Anne Bellringer
SANANDA: I have called Anne this early Monday morning of December 21, 2020, to pen a message from me. I am Sananda,of the Lighted Realms, known by many on Earth, who falsely call me "Jesus". I assure you that that false name given to me by Saul/Paul as led many ones astray from the Truth. By his writings and the twisted and tweaked disinformation of the Bible, my best friend, Judas was made the victim of betraying me.
These many ones, caught in the lies of the Bible, have had me still hanging on a cross and in total ignorance worship that symbol, They are led to believe falsely, that I can make all their sins be wiped away. This false belief is the greatest lie ever in the history of mankind upon Earth. I came only, as a Truthbbringer.
As said any times to you in the writings by Patrick Bellringer, you save yourself and are responsible for what you have done. You will stand before God and judge yourself. as to how well you have lived the Laws of God and Creation. You will decide if you have passed that test, and if you need to repeat another 3D lifestream to learn your lessons, or if you have graduated to 5D.
The Truth had to be told one more time to set the record straight. It was decided that this Truth could not be given in a form that could be altered, twisted and tweaked to the likes of the religious hierarchy. That is what happened to all the writings I entrusted to my best friend, Judas. That lie, after 2000 has freed Judas Iscariot of this most dastardly crime. The real traitor was Juda Iharioth, the son of the high priest. See how the Truth was twisted?
I refer you to the Bible, which the dark ones have made the great symbol as the absolute word of God. Well, it is the absolute word of God. The last two words are absent in that name. The Bible is the absolute word of God JEHOVAH SATAN. What better way to snare people away from the Truth? Not only that, but the Bible has been translated, twisted and rewritten time after time.
You know to what I refer about Truth. The REAL Truth had to be given in Journal format in order keep it from being copyrighted and changed to the whims of man. The most amazing thing about the Journals is this. They are very special in the fact that not only do they dispute the lies of the Bible, but re-reading them gives the reader greater understanding and lifts the reader to a higher level of understanding each time he/she read them again and again.
There are ones, such as J., Anne's friend, who has read ALL the Journals, even some five times. Oh. that all mine Lightworkers and souled ones would do the same.
There are so many distractions to pull all of you from reading. I am distressed at the lack of good education in America. The chidren have been so dumbed down that he/she can't read, as phonics has been withdrawn from the evil curriculum. Some of these poorly educated children can not even write cursively beside the fact they cannot discipher words to even read properly.
They are given a cell phone at such an early age, that their knowledge of math and history goes to the dung pile, as they are mesmerized by the games they can play to waste away their time.
Enough of that. I can only give this message to those who will listen. Limit your TV watching. Did I say stop watching? No, I said limit. Take even a few moments of the most valuable time left to be on Mother Earth to keep reading those Journals, especially 2, 3, 5, 7, 27 and 47. Some are out of print, but that is no excuse, as you know. All of them are on the Internet to read freely on http:// www.fourwinds10.com. Maybe there are some, who have difficulty reading. Get someone to read them to you, if that is possible.
The best brief information that sums up the entire message of enlightenment is called "The Truth in a Nutshell" written by my brother, Patrick. Read it again and again. Here is the internet link: http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/writings/news.php?q=1227202504
There is such little time left before all 3D shall be wiped from Earth Shan that I tell you to keep strong on the Red Road of Truth. How? Keep living the Laws of God and Creation each precious day you have left. The Journals are given for that reason, and they are your guide, your ticket to help you travel those last miles on that Road.
Remember, do not carry your burdens by yourself. I am here to help, and I can and will if you but ask, carry those burdens for you, as you travel the last days to your graduation goal.
I offer my hand. Please take it, and the journey you take will be joyful to your graduation success.
Anne: The ending truth from Sananda that fits more so today. Sananda wanted this to be posted today.
1/11/90 SANANDA
Sananda to commune. I see we have some painful subject matter today. Firstly, allow me to remind you ones of something, for great quarrels are being conjured because of ridiculous pronouncements.
The word is coming back that this writer declares Jesus to be either extinct or a mental figment or worse, an imposter and now some new "Sananda" is the big cheese. Oh dear, you ones of that tiny, dark planet with all its beauty--do not either listen or see.
You are into the time of the "prophecy's fruition"--not only would I not return as the identical "Jesus" than I would return as the identical Quetzal Coatl or Buddha. STOP your foolishness--even in your tampered "Bibles" it was said that the Christ would bear a new name to designate his position. That name is simply "Sananda". It is a designation and you do not understand the Universal language. I have been coming and going for some many years in this latter century--as Sananda--mostly to the higher places of teaching and to the places where the remaining portions of the continents contain remnants of your ancient civilizations. IT WOULD BE MOST WISE INDEED, IF THE QUARRELS CEASE AND MAN LOOKS AROUND AT THE PLIGHT IN WHICH HE IS MIRED. IT IS OF SATAN TO CAUSE DERISION AND DENIAL FOR THERE IS NAUGHT SAVE LIGHT AND TRUTH IN THESE WORDS. CONTINUE TO DENY AND THE GRIM REAPER SHALL EXPUNGE THE LIE AND IT SHALL BE UGLY INDEED. SO BE IT.
How did you expect me to make an entrance and how were you to be prepared? Did you think I would come via Jimmy Bakker or Jimmy Swaggart? How about Ramtha? Mafu? Lazarus? No, I would come again, first within the hearts of man. Further, there would be a great revival of man turning into truth as the Word goes forth--I AM THE WORD! Not this little scribe who would resign her post--"I" AM THE WORD. You dear ones who make effort at sending forth the word, do not waste of thy time in the remorse of those who will not hear. As it spreads and grows--they will hear, or, they simply will continue to discredit. If you listen--really listen--to their tales, you can know of their ignorance and untruth and they have simply become ensnared within the tentacles of the liar.
It comes from the egos which assume themselves to be "too big" to be attacked and either do not know how to remove the evil fragments or find it "beneath" their need to do so. They are easiest to entrap. These ones "know it all" already and have great "visions" and it usually has more to do with human "following"--"fan clubs" and/or riches gaining. Some are simply duped.
If an "energy" tells you everything you "want" to hear, be highly suspect of that mouth! Almost everything coming forth in truth is that which NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR! HOWEVER, WITH IT COMES THE SOLUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS--AND ALWAYS THE GRACE OF CREATOR AND THE UNLIMITED FORGIVENESS, LOVE AND PLACEMENT.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, October 24, 1995, Volume 10, Number 13, Page 27.
As Christmas Season approaches this year, it is a bitter sweet reminder to me of the falseness of remembering my birth on December 25, which is a total lie. My birth date was 8-8- B.C.
It is nice to be remembered at this time; however, it has become a materialistic commercialism, a time of spending, and the utter falseness of Santa Claus. I say "Satan Claus", for this time of year it is not the giving of presents, but only the disgusting fat man dressed in blood red imitating the goodness of the Lighted Realms. It is like slap in my face in regard to the time I was crucified. What a sham!
The only good thing is there are some souled ones, who do humbly remember me, but that is permeated with the false name os "Jesus". That was never my earthy name in the first place, but was given to me by my most deadly enemy at that time....Saul.
Patrick Bellringer, at my direction. wrote a series of the Hidden Truths about me. This series Anne has posted every day since he wrote them. I would advise you to read them or read them again if you have not done so. That title and link is: ~~~HIDDEN TRUTH SERIES~~~ http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/hidden_truth_series/news.php?q=1582988009.
I do not turn away from those, who at this time with love iin their hearts to give presents to their family, nor do I show any displeasure at the lights and decorations put up to show a festive time. I enjoy seeing homes decorated. What I do not enjoy is the blathering TV with the depiction of a "Satan Claus" imitating the Love of the Lighted Realms. This character is a false imitation of the Heavenly Realms.
I wrote a message in the Phoenix Journals that would be a good read for all of you at this time of year.
Here is the title and link to a portion of Phoenix Journal 47 that I wrote.
Santa (Satan) Claus and the Anti-Christ
I AM Sananda. I come in service to Our Holy Father of Light, God/Aton and The Creation. Greetings, precious chela, Druthea. Let us begin.
Many of you may wonder what Santa Claus has to do with the Anti-Christ. Everything! The Adversary to God in its wish to place bondage and limitation upon God’s Human Creatures upon this plane knows that to garner the greatest degree of deception it must begin with the human in its childhood state.
You see, the adversary, in order to maintain deceptive “control” over you ones, must support its “illusion” of attachment to “physical” matter. The being that so-called Christians have called Santa Claus represents the “god” (of the adversary) to your little children. For example: According to the “myth” (defined as, “An imaginary or fictitious person, thing, event or story.) Santa Claus can BE everywhere around this planet within a short 8-hour-or-so period. He will bring “gifts” to all the “good” children around the planet. These “gifts” are physical toys and objects of desire of the young and “good” child. If the child is really “good”, he/she receives many gifts of which he/she has asked for. This begins the human’s attachment to having “things” of material plane versus desiring the “spiritual” gifts of Our Creator, God/Aton.
Now the parents, of course, support this Santa Claus “image”, only it is not necessarily based upon the “goodness” of the child, but more directly based upon the pocket-book abilities of the parent. Since there is NO such being called Santa Claus as described in the “myth”, it is THE PARENTS who perpetuate the lie of the adversary, by themselves continuously allowing, encouraging and fulfilling the “I want...” list of their children. Essentially, regardless of the “good” intentions of the parents, they themselves are planting the seed of, encouraging and sustaining “materialism” within their child. Those children whose parents cannot “afford” many gifts for their children most often feel “guilty”. The child senses this and unless the parent explains HONESTLY where the gifts come from, so that the child understands that it is not based upon his “goodness” or “badness” but that any “gifts” given are based upon the LOVE-sharing of his parents (or whoever gives), he will begin “comparing” himself by that which he has not received, against what his “perceived” more abundant friends and peers receive. The child will most often begin to harbor feelings of unworthiness and eventually he may become quite ANGRY with his parents for allowing and supporting a LIE.
Am I saying it is “wrong” to give gifts of material matter? Not at all. Parents, you must FIRST simply nurture and encourage the spiritual “gifts” of Our Creator, God/Aton; especially the spiritual creative potential within, personal responsibility, integrity of spirit within, Love and Joy of life and ONENESS with all. If Christmas represents a “time” when family and friends can be close in communion and sharing of LOVE, and a “time” of thankful appreciation for the gifts of LIFE of God and a “time” of remembering and giving back dignity to those who are less fortunate in physical manifestation, then God blesses you. Only, God, Our Father, and We of the HIS HOSTS OF LIGHT would encourage you to not save this “time” of sharing for ONLY societal designated “times” such as Christmas. EVERY DAY IS HOLY AND BLESSED OF GOD! MAKE EVERY MOMENT A DIVINE, HOLY CHRISTED CELEBRATION WITHIN!
I AM suggesting, though, that the “image” of “roly poly”, Santa Claus who is “everywhere” (“like” God) is really the ANTI-GOD’s attempt at a very POOR copy of GOD. Santa Claus represents in his image figure, gluttony and his perceived “jolliness” and “benevolence” is really the ANTI-GOD laughing AT YOU because you parents play his game of seducing your own children into MATERIALISM and away from true SPIRITUALITY. The “myth” says, “Santa Claus” goes “everywhere” where the “good” children are. Do you think perhaps those starving ones, such as in Ethiopia and HERE within your own United States, are loved LESS by God/Aton? Well, Satan Claus only gives “gifts” to children who are “good” according to material desire AND ABILITY OF PARENTS TO PAY! Ponder this carefully.
Parents, many of you have given “EVERYTHING” you could of material “desires” to your children, and when they are grown and still depend upon you in their adult years and then even resent you, you are baffled. Don’t you see? When you give your child TRUTH and LOVE and GUIDANCE of SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY and ONENESS, THEY WILL HAVE GAINED ACCESS TO THE TOOLS WITHIN THEM TO BE RESPONSIBLE CREATIVE HUMANS OF THIS PLANE. YOU MUST GIVE THEM TRUE “GIFTS” OF SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND POWER WITHIN THEM that they may move forward IN JOY AND INNER PEACE and FEAR NOT the challenges put before them, but instead WELCOME THEM as OPPORTUNITIES TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH OF THEIR HOLY, DIVINE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE WITHIN!
So what am I suggesting? Very plainly, that the “myth” of Santa Claus be presented HONESTLY to your children from the beginning. You need not continue to FEED THE LIE OF ANTI-GOD and thus, cripple your children by feeding them limitation and bondage to “material” objects. They must learn and KNOW that THEY create ALL within this experience, including any perceived “lack”. You must teach your children RESPONSIBILITY for their thoughts, words and actions and DISCIPLINE of their “minds” by ALWAYS monitoring their own thoughts. For those of you parents who have already taught your children the “myth” of “Santa Claus”, NOW is the time to “pop” the phony, gluttonous belly of Santa Claus to release the “hot air” existing within this deceptive “satanic myth”. You see, “Satan” Claus is NOT an image of TRUE Christians. TRUE Christians are those who understand and adhere to CHRIST consciousness teachings of THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION, NOT so-called ones who label themselves “Christian” based on their “belief” in what they are told are the “teachings” of Christ as presented erroneously within your various Bibles.
SEE Santa Claus for that which this image truly represents: a ridiculous, gluttonous image to perpetuate COMMERCIALISM of material “goods” and “services”. Face it, precious ones, MANY businesses DEPEND upon your CHRISTMAS season for a major portion of their business. Just as the ANTI-GOD DEPENDS upon your IGNORANCE of Truth to perpetuate its EVIL FOLLY upon you. YOU feed the BEAST by your choice to remain spiritually ignorant.
Many of you now may be concerned about YOUR BUSINESS, especially if yours is one which rides the MASS consciousness tide of Christmas giving. IF that be your FIRST concern and NOT about the integrity and necessity of YOUR product, then YOU need to PONDER YOUR priorities of concern more carefully. If your business is truly one which serves your human brethren by truly SERVING GOD, then you need not concern over its success...GOD’S WILL WILL BE DONE! But if your business rides upon MEDIA molded and created desires, addictions and “social” traditions...it may be time to carefully consider YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to GOD, SELF and YOUR BRETHREN, and therefore, CHANGE your business! IMPOSSIBLE, YOU SAY?! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR FIRM COMMITMENT TO SERVE IN BALANCE WHICH IS OF GOD/ATON AND THE CREATION. “Will it be easy to change?”, you ask. THAT depends upon YOU! Meaning it depends upon the degree of resistance and dependence upon the “material” plane offered and accepted by your “altered” ego which, of course, is fed by the Anti-God which YOU have allowed within YOUR TEMPLE OF GOD. Whether it is easy or not does NOT matter. WHEN your commitment to GOD IS MADE AT SOUL LEVEL, YOUR SOUL WITHIN WILL BRING THE LESSONS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR SPIRITUAL CONNECTION AND COMMITMENT TO GOD. IT WILL BE ENTIRELY UP TO THE SELF-DEVELOPED INTEGRITY WITHIN as to whether or not YOU are successful in YOUR TESTING to allow YOU entrance within GOD’S HOLY KINGDOM OF LIGHT. So Be it.
I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD, in Service to God/Aton and The Creation. Thank you precious chelas for this communion. May you receive the clarity and understanding OF GOD, given herein. Bless you little sister, Druthea, for your service. Peace be with you. Salu.
SANANDA: Greetings to all my Lightworkers and souled beings on Planet Earth. At this time I have asked Anne to give a message from me, Esu Immanuel "Jesus" Sananda of the Lighted Realms. It is I, who speaks at this time giving the word to paper by the hand of Anne. She listening carefully to what I am to give you at this very important time.
We of the Lighted Realms aboard the Command Ship called The Phoenix with Creator God at the Helm, have been abreast of every activity on your planet, and most of all what is and has transpired in the United States of America.
Years ago, I told Patrick that the U.S. would again become a great Republic and a Lighthouse to the world once again. Has that happened as yet. NO, but it is in process and what Mr. Trump has done in the 4 years as your president has never done before. With great difficulty and many attempts on his life he has done much to bring this country back to the Republic. That is still in the process.
The Dark Brotherhood has tried every effort to complete their total control of the people, and they have done a good job of it. They have captured all souls to their camp except a very few, who have come to enlightenment.
We know the plans for today, Dec. 14, when the electoral college vote is to happen. With the dismissal of the current lawsuit brought by Texas which includes a number of states and the Trump administration the Darkside predicts a win for them, as the evidence against them is positive proof was not allowed to be tried in the Supreme Court.
Mr. Trump has many plans to reverse this evil course. I need not say anymore except that Q, some time ago, had posted a warning of what is to come. The DDB's want civil war, and they are doing everything they can to promote the destruction of America. That is why there are military planes flying all over the U.S. to survey the location of the evil hideouts that are supplied with all kinds of deadly weapons.
People of the U.S. have been told to store food, money and meds for what may come. Many have not heeded this advice.
What do you do now? You take care of yourself, as best you can with what I just said. Do not sit back and think you have nothing now to do. You take care each precious day you have in front of you.
I say this to you because you must do your part, and then we can help. The scene we see is one of turmoil and hardship.
There is one more thing I must say at this time.
Mother Earth has the last say with all there is. We can see the future and the turmoil that could happen and to be prepared; however, there is that last and final decision of everything upon your planet.
You guessed it! MOTHER EARTH!! She, alone, has the last say in this whole situation. She is waiting for no one....not any person, place or thing. She is ready to explode at any time, and I mean ANYTIME.
She, alone, determines the fate of all, who reside on Earth Shan. She determines when she tips over. I assure you, she is at that very edge.
What do you do? Do not worry about your government or waste your time worrying about the current havoc on your planet.
Take care of YOU, do your mission, keep strong on the Red Road of Truth. You shall win the end battle, for it is YOU, who are most important to see that you do as I have suggested above.
The final battle with the DDB's is in full fury, but you know in your heart that GOD WINS!!!!
T8ere it will be a time of peace and harmony, and it shall reign for the cycle which shall last for twelve thousand years. Again, she shall be in a new cycle which shall bring another order. Ye have moved forward into her second year in the manner of thy present "timing" Ye would now be at approximate day three hundred seventeen of thy second year of measurement. So be it! For this ending/beginning are the scribes recording for the history is being written as we write upon the pages.
These things coming forth upon thy physical senses shall be as tragedy at the time; yet considering that which is eternal, there must be no "fear" for there is naught such as beginning or ending. The ending of an experience and the beginning anew; what would there be to cause "fear"? I guide of thine way; simply use great wisdom in thy course choice.
Blessed be the man which can be his own strength and stay and calls out unto the Father: ''Thy will be done: I am not of the Earth, yet I am cast into it." He shall be in the seeing of the glory of a wondrous dawn; for it is given unto him to know wherein is his strength. He shall not be in the seeking of a place for hiding, but shall go forth to meet that which is apportioned unto him. He shall know truth and it shall most surely give unto him, freedom in magnificence. Not a person shall set foot against his door; not a person shall keep him away from the entering of the Father's house, for by his own hand shall he open all the doors which have been previously shut unto him.
pp. 79-80
SANANDA: I greet all of my dear Flock of Lightworkers and all souled ones. My message today will be brief and to the point. We are at the last few hours away from evacuating this planet. All the Pleiadians are stationed in Red Alert mode ready to for this momentous event. The children below the age of accountability and my Lightworkers shall be beamed to safety. All other souled ones have their freewill choice to be beamed to safety, and although they have not awakened, they shall obtain great soul growth in the process by freely stepping into the beam of Light.
Other starships from 200 Star Nations are observing this event, and have been for some time. Some of the ones from these Star Nations are aboard the Command Ship. A few of them do not look like the humans upon Mother Earth, but they area greatly enlightened and assisting Hatonn at this time.
They have been quite amused listening to the conversations between J. and Anne, as they have never experienced such in all their lifetime. They do not interfere, but are quite amused and look forward to any conversation with humankind. Of course we aboard ship are ready to answer questions that are asked of J. and Anne.
Because of the barrage of evil ones from Earth Shan, the communication with J. has been disrupted frequently. We are constantly repairing this communication, and we shall win. I assure you of that.
These poor evil spirits are desperate to stay upon Earth, but it is time for them to leave. Their destination is the choice they have been dreading for a long time. They have a freewill choice of two options--be uncreated or the Void where they would have eons of time to have a chance that their spark of life could be rekindled.
In the meantime, they are attacking my Lightworkers constantly, trying in very cunning ways to sway them from their enlightened pathway. I tell you this fact: evil never ever stops on Planet Earth until all 3D life is wiped from her surface by tipping again on her axis. These evil ones know that, but they are desperate to keep Mother Earth from tipping on her axis in order to graduate to 5D.
These evil ones are being sent to attack us, and many of them come from the evil controllers upon your orb, plus all the ones, who roam your planet trying to seize control of the Lightworkers. Many come from the humans, who have passed away. These spirits roam the jail planet searching for those humans to invite them to experience a human form.
Just think those human souls, who are Masters, allow these demons to enter their Chakra at the base of the neck to reside in them when any liquor is consumed. Even a sip of wine allows them to experience that which they cannot do unless they enter the human to again experience that feeling.
If you want the demons to enter, go ahead and use alcohol. It is your choice how you treat your physical body.
Did I make that rule? No, it is the Cosmic Law of Returns. It is called the Law of Cause and Effect. When you do something good or positive you get back that deed up to a hundred fold. The same holds true of negative things.
What is so hard for some humans to grasp is that they blame God if something bad happens to them, not realizing that they are the cause of the effect. All souled ones incarnated at this time are returned Masters. They freely came to Earth to learn more soul growth and to help Mother Earth graduate to 5D. All humans choose what path they choose. Many of these Masters are asleep to the Truth and freely follow the evil ones, and thinking they are "saved" by false religions, or just following the easy, evil pathway.
All Humans have a freewill and choose what pathway they choose having no memory of who they were and how enlightened they were before they came to Earth.
Mother Earth is a tough advanced "graduate school" of learning soul growth. Almost ALL of these returned Masters have taken the easy road downward and will have to start over in soul growth. God Aton as said this over and over in the Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, The Phoenix Journals . Have they listened? Yes, only a very few have followed the Red Road of Truth.
My little flock of believers are very, very few. I offer only my hand to help those, who have not chosen the upper path. The doorway to enlightenment is still open for a short time.
To my small Flock I tell them to stand strong, for lessons continue until the very last minute before Mother Earth tips on her axis. Keep you hand in mine, and there will be no doubt that you shall be courageous to the end when you are beamed aboard ship. That time, dear ones, is at hand.
My love to all my Lightworkers for yours is the joy of graduation.
My wish, also, is for many more souled ones to awaken. Come aboard to enlightenment.
SANANDA: I greet all my Flock and all those souled beings at this time. I have requested Anne write the words of this message I dictate to her.
I state here and now that I am in charge of this planet. You must remember that this planet is one of freewill. It is not manipulated by the Lighted Realms, as that is against Cosmic Law. It is a freewill planet for great soul growth by choosing the path of Light or the path of the Dark. Each soul incarnated in a human body has this great chance for soul growth. Great soul growth could be obtained by learning lessons in order to graduate to 5th Dimension, (heaven) and help Mother Earth to do the same.
It is with great love that I speak to you this day, one of the last days of this civilization upon Earth Shan. The coming day of her birthing has been watched and waited for, for many years. As a result, there are 200 Star Nations aboard their craft have waited many years for this tumultuous event to occur.
When Earth was created 4.6 billion years ago she agreed to house a 3D free-willed civilizations. Over thousands of civilizations upon this most beautiful planet in the Cosmos, animal and bird life began to flourish with abundant spices, including dinosaurs. They were removed by other civilizations to make way for human life.
Gradually, these humans developed mighty nations. All was peacefu, but Lucifer chose this planet in hopes to destroy it, as he and his minions had done in the past to other planets. Creator God made Earth Shan a jail planet with instructions that he was forbidden to end life on Mother Earth and was, also, forbidden to genocide its human population. It was a wonderful opportunity for soul growth of the human kind, as great lessons could be learned by choice of moving up or down on the scale of soul growth.
These humans could choose the path of Light, or the pathway of the Dark. The process of soul growth for all humans is to choose to reincarnate back to a 3D lifestream to continue lessons with different experiences. I had many lifestreams on this planet.
Some of my lifestreams included being Buddha and the Pale Prophet. You remember me as Esu Immanuel, a Truthbringer, and falsely called "Jesus".
A good example was the civilization prior to the present one called Atlantis and Lemuria. Humans had developed super powers, but the elements of control, greed and siding with the Dark Brotherhood of Lucifer, whose name was changed to Satan, their caused their demise. Thus, Earth turned on her axis causing continents to submerged in the great oceans, and gradually sink to the bottom of the seas.
Earth had turned over again, to form other continents and start over again, hoping that this present civilization would learn their lessons and help Mother Earth to finally graduate into a 5D planet where no evil existed. One other attempt to graduate to 5D in the past Earth tried, but this failed. It was a great hope that Atlantis with their fantastic development would help Earth to graduate, but this secone try failed, as well.
Alas, this present civilization became worse than the last, for Earth Shan has became the planet of endless wars, suffering, starvation and the attempted genocide of humanity. In this devastating civilization she has become close to death and annihilation.
Creator God came to her rescue. He told Creator God Aton, Creator of your Nebadon Universe to send a mighty force of Ascended Masters to reincarnate to 3D, go to Mother Earth and help her to be able to graduate. These ones would have to choose to do the job if they chose to do so.
Earth had become a planet of great development, but was in control of the DDB's [Dark Brotherhood] of Satan. These Masters returned, but alas, 3D living requires no memory of whom who they were, and they would have to wake up to fulfill the mission they set for themselves. If they became awake they would have to overcome with great effort the wiles and temptations of the evil of Satan in order to complete their mission. The Lighted Realms would assist them to complete their mission, for awakening means enlightenment.
The Phoenix Journals were given to help them in their soul growth, and set the Truth straight that had been twisted to suit the evil ones.
With great sadness, I waited for these ones to awaken. Most of them are still asleep. Those ones, who have awakened that are my flock, are very, very few. However, these few enlightened ones have held the Light, and Mother Earth shall be awarded 5D life at last.
We are now down to the very ending of this civilization. Evil is losing control at last, and these ones are screaming mad, and in a rage, for their "home" shall be no longer. They must leave and take the consequences of their soul growth. These ones cannot survive in the very high frequencies of 5D. They must choose what they have earned, and that is the Void or be uncreated.
As a result, these evil entities have attacked the few Lightworkers with great force. They have attacked the starships and disrupted the spiritual line of communication, especially to J., Anne's friend. These evil ones, upon attacking, have been given a choice. That choice is being sent to the Void or be uncreated. Very few have chosen the eons in the Void. They would have the choice of rekindling their spark of Light over time, but most of them chose uncreation.
I now tell the Lightworkers to be strong and remain steadfast in the Light. Keep the Light of protection about you for time is short, as it is a matter of hours before Mother Earth graduates with a cataclysmic effort. She will turn on her axis without warning. As of last evening, all ships across your globe in stationary position for evacuation have been notified that evacuation is at hand. Mother Earth has held at the tipping point for several days, but great pressure is building. She will explode with a mighty force, and that is imminent.
We of the Lighted Realms have repeated the message of evacuation to the point of nausea, but the message is still viable. We offer all to chose to step into the beam of Light for safety. Even those, who are not enlightened shall gain much soul growth. It is impossible to survive the cataclysms coming let alone the 5D frequencies. There is no place to hide, not even underground.
I love all souled beings with a great love. I offer safety to you all, but it is your choice. Take my hand, and I shall be with you, as you come with me to safety.
Therein shall they abide within the Law which is of the eternal. They shall not be bowed down with the pity of the Earth as it is now upon the Earth, for it is indeed pity to see them which stirreth not; they walk with eyes blinded and they are deaf unto the call of the Clarions, which have been sent unto them for their own blessed sake
Within the time which is at hand they shall see and they shall hear, and they shall be as one which knows not what he sees; yet he shall call out for learning, and it shall not be denied unto him. Many are among them for the purpose of bringing unto them the light and truth and it shall not be withheld from them, however, neither shall it be forced upon them for force is ungodly. All must choose freely, his path.
Within this time come upon thee, they may be the child
Now it has come upon the Earth that which man has feared, and known within with great dread, that which he understands not; and he cries out in his delirium that there is no place for him to hide wherein he will not be found.
Not a person shall say it is not so, for therein is folly. That which is created shall fulfill its cycle and return to its native state. The time is come when the Earth shall move out into a new placement, she shall have a new orbit and both a new sun and a new moon. She shall then be given into resting before being again given unto peopling and a time of beginning again. She shall be restored unto newness. And, those who will be sent shall be a new people, and they shall know that which is of the Father. There shall be a new Garden, and there shall be the Father’s kingdom upon the Earth. There shall be the one who will reign supreme, yet man shall work as “one” in harmony, peace and love.
Ah yes, there shall be peace. Each man shall be peace unto himself, and he shall be as the keeper of the peace for all. He shall be as the lawgiver and the keeper thereof, for he shall know that which is ethical and he shall abide thereby. There shall be none among man which shall covet another’s possessions, nor shall they be given to know hatred.
Those ones who will serve as thy rescue workers are trained well. There are multitudes of the rescue workers and ye shall do of thy portion from the land masses. Ye are not back upon this place to play of thine own fun and self. centered games; ye are here to do thy appointed work that man will not perish as a species upon this beloved orb. OPEN THINE EYES AND STOP THY DICKERING AND SILLY PONDERINGS. TRUTH IS AFRONT OF THEE; STOP LOOKING FOR IT UNDER THINE BUSHEL.
Yes, the ocean waves will wash over those lands of desert sands and roll upon the new shores of the mountains of the great Rocky Mountains ... this new and great tide of the Pacific. The land will be drenched THOUGH NOT SUNKEN----but, the great places of the Coastal lines will be no more.
Ah yes, there will be ones who will awaken to find their beds aflooded by those mighty Pacific waters. This will be the lay of the lands awash with the ocean and will run the distance from thy Washington State unto the coastal areas of Chile whereupon the great and mighty waves shall roll in unto the Mountains of Rock. Those great places that ye now know as the coast area will be no more.
Ah yes, brethren, thy rescue workers are mightily trained. In our command will be the light forces (that which are recognized as light beams). We utilize the light beams as a magnetic impulse to bring into such impulse as the frequency demands. We will be given whatever level of energy light forces of cosmic energy necessary for such transportation into the safety of that craft readied unto your needs. This science is not unknown unto thy knowledgeable scientist but the impulse timing of light force is not comprehended. I, Sananda, shall be in control of the timing of the bands unto the various densities.
The place of the desert will be an open place for the "Timeless Ones" to take up their charges. For they will be in number to be as numerous as a great flock of birds. Whither man will go he will know not for they must be grouped and herded into the prepared craft. They will be as the dead of the floods and mighty upheavals; the dying will then cry out in terror and hysteria unto the Christ--why must man wait until his perishment to petition for his transit? None shall escape the upheavals; why do ye wait?
Sananda asked jthat this message be posted todyak Nov. 30, 2020.May it be helpful to all souled being and especially the Lightworkers at ths ending time. ---Anne
From whence came the "past"? From whence came the "present"? And further, from whence might come the "future"? Oh, blessed are the ones who cherish and fortune self for that which is "NOW", FOR IT IS THE ONLY TIME! When this lesson of lessons is well learned. man shall be wise indeed. There is no promise of tomorrow; and the past which is gone shall be always gone. It shall be as the burden upon his back if it be allowed to weigh heavy upon him. With his own hands he must tear the past bundle away from himself and cast it to the winds as dust and chaff from the gleaning centers. Allow the burden to blow away as the dry ash from the soil. Man need not drag his bundle of burdens after them for they shall be given into freedom of all that holds them in bondage, and they too, shall begin in newness.
Beloved ones, it is very near the fulfilling of these things. Look carefully for the signs and signals are all about thee in every direction of thy vision; all facets of projected truth --- IT HAS BEGUN; THY "TIME" HAS TERMINATED.
Dharma, let us leave this now. The lessons are heavy upon the ears and eyes of those who receive. Blessed be thee, child, for the risk is great unto those who dare to pen my truth. Ye are cradled in the security of mine hands and ye shall not fail. Ye ones who bear mine load of preparation are blessed indeed, and thy rewards shall be glory for I cherish ye of mine beloved.
I leave now that ye might find of respite, so be it and Selah. I place of mine seal upon these words that no man misunderstand of their definition. IN AND WITHIN GOD THE FATHER CREATOR/CREATION DO I RESIDE AND AS I AM, SO YE ARE AND IT IS SO FOR THUS HAVE I SPOKEN IT UNTO THEE THAT YE MAY REMEMBER.
I, My Father, am not alone “I”. You, my Father, are “I”. You are in me and I am in you. I am favored of You, my Creator. I AM of the inner Mind. I KNOW your joy and I am exalted in YOU.
I have all knowledge and all power. That which I desire to know, or to have, or to give is mine to know, to have, or to give. My dwelling place is in Your high heavens. Be in me that I may be You—knowingly.
I AM in Your Light, O my Father. Enfold me ever in Your Light that I may not again feel the heaviness of the dark upon my heart. Dissolve my separateness and make me ONE with You that I, too, can ever be in the giving.
SANANDA: I greet all of you ones, especially the Fourwinds readers for your support of Anne and Patrick Bellringer's website, Fourwinds10.com. I wish for all of you in the U.S. to have a joyful Thanksgiving with your family. I wish the same for all readers to have a joyful day, wherever you live.
I am grateful that the Phoenix Journals are available for anyone on this planet to freely read and copy at their will. The are The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms. In spite of al disbelief, Creator God is aboard a spaceship!
I wish to quote the very words spoken by Him that are published at the beginning of the Journals.
Here is that statement:
The Phoenix Journals are included in a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationship of both to the physical destinies of mankind.
All of history, as we now know it has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated to achieve and maintain control over other men. When we can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's' thought, one can except the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.
If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.) That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end times would come the WORD- to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward or away from divinity--based on TRUTH.
So God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present the TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these Journals are Truth, which cannot by copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth , researched and compiled by others (some in doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction')
The first sixty or so journals were published by American West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright has been applied for on the theory that The ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyright be applied For and, to our knowledge none were.
If the Truth is jo reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
[End Quoting]
I might add here that is why the name of this website is named FOURWINDS(four corners of truth to the world).
Also, I wish to thank Anne for keeping this website on the World Wide Web. This would not be possible if it were not for you ones, who have helped with your prayers and donations, especially since the full responsibility of doing the physical job of keeping Fourwinds on the Internet is most important.
Anne has the full support of the Lighted Realms, as it gives us, including Creator God Aton/Hatonn and Patrick a chance to communicate with all of you ones. Today is no exception.
I will tell you the Truth. The Covid 19 has been a great avenue for control by the Darkside. The pandemic is over, and the great hoax played upon the freedom of the people is being revealed. People must wake up to this fact and take back your country. That, my friends is being done.
May you find the TRUTH you seek. My Love and all to all of you this Thanksgiving Day. There is still time to find the Truth, as the door is wide open. Please do come in, for I welcome you with open arms.
From whence came the "past"? From whence came the "present"? And further, from whence might come the "future"? Oh, blessed are the ones who cherish and fortune self for that which is "NOW", FOR IT IS THE ONLY TIME! When this lesson of lessons is well learned. man shall be wise indeed. There is no promise of tomorrow; and the past which is gone shall be always gone. It shall be as the burden upon his back if it be allowed to weigh heavy upon him. With his own hands he must tear the past bundle away from himself and cast it to the winds as dust and chaff from the gleaning centers. Allow the burden to blow away as the dry ash from the soil. Man need not drag his bundle of burdens after them for they shall be given into freedom of all that holds them in bondage, and they too, shall begin in newness.
Beloved ones, it is very near the fulfilling of these things. Look carefully for the signs and signals are all about thee in every direction of thy vision; all facets of projected truth --- IT HAS BEGUN; THY "TIME" HAS TERMINATED.
Dharma, let us leave this now. The lessons are heavy upon the ears and eyes of those who receive. Blessed be thee, child, for the risk is great unto those who dare to pen my truth. Ye are cradled in the security of mine hands and ye shall not fail. Ye ones who bear mine load of preparation are blessed indeed, and thy rewards shall be glory for I cherish ye of mine beloved.
I leave now that ye might find of respite, so be it and Selah. I place of mine seal upon these words that no man misunderstand of their definition. IN AND WITHIN GOD THE FATHER CREATOR/CREATION DO I RESIDE AND AS I AM, SO YE ARE AND IT IS SO FOR THUS HAVE I SPOKEN IT UNTO THEE THAT YE MAY REMEMBER.
SANANDA: Greetings to all souled beings, and to my dear Flock of Enlightened ones. I speak to you to remind you of what I have told many times before, and to reinforce this message with my loving words to you at this ending time.
What has happened these last few days is something that has never occurred in all my lives upon your orb or in the Lighted Realms to my knowledge, and that, my friends, is a very long time!
Since this is the ending of the 4.5 billion years that Earth Shan has been the home for 3D living, the evil DarkSide ones on this planet are at their very END. With Earth Shan birthing into 5D, the high frequencies of that Dimension would be a death sentence for very low frequency evil spirits. The would perish in the cataclyms ocurring at the time she tiops on her axis. Therefore, in a last ditch effort they attacked the Lightworkers, the only ones not swayed to the DarkSide..
Did I say ONLY?
Yes, sadly to say, that most of the souled Masters have kept asleep to their Mission. These evil entities care not for those already in their camp, but only the enlightened ones. They are viciously after you of my flock, and even the starships stationed overhead for evacuation. Hordes of them have attacked all those Lightworkers in a dying effort to sway them to their side.
In this process, these evil spirits have even attacked many starship hovering overhead awaiting to evacuate all, who wish to be beamed to safety. Their most violet attack was aimed at the Command Ship. Of course no one was harmed, but they were able to cause damage to our communication system.
For example, Anne's friend J., experienced a non-communication with the Lighted Realms. Our circuits of communication were disrupted like a twiated mess of lines, or like the fishing rod lines that have been tangled in an unbelievable mess.
We were not harmed in any way. We told these entities that they had two choices: 1. the Void, where they could possibly regain a spark of Light. 2. Be uncreated, that is, cease to exist.
Many refused the first offer and continued with their barrage. The stakes were changed. Try and even thin of attacking Lightworkers or any of the Starships = be uncreated. Period. That has happened!
With the help of my flock, namely A., who petitioner for Creation and Creator Source to intervene, all of these entities, who continued their attack were instantly uncreated. Their soul essence was placed in the great pool of reincarnation for Creator Source to create other people as he wished.
The communication, especially with J.. has been restored, but there is still a blackout or two, as we complete the process of restoring our communication to 100%.
Mother Earth has waited patiently for all to be restored, as well as waiting for the final process for our financial world will be placed back under the authority of the LIGHT. That is to happen soon in matter of a very few days. Balance must occur for Mother Earth.
With that my friends, I thank all enlightened ones for their utmost prayers concerning this whole matter. We are ready, as time is short. There are attempts to start war, and that, my dear ones, is not allowed.
Because of the Darkside attack on my Lightworkers, their protection around them has been greatly reiinforced to thwart any attempt by the DarkSide to harm them in any way. It has been done!
That will be a certain signal to Mother Earth to dump it.
May you come through the doorway to enlightenment. There is still time, and we of the Lighted Realms welcome you with open arms.
SANANDA: This message penned by Anne by request from me, Esu Immanuel "Jesus" Sannada is a very important message. It cannot be ignored at this most important time, as Mother Earth is ready to birth to 5D for which she has waited for since her creation 4.5 billion years ago.
At this present time, we are at the very crux of her tipping. Because of this the evil spirits so prevalent upon Earth can see their demise, They have worked extremely hard to take all souled beings with them....except the very few of Sananda's Flock of enlightened souls.
For that reason these evil ones by the millions upon millions have barraged the Command Ship, and many of the starships. Hatonn has confirmed such a massive attack has never been experienced aboard the Command Ship at any time until now. We of the Lighted Realms as well as the Lightworkers have the same experience.
For example, both Anne and J. are in communication with Hatonn, Patrick and myself. With the barrage of evil spirits by the billions attacking the communication with the Lighted Realms was blocked for J. We have cleared this up, as this attack includes all of Sananda's Flock.
You need to know that all other human souls, who have already turned to the wishes of the DDB's are not of concern. The concern I have is that all Lightworkers be aware of this tremendous attack upon them these very last hours on the few Lightworkers before other Earth tips. The DDB's are attacking you ones with a vengeance never before seen.
All Lightworkers are to be aware of this last battle and keep that prayer that was given to you by Ashtar to repeat frequently:
They HAVE to leave, as I have that power over all evil ones, but this time we also, need the help of Creator Source to intervene in our behalf.
HOLD ON! l just received this great news!
I tell you now that the severity of this attack by the DDB's has gone to the point of trying to block the Mighty God Spirit within each of you to be dissaipated. This is against the Cosmic Law! Creator Source has answered these evil ones and has uncreated them. HE came to the rescue, as Anne petitioned Creator Source to have this blockage removed from all. This request has been answered. Almighty Creator Source has helped all, in cluding all Lightworkers, the starships, and even including the Command Ship to total victory.
However, you must always keep alert and clear yourself, and ask for our help.
May all of you Lightworkers, my Flock stay strong, hopeful and know that Creator Source above all except Creation has won this battle for all of us.
Shore up your fortitude and bravery to stay strong, as you travel the RED ROAD of TRUTH to HOME.
You shall keep on winning this battle for your enlightenment, and you shall arrive safely HOME.
I am always here to help, if you but ask.
SANANDA: At this ending time of Planet Earth's last 3D civilization, it is most important to have Anne pen these words to you.
I shall repeat this message again to indicate its importance at this ending time of the last 3D civilization upon this dear planet that is in my charge. Yes, I said IN CHARGE. I am the one, who was given responsibility to help guide her into her rightful birthing of 5th Dimension, where no evil exists. She has been a faithful servant to all the peoples upon her surface, and has endured untold injury and suffering.
Again, I repeat that Mother Earth is a sentient being with feelings, such as you ones. She has everything that the human being enjoys...emotions, sight, hearing, breathing, and the physical aspects you enjoy. The only difference is that her form is of a planet, filled with all the glorious and teeming life for the human soul to live, and grow in soul growth to become one with the Creator.
You all were told, an nauseum, that Earth is Satan's jail planet. That is why it is now teeming with the dark ones, who know that their ending is at hand. Yes, I said ENDING. In the process of Mother Earth's graduation to 5th Dimension, her frequencies would be at such a high level compared to 3D, that all life in 3D shall be wiped clean from her surface. There will be nothing left in 3D format. I want you to understand that.
Because of that, we of the Lighted Realms shall evacuate the planet of all living animals (including all pets), birds, and the ocean life.
You must remember that the Cosmic Law of non-intervention with freewill. That means we can not interfere with all humans, as they have a freewill. It is the choice of each human whether or not they wish to be evacuated to safety.
The Darkside has done a good job of keeping, the returned Masters, who came to grow in soul growth and help Mother Earth, to be lured to their side. The wiles and temptation have kept the majority of souled beings sound asleep. By that I mean they have not awakened to their mission of seeking Truth, and to help Mother Earth, as she transcends. In this process they would gain great soul growth. There is still a little time left to choose the RED ROAD OF TRUTH.
in the Love and Grace of Creator, we of the Lighted Realms aboard the millions of ships that hover over Earth Shan, offer safety from the cataclysms waiting to happen as Earth births into 5th Dimension. Yes, I said OFFER. The only way to safety is aboard our waiting craft. When that time comes, it is just like the series, Star Trek, and the beam to transport those who wish, to step into the beam and be lifted to the ships in safety.
Even these ones, who have not awakened, can be lifted to safety. If they decide to be beamed to safety they would then be transported to the Astral Plane to decide where they shall go to continue their journey to Truth, and shall gain much soul growth.
If they so choose to not believe what I am telling all, and stay on Mother Earth believing they shall survive these cataclysms of Mother Earth birthing to 5TH Dimension, would only be answered by their physical death. Their physical 3D body could not withstand the cataclysms and high frequencies of 5D. Their soul would go to the Astral Plane to decide where they would start over in the cave on some other 3D planet, It would be without memory, lasting 350,000 years of lifestrems in 3D to finally come back in soul growth to where they left off in this present lifestream. This information comes directly from the "horse's mouth."? http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/pdf/J004.pdf, page 88
It depends upon the individual soul whether or not he/she wishes to stay on Earth or be beamed to safety to gain much in soul growth.
Some of the ones, who are my enlightened flock are old souls, who have had thousands of lifestreams to finally awaken. Hatonn, who is Creator God Aton said he had 66,000 lifestreams, and has graduated to the level of Creator of your universe, Nebadon. Some of my flock, who have graduated to Truth shall at some point, may choose to be in charge of one of the 170 billion life-support planet just in this Orvanton (Milky Way Galaxy)Universe. I said JUST. There are an UNTOLD number of universes in the Creation. Yes, the CREATION is the very top of it all.
Those events of what shall happen when Mother Earths transcends into 5th Dimension are explained explicitly in Journal 4, chapters 9-11. This website, Fourwinds has all the information you need to know what is to happen.
Since three fourths of her surface is water, the tipping can be compared to a very large bowl of water. When the bowl is tipped, does the water pour out by drops? Can you imagine a wave of water 5 miles high rushing over your continents.
Because all evil shall be wiped clean from your orb, these evil ones are desperate and at rage to take every souled being with them to the depths of the VOID. They have captured just about every livng soul. I said ABOUT. They wish, above all, to grab my flock, and are attacking these ones every second to try and pull them into their evil snare. Evil shall not win.
Let me warn the Dark Ones. My flock shall survive, for they have asked the Lighted Realms for help. We cannot do it for them, but they have asked for that help and for that they shall be where I am....in the Lighted Realms. That is their goal, and they shall reach that goal, in spite of the Darkside's constant attempts.
In the Love and Grace of Creator, we of the Lighted Realms aboard the millions of ships that hover over Earth Shan, offer safety from the cataclysms waiting to happen as Earth births into 5th Dimension. Yes, I said OFFER. The only way to safety is aboard our waiting craft. When that time comes, it is just like the series, Star Trek, and the beam to transport those who wish, to step into the beam and be lifted to the ships in safety.
The door is still open for any one, who has not come to the Truth. Mother Earth is rocking and rolling and is extremely close to tipping over on her axis, as she has done at the end of every 20,000 civilizations in the past.
Think about what I say with Love and Joy that we offer a way to safety. We have done this evacuation untold times before with other planets. With Joy and Love , I offer you my hand to safety.
Come through this open door to learn Truth. It is up to you.
Nov. 14, 2020
SANANDA Greetings to my Lightworkers. I am Esu "Jesus" Immanuel Sananda speaking to all my Lightworkers, my "Flock" at this time. I welcome anyone else to read my message at this ending time of your civilization.
As I speak to those, who have become enlightened to the Truth, my Flock, I wish to give you words of encouragement.
You ones have been tested and have learned lessons, but I must remind you that lessons never stop until you until the every end. The testing of you is most difficult at this time, as the Adversary is raging mad. The Darkside wishes to take every souled being with them to where they shall languish for a long time. They know their doom, and that their time upon this orb is at and the end.
They have almost succeeded In taking every souled being with them. I said ALMOST. They care not for the clones, but the souled beings. I told you that all souls at this time are returned Masters. Most of them have failed their mission and have been lured into the trap of the evil ones, the Darkside.
So, who do you think they are after with a vengeance? YOU!
Yes. YOU. Many of you have been attacked from every side with heart wrenching circumstances. Some of you are saying, "When, When, oh Lord. Take me out of here!"
I have heard you anguish and tears. What is my answer to you? Take my hand, speak to me and I shall answer you. Clear yourself of any dark energies tempting you. Ask to speak to me and I shall answer. I am here to help you, if you but ask. You can hear me talking to you in your mind, just as if I were there in physical format.
The WHEN? is your question. "When is Mother Earth going to tip on her axis? WHEN!? What about the civil war? WHEN are you going to lift us off this planet?"
My answer to the question of when will Mother Earth turn over? I can only say that we of the Lighted Realms aboard the Command Ship of Creator God / Hatonn, are monitoring Mother Earth. She is a sentiment being with a freewill such as yours, and SHE determines that. It would take her to be at a tipping point of over 50%. She is at 50% now.
Time is very short. We do not know the exact minute, but we are on a VERY HIGH ALERT. When she tips we will have a very short warning. By that I mean the ships will have 15 minutes to evacuate the entire planet. Thousands of ships are stationed all over the planet on RED ALERT.
We offer safety to all, who would step in the beam to safety, just like Star Trek. It is their choice. Those, who are not enlightened would gain much soul growth by choosing to step into the beam of light. They would be taken safely to the Astral Plane where they would determine their next lifestream.
Prior to the other times when Mother Earth flipped, it was always to another 3D civilization. Some people did survive and re-populated the planet. A civilization is approximately 10,000 years. This time, however, she moves into 5th dimension with much higher frequencies. Nothing of 3D shall remain upon her surface.
If those souled ones, who are not enlightened do not wish to be beamed to safety, will physically perish in the upheaval. They shall be taken to the Astral Plane to determine where they shall go to continue their lessons in soul growth.
With the threats of nuclear war, civil war, and what the Darkside is planning, time indeed, is VERY short before Mother Earth turns.
Creator Source has declared that Earth shall NOT be destroyed like Mars. Neither do they have the choice to eliminate or genocide the population of Mother Earth. That choice remains ONLY with CREATOR SOURCE.
I encourage you at this time to read the article by Patrick Bellringer posted on Fourwinds at this time. This article will help answer questions you may have about evacuation. The title and link are:
Take my hand, you Truthbringers, and I shall lead you to safety. Continue on with your learning, knowing that I am there to assist at anytime. I am but a thought away.
Nov 12, 2020
Today's message from Sananda was requested by Him to be posted here today, Nov. 12 2020
It is said that "I AM THE WAY," and it is so! None can come save by me, for I am the keeper of the gate and the guard at the door, and I guard my secrets well. Not a person is so foolish as those which plunder mine secrets. Man is given to take that which he can steal and pilfer without paying the price. Therein is folly! for it is the law; that which is earned is for the best part worth the works, and that effort is within itself that which is most profitable and bears merit unto thee. It is for this reason that much is kept from man--that he might increase and decrease strength and that he may learn to stand alone within the time when there is not help for him. Yet, there is no time when help is denied; but the wisdom of with holding it is the greatest of all good deeds that a man might reach fine stature.
Oh, precious ones, there are those who would "purchase" their fare into the place called Heaven where they perceive they might obtain a life of ease which should profit them naught. That which is not profitable unto eternal life is denied them by the Father, for He knows before they call, that which they need and that which shall profit them and matches within the heart place the mission of purpose of the soul.
Attend well now, chelas, these words for they are of great import.
P. 77
Nov 11, 2020
SANANDA: Greetings to all enlightened ones and those, who wish to read what I have to say.
Living on Mother Earth is just like what Hatonn said. It is an illusion. You are living in unreality so to speak, as the reality is the Lighted Realms. Life on Earth is for you to learn your lessons in soul growth and to help Mother Earth, as she births into 5th Dimension.
It appears so real to you that you think there is no life beyond Mother Earth. You are living in a 3D world of time and space. Everything you touch or see is an illusion made of atoms and molecules that if examined minutely to the enth degree are miles apart from each other.
In this learning planet you are exposed to the most vile, evil and horrendous acts beyond belief. This is Satan's War Planet, now run by his minions. Most of the beings on this planet are godless clones that have been created for you lessons. It is time to wake up.
These Satanic minions have control over everything in 3D at this time. This includes your education, history, art, music and the broadcasting system. In fact, everything in your life is structured around materialism, and the desire for things, even change of sex, and above all to drill into your mind there is no such thing as The Laws of God and Creation.
All the souled beings are Masters, who volunteered to come back and learn more lessons. That has been explained many times.
Now you see the illusion and the tricks being played on your glue box called the TV. The Darkside has done every trick imaginable to promote the Socialist/Communist candidate to the highest office in the nation.
You ones need to discern what is happening before your eyes. Hatonn's last Trump Card is being played, and these ones have known what was to happen during this last election for president on your planet.
The sting operation to catch these evil ones in the net has been accomplished. Did you know that? Did you know that the Darkside's efforts of having thousands of illegal ballots suddenly appear in the middle of the night has been monitored and become material for indictment in the "suitcase" of evidence?
This suitcase of evidence is clear, and these dark ones are to be removed. That means permanently. You know what that means.
All this is for your discernment, to see the Truth rather than believe the lies that are pounded into your head if you watch MSM.
Yes, the Trump card is being played upon a 3 dimensional chess board, and the dark ones are still playing chess.
The Trump Card has won nearly all the states. That evidence is being clearly seen by us and by those investigating this fraud.
You ones must seek the Truth. The Truth about everything concerning why you are here on Earth this present time. To what am I referring? I am referring to the Phoenix Journals. Yes, there is other Truth out there, but do they consistently teach the Laws of God and Creation? You can judge these ones by their "fruit" they portray. The Journals have passed all tests, and are called The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms. They show the real Truth. Seek, read and believe them. Is that so hard?
Remember, Anne is only the messenger, and is penning what I am telling her. If one is enlightened he/she can communicate with we of the Lighted Realms just as clearly as you speak to another person, She hears my words in her mind, and that is the Truth.
Be discerning about the "play", the "movie of lies" you see on the MSM, as they "report" the Satanists winning this present election.
Above all, seek Truth. There is but little time before Mother Earth tips on her axis, as she has done 20,000 times before at the end of a civilization Guess where we are at presently? You know the answer.
The door is still open a short time yet, and Truth awaits. It is your choice.
Nov. 4, 2020
SANANDA: It is my wish to give all of the souled people of Earth my message at this time.
Anne shall write exactly what I have to say. What you read will be the Truth, for it is I, Esu Immanuel "Jesus" Sananda speaking.
I have earned the name, Sananda, as it was foretold in your Bible that I would have a new name. It means "One with God". And so I shall speak now to all human souls.
My Flock of enlightened ones is very small compared to the amount of people on your planet. The ratio fo clones outnumbers all souled beings, and it is to those souled being to whom I speak .
Your planet has been ruled by Satan and his minions for centuries. Even though Satan has asked and has been untreated, his minions number by the thousands those souled beings. They are godless clones ruling at this time.
That is evident by your fraudulent election process which we of the Lighted Realms have and are observing. In reality there has been no election, as a winner has not been decided. That may take days as they have said over your lying media.
The tricks, lies and outright Satanic methods have been employed in order for the Satanic clones to remain in power of Mother Earth.
That, my friends, means that the clones and enlightened ones who follow their bidding have a great enemy much more powerful that they can imagine. It's not Mr. Trump. It is MOTHER EARTH. Listen carefully you Satanists......
These are my words to you. Mother Earth, my dear fiends has the last say in this whole situation. You think of her as just a piece of dirt to dig up, build what you may or have war, after war, after war, until she can hardly breathe. She is at the point of death.
It is CREATOR SOURCE, and CREATION the greatest of all that have decreed she, Mother Earth shall NOT be destroyed nor run to her death by you Satanists.
She has the last say, and that, my friends is about to be spoken.
I am not trying to sound harsh, but I am harsh to you godless Satanist clones and your almost godless human controllers. You have lied, you have cheated and even had animals vote for your devastation to come, and for that you shall reap what you sow. You have sown the wind and you shall reap the whirlwind. Mark my words.
You, also, have planned a most horrible insurrection and civil war. Your plans to harm the people shall be met by a force of which you have not recognized. That mighty force is the very soil upon which you live. It is called Earth. Yes. Mother Earth has the last say, and if you proceed with your vile plans she shall answer you back. READ WHAT HATONN HAS SAID TO YOU IN HIS MESSAGE TODAY ABOUT MOTHER EARTH.
My love to all souled humans, may you join my flock. There is still a short time, and I mean SHORT time left before all breaks loose with Mother Earth.
You all know what that means.
I love you with all the Love that heaven allows. Come to the banquet. The door is open for Truth awaits you if you but seek it. It is there for you. Read the Journals and believe, for they are the Truth given one last time to set the record straight. Do not discard them, nor any Truth out there that teaches the Laws of God and Creation , for that is the only way to the Lighted Realms. At the end of your physical life, every human shall judge themselves how they have lived the Laws of God and Creation.
Nov. 2, 2020
SANANDA: It is a pleasure to pen again this message to all Lightworkers, to all who will read , hear and listen, but especially to Anne and her great friend, J. this day.
I have followed all the Lightworkers, and there are not that many, who have awakened to the Truth. I was hoping, as was all the Lighted Realms, that these last messages that we requested Anne write would help to awaken some of the Masters, who are still sound asleep. Nay. None not one was added to my flock of enlightened.
To my dismay, they are like the people in the Wedding Banquet song that Anne added to Hatonn's communication. However, these messages did not go unheard for I am very happy for those, who are enlightened. These messages have helped them to stay strong, and know in their heart that we are there for them. They shall be able to with-stand the attacks of the Darkside. There are not many, but they will be able to continue holding strong the LIGHT of Truth.
They shall reap the reward of their undying service to the LIGHT.
Time is of essence, as we know Mother Earth shall tip on her axis. Did you read what Hatonn said? He said she has turned over 20,000 times already after the end of a civilization, but always it was a return to a 3D
planet. Not so, this time. She shall turn over and graduate into 5th dimension, and she shall shine like a new sun. We await her final decision, and that, my friends is but a breath away.
When? When? you say. She knows when, and it is very, very soon, but it shall happen with no warning. The banquet door is open yet for a wee bit. Enter thou in! There is still a crack in the door, if you want to enter.
We rejoice with open hands and hearts, and pray even one more soul awakens.
Oct. 31, 2020
SANANDA: Dear readers of Fourwinds. I have asked Anne to pen my words to you at this time.
I cannot express my gratitude to have this way of communication to you. I am going to be direct and tell you how things are in the Lighted Realms.
We are here to help anyone, who wishes to find the Truth. The Phoenix Journals were given to mankind one last time to make known the REAL Truth. Every Journal that was written was from the Lighted Realms via Hatonn, Germain, myself and other Ascended Masters via radio signal, and were NOT channeled. The main thrust of all the Journals follows The Laws of God and Creation. Those Laws are given to mankind for living a life on this planet.
This planet is alive with clones and Dark Energies that tempt you in every direction constantly. By living those Laws of God and Creation the best you can is all that matters.
You say that the Journals are just opinion. No, they are true word from the Lighted Realms. Of course there are other gurus and books that are "spiritual" but Hatonn asks, "Do they teach the Laws of God and Creation?" If they do not, they are of the Darkside. Beware, as many are led astray in this manner.
My beloved people, do seek truth. Read Journals 2, 3, 5, 7. 27, and 47. Journal 27, as Hatonn says is most important, as it explains in detail the Laws of God and Creation. He says it is your "ticket" to the Lighted Realms. There are 18 Laws, not the well-known 10 of the Bible, which Htonn calls Satan's Warbook. These Laws are easily uhnderstood and are a format for living. No one is perfect, but you need to follow the Laws as best you can. That is all I ask. It is most important, because at your physical death you will stand before God and Creation to see how well you have lived these Laws. I pray that you will all pass that test to enter Heaven.
Seek the Truth for that is the way to the STARS to HOME. Again, I repeat that you must judge yourself against these Laws to enter Heaven, The stakes are high, for if you do not pass your tests, you, according to ATON, will start over at the beginning without memory for another 350.000 years of 3D living. That is the detour that will be taken.
My love and prayers for you. I am here to help, but you ask. Time is of essance.
Oct. 30, 2020
SANANDA: Today my message is to those, who are enlightened and have found the Truth of the Phoenix Journals and their pathway to the Lighted Realms. Let there be no mistake about the Phoenix Journals They are the Truth given by the Lighted Realms to people on Earth Shan one last time to set the record straight and tell the Truth, as your history upon this, planet (including religious history) has been, as Hatonn said tweaked and twisted with Truth and non-Truth. These Journals are not channeled, but given directly to Doris Ekker via radio signal by Creator God Aton/Hatonn, and the Masters of the Lighted Realms. They are the Truth.
Earth Shan is a freewill planet. Whether or not people believe what Creator God has given them is up to each individual. It is their choice, and their choice only if they wish to believe what has been given to them. No amount of persuasion will do no good if they do not believe.
I express my sadness to those, whose family members do not agree with another family member, who is enlightened and tries every way to have the unbeliever of the family see the Truth. I felt the same way when I was in physical format as Esu Immanuel, wrongly called "Jesus".
I spoke the Truth to crowds of people. It was my mission. It was those, who were the religious leaders that hated me the most. The little people, some of them, listened and believed. If you, as an enlightened being present the Truth, or if even they have seen and read the Journals and cast them aside, it is NOT your duty to grieve nor argue. As is stated in Journal 2, I gave the Truth and let it be. At some point in the lives of those who may not believe, the Truth is given to their soul. Some point along their journey they will hopefully become to see the Truth, but it is their choice and their choice only not yours. The Truth is the Truth and a person be it family member or not has their own freewill to choose. The Law of Creation number 11 states that you must not force your freewill upon the freewill of another. You must state the Truth and let it be. There is no need to grieve over their decision. lt is theirs and only theirs.
You are the most important person in your life. It is your life and no one should dictate what you are to believe.
It sounds harsh, but if you find yourself in that position with family, and you have presented the Truth, let it be. Be sure that YOU stay on the Red Road of Truth, and live the 18 Laws of God the best you can. That is all you can do.
It is true that the stakes are high this last civilization. Each souled being is a Returned Master, and has agreed to the high stakes when he or she chose to come to Earth Shan for great soul growth and to help Mother Earth as she transcends to the 5th dimension. You all come back without memory and set alarm clocks to awaken. The Journals are part of that awakening. The high stakes are either you wake up and gain tremendous soul growth, or or or, you will go back to the cave and start all over without memory to live in 3D for another 350,000 years.
Cast aside your doubts, present the Truth and keep on the road to the Stars. We shall help all we can if you just ask, but it is your road and your journey to HOME.
Oct. 29, 2020
SANANDA: Greetihgs again to all readers of Fourwinds. It is my pleasure to speak to you. Anne is most willing to pen what I have to say. I reiterate again the importance of this day, for there are very few days left before all changes will takes place without warning.
We have given you by radio signal to Doris Ekker the 241 Phoenix Journals of Truth. Although they represent what has happened at that time, the messages from the Masters, including Hatonn ,Germain, Soltec, myself others are timeless. The Truth has been given to you especially in Journal #2 which isout my true earthly life, and it shows how the Bible has twisted the Truth. The wisemen "followed a star". Well, the Council of Nicea took off the last word. Yes, the wisemen followed a Star-SHIP called "The Star of Bethlem, which is Archangel Gabriel's, (my father). Ship.
My earnest plea to you is to read that Journal, and also Journal 27. That Journal is yor "Ticket" to the Lighed Realms., for it contains the Laws of God and Creationn in explicit detail.
All the information you need to know has been given to you. It is up to you to read the Truth given to you. No one can make you do anything. You are the boss of your own soul, and you are here on Earth to gain soul growth. You are in a "holodecl" on a planet controlled by the Darkside. It is up to YOU to awaken and we are here to assist, and not do it for you.
I love you all with undying Love.
Oct 28,2020
SANANDA: Again, I speak to all of you souled beings. I say that because the millions of clones upon your planet have no God Spirit or connection to the Higher Realms. These clones, believe it or not, are here for your lessons. You agreed to this when you, as returned Masters, came back to Earth to learn much soul growth. Have you awakened to the Truth? Have you lived the Laws of God and Creation as best you can? Are you certain that as you will stand before God and judge yourself. that you have done so? The Acashic Records of all your thoughts are there for you to see.
I plead with you to read the Truth in the Jouranals. There are 241 of them, but I only ask that you, if you have not, read # 2, 3, 5, 7, 27 (Laws of God and Creation) and 47.
Now I tell you, as did Hatonn, that we monitor not only all souled beings, but we monitor Morther Earth, as well. Every 10,000 years or so, she flips on her axis, whipes all 3D off and starts over with a new civilization. What is most amazing is that this civilization of 3D is at its end, and she is now ready to tip over, but THIS time she has earned the right to move into the 5th Dimension. Heed the words I have spoken to you about being beamed aboard the ships for safety. You would gain much soul growth, even if you did not pass the test of living the Laws of God and Creation. We are on High Alert, as Mother Earth is very ready to flip on her aixis.
Read what Hatonn has said about the handicap you souled ones agreed to before you came this last time to Earth in 3D if you did not awaken to your mission and become enlightened to the Truth. Go to this article posted today on Fourwinds and read his message with an open heart. All my love to you.
SANANDA: I gave a stern message to the Dark Ones. Now I give hope to all souled beings. Most of these Dark Ones are just clones controlled by a few beings who are souled. These controllers have dimminished their soul so there is almost nothing left. I wanted to let you souled beings know how much I love you. Many of you have not awakened to the Truth, even though you set alarm clocks to wake up. I offer you safety aboard the ships just like Star Trek when Mother Earth tips on her axis to birth into 5th dimension. When this event happens, and it is to happen very quickly without warning. Have no fear. Just step into the beam and we shall beam you to safety aboard the ships. Fear may cause physical damage. This is like the phrase you have heard: "Beam me up, Scotty". When you arrive you will judge yourself whether or not you have lived The Laws of God and Creation to the best. If you pass, you shall enter what you call "heaven". If not you shall decide where you shall go in 3rd dimension to continue with your soul growth. You volunteered to come to Earth Shan. You came as a returned Master. My flock of enlightened ones are not many; however my love is to all of you. By voluntarily stepping into the beam, you shall gain much soul growth. If you want, you can stay on Earth, but with the massive upheaval chances of your survival are less than none.
I am SANANDA. I am in charge of this planet, and my power is far greater than all the Darkside put togerther. Please heed my words. My LOVE to all of you. ADONI
My message today is to you Dark Ones. You know who you are. Your plans for WWIII are proceeding rapidly because you thinkTrump shall win this election. Your plans for a WWIII is against the decree by Creator God Aton, the Creator of this Universe and of Planet Earth Shan (Planet of Tears). Mark my words you of the Darkside. If you attempt to deliberately start a third World War, you shall reap the whirlwind.. Mother Earth has the last say, and she shall turn on her axis and all 3D life shall be wiped clean. Creator God shall offer safety to those who wish it, but if you Dark Ones continue to worship Satan, you shall be where there is no light or be uncreated if you are a clone. I run this planet, and those of you that come against me shall rue the day. I am a warrior of the LIght, and I shall continue to command this planet, as she moves into 5D. SALU!
Patrick H. Bellringer: Today I speak for all of you readers of Fourwinds: I speak with the authority of Sananda, who is incharge of this planet, that evacuation is at hand. The Lighted Realms do not lie, but tell you the Truth. You can take it or leave it, it is up to you. We can see in the future. What is planned for you if the Darkside loses the election is horrendous. Mother Earth will not tolerate any nuclear war, and she is ready to birth in 5th dimension at any time. It will come without warning. You have been given all the information you need to take care and listen to what has been said about evacuation. It is your choice. SALU
I began this article to tell you about myself. I have never, in all the 24 years that Fourwinds has been on the Internet have I written about the status of my health. Today, the Lighted Realms have asked me to pen about my health condition to Fourwinds readers, and so I shall.
From 2003 to 2010 I was fighting breathing normally. I had congestive heart failure. In 2010 on our wedding anniversary of 48 years, I had open-heart surgery for a defective Mitral Valve and a bypass. A pacemaker was put in at that time. The battery was to last 5 years. My lasted almost 7 years before I had a replacement in 2017, which battery was set to last 10 years. I was and felt normal and led an active life ever since, even today, as I pen this article.
Presently, I feel great. I have no heart pain. I am active, running Fourwinds, .eating well, and exercising by walking etc. when the weather permits. Yes, I feel great for being 86.7 years of age.
I was to have a yearly check of my pacemaker. I missed the Rapid City date in August, as I was in AZ with Patrick and Flint to help Patrick at a AZ clinic. I had to miss the pacemaker appointment I had made in AZ. When Patrick passed, I came to live with my children. With all the things that had to be done after Patrick passed, I finally was able to make a doctor's appointment to have my pacemaker checked. That, ladies and gentleman was called red tape. Clinic phone calls, paper work, etc. to get into the medical system and finally, finally, getting to have my pacemaker checked and see a cardiologist. WHEW!
Yesterday was my appointment. My pacemaker check showed that my upper chamber of my heart was 100% arrhythmais. That means my upper chamber heart beat was beating extremely fast, while the lower chamber was beating normally at 70/sec., at which the pacemaker was set. It's not so bad if this is happening only once in a while, but my heart was 100% in this condition since last May.
I am certain when the cardiologist looked at the pages and pages of pacemaker data he looked at my and asked "Do you have have any pain?" NO. " Are you out of breathe?" NO. " If you fell over on the floor dead would you want to be resuscitated?" YES
He said, "I do not approve of the blood thinner you are taking." He lectured me on what I was taking. I take what was tested for me to take by a world-known alternative doctor, who uses a system of testing by computer what my body needs. I am sure the cardiologist yesterday wondered how I was still alive in my condition, which could easily cause a stroke or certainly heart failure.
Here is what I was told by Patrick, by Sananda and Hatonn: "You are alive and well at this time because we are helping you. We are taking care of your heart. We shall do so until you are beamed aboard ship." So I am here writing to you because the Lighted Realms are keeping me physically alive. WOW!
Does this sound weird to you? Not to me, because both Patrick and I have had things happen, as you may have read, that are total miracles. Does this happen to others? YES! My friends mortgage was wiped clean just two days ago. This person and friend also had an experience with an Lighted Angel, who helped them with a car transaction that was unbelievable.
Patrick and I became invisible (higher frequency) and have had our vehicle driven through 3 times that I remember. Patrick saw a car back out and drive through the middle of the car. I saw a yellow pick-up drive through our van in Rapid City. At the time of my heart check I had no idea of my heart condition until my pacemaker was tested.
Here's another miracle. Patrick was in the hospital in AZ 5 days before they transferred him to Hospice. After his death I was waiting for the boot to drop at what the bill was going to be. I waited and waited for that dreadful statement. So far, with all the wonderful people, who donated to Fourwinds, I was barely able to pay the medical bills. Finally, I tried to call the hospital in AZ . It was automated and I was unable to talk to a live person in the financial department. Flint finally got through to a LIVE person, the head of the financial department. "How much do we owe", Flint asked. The person answered, " You owe $180.27". Flint responded. " What was the bill for the 5 day hospital stay?" The answer was $57,000. "What do we owe?" She said" NOTHING. It has been paid". At the time we thought Medicare paid it; however, Medicare pays 80% and we pay 20%, lt was not until a day ago that I realized the Lighted Realms had paid the bill, just like they paid my friends mortgage.
I heard Patrick say to me, "You finally got it! It took you a long time to realize it, and now you realize how we are helping you live a normal life before you are aboard ship!"
So that, my friends is why I am telling you this. You all have had miracles in your life. It happens so normally. Our daughter. Cindy had a very serious double mastoid in 1999. She had an operation. Her brain was exposed, as her scull had been eaten away with only a very thin mucous covering the brain. The doctor did not expect her to live. I remember all of us sitting around the hospital bed early in the morning after her oepration the evening before. Because the other bed in the hospital room was occupied by another patient we were silent. Cindy took 2 oz, of colloidal silver. We thought that was a tremendous amount, as we were taking it by a couple of drops. The doctor walked in the room expecting her to be dead. What was she doing? She was eating breakfast and chomping down scrambled eggs. The doctor about fell over. Thank you Lighted Realms for saving her life.
Yes, they do this, but we, also must do our part. We must eat healthy foods, get proper exercise, no smoking no drugs, and get proper rest. We are responsible for our body, which houses our soul. It is the only body we have.
Take care of yourself, for you are the most important thing in your life. YOU, yes YOU are the most important person in your life and YOU come first.
All my gratitude and love to all the wonderful Fourwinds readers, and those who have and still are helping with funds. You shall reap the rewards for your giving hearts.