Guess What! We're Back
By Candace Frieze
SANANDA: My Dear Ones, finally we return to our original format for the messages. Candace has not liked it one bit that we have had to operate behind the scenes, writing only to the email list members.
So tonight (it is Monday), we shall renew our messages to the world. As you know or may not know, Candace received a severe and serious threat. We were able to trace the threat, and found out it was serious. It involved a large group of BBB&G's who intended to create fear to stop the messages. They planned possible harm to people owning and running the websites publishing the messages. We have eliminated the risk this group presented.
There are, also, others working at causing damage to the email systems involved. We have not totally been able to handle and identify all of these at the present time, but the worst they do is cause computer trouble. Please do not send any attachments to Candace. She has been advised not to open them. Also, she will never send an attachment, so do not open an email from her, if it has an attachment. We have looked into several cases, where emails in her name are being sent with destructive attachments, and for some reason or other, not always to people with whom she has contact.
Recently, we sent a message to the list about the probability of severe damaging quakes. Someone channeling in my name put up a message that there would be severe quake activity near Spain, with resultant tsunamis to clean the Mediterranean sea. This activity was to happen this month. Commander Soltec provided some information about the quake situation, and Candace will, right below, insert that part of the message from Soltec, so all that have missed the messages can see this. There are many putting up information supposedly from myself and the other Masters at this time to generate fear and misunderstanding.
CANDACE: The message received was from one. Sylvie, in France. I believe. and stated it was Sananda who had contacted her. and she was basically telling the Lightworkers about upcoming changes in March for Spain. Sananda replied that he had never met this Sylvie, and she was not one of his channels. This is the link to the message from Sylvie: "Sananda, Sylvie (http://groups.msn.com/CAMINOALSER/messagesii.msnw?action=get_message&
mview=0&ID_Message=11801&LastModified=4675513593068924808.) We have, also, had many questions and worries about the recent quake activity in the eastern Pacific, along the shores of the USA and Central and South America. Here is Soltec's response.
SOLTEC: My dear friends, I am come unto you today to help clear up some fear messages being circulated at this time. I AM Antoniose Soltec of Ashtar Command, assisting Hatonn and the Pleiadian Fleets in these times. I am a geophysicist. I am in charge of monitoring the Earth changes and giving directions for appropriate intervention in lessening the difficulties. I am responsible for coordinating the many small earthquakes that are being intentionally created to relieve the pressures in Earth.
Now, there is a message evidently circulating the Internet that there are going be to some pretty awesome earth changes in the Mediterranean area. The message states that the Mediterranean basin is quite polluted, and huge Tsunamis are going to cleanse it. The message seems to indicate that there will be quake activity around Spain. The message states that the Island of Corsica will be split in half. I will give you a little Physics and common sense lesson here.
The Mediterranean is polluted, but a Tsunami would not have any cleaning effect, whatsoever. For waves to cleanse that area one would have to empty the whole of that Sea. Tsunami waves move through the water. They do not move the water to any great degree. In the recent Indonesian event, as an example, the water near the epicenter of the quake did not move all the way to the Indian shore and beyond. Only the wave motion moved through the water.
Next, if the epicenter of the supposed quake coming to the region of Spain occurred in that spot, the wave action would move through the water and cause a Tsunami at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, hardly a cleansing action for the polluted Mediterranean! Dumping the entire Mediterranean on its eastern coasts would totally rearrange that area, and the author of that message would be advising, also, those folks. Even if one were to dump out the Mediterranean, it would be a case of moving pollution from one area to another, accomplishing nothing.
The author states that Corsica would be split in half. Earthquake force sufficient to split Corsica in half would be a mighty quake, indeed, requiring much greater force than that quake which did not split Sumatra in half. If it were to split Corsica, there would likely be much more splitting north and south, as the article implies that half the island would move towards Italy. Islands do not, in general, float on the ocean. They are connected deep into the earth. This is why Corsica will not be split in half and moved over.
Also, given is an exact date. This, my friends, even I would not know the exact time an earthquake will occur, weeks in advance. This channeling supposedly occurred on Feb. 14th. Wouldn't I love to totally be able to predict this! We have better methods than do earth scientists, and we still cannot predict a quake a month before occurrence, right down to the day.
Now, in regard to the California, Pacific area, there is not at this time the calamity coming being predicted. This area isn't as unstable as is being put out. I want to remind all of you that, if in the next few weeks all this activity did in fact occur, the earth would wobble terribly in her orbit, and all would come to an end! This has happened in earth's past, but will not happen at this time. That is why we are here, folks, to prevent this type of activity! This greatest danger that this would happen occurred not long after the world wars! Notice that it did not. I have been attached to this project earth for quite some time, and stabilizing the planet has been my job description, and I know of what I speak!
The greatest instability is in the western Pacific rim area from Sumatra, northward, north of Australia, over to the Philippines and a bit north towards Japan. If you visit your government earthquake site Earthquake Hazards Program: NEIC: Worldwide Earthquake Activity, in the Last Seven Days, (http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin/bulletin.html) you will find they are pretty accurate, and you will see all the smaller quakes we are creating by intention to lesson the pressure in those areas. You will see some activity in the Pacific northwest, and some along Central and South America. These are not in the number as in the Pacific area. Get out a map, look at the area of Spain, remember what you saw of Tsunamis after Indonesia on TV, and come to your own conclusions.
Also, if the Eastern Pacific rim would go off as in the scare messages, the planet would self-destruct. The plates are not that unstable and never were. The Indonesia quake took place in a relatively small area in the bottom of the ocean there. A whole long plate of hundreds of miles will not go off all at once!
You have read that Atlantis and Lemuria are going to re-merge. Yes, they will, and we are assisting this reconstruction of earth, but this is not an overnight project! The remodeling will be done gradually over a period of time. Earth magnetics would not handle a quick job. Our plan is to restore the planet, not destroy it. We could, indeed, blow it up, if we wanted destruction.
Your plant and animal life, besides yourselves, could not withstand huge sudden changes. It is our desire to return this glorious planet to the incredible evolutionary planet that she is, or used to be, would be a better term. All is healing. I ask you not to live in the fear being generated by both the BBB&G's and those folks, who are simply in misunderstanding about the end times. I will further state to back up Sananda, that you are, indeed, into the fringes of the photon belt, and you will spend close to 2000 years in it, in great glory I might add, to those choosing to ascend with the planet. I will leave now and return to my duties. I am most involved with earth geophysical activities at this time. Salu, Antoniose Soltec.
SANANDA: Several people have written letters asking what will happen to children and family members when Ascension occurs. They ask, Who will take care of them?" We have here again, misinformation being put out by others to generate fear and separation. With the NESARA announcement, contact with your space family, and my Second Coming, all will have plenty of time to make a decision about Ascension.
Many are unable to make any such decision because they are unaware of the process, or they are awaiting the rapture. These folks will have plenty of time to make the choice. Much will have to do with how they want to partake in the healing of the earth. We are seeing very recent information again about everyone being suddenly beamed up, the earth undergoing huge remodeling, and heaven only knows, what will happen to the ones not in the ships.
We are planning no lift-off at this time. We covered this a bit in an earlier message, when I responded to a reader's question about going into inner earth. Many asked, if we are going to Inner Earth, or anywhere else, for that matter? Should we bother to plan anything at all? Yes, indeed, the coming events are a great period of testing that will help determine readiness for ascension. Indeed, as I said, works count! You can avoid a great deal of earth problems of releasing negativity, if you are very positive and go about the grand and great works, I know, of which you are capable. I am not coming just to lift you off or have a rapture. I am coming (as well as the other Masters and your space brothers and sisters) to help you lift up yourselves into Ascension, not to lift you off the place.
You have ahead of you the most wondrous opportunity for spiritual growth, and it will not be by attendance of the mystery schools, but by your solving of the Earth's many and varied problems. You are to ever grow more intelligent, and there is no better way than by experience. We need more than "book learning" here. Many people taking the Ascension route think they must do various rituals to ascend. Some of these may be useful later, but right now, it is in the doing of the work. When you take on a project that involves your personal compassion and vision in the healing of the world, so shall you heal. The important word here is "compassion." It is the love that heals.
Anyway, back to the point to be made. Ascension is a slow process. You can't build your Lightbody overnight. We mentioned earlier that the sorting has been done on The Other Side, but not on the surface. There will continue to be some sorting on The Other Side, as people pass over. They will be given opportunity to make a choice to stay with earth or go elsewhere. Understand, also, that many of the Star People may choose to go back to their planets of origin, when their work has been finished. The BBB&G's are creating much havoc in my name, and this is temporarily increasing as they try to stand up to us. They are very busy trying to promote rapture one way or another.
CANDACE: I have a point to make here. If we were going to "up and leave" this place in the near future, what would be the point of NESARA and the changes it brings? Why would we get the opportunity to vote for a new government? Why would we be planning our Golden Age? Why are the Star People hanging in there and waiting to help us retool our technologies and bring new ones?
We are now going to cover some of the events in the news recently about which you have written questions. Some are wondering what is the game behind Terri Schiavo. Others are incensed with Jeff Rense at Rense.com. for his recent message called, "New Age Sewage", which links to an article that states Dove and the Omega funds are scams.
SANANDA: There is something you should know about Terri Schiavo. Her husband attempted to murder her those many years ago. She did not have a stroke or an electrolyte imbalance as stated for the cause of her condition. She has worked at survival in spite of Michael Schiavo these many years, not wanting to leave this lifestream unfinished. She is a great soul, and she would like to see all come to justice that have participated in this killing of herself. She is very present in her body, and could have acquired much more healing had it not been prevented.
She is to be admired for the many lessons she is teaching. I am sorry to learn that the federal judge has denied her the right to live and tell her story. The big show in Congress over the weekend, in part, is to draw attention from NESARA, but we have been pleased still to see it aired. We are sorry that, Terri to this point so far, still has not had her day in court. She shall, one way or the other. If not at this time, and she passes over, then she shall have her day in court a bit later, as many will be angered and, I hope, finally come forward with all of the story.
Now, as to "Newge, Sewage"from Jeff Rense at Rense.com. I recently listed his website as one bringing great truth to Earth, and I still stand by this. I am sorry that our BBB&G's seemed to have gotten their way with Jeff at this time. I have written him a letter today thru Candace, and I hope he will read it. She has sent him all of our messages, except the ones to the list we have done in the interim. There are others again debunking NESARA and the funds.
This occurred with Dove last summer, and Rense published those articles. He is from the Light, and works hard. You all have at one time or another been in confusion as to who is telling the truth. Jeff is merely in confusion at this point. I would suggest you all send him a letter, written nicely, but firmly of your views. Jeff, of course, will soon enough find out his mistake. I do not judge him for this. It is simply an error. He is a very brave individual, and never falls back over risk to his life.
I am going to have Candace put in a link to Rense.com. covering the issue of Terri. A nurse that took care of her many years ago has quite a story to tell. There are many involved with Terri that have stories and I hope, they will find the courage to tell them. The Terri Schiavo story and the Ernst Zundel story have been beautifully covered by Jeff Rense. (CANDACE: Link on Shocking Affidavit From Terri's Nurse - READ THIS! http://www.rense.com/general63/aff.htm ) There are several stories at Rense.com. on Terri, and he continues to cover Ernst, also.
I will make one more comment pertaining to the news before I move on, and Candace gets on with her day. The Anthrax scare recently was, of course, an attempt to scare you all again. It was, also, a cover-up of events occurring in the Pentagon. There were some suspicious deaths, and this scheme would have nicely explained them and created fear for you in the process. Our Star People on the ground got this under control before it got any bigger. I cite this as an example of their work. I will, also, mention that Hatonn is heavily involved on his two legs in the Middle East at this time.
As to NESARA, the banks have been getting increased deliveries of the new money, and otherwise, are in preparation. The prosperity funds are being released. The announcement will still come on CNN and ABC. We are still working with CBS and NBC, but "so what" if they don't? They will have to join along quite soon afterwards. We have continued to find moles working in all the news services, and they are being removed, as necessary. I am still stating to "hang loose", instead of "hang tight".Iit will happen! Dream big dreams and lay your plans. If NESARA were not close, our BBB&G's would not be making so much noise. Namaste, Sananda.
CANDACE: I have had several ask me what "Namaste" means. It is my understanding that it means "from the God Light within me, to the God Light within you." In the Eastern religions it is used as a greeting or a parting response with a small bow and the hands held in prayer. This is how I learned it years ago from my Karate instructor, who was Buddhist.
I am, also, choosing to paste in a portion of Sananda's message to the list after the Judge was murdered in Georgia. Sananda has, also, informed me in our little talks that the BBB&G's are on a big murder spree right now, and our Sky Friends are very engaged in the protection of important people. The BBB&G's are taking out some of their own, who might be in competition or not trusted. Below is a portion of the message we put out Mar.14.
SANANDA: My Brothers and Sisters in Light, NESARA was to be announced by CNN last Friday (March 11, 2005) around 10:00 am. The Judge that was killed, as I mentioned before, was one of ours with an important role to play in prosecution at a later date. Some have written to ask why this Judge was not adequately protected. He was protected well, but we can't totally protect with shields in places as public as this courthouse. This was an inside job because they knew he was well protected outside the courthouse. He had protection by some inside it, also.
The man that shot him was used to the highest degree. In the end he realized that. The Federal officer he shot and stole of his truck was involved in this inside job. The Judge was asked by us to take a vacation for a while, so he could be better protected. He chose not to do so, feeling safe enough in his own courthouse when he was there. You are, of course, now witnessing a major media circus, and we are not one bit happy with a couple more moles at CNN.
There are new measures in place with more Star People, and these Star People have been told that they have permission to do what is necessary. I did not want it to come to this, this one last show. I had hoped our BBB&G's would take that Grace of God offered to them in their final hour. They have sealed their fate now, and I am saddened by their choice to do so.
CANDACE: We are planning another message for tomorrow. In it we are going to cover the recent Matthew message for March. We covered this to some degree in the private list messages. Matthew sent me a personal response (through his mother Suzy) to Sananda's response, and Sananda desires to answer a portion of that response. Much has happened in the last two weeks! I am, also, still behind in the e-mail, but I will eventually get to all the letters.
I would also like to draw attention to the IndiaDaily which has stories frequently about our Star Visitors. Here is a link to a current story. Indiadaily.com - Underground Extra-terrestrial UFO bases all around the world http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/1945.asp . The stories are usually under the "Technology" heading at the site.
I am asking that those of you who do not speak English, when you write me, try to find someone to write your message in English. Sananda does speak some other languages, but I don't. I can read the words as best as possible to him, and once, he tried to do a message in Spanish in answer, but I don't write and spell in Spanish, and it was a mess. Plus, I have no idea how to pronounce words not in my language. I have sent some letters to a couple people to translate, but I have to then send back the answers for translation. So please, if you can find a way, use English, even if it is not perfect. I do much better with imperfect English! Take care, Candace