come there shall be a great gathering in. And they shall be separated one from the other, and they shall be as the ones of old. They shall be as the sheep, and they shall be herded into places as the flocks of the fields, for it is given unto men to follow.
And there are few which dare to be their own carter, and the carter is one which can say for himself that way which he shall go. And he shall find his own way, and therein is wisdom. For there are none so foolish those who wait for the herd...therein is folly!
So in the days which are to come they shall be gathered together as the flocks, and they shall await one who dares assume responsibility for them. And it is poor poison, for there is not a person which has profited thereby. And when it is given unto him to prove himself, he has not the metal to withstand temptation and the tribulations which come. And he has been unto himself traitor by passing on unto another the responsibility which is rightfully his.
So shall they learn the hard way, for it is the law that each in his time shall become that which he was created for to become. Yet there is no time, for it is not within the law (that which ye calculate as time) for it is an illusion of man and therefore unlawful.
And within the place wherein the Earth shall move shall be a new solar Sun and a new orbit shall the Earth have. And she shall have no darkness, for it shall be a new field within the firmaments. And a new birth shall she have, and the time element shall be new unto her, for there shall be no shadows within her, for she shall have a new sun and a new moon. And she shall have no pains, for she shall be as young again, for she shall have rest.
(* Father = Father/Mother God = The Creator of this Universe = The individualized form of the formless All that Is, Universal Mind)
From the booklet "Prophecies concerning our Earth"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara And she shall shine in all her glory, and she shall be peopled with the ones which have awakened and those which shall remember that which has been. And they shall know that which shall be, for they shall be One with the Father*. And they shall know that which is of the Father and that which is of the Earth.
And therein shall they abide within the Law which is of the eternal verities. And they shall not be bowed down with the pity of the Earth as it is now upon the Earth, for it is indeed pity to see them which stirreth not. They walk with eyes which see not, and they are deaf unto the call of the Clarions, which have been sent for their own sake.
And within the time which is near they shall see and they shall hear, and they shall be as one which knows not what he sees. Yet he shall call out for learning and it shall not be denied him, for many are among them for the purpose of bringing the light. And it shall not be denied them, nor shall it be forced upon them, for it is unethical for them that would be so foolish.
And within the time which is come they may be as the children of the Father*, yet they have forgotten the way unto the Father's house. And they shall cry for help, and it shall be given to them freely and without price. And not a person can comprehend the fullness of the Brothers love, for from the Father* have they come, and to the Father* they return.
And now it come upon the Earth that which man has feared and that which he understandeth not, and he cries out in his delirium that there is no place to hide. And so is it that there is no place wherein he can go that he cannot be bound nor a place wherein he can hide. For the Father* has sent them which have guarded the earth for her duration, and they have not been asleep nor have they forgotten their identity, for they are trustworthy and they have been entrusted with the guidance of the Earth and her destiny. And she has not gone awry for naught, nor has she been on an orgy, for she has gone the way of her ORDAINED course. And it is for the good of all that she shall move out into a new berth, for from her solar sun shall she run, for therein is danger within the future. For it is given unto the orb which ye call the Sun to explode within its orbit, and therein is wisdom, for she has fulfilled the cycle which was ordained unto him.
And not a person shall say it is not so, for therein is foolishness! For it is the law: That which is created shall fulfill its cycle and return to its native state...and it is so! And so be it that the time is come when the Earth shall move out into a new berth, and she shall have a new course and a new sun and a new moon (see "Mine Intercom Messages"). And so shall she rest for three thousand years, and she shall again be peopled and she shall be as new. And there shall be a new people, and they shall know that which is of the Father*. And there shall be a new Garden of Julian, and there shall be the Father's Kingdom upon the Earth. And it shall be for the good of all that that shall be one who shall reign supreme, yet they shall work as one man.
And there shall be peace and each man shall be peace unto himself, and he shall be as the keeper of the peace. And he shall be as the lawgiver and the keeper thereof, for he shall know that which is ethical and he shall abide thereby. And there shall be none among them which shall covet another's possessions, nor shall they know hatred.
For it is established that the new Kingdom shall be established upon the Lotus which now lies within the bed of the Pacific Ocean. And it shall be that there shall be peace and harmony, and it shall reign for the cycle which shall last for twelve thousand years. And again she shall be in a new cycle which shall bring another Order...and therein is another story.
And for the time being we are interested only with the next decade which shall bring about many unbelievable changes, and they shall be as tragedy at the time...yet considering that which is eternal, which has no beginning nor no end, what is there to fear? And why is there anything of thy apportioned lot that ye shall fear?
And blessed is the man which can be his own carter and say: "Thy Will be done. I am as thou art...and I am not of the earth, yet I am in it". And he shall see the glory of the dawn, for it is given unto him to know wherein is his strength. And not a place shall he seek to hide, but he shall go forth to meet that which is appointed unto Him. And he shall know the truth and it shall make him free. And not a person shall set foot against his door and not a person shall keep him out of the Father's* house, for by his own hand shall he open all the doors which have been closed unto him.
And so shall he find his way unto the Father's* house from which he went forth, and so be it that he returneth triumphantly. And the Father* shall be glad, for it is given unto Him to wait that his offspring go out and return. And therein is wisdom, for it is the law: So above, so below...and for this do they wait that they fulfill the law which has sent them forth. And it is the fulfilling of such law that they return and that they be made new and groomed for another new day. And in that day they shall now peace and have rest from the turmoil which has beset them.
And it so ordained, and there is not a law of Earth which shall stay the law which is established unto these things. And so be it that it shall come upon the Earth that which man feareth and that which he cannot comprehend.
And for the first time it is told them that which shall be. And they have not heard the Clarion Call, nor have they heard the trumpets which shall sound...and it shall not be symbolic, but as literally true as the "bells of St. Mary's"' for they shall sound.
And there shall be a day when the Sun shall not shine, and she shall be as a bowl of blood, and she shall give off no heat. And then as if in a twinkling of an eye shall there be a great gulf of flame which shall be forged from within the Earth, and it shall be as the earth has flipped her axis. And she shall reel and she shall be in the throes of agony, then the words of comfort shall be spoke which shall settle her down again upon her axis. And she shall be as the newborn and she shall be as the babe within the bosom of its mother, and she shall find comfort and peace and she shall rest. And be it so...so be it and Beleis!
Neither man nor woman shall know the hour that this is to come upon the Earth, yet there is but little time for the fulfillment of these laws and that which shall come. For it is said that the handwriting is on the wall and they see it not, for they are as drunken with their own vain glory. And they have not seen nor have they heard, and therein is the pity of it...for it is given to man to look backward, and for this does he stumble and fall.
And so shall he have many bruises, and no place shall he find rest for his looking backward, for his looking backward shall bring him much suffering. And he can only be the bearer of the past and that is the pity of it, for therein is not wisdom!
Whence came the past? And whence came the present? And whence came the future? And fortune thyself that which is NOW, for it is the only time, and that which thou hast...and for that give thanks.
And when they have learned well this lesson they shall be wise indeed, for there is not a person who has the promise of tomorrow. And the past which is gone shall be unto him as a bundle upon his back if he but allows it to weigh heavy upon him. And with his own hands shall he break up into small pieces of the bundle, and he shall power them into dust, and they shall blow away as the dry ash from the soil. And they shall not drag their bundles after them, for they shall be free of all that holds them in bondage, and they shall begin anew.
And when it is near the fulfilling of these things, it shall be that there shall be great shipwrecks, and the ships of the air and the ships of the sea shall go down, and the fish of the sea shall seek new places wherein to spawn. And there shall appear upon the Earth new people which are not indigenous of the Earth, and that which has not been seen before...
(* Father = Father/Mother God = The Creator of this Universe = The individualized form of the formless All that Is, Universal Mind)
From the booklet "Prophecies concerning our Earth"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara And within the time which is allotted unto the Earth, which is in the present part wherein she is, there shall be a great and mighty change upon her surface and within her bowels. For she has been in no wise quiet within, for she has been seized with convulsions within her bowels and she has belched forth that which is from her interior. And she has been in no wise without pain, for the Mother Earth is not without her travail.
And therein is the pity of it, for man has been unmindful of her...and as she has nurtured him and mothered him he has been unmindful of her. And he has been unto her a wanton son, for it is with the male mole (which is blind) that he has taken from her and given nothing in return. And he is blind in his wanton, for he has been unto himself the traitor. For he has wasted his substance, and he has had no thought of that which has nursed him and healed his wounds. And so be it that he has added suffering unto insults which has been given unto the Mother Earth, wherein man has had his birth into the physical parts of me.
And therein is the pity of him which is in darkness. They see not with the eyes which are bound, but they see only which is unreal and unholy. For I am whole and I can see that which is complete...and I have not want, for I am unto myself all that I need.
And in the time of casting off I rejoice that I shall make myself new and I shall begin again. And unto this end do I create. And for that I have brought up races of man that they might become gods and that they might become wise creators, and that they might be One with Me, which is every man's inheritance.
And they shall be in no wise the poorer for having gone into the dark places, for I am the Creator and I have created wisely. And I have sent them into all the worlds wherein there is life...and be there many! And they have returned unto Me richer for their experience.
And not a place is there wherein is the form wherein in not the parts of Me. I have divided myself into parts, and I have endowed each part with the part of Myself...that which is eternal. And that part of Me changes not, and it remains ever unchanged by anything which is or shall be.
Yet the part which ye see (the body) is the part of Me which is subject to change and which shall return to the elements from which it came. And not a person shall change the law, nor shall he bring unto me one part of himself which is of the Earth. For I bring back that which is eternal and that which is of the Earth I shake off.
And it gives Me great joy to bring back that which I send out, and for this I have provided. And in my own sweet time shall I bring them all in, and they shall become One with me and they shall be made whole. For from the body of Myself have I created all things, both of the land and of the sea and of the air. And therein are the things, both of the land and of the sea and of the air, which are yet to be created, for I have but to speak and the words become manifest. And the things which I command appear and they have form, and I give them life and they are the animated parts of Me. And they cannot be less than the gods, because I have created each after a likeness which I have conceived within My own being. And it is the positive that I am, and My creation is the negative.
And there is a day and night, and there are the two poles of force called life, or darkness and light, or soul (spirit) and the body, Life and Death, and the many place tags, which are put upon the positive and the negative. Yet there is but ONE and that one is all-inclusive, for it is of Myself and from Myself that I have created all things, and from One Substance have all things come into being.
And so shall they learn of Me, and so shall they be made to sit in the same council chambers with Me, and we shall be as One. And there shall be a New Order upon the earth, for I have created wisely. And when any part of me offends Me I cast it off and I begin anew. And I shall bind up my wounds and I shall heal Myself and I shall be as whole again. For it is not without pity for Myself but (pity for) that which I have created...in that they know not that which they cut themselves off from nor do they know there own identity. And for this do I weep, for they have blasphemed against me.
And I have wept that I have created man, for he has become foul and he has become as the stench of the Earth. And he has poisoned his own food, and he has given unto his own brother the poison of the asps. And he has been unto himself traitor, for he has not kept his covenant with Me. He has not been an honor unto me, nor has he been in the place perfect. And as I sent out he was perfect, and he has committed that which ye call fornication. For in no time has he become as blind as bats, for he has denied his own birthright and he has forfeited his own inheritance. And I am ashamed of that which I have created and called man...yet that which I am ashamed of O love, for him have I created and him have I sent out.
From the booklet "Prophecies concerning our Earth"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
And in due time shall he return unto Me as the sons of God. And there shall be much rejoicing, for it shall be as nothing man has ever experienced. For there shall be much rejoicing and weeping, for it is given unto man to be purified by his tears and his sorrows. So be it that he shall have them so he may know joy...and therein is wisdom!
And wherein it is said that "I am his joy and I am his tears, and by his tears he shall come to know Me." And with my own hand shall I wipe away the tears from his eyes which he has shed in My name and for my sake, and he shall be purified!
When it shall come upon the Earth that which shall be, it is said that there shall be great suffering...and there shall! Of al (the suffering) the fire and the winds shall be worse, for it shall be mighty spouts of fire and molten lava, and it shall be liquid and white. And the winds shall fan it and it shall not cool, nor shall they put out the fire, for it shall burn all it touches and it shall sear the Earth for miles. And it shall be of a great velocity, and with the blowing of the winds the heat shall be carried unto various parts of the country. And it shall be within the place wherein ye are that this shall occur.
And it shall be that another shall be within a short duration of time within the place wherein is now the Pacific Ocean, and the third within another shorter period of time within the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. And it shall not be in the confines of the land which is above the water, and it shall force that which is now the bottom of the Atlantic to the surface of the water and there to tower above.
And it is fortuned unto man to be within the law, yet he is not a worker in the Light. And with the Light which is given unto him he has been unmindful of his source and his Oneness with Him (the Source)...he has cast himself into utter darkness. And for the first time it is said that he shall be most mindful of his Source within these times, for it is only the beginning.
For it shall be that many things shall come to pass within the time which is allotted to the present generation. And they shall call out and they shall seek peace ...and they shall find it and they shall not find it. And to them which shall find it, they shall be delivered up and they shall be in a place wherein is peace...and unto them which find no peace, they shall be put into a place wherein the may labor for their bread and wherein they may begin anew. And they shall have for their tools only their bare hands, and they shall be as in the beginning. They shall learn that which is lawful and that which shall profit them, and that which is eternal. And from the first day they shall not remember their past nor shall they know their future...so shall they work from day unto day in their blindness. For it is the law that "EVERY MAN UNTO HIS OWN", and with his own hands shall he build up his temple or he shall tear down. And now for the first time it is said, that they shall be as the beast of the fields, for they have not prepared for the day when they shall be brought in. They have wasted their inheritance, and they have been unto themselves traitors.
Now for those which have been mindful of the law (the Light) and worked therein, they shall be brought into a new place wherein is light. And they shall be in no wise under stress, for it is lawful to say that they shall be brought into the place wherein is the Father. For he has prepared for them a place and He has provided well, and for this day has He provided. And at no time does He forget the "little ones" in darkness, for he has reached out within the darkness for them and they have not responded unto Him.
And not a person shall deny that this is so, for they have been foolish! And so be it as it may. He has not forgotten them in their slumbers and in their drunkenness. It is said that which is wanton, and they remember not from whence they come, nor do they know whether they goest. And so be it, and be it so...Beleis.
Nor shall they work into the light until they awaken and until they have been true unto themselves, for it is the law that it is not revealed unto the imprudent and the wanton. For these things are hidden from them and they shall be guarded well. And not a secret shall be pilfered from the Father, for He has many which guard them, and they have been put to the test and they have not been found wanton.
And so shall they prove themselves, and so shall they grow to the age of accountability...then shall they receive their fortune which is of the Father. And none are so foolish as those who deny Him, for He has brought them forth and He has provided for them. And He has not been a puny provider, for He has remembered them in their suffering and forgiven and forsook them their wanton. So shall they remember Him in the coming days ahead...and none shall deny Him.
And when it is done they shall be wiser and stronger, and they shall be glad! Wherein is it said that "Whom He loveth He chasteneth?" And so be it, for none are so blind as those which cannot see! And so shall they learn to see, and it is for the good of all that these things are to be. And so be it, and be it so! Beleis and Beleis...
With them shall be the workers in the light, and they shall know each other by name...and they shall be called one by one and they shall answer. And they shall be asleep, and they shall not hear their names And those which do hear shall be given that which is to do, and they shall be workers in the light. And they have with them which have not heard, and they (workers in the light) shall be the guards (guardians) of them until they awaken. And they shall give of themselves unto the slumbering, and they shall be as the ones to awaken them. And it is not an easy task, nor is it a mean task, for it is to be remembered that those which have been sent into the Earth for to awaken them of the Earth have not all responded nor have they begun to stir.
And now it is the law that those which have heard shall be unto others a lamp, and therein shall be oil-a-plenty! And they shall be as the ones to awaken them. And it is given unto man to know that when he receiveth he shall give out, and yet ye may give out only which is lawful and wise.
So be it that there shall be a plan for them to awaken, and they shall not awaken in the same place wherein they have slept, for they shall be removed into another. And they shall be in no wise in the same place, for it shall be new and it shall be as none ever inhabited before, for it is a place which has been prepared for this day.
And within the time which is allotted unto them, it is wise to see that which is obvious and to bestir themselves. It is the Father's will that all might awaken, yet He knowth they shall not. So be it!
And it is lawful that they be given these things and they shall be forewarned, yet they shall mutter within the dark places and they shall say "It is the ravings of the mad." Yet I say unto thee, "lest ye perish, be ye alert and about thy business, which is to awaken unto the Law which has brought thee forth, and which has kept thee and which has provided for thee!"
And now it shall be fulfilled that which is written, and they shall know the truth and the truth shall make them free. And so shall it be. Beleis, and Beleis.
With that ye shall be blessed and ye shall know that which is written. And the priest is not the source of all that is, yet he has not told thee these things, but from the hand of one which has gone into the place wherein ye may go when ye have awakened, has been given these truths.
And that which has been recorded is from the one which has watched and cared for them as little children...and for this have ye been better. So be ye as one which shall know the truth and it shall make thee free, And so be it and beleis!
Mighty are the words of the Father, and they shall be heard even unto the ends of the Earth and the heaven thereof. And there is much mystery yet to be revealed, and it is now time that it be revealed unto them which follows within the law. And not a place shall be hidden from the eyes of the prudent and those which seek first the Law, for it is given unto them which first learn...that there are none so foolish as those who think themselves wise...and then, that there is too much to be done to waste time that is precious...and that there is no place wherein they may hide...and that the secrets are not revealed unto the imprudent, which know not how to guard them. Such is the Law!
And fortune thyself for that which shall be revealed unto thee, and be it such that shall profit thee. And it shall be for the good of all that these things be revealed unto thee, and be it so.
Recommended reading; From the Rebellion in Heaven unto Present and Future Times
3x3+9=18 years
From the newsletters "A Call To Arms"
Recorded by Sister Thedra (1900-1992)
Source; The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
3x3+9=18 years
(given by Sananda in the summer of 1989).
Sori Sori: By the calculation of man, he hast but 3 times three plus 9 years to prepare himself for the ultimate change, in which there is no turning back or reversing all that he has set in motion. This is the day of redemption, this is what has been foretold in the ancient records. The Lord, thy God of Truth and Light, hast given of himself, that there be a plan which is now come to its maturity, the fulfilling of the word, the promise made 2000 years ago. It is now written in the heavens that mankind shall awaken unto his true estate, arise from his slumbers, and return to its Source.
I am come that all might know that which is fortuned unto man of Earth through his own wanton and willfulness. He hast gone so far that peace will be unreasonable, unheard of...as he hast not reckoned with the Law. Therefore man, as the wanton ones, shall be moved into another corner, wherein he shall have time necessary to prepare himself for a new part wherein he may find surcease, rest and repose, from war and bloodshed. He shall atone for his willful ways...cleanse himself and atone...and come with clean hands and pure heart. Then we of the great and mighty Christ Council shall take note of him.
It is the way of the dark robed brothers to give their time and strength in hatred one for the other, in a death struggle...in Mine name? Nay! What blasphemy! Ne'er do they say in the name of mine adversary I do these abominable things. They, the ones that call themself Christian are worse than the "pagan" for they blaspheme against the holy spirit, and darkness shall follow them unto the end. This I would have them to know, for it is the Law "As ye sow so shall ye reap".
Was it not said of olden time? Hast it not been repeated? Many which are warring against each other this day are repeating that which they did in years past...yea in ages past. When they put aside the garment of flesh they are of the same humor or nature...yet they find no peace, no rest. Now it is given unto these to return...to return again and again until they have resolved their hatred and unholy nature.
While there are ones which have come from afar to assist, "they (the wanton ones) give little thought about our part, our existence, our pleading that they turn from their carnage and seek...then Light and peace shall be established within them.
This is the beginning of the New Day when ye shall arise and be about the Fathers business, that ye cleanse thine being of all hatred and malice, greed and whoredom. Turn thine hand to service in the love of thine fellow man, in the Light which I Am. I bring the Light, for that I Am. I have prepared a place for the wherein is only light, and peace abide therein.
Now hear me in this...for I say unto thee, none bring within this place wherein I am thine part which ye have brought upon Earth as a filthy stench within the time of thine waywardness and rebellion. It shall be left unto the darkness...and ye with it to haunt thee. For ye shall first divest thineself of the last portion of hatred, selfishness, bigotry, hypocrisy, unrightousness and uncleanness, before ye find peace within the light. For there is no darkness with the Light in which I abide.
In the above messages we begin to see a time-table (1989-2012) which denotes the final periods which will bring this cycle to its final conclusion. In the above message Sananda refers to 3 periods of three years each (1989-1997) and one period of 9 years (1998-2007). He tells us that this 9 years period will be the time in which all will make their final choice, either to embrace the Light of their true being, or to cling to the darkness and ignorance of man's past. He is telling us that after that point (2007) there is no turning back or reversing that which each of us has set into motion, for each will have made their final decision as to which way they will go.
(more afterthoughts)
Throughout this long cycle the whole of mankind has moved toward this present day. While many have moved steadily forward, some have moved more slowly in their spiritual growth, and still others have lagged far behind in their spiritual development. Before we can move forward into the new cycle there must first be a sifting and sorting of mankind into his varying natures, each as he has chosen for himself
Those of you who are reading this newsletter have sensed this great change, yet the vast majority of those upon the earth are yet asleep to this greater Light which is beginning to flood the earth. They are still content to sleep on within their unknowing, for they do not realize that the GREATER REALITY is beckoning them to awaken, calling them to raise up from their dreams in mortality, to awaken their Living spirits into fully awakened life.
In the same way that a mother must shake a child who refuses to awaken to school, so too many in flesh will have to be shaken from their lethargy and their desire to sleep on. The upheavals upon the earth and within the affairs of man (which have so often been spoken of) are not meant as a punishment, but to upset our comfort and cause to look beyond our mortality. While fear has played a destructive part within man's past, it is also the great motivator that will cause many to open their hearts to the Greater Reality in which ALL exist.
As this cycle draws to a close many are preparing themselves to step beyond the mortality of flesh, to re-claim their living memory and inheritance as Sons/Daughters of the Father. Many who are yet asleep will soon begin to awaken and will eagerly embrace their new awareness. Some may need to be shaken before they are willing to let go of their unknowing, but eventually many of them will rise up from their lethargy and seek for greater Light. While a few who have devolved backwards to the point of being just plain vicious , those who have repeatedly used their progression of embodiment to bring about hatred, oppression, crime, destruction, and war upon their fellow man...having brought forth nothing that is of any worth within the Greater Light of the True Creation...will begin once again at the very beginning, in primitive forms, upon another planet.
The following is an excerpt from the book "Return of the Tribes":
....The potentials of this universe are infinite beyond number. But there are no star wars of advanced fearsome civilizations beyond your own...because if civilization are fearsome they do not advance beyond your own. They become extinct, to rise up in another world, until they finally learn.
...There does come a time when those who would deprive others of their right to biological expression cannot in rightness, in justice, and in harmony with the sacred way, be protected any longer. They need to continue their lessons in another ecological nitch where they affect no one but themselves.
...The Great Day of Purification has begun, a short but essential cycle of division and separation that will gather those who promote fear and violence and separate them from this season of the world, just as the chaff is separated from the wheat at trashing time. During the next two and a half decade (1987-2011) humankind will experience this separation...for a new era is drawing.
-end excerpt-
Such is the sifting and sorting which is now going on. While the wheat will be gathered up and separated from the chaff, the weeds are also gathered up that they might not contaminate the next garden. For no matter how much light is spread upon the earth, those who continue to harbor seeds of selfishness will at some time revert to what they hold within their hearts. No matter how much light might come upon the earth, those who have not purged the darkness from within their own hearts will sooner or later attempt to use it to their own ends.
This is the time of that purification, as described in the following excerpts from the book entitled "The Third Millennium" :
..Five centuries before the dawn of this present cycle, we brought to the unawakened ones of that age a timetable which they carefully recorded in stone. The Mayan calendar is now recovered from the moss and ferns. In it are chiseled the dates that correspond to the Great Day of Purification, dates that correspond to your years 1987 to 2011. The winter solstice of the last year will see the purification completed, and the era of human history brought forever to a close.
...This wave has much to yet to engulf and utterly change before it has washed fully across the shores of human affairs, yet the greatest effects of this wave will come during the late 1990s and the first decade of the twenty-first century.
...As our present wave of consciousness washes highest upon the shore of this world toward the winter solstice of the year A.D. 2011, a Great Cycle will culminate. The new season that draws then, as the days of the southern latitudes shorten and the North Pole begins its move towards its months of sunlight, will be more than the closing of a season of a single year.
...A moment is coming, after which nothing will ever again be thought of as it was before...a metahistorical moment, an event that is simultaneously Alpha and Omega to your species and to all your species has ever known...
-end excerpt-