Jeshua ben Joseph On 2003
Through Judith
The changes will touch all areas of your lives, some dramatically and some subtly. There will be wars and rumors of wars, possibilities of great upheaval, and yet, throughout it all, the still small Voice of peace will be known in your hearts, and hope will come to be the dominant necessity. You will begin to see the seemingly silent majority, the "common" man/woman, finding his/her voice, coming to know the common denominator of wanting to live in peace, equality, harmony. The great percentage of the world's incarnatives want to live and let live in peace, and the voices will begin to be heard above the old paradigms of "us and them," of threat and vulnerability.
Economics will play a big role in the changes. You have already begun to see the spotlight upon Big Business and some of its entitlements, and the voice for justice and sharing of the wealth has begun to speak. There will be more spotlights, and more calls for an equalization of value, man to man, woman to woman. Big business conglomerates which have no thought for whom they serve are as the dinosaurs, and you will see more of what is called the cooperatives, where workers are owners in the businesses, not just shareholders. There will be some challenges with the logistics and the day-to-day outworking of the purity of the concept in the beginning, but there will be some refining and a beginning it will be.
You are going to see changes in leadership with your geopolitical group. You are at the place where the collective consciousness is doing a shuffling of the cards, and you are going to see that which has been seemingly hidden - some policies, practices, maneuverings - come out into the open more and more. Everything is going to be brought to the light. Every practice which has not come from a place of holiness, a place of love, a place of compassion is going to be brought into view in the next twelve months of your timing.
Walk you carefully according to your own principle of truth, and of love and of compassion. In other words, be in integrity as to what you choose to do, and do not judge others - although it will be very easy - but allow the holy vision.
There are ones in your world now who think themselves to be all powerful. They will be brought to a humbling place, not because of karma, but because of the decree of the holy Child to know and remember the At-one-ment, the love of the Father come forth into manifest form and experience.
Technology will continue to lead the way to Remembrance, sparking remembrances of ancient pre-recorded times of great advancements and power misused, to a present caution and reverence for technology in this day and time. Communication, the key to this reality, will continue to be a consumate motivator of technology, for healing of mind, body and soul. New advancements in microtechnology will allow communication, in the form of measurement of energy changes, with the cells of the body to bring about that which is needed for balance and health. Thought energy as communication will be recognized and utilized to a far greater extent than has been the case for eons of time. Thought will become recognized as energy.
Communication - true communication, the common union - in relationships will bring about healing of the oldest wounds of society, of self-image, and, ultimately, healing of the soul, individual and collective. In many cases, the catalysts for healing of the soul - individual and collective - will seem harsh, yet the effects over time will be a gentling of understanding.
In the summer months of your year, there will be a powerful opportunity for change, a time of ones claiming the true power of the One. There will be a call, already in the minds and hearts of many, to join together in Thought and Intent to change old patterns to new ones. Again, a bridging from old to new through the power of true communion. There will be a physical gathering for such Intent, and a nonphysical Gathering which is already making the preparations.
This year will see more focused intent upon communication with all brothers and sisters, incarnate and otherwise. And the intent will be rewarded - however the events may be perceived, for not all will perceive them as reward at first - with communication from the Extended Self in the form of thought communication and form communication with brothers/sisters/ nongenders from what you call Space. As it is seen now, in the autumn of this year you - some individually and all collectively to some degree - will have experience with the Extended Self. For some it will be a joyous reunion; for others, based on habitual fear, it will bring forth the old beliefs in vulnerability and the need for defense. You have already the first signs of communication with Extended Self - met with joy, skepticism, fear - in the form of the crop circles, symbols of an ancient language, some quite understandable in this day. There will continue to be more forms of communication.
You will see a change in your heavens. Those who study the lights in your heavens have begun to notice changes. There is an Intelligence from before the beginning of time which is coming into the consciousness of this specific focus, an Intelligence of love and an alignment, if you will, of the power of light coming forth through what will be seen to be your heavenly bodies, the stars, and the lights in the heavens.
There is coming to be much of Intelligence - with a capital "I" - from what you set into motion eons of time ago, as you see linear time, where you have agreed that at a certain slice of time, there is going to be an influx of light into the collective consciousness. Space intelligence is going to be part of this, but there is more than that; there is an energy of light which is being detected even now and will come to be even more obvious, even to the eyes without the special aid of technology. Even if you are dwelling in your cities, it will still be obvious. And there will be ones who run from it in fear and terror because of old experience, and there will be ones who will stand in wonder, and ones who will stand in welcome and say, "Yes, these are the masters now come forth as I have called them." You will see masters whom you have had speaking to you through what you accept now as the "channeled word," whether it be spoken or written in some of the books that you read.
There will be coming the ones that you have heard, because of a willingness to accept the channeling. There will come to be right in front of you those beings because of the evolution of willingness to allow. Ones who have spoken to you and have been known by various names - Abraham, Yahweh, Moses, etc. - are going to appear to you in the light.
In the words of one of your revered authors, this year will be a year of "the best of times, and the worst of times" depending on the perspective of the viewer. It will be a year of completions with old issues and old belief systems for individuals and for collective consciousness, a year of gradual change in some areas, dramatic changes in others. I would strongly encourage you to keep in communication, physically as is possible and medatively, with ones of like Mind, supporting each other through the changes. It will be necessary and will have its rewards. I would strongly encourage you to take the deep breath, receive the peace of that breath - both physically and spiritually - and to look upon all of your creations with holy vision. The new year you will call 2003 will be a year of miraculous change. Welcome it!
-Jeshua ben Joseph
In expression through Judith