Message From Sananda - An Interesting Day
By Candace Frieze
I am clear most of the time, and this was odd this morning. I woke up feeling odd energy about me and a bit confused by it. This has been going on a bit for several days. All of a sudden, it got worse, and I told Sananda I detected something quite negative and needed to clear the area. As you will see, I was under attack, so the nature of today's talk changed quite radically. After clearing, we commenced again and changed the topic. You will find this interesting. He wanted all of it in this article.
So here it all is:
The plans for NESARA are going forward and are well laid. I shall not say anymore about it today, for as you know, secrecy is an absolute must. It will be nice for this planet when everything is transparent and nothing is kept in secrecy. Unfortunately, at this time we must use the same techniques of the dark against them for our success. Their use of secrecy has been what has kept you enslaved. When you have been fully released by my Coming and the changes it will bring, you will learn to be open and share and not be in secrecy. Many of your corporations operate in secrecy and keep many things from you, so they can make money and also play their games of competition with each other.
As mentioned to some degree before, all that Tesla brought to Earth in the understanding of energy and its use was held secret and used to develop things like HAARP for weather management, and the use of weather control as a tool of warfare. Many are already aware that the purpose of HAARP is not the pick up signals from submarines in your defense.
Tesla showed how to extract energy in particular from the air around you. He studied the atmosphere of earth, and determined that the very high electrical energies in it could be harvested and utilized fairly easily with your technological abilities at that time, but many were already rich off the use of kerosene for heating and lighting and didn't want to lose this income.
So, these Big Bad Boys chose to use oil and gas instead. There was great money in it and power to control the resources of other nations, particularly those in the Middle East. You are, also, messing seriously with countries in South America for their oil.
Your government and the corporations do so much behind your back. Many of you, however, have given permission to them to do this to you. They just manufacture any story they need. The biggest story manufactured is the one called "in the interest of the United States, or the security of."
I comment here. How many of you over the years have thought it quite natural for the United States to have its secrets in the interest of our National Security? I did at one time, until finally I realized that the purpose of the secrets is to prevent us from knowing their plans. At times I get a little upset that our friends in the sky have to play the secrecy game
With NESARA and the first landing efforts we must also keep the secrets from the enemy. Your government does the same, but the difference is that the government manufactures enemies. Iraq, as many are now finally understanding, was a manufactured enemy. You now understand that the planning of Iraq occurred quite sometime before this administration came into power.
The difference with us is that we are not manufacturing an enemy. The enemy has manufactured itself under secrecy, and we must maintain secrecy, because of this enemy's pretty advanced skills at detecting what we are doing.
An example of this is that they still have moles that have told us they are in support of NESARA, and are not working for the enemy. They can be most convincing. With all our technology it is still difficult to read their very closed minds. We discover the moles by observing their behavior, essentially, by spying . The moles do much damage in the meantime. They are very good at lying.
You have all experienced someone who has lied deliberately and used you, and you were unaware, have you not? The biggest thing they are currently doing is to continually mess with the Emergency Broadcasting System. This is a huge system of many separate parts, and it is easy to cause confusion in the system. If the system was more integrated, we could control it better. Remember, that this enemy knows much about star technology.
So, we are using another way, and let it just be said, this is my only clue at the present. I ask that you hang in there and await our surprise. We have had to change tactics after we got the approval to directly interfere. We have had this approval since the failure of the announcement last spring (2004).
For their learning experience, your White Knights were given the opportunity to get NESARA announced themselves. They did not fail. They just were unable to fully penetrate the enemy. The enemy was, simply put, too large and too ingrained for the military contingent of the White Knights to overcome. There is always the above mentioned problem with the moles. Without the abilities of telepathy it is very hard for those incarnate to find the moles.
Let it just be said, that we took charge last May. The program that is NESARA is actually getting a bigger boost, some more beneficial changes. Under the previous plan it would start in the US and spread over a 3-4 year period around the world. Now, with our intervention, it will start initially in a large number of countries that are committed to the program. This will benefit Earth, as much less time will be required in the long run for the changes.
All I will say is that the announcement process will be different from what has been expected previously. By this delay and by our intervention things will move faster when it all comes together.
Notice by the attack in Lebanon yesterday, that the Dark are still stirring things up. This is a method of distraction, trying to make our plans more difficult. I am saddened by this greatly, this new destruction. They will stop at nothing.
This is why I am asking all of you to "stand guard" as such, because our intervention is going to be "bigger" than planned earlier. Suffice it to say, because this intervention has been forced on us and many on Earth are still unaware of us, we need all of you at this time to be ready to help your friends, family and neighbors, when our time arrives. There will be some fear. I am requesting your help and support. I need you to be a "Rock of Gibraltar," as the expression goes.
There is something I want to add here right now. Since our articles have gone up on http://www.fourwinds10.com, Candace has been identified. They can search the email addresses very easily. She has been observed to some degree by the BBB&G’s in the past, but now that we are working together, she has become a threat to them, as do all that work for me.
She, just suddenly, developed a "brain fog", and temporarily lost my communication above. I have detected some low energy waves being forced through cell phone towers on her house. This is notice to all you BBB&G's that she will be protected. We are deflecting your little waves at this moment, notice the clarity in my transmission now. Candace has been subject to little headaches and other problems the last several days from your games.
This is my note. Sananda is now making a note to Patrick Bellringer of Fourwinds, and he wants this in the article, to help all the readers understand the difficulties being encountered.
This is for you, Patrick. We are again seeing the problems starting to occur with Candace, as we saw with dharma (Doris Ekker of Contact). Candace is under attack. We have detected it, and she will have our protection. I am so angry right now. Yes, I do get angry, but we will go on with our communications.
You wrote her in an email stating that I have not come through very often in recent years. That is so, because of our need for secrecy these last few years. Now, it is time for me to become more open in communications, as my Second Coming is close, and I want the world to know. Know that we are prepared for any increased difficulties you may have, and you have our full coverage, and our love and grace. Thank you for all the continued work and support over these long and difficult years, my dear friend.
As to our readers, please, wherever you can, spread the messages. This helps much to defeat the Dark. My messages at this time are not of a religious nature. The Second Coming has nothing to do with religion as taught on Earth. This is a final ending of galactic war, and Earth has always been the prize.
The religious portion of my mission is to break the religious control of the populace. Candace volunteered for this mission. She has been long upset about the use of religion to control people. This is her forte. She has been studying the use of religion in depth the last several years. She has joined the cause of breaking the grasp of religion.
She has received some quite wonderful emails from the readers since the Fourwinds postings. Several readers described some sad and unfortunate problems in their lives with the controllers behind religion.
One person wrote of family problems imposed by the Mormon Church. At this time, I want to say that most Mormons are very nice people, dedicated to improving Earth, but some BBB&G’s find ways to misuse its' teaching, as is done in most religions on earth.
This dear and courageous person wrote a most wonderful description of what some in this organization have done to interfere in her family. Candace plans to send her back an email and request the use of her material in these postings. I think there is much to be learned, if this reader is willing to share. Of course, her name will not be used.
I am going to go now at this time. I want this posted today, if possible by all the websites currently involved. Times are getting a bit nasty again. I further state and ask of all of you, be ready to jump in and do your thing, when all starts to happen. This has turned into a larger event than previously planned, as I was trying to go into some detail before this attack that Candace just experienced. It is to her credit that she got through it, and got her fingers working again. So, I have things requiring my immediate attendance. Salu.
I have a little to add, today. I am still in a bit of recovery. I had to leave the house for a time for more protection to be put in place. There is now a force field of some sort around my house, and other types of protection put there when I am away.
Sometimes, I have wondered why it has all taken so long, and so have all of you. Maybe this little happening today will help all understand. I know people, who think God can just change anything instantly at will. As you all have seen over the years, this is not the case. There is no God to do the type of magic that so many wish for in their prayers.
Sometime, we will write a bit more on just how a Universe works. Meanwhile, just look and observe how Earth works. We have governments, We have courts. We have many assorted systems, and so does our Universe. It also has problems that must be continually solved. Welcome back to Heaven (on Earth)