Wake Up Call From Sananda, December 13, 2002
Sananda, Through Nancy Tate
You are a people who have decided to mete out the elements of society that you find disagrees with the very principles that you stand for. This is the further substantiation of the agreements you have made to yourselves as individuals in Spirit. Carry this energy on in the forwarding of the societal endeavors, and you will find yourselves in the very elements for which you cast aside the effects of the tyranny you live under.
It is within your power, and it is within your means to grab hold of the freedom you gave away. Yes, you gave it away in a gradual way. You were once walking the earth in the infancy of this tyranny, and you perpetrated it in reason. There was purpose to the relinquishing of the thrones you sat on. There is purpose now to taking them back, and living the truth of the moment. Strip the facts down to the bare-bones truth of who you are, and what your mission here as earthlings is, and you will have found the way to the graduation day of your lives.
I tell you now that your light shines forth in a brighter light than ever. It shines on the family in the neighborhood for them all to see the wondrous journey that you take. These are the last lessons you have given your selves. The tests have been taken and you are doing the scoring. The results will be posted in the heavens and in the hearts of all of you. And we have seen the results already, my dears, for you have done gloriously, and you have come to this point in a grand manner.
With these last few ceremonies and steps of finalizing the outcome, there will be some challenges. These will be challenges you bring yourselves to the life you live in the moment. You can meet, and will meet these challenges with an air of authority and jurisprudence, for you are the angels who have walked the earth for eons.
So go, my dear ones, and bring the challenge of life to the doorstep of the new kingdom on earth. This is the place of unitedness, and you stand for the liberty and freedom of the land of plenty and the land of love of your fellow man. This will be the new land of opportunity and understanding of the way of heaven. No more will the land be dark and lifeless, no more will the fear operate at full throttle, for this is the time of coming to the point of balance that brings the shift of the ages. When that happens my children, you will see the beauty in all of your fellow beings and the sight will be sweet indeed.
So, as we sit here in joy of your ministrations, and we see the forward movement and the momentum you build, we marvel and applaud the progress you make to the point you strive for. And in your amnesia you think you build toward war. We are here to tell you that you are building toward peace and everlasting joy in the wonder that you bring to your world.
I wish to inform you that since this message began, Ascended Master St Germain, the beautiful presence of Kryon, and the imminent beauty of Lotar have joined my energies in bringing this message to you. This is the time of the consolidation of the energies of communication in which this one will be carrying forth from this point. There is but the One, and this one is expressing this in her work and in her countenance.
We bid you a grand and pleasant day, and we shower the blessings upon you in the glory of the Kingdom of God.